According to Odaily, the TON community has launched a new initiative to advocate for the release of Pavel Durov. The community has introduced a Telegram mini program that allows users to sign an open letter supporting Durov's release. This move aims to gather widespread support and bring attention to the situation surrounding Durov.

The open letter, accessible through the Telegram mini program, calls on the community to unite and voice their support for Durov. The initiative highlights the importance of solidarity within the community and the need for collective action to address the issue. By signing the letter, users can contribute to the growing demand for Durov's release.

The TON community's efforts reflect a broader trend of using digital platforms to mobilize support and advocate for causes. The use of a Telegram mini program demonstrates the community's innovative approach to activism and its commitment to leveraging technology for social impact. As the campaign gains momentum, it remains to be seen how effective this strategy will be in achieving its goal.