Charles Hoskinson, the founder of ADA Cardano, spoke about the difference in how Bitcoin and the broader crypto industry are treated. He mentioned that Gary Gensler, the SEC Chairperson, seems to favor Bitcoin because big companies like Blackrock benefit from it. Gensler supported Bitcoin ETFs and got them approved. Hoskinson emphasized that no one in the Biden administration is currently targeting Bitcoin.

@IOHK_Charles on the difference in treatment between Bitcoin and the Crypto industry at large:“Gary [Gensler] wasn’t going after Bitcoin because Blackrock makes money off of Bitcoin. He supported the ETFs, got those things done. Let’s be clear on that. Nobody in the government…

— Starquake (@starquak3s) July 27, 2024

Hoskinson Endorses RFK Over Trump for Integrity

Hoskinson also talked about how former President Trump, who has shifted his attitude towards Bitcoin. While in 2019, Trump dismissed Bitcoin as a fraud, recently he attempted to boast about its growth. Hoskinson finds this attitude of Trump hypocritical.

Furthermore, he recommends Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK) instead of Trump. Therefore, RFK is unique for Hoskinson as the man who doesn’t pursue power, but values character and integrity.

Hoskinson Backs RFK, Criticizes Trump’s Bitcoin Stance

The last comment on Hoskinson is that he supports leaders who embrace honesty and ethical standards in their work, which he sees as crucial in the world of cryptocurrencies. He sees RFK as a man who welcomed such values while Trump he considers as a man of inconsistency and a self-serving individual.

Overall, Cardano founder’s position demonstrates his intentions to provide equal opportunities within the sphere of cryptocurrencies and call to follow the examples of ethical leaders. He also thinks that the current administration is not against Bitcoin and backs RFK for his principles and honor.