According to the latest data from tronscan, as of now, the total number of TRON accounts has reached 252,492,180, with 236,006 new accounts added in the past 24 hours. The total number of transactions is 8,308,879,360, with 7,503,872 new transactions in the past 24 hours. Although the total locked value (TVL) has slightly decreased by 1.79% in the past 24 hours to $22,624,708,517, the total transfer volume has shown a significant increase, reaching $13,475,618,219,080, with an increase of $17,866,999,599 in the past 24 hours. In addition, the current transaction processing capacity per second (TPS) of the TRON network is 102, with a maximum of 1,035; there are 8,047 nodes; the total number of smart contracts is 5,004,625; and the total number of tokens is 110,069.
