Telegram co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) Pavel Durov was allegedly questioned in Paris over criminal activities on the messaging app. Sometimes, in August, the social media boss was arrested and detained in France, but this is the first time he has been questioned regarding a legal case that involves allegations of Telegram facilitating criminal activity.

Durov appeared in a Parisian court this time, accompanied by his lawyers, David-Olivier Kaminski and Christophe Ingrain. Not much detail is known about the legal proceedings, but Durov mentioned that he “trusts the French justice” system. He did not elaborate further on the matter. 

Pavel Durov And Telegram Legal Debacle 

France’s investigation into Telegram kickstarted earlier in February. It later escalated to a judiciary inquiry on July 8, which was about a month before Durov’s arrest at the Le Bourget airport in Paris. The situation has worsened since the French authorities brought legal action against the Telegram boss. 

Durov was not released until he posted a $6 million bail. However, he was required to remain in the country until March 2025. 

These prosecutors have cited these preliminary charges from August to accuse Durov of promoting illegal activities on Telegram. Should he get convicted, Durov could serve up to 10 years in prison and even pay a fine of €500,000, approximately $550,000.

Comparing Durov and Tornado Cash Alexey Pertsev 

According to Vyara Savova, the senior policy lead at the European Crypto Initiative, there is a seeming similarity between Durov’s case and the arrest of Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev. 

The latter was indicted for his part in defrauding crypto users through the crypto mixer Tornado Cash. 

“Some parallels with Pertsev’s arrest and sentence can already be made, such as that these are actions of individual member states that do not represent a procedure brought up by the EU or its executive body, the European Commission,” Savova highlighted.

Operations of Privacy-preserving Web3 Technologies Challenged 

Ultimately, these concerns challenge privacy-preserving Web3 technologies. Moreover, developers of such technologies are faced with troubling assault. 

Speaking about the situation, Nikolay Denisenko, co-founder and chief technology officer of Bright, stated that it raises concerns about potential government overreach and the broader implications for digital privacy.

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