During the past 24 hours the following events happened:

1- Pavel Durov, CEO of telegram, home of TON, finally published, after being held by the French police for a few weeks, a post on telegram. In it, he gave hope and emphasized the importance of change and privacy. He is set to be released soon

2- Satoshi Nakamoto, founder of Bitcoin, posted online, after 11 YEARS of silence!! In it, he states that whoever is selling Bitcoin is a “m*therfer”. He also reminded the importance of Bitcoin as a decentralized currency.

3- Just a few minutes ago, BTC reached it’s major support level around 55,500$ and is facing trouble getting below that.

All these signs point to a very beautiful thing … a MASSIVE Bullrun 🚀🚀

Wether a retest will occur at or below this level depends greatly on the upcoming feds interest cuts and the US elections.

But the one thing i can see coming in the next 24 hours is a lot of green candles 💰💰
