According to Odaily, CertiK has released its latest security report, revealing a significant increase in blockchain security incidents in the second quarter of 2024. The report indicates that there were 184 on-chain security incidents, resulting in a total loss of $688,102,941. This represents a 37% increase in the value of losses compared to the first quarter of 2024, although the number of incidents decreased by 18%.

Phishing was the most expensive attack medium in the second quarter of 2024, causing $433,688,871 in losses in 67 incidents, accounting for the majority of the total financial loss. There were 16 major incidents involving the leakage of private keys, resulting in a total loss of $170,064,635. Ethereum was the most affected, with 83 incidents of hacking, scams, and vulnerability attacks, causing a loss of $170,636,798.

In seven separate incidents, a total of $99,328,507 was returned, resulting in an adjusted total loss for the quarter of $588,774,434. The average loss per incident was $3,739,689, with a median loss of $204,614.

In the first half of 2024, there were 408 on-chain security incidents, resulting in a total loss of $1,190,398,361. Phishing incidents accounted for 150 incidents, with losses amounting to $497,735,904. This was followed by incidents of private key leakage, with 42 incidents causing a total loss of $408,949,115, highlighting ongoing vulnerabilities in key management.

Ethereum was the most severely affected chain, with 235 incidents resulting in a loss of $397,405,773. In the first half of 2024, a total of $177,791,389 was returned in 18 incidents, resulting in an adjusted total loss for the first half of the year of $1,012,606,971. The average loss per incident was $2,932,729, with a median loss of $230,784.