F3D rates cutS......

🫴 WHAT we Assume ... from A RaTe.. cuT....

NormALLY... AlL are SAyinG... we can Get... a

0.25 basis ... CuTt....

🤷🏿 WhAt.. the Out Come.. WiLL...be...

GOLD prices are DowN by.. 0.50 percent AlMoSt

WHERE the MarkEt.. wiLL... be GoiNG...

WHAT if the.... THE fed... SHED... 1.0 🫣👌🏿 insted of 0.25 , 0.50 or 0.75 ,

be... CAREFUL... IT will be goiNG to announce in WashinGton DC time 2:30 pm or near to it..

MAYbe.. the DAY.. WiLL... RoAr 💥

Created with Highcharts 9.1.1

WILL it.. goto... 63000 or 53000 🫣

Created with Highcharts 9.1.1

wherE.. it wiLL be.. 1900.. or 2900

Created with Highcharts 9.1.1

alWYs.. shAre BOND with BTC I do nOt knw... whYyy😁😁




WILL be CheckIng my LIQUIDATION price.. Again...