The ETH/BTC exchange rate bull James Fickel has spent 46.49 million USDC to buy ETH and WBTC from the evening of August 6th until now.

On August 9th, according to on-chain analyst Yujin's monitoring, the ETH/BTC bull James Fickel spent 46.49 million USDC to buy ETH and WBTC within 2 days after the market decline on August 5th.

After the market decline on August 5th, he started to buy ETH and WBTC in batches on the chain from the evening of August 6th. Over the past two days, he has:

· Bought 13,676 ETH for a total of 34.49 million USDC, at an average price of $BTC · Bought 211 WBTC for a total of 12 million USDC, at an average price of $BTC

$BTC $eth
