⚡️ Treasure DAO proposal seeks migration from Arbitrum to ZKsync

Treasure DAO members will soon be expected to vote on a proposal allowing for migrating the Web3 gaming ecosystem from Arbitrum to #ZKsync , according to a statement issued Thursday, which said that voting will begin on September 17.

"The proposal ... outlines plans to launch the Treasure chain as an L2 leveraging ZKsync’s ZK Stack technology, instead of #Arbitrum Orbit as previously planned," the statement said. "If approved, Treasure aims to launch its mainnet on ZKsync by mid November."

If approved, Treasure's testnet would move from Arbitrum to a new testnet on ZK Stack before launching the mainnet, the statement said. "In general, the team has typically opted not to participate from a voting perspective in governance votes and left it up to the community," the Treasure Core Developer Team told The Block.

"This proposal comes after extensive internal deliberation and carefully considering Treasure’s long-term goals," the statement said, adding that core contributors "recognize the complexity of this decision, given their long-standing relationship with Arbitrum."

Advocates of the proposal contend that ZKsync is better "suited" to facilitate Treasure DAO's goals in decentralized gaming.

Treasure co-founder Karel Vuong weighed in, saying, "As we advanced our own L2 solution, it became clear that ZKsync’s technology stack aligns more closely with our mission to build a decentralized gaming ecosystem capable of mass adoption."

In March, Voung supported the "Gaming Catalyst Program," which asked Arbitrum DAO to earmark 200 million ARB tokens over a two-year period to incentivize building games on the blockchain. A few months later, Arbitrum DAO approved a proposal to allocate 225 million ARB (currently worth about $117 million, which is much less than when the proposal was first issued in March.)

Holders of Treasure's native token MAGIC will be tasked with deciding on the migration proposal.