$BTC A Price Drop from current Price or wick is Expected you can Sell Short from Markit i.e 57900 and put a DCA limit i.e

58850 to 59220 in Sell Short

with S.L 59300

$BTC has been trading within a supply zone for the last 4 hours, and therefore, a price drop or a "wick" is expected. This is a common concept in technical analysis, where a supply zone is an area of resistance where sellers are likely to enter the market, causing the price to drop.

In this case, the fact that the BTC has been trading within this supply zone for an extended period (4 hours) increases the likelihood of a price drop or a wick, as sellers may be gaining momentum and preparing to push the price lower.

It's important to keep in mind that technical analysis is not an exact science, and there are always other factors that can influence the market. However, this analysis provides a useful framework for understanding market dynamics and making informed trading decisions.





