Will $BTC go down?

I doubt it.


If you’d tossed $100 into Bitcoin when Coinbase was born in June 2012, you’d be sitting on a cool $1.5 million right now.

But if you clung to that $100 cash? Well, congratulations—you can now afford about $73 worth of life’s finest ramen noodles.

Bitcoin isn’t just the best-performing asset of the last 12 years; it’s the overachiever at the reunion bragging about its startup success while the dollar sheepishly admits it’s still stuck in the same job.

Here’s a tip for governments everywhere:

Forget stockpiling gold or printing more Monopoly money—go build yourself a Bitcoin strategic reserve. Inflation-proof your future with a little digital pizzazz.

And to top it off—cheers to Bitcoin hitting $100k yesterday!

It’s the asset that’s literally making history (and us) richer, one block at a time. 🚀