Based on what we’re seeing with $BNB, it makes sense to hold off and wait for the price to drop closer to 547 USDT before opening a long position. That level is the 24-hour low and has already shown to be strong support today. If it hits that point again, it’s a good spot to enter.

Here’s what you should do:

Wait for the price to dip to 547 or slightly lower. This gives you a better entry with less risk compared to jumping in now at $553.

Set your stop loss at 545 USDT, so if things go south, you won’t lose too much.

Take profit around 559-560 USDT once the price bounces back. That’s the 24-hour high, and it’s where you could expect some resistance. If it manages to break above that, look for 565-570 USDT as a stretch goal.

In short, be patient. $547 is your ideal entry. If it doesn’t get that low, you can still consider getting in around 551-552, but you’ll need to keep a tighter watch on the market.

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