Anthropic has recently upgraded its AI models, introducing the improved Claude 3.5 Sonnet and the lightweight Haiku model. These advancements allow the AI to physically control computers, mimicking human actions like moving cursors and clicking buttons. Developers can now direct Claude to perform tasks on computers, offering a more intuitive user experience. Users have noticed significant improvements in Claude's performance, with enhanced coding abilities and increased accuracy. The new feature, termed 'computer use,' is currently in public beta and enables Claude to execute tasks on a desktop remotely. Despite some limitations, such as scrolling and zooming issues, Anthropic assures users of the AI's safety and security. Early adopters are already integrating Claude's capabilities into various applications, showcasing its potential to streamline workflows and automate tasks efficiently. Additionally, the budget-friendly Claude 3.5 Haiku model offers high performance at a lower cost, making it accessible to developers without compromising quality. Read more AI-generated news on: