The algo trading industry generates $30B a year.
But most investors are underwater from yolo-ing into memecoins and memestocks.
In fact, 90% of discretionary stock pickers lose money.
This needs to change.
That's why we built @loch_chain's Modulus.
You can now create and invest in algorithms.
Equities. Crypto. ETFs.
Use Macro, technicals, or fundamentals.
Choose: fear and greed to lose, or automation and stoicism to win.
Go to modulus dot loch dot one
I wonder what these chads think of systematic vs discretionary trading:
@0xmughal, @2lambro, @ape_rture, @arndxt_xo, @crypto_linn, @dynamo_patrick, @flowslikeosmo, @hmalviya9, @jake_pahor, @krybharat, @rektdiomedes, @saushank_, @hrojantorse