You needed to stay with a bullish bias through the last couple of years,

Now, it’s only a matter of time.

Bitcoin will be seen as a risk-off asset by the masses.

2025 will be massive for Bitcoin.

If you’re here now, congratulations!

Working smarter, investing in sound assets, and using a currency that gains purchasing power leads to prosperity.

In the future, Bitcoiners will have every tool to move the world from dystopia to a utopia.

Much respect to everyone who stayed in Bitcoin when it dropped from $69k to $15k, then rose to $75k and now 62k.


It’s an honor to hodl with those of you who stayed strong.

Let’s keep stacking harder.

Everything is coming together,


-The halving.



-AI development.

-Money printing QE

-Software/Hash wars.

-General FOMO and demand.