XRP has more potential than Amazon, Apple and Netflix shares:

Cryptocurrency expert Panos Mekras recently shared his views on the investment potential of XRP and its potential compared to Amazon, Apple and Netflix stocks.

In particular, Mekras argued that XRP has greater investment prospects than the stocks of the largest US companies. His point of view was based on a statement by famous stock investor Brian Feroldi.

In a recent tweet, Feroldi noted that there is still ample opportunity for latecomers to the stock market to make significant profits if they make a bold move. He cited examples of successful investments in Apple (AAPL), Amazon (AMZN) and Netflix (NFLX), made five years after their key development milestones.

His words for each of the tech giants mentioned go something like this:

“If you bought AAPL five years after the iPhone launched, you made a ton of money. If you bought AMZN five years after AWS launched, you made a ton of money. If you bought NFLX five years after it started airing, you made a ton of money.”

Feroldi concluded the tweet by noting that being late to the party may not be as bad as most people think. “You can be late and still win big,” the investor noted.

Cryptocurrency author agrees, but prefers XRP
Panos Mekras acknowledged Feroldi's point, noting that such opportunities lie in the cryptosphere. Mekras emphasized that the crypto space provides similar opportunities for latecomers, albeit with huge potential and plenty of innovation.

“It’s the same with cryptocurrency, but with much greater potential and opportunities. There are so many wonderful projects, so many innovations,” Mekras noted.

However, he emphasized that XRP and Avalanche (AVAX) are top-tier tier 1 crypto projects. According to the cryptocurrency author, XRP and AVAX are similar to blue chip cryptocurrency assets.

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