
The current price of $PEPE is 0.00000881 USDT, reflecting a 6.92% increase over the past 24 hours. The 24-hour high is 0.00000931 USDT, and the 24-hour low is 0.00000767 USDT.

Key Technical Indicators

Bollinger Bands (21, 2)

Upper Band: 0.00001587

Middle Band: 0.00000864

Lower Band: 0.00000141

The current price is approaching the middle band, indicating potential support at this level. The upper band suggests a potential resistance level at 0.00001587.

Moving Averages

MA (5): 192,898,482,657,759

MA (10): 270,799,534,648,322

The price has been moving above the 5-period MA, indicating a short-term bullish trend. The recent correction may find support at the 10-period MA.

Relative Strength Index (RSI) (6): 40.44

The RSI is currently at 40.44, which is near the oversold region. This suggests that $PEPE may experience a rebound if buying pressure increases.


DIF: 0.00000225

DEA: 0.00000235

MACD Histogram: -0.00000010

The MACD histogram is slightly negative, indicating a minor bearish momentum. However, the proximity of DIF and DEA lines suggests that a bullish crossover might occur soon.

Price Action

The price of PEPE reached a high of 0.00001725 before experiencing a correction. The current support level is around 0.00000864 (middle Bollinger Band). If this level holds, we can expect a potential rebound to retest the previous high of 0.00001725.

Volume Analysis

The volume shows a significant increase in recent trading sessions, indicating strong market interest. This volume surge often precedes substantial price movements.


PEPE is currently in a corrective phase after reaching its recent high. Key support levels to watch are around 0.00000864. If the price holds above this level, we could see a retest of 0.00001725 in the short term. The RSI and MACD indicators suggest a potential bullish reversal, making this an opportune moment to monitor $PEPE closely.

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