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My journey continues. #FET #wif #PEPE
$BTC $ETH $SOL Buy the dip.
Can I become a trader like Kristjan Qullamaggie? My first year portfolio is growing up. Kristjan strategy is available on Youtube. Good luck to you.
#bitcoinhalving #btc For me, the Buy signal appeared yesterday. We will start a new bull cycle soon. Good morning, Mr Halving. A few coins you need to pay attention to are$FET $WIF $ETHFI ------------------------------------------
$TON #TON/USDT - Direction: Long ✔️ Entry Zone: 5.098 - 5.155 ☑️ Take Profits: 1)5.863 2)6.742 3)7.753 4)8.916 ➖➖➖➖➖➖ Stoploss Price: 4.893 Telegram now allows users to buy ads on the platform using Toncoin, marking part of the messaging app's latest monetization update that aims to distribute 50% of revenue from ads shown on public Telegram channels declare to their owners. Users can now promote their channels by paying as little as “a few” Toncoins. Furthermore, channel owners will be able to withdraw rewards without fees, while the withdrawal service will be available in the coming weeks on Telegram's Fragment exchange. “We chose TON Blockchain because it has low fees, high transaction speeds – and holds the record for the number of transactions that can be processed per second.” TON reportedly recorded 100,000 transactions per second during a test last November. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov introduced the update on his personal channel last month. According to him, although Telegram channels generate more than 1 trillion monthly views, so far only 10% of channels are monetized with Telegram ads. “This will create a virtuous circle in which content creators will be able to cash out their Toncoins – or reinvest them in promoting and upgrading their channels.”
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