What you just witnessed my friends was the biggest bite there ever was...

if $BTC can pamp 13% faster than it damped... whales are having a laugh going after your leveraged positions.

Do not ever leverage more than 5x because even these are not fool proof even though they appear to be. Anything above is gambling not trading.

Btc overall still bullish imo but its gonna be a while before people forget that its not fair markey and you are at mercy of whales. You can never be sure when they decide to rekt you.

$SOL you damped nearly 50% in couple days.... Hilarious.

$ETH no clue why anyone would ever buy that... It wants to be bitcoin but its not an it will never be bitcoin. If you wanna buy ethereum ... just buy Bitcoin instead.

All alts will pump heavy soon. Have at it.

#BTCMarketPanic #RecessionOrDip? #MarketDownturn #Babylon_Mainnet_Launch