Gmgmgmgm Square Fam!

Presenting the 82nd episode of The #ICP Pulse Season 2, your daily dose of all things on ICP.

Let's get into today's episode🚀

1️⃣$ICP Price action


ICP price crashed thanks to the flash crash of BTC.

Today, we crashed to as low as 6.2 USD, before rebounding back to 6.9 USD.

A big shout out to the ICPeople, for rapidly grabbing this dip.

So, atm what I am looking out for is a possible hammer candle to be created within this daily candle, as I feel this was a one-time flush to support deleveraging further, so the market becomes healthier and stronger for another bounce.

So now, what we can do is wait.

As always, NFA so DYOR :)

Note that we aren't going into a deep analysis of our usual stuff, as we have to discuss what happened at the R&D Meeting, which was released on the 2nd of August 2024.

2️⃣R&D Meeting Minutes August 2024 @ DFINITY HQ

🟪Host: Dimitris Sarlis, Staff Engineer & Team Lead @ DFINITY


  1. BTC Nashville Event By Samuel Burri

  2. Developer Experience By Jason Ibrahim

  3. CYCLOTRON Milestone By Ulan Degenbaev

  4. ckERC20 Update By Pete Lidwell

  5. Oisy Future Outlook By Andronikos Nedos

  6. Community Demo By Civic network

  7. Community Demo By Bitfinity network.

🟪BTC Nashville event By Samuel Burri

According to Sam,

➡️The foundation successfully conducted The Chain Fusion Day, BTC Edition at The Bitcoin Conference.

➡️Here's a sneak peak on what happened at the event:

Sam's Explanation | Credits: DFINITY

➡️Sam along with KyleLangham conducted sessions on the Bitcoin Builder Conference, they also discussed the upcoming tSchnorr integration.

➡️A big shout out to the team members.

🟪Developer Experience Update By Jason Ibrahim

Jason's Explanation | Credits: DFINITY

According to Jason,

➡️Today's update is on testnets.

➡️There are 3 types: Temporary Deployments, Private Testnet and Synthetic Testnet.

➡️The Dev docs have been updated to allow better understanding on these testnets.

🟪CYCLOTRON Milestone by Ulan Degenbaev

➡️Here's a sneak peek on the Cyclotron Milestone by Ulan:

Ulan's Explanation | Credits:DFINITY

➡️This milestone finally allows AI compute in wasm on the IC.

The following have been optimized, as part of this milestone:

➡️Floating point operations

➡️WASM SIMD[Single Instruction, Multiple Data] in the ICP replica


🟪Now, this milestone has been completed

➡️5x-19x performance improvement, according to metrics.

➡️A big shoutout to the Runtime Team, DecideAI, Keith McGuiness for the blog post.

➡️Islam El Ashi will be working on the next AI milestone.

🟪ckERC20 Update By Pete Lidwell

According to Pete,

➡️ckUSDT is now live.

➡️a sneak peek on the available ckERC20 tokens:

Pete's Explanation | Credits: DFINITY

➡️Pete also conducted a brief explanation on the technical side.

🟪Oisy Future Outlook By Andronikos Nedos

According to Andronikos,

➡️Oisy is always web based, which does not require any downloads.

➡️It also consists of a easy to use UI.

➡️Andronikos also explained these initiatives:

Andronikos Explanation | Credits: DFINITY

🟪Community Demo By Civic network

Today, Titus from the Civic Team attended the Meeting.

According to Titus,

➡️They are building the Civic Pass, which is a privacy preserving verifiable digital identity for web3.

➡️ Here's a sneak peek on how the civic pass work:

Titus's Explanation

➡️To date, over 900K civic passes have been issued, over 570 projects and millions of bots have been eliminated.

➡️Titus also provided a wonderful demonstration on how to use the civic pass.

➡️Simply, its the Web3 version for Recaptcha and Geetest.

🟪Community Demo By Bitfinity network

Bitfinity Team's Explanation | Credits: DFINITY

Update from the bitfinity team:

➡️They are building the EVM on the IC.

➡️The Bitfinity explorer is live for testnet.

➡️The team also conducted a brief technical explanation on the architecture.

➡️They also integrating BRC in the network.

Yeah, I know its kinda lot, but guess what, here I wrap up for the day!.

Ofc, a big applause to each of one of you for staying this far🫡

Now, you may share this with your #US_Job_Market_Slowdown Fam and anyone who might miss this alpha pack.

I'll see ya tomorrow with your daily dose on ICP.

Until then, Take care!