☀️9 WISE sayings to think about:

• Never deal with anyone from whom you have ever heard “I told you so.”

• If you missed something, don't miss the lesson from it.

• A ship without a rudder and a man without a goal end up stranded.

• If you don't want to ruin your life, stay away from those who have already ruined theirs.

• If you want to have something you never had, you will have to do something you have never done.

• Remember, by enriching your leisure time, you are not wasting time. Fruitful work is unthinkable without proper rest. The greatest ideas come to us during relaxing hours

• Save your time. Learn to say no. Learning to say “no” to small things will give you the strength to say “yes” to big things.

• We become what we think about most often.

• I'm not saying you should act like every day is your last. You have to act like every day is your ONLY day.