A ton of your NPC friends will reach out to you in the coming days and weeks.

It’s all part of the playbook towards euphoria.

Here’s some advice for you all:

> Don’t give any investing advice to them.

> Don’t shill specific coins.

> Don’t tell them about your game plan.


Keep your mouth shut or stay vague.


Because no matter what you tell them:

> They will inevitably make money at first.

> They will think they are Crypto geniuses.

> They will stop listening to you.

> They will get brainwashed into holding forever.


And guess who they are going to blame for their losses — exactly, you.

It’s not worth the headache, kings.

Trust me.

I’m speaking from experience.

The best thing you can do is to vaguely point them in the right direction and let them do everything by themselves.

Focus on your game and remove unnecessary noise.




Be smart and safe