Friends - I have the best biomarkers in the world. I am the healthiest person on the planet.
I am fitter than most teenagers. My skin is smoother than that of women in their 20s who obsess over theirs. I have more stamina in bed than men in their 20s. I have better health markers than any hater, health influencer and anti-aging doctor and scientist.
My mind is sharper than it's ever been. My mental health is at its peak. My protocol - which is loyal to data and science - is better than any big-money influenced government guideline or pseudoscience social media fad. Blueprint is the new standard
Here’s the data.
The coolest question in existence right now is exploring if we are the first generation to not die.
“Do this, don’t die” is the oldest and most played game in human history. Every religion is “do this and don’t die”. Professional, military and political achievements are fueled by remembrance of contribution, “do this and don’t die”. Having kids is the same. It’s the universal game played by humans. We don’t want to die.
The difference is that now after hundreds of thousands of years of warming up to games of “do this, don’t die” the real “don’t die” game is here.
We are giving birth to superintelligence. We no longer know how long and how well we can live. We have no idea how expansive and rich existence could be. The depths of our ignorance and unknowing about the future may be similar to H. erectus one million years ago.
Imagine asking them what they think the future would bring? They’d simply talk about things they already knew. Hunting, foraging and killing. They wouldn’t be able to speak about the microscopic world of atoms and molecules. Of the invisible electromagnetic spectrum, or antibiotics, or of smartphones.
We may be the same as H. erectus. We may have no models that can help us say anything intelligent about the future except for that in this moment, we don’t want to die and want to be around to see what unfolds.
We are on the eve of what may become the most spectacular intelligent existence to ever occur in the galaxy and yet we’re still foolishly primitive. Killing ourselves. Killing each other. Killing the planet. We are drunk on debauchery, greed and violence.
Technology is evolving faster than anyone can comprehend. We are evolving into something new as a species. This may be the end or the very beginning.
We would be wise to see this moment for what it is: the most radical evolutionary moment in our history.
No existing idea of human thought or societal organization is robust enough to meet this moment. Not democracy, not capitalism, not any religion or ideology. We need a new ideology that can guide us through this moment.
New ideologies have formed throughout history. They emerge in tandem with new technological, political and economic realities. Of course a new ideology would rise in this moment.
Don’t die is the universal game every human plays every second of every day. It’s the single thing that every human on this planet agrees with and actively practices constantly.
Don’t die individually.
Don’t kill each other.
Don’t destroy the planet.
Align AI with Don’t die.
Don’t die is a new economic, political, social, ethical and moral system. It’s what intelligence does when it becomes super.
I don’t expect you to understand Don’t die based upon what I’ve written. I’ve found that it takes about two hours of intense conversation to just begin to understand it. It challenges everything you know. Everything you’ve ever learned. And all your intuitions. Until you understand it, you’ll try to come up with countless arguments to try and make it go away.
I’ve had this conversation over a thousand times and the patterns are identical every single time. The emotions, the responses, rebuttals, and reasoning.
Until we get the chance to have this conversation. Join me in embracing this moment for what it is: the coolest time to ever be alive. The greatest opportunity for any human.
We need to band together and rebuild our societal systems that acknowledge that existence is the highest virtue.
We can start with ourselves.
Go to bed on time.
Exercise daily.
Eat well.
Drop the bad habits.
Help others do the same.
This above is a copy/paste of Bryan Johnson's fantastic X tweet, which was so good that I had to share it here.
I believe that this man is a genius and very wise. I agree with his words and thoughts about the future and humans.
Crazy times! Stay healthy! Health is the new wealth!