Attention all Telegram users! 📣

A significant change has occurred on the Telegram platform, and it's crucial that you're aware of it. The messaging app has quietly altered its confidentiality policy, removing the assurance that chats and group chats are private.

What's changed?

The phrase "All chats and group chats are confidential. We do not process requests related to them" has vanished from the Telegram FAQ. This statement previously guaranteed that your conversations were secure and protected from external requests.

New policy

The privacy statement has been relocated to the "General Questions" section, leaving users wondering about the extent of their confidentiality on the platform.

What does this mean for you?

While Telegram still claims to prioritize user privacy, this change raises concerns about the security of your chats and data. It's essential to be cautious and consider the implications of this policy shift.

Stay informed, stay vigilant

As a Telegram user, it's crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and adjust your usage accordingly. Remember, your online privacy is precious, and it's essential to protect it.

Share your thoughts

How do you feel about this change? Do you think Telegram should revert to its previous policy?

Let's discuss in the comments!

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