Matter Labs, the developer of the Ethereum Layer 2 network zkSync, denied the accusation of "internal minting" on June 26th, claiming that all minters of Libertas Omnibus NFT are eligible according to official standards. Previously, blockchain researcher SoEasy published a post on June 17th accusing the team of distributing Libertas Omnibus NFT to unqualified team members. SoEasy also claimed that these "internal minting" allowed insiders to mint ZK tokens without meeting the airdrop criteria. A representative of Matter Labs stated that "users can mint Libertas Omnibus NFT in various ways." One group of eligible users is composed of people who have interacted with the top 100 zkSyncNFTs, while the other group consists of "event participants who have visited our booth or table (and) can scan a one-time QR code to mint NFTs."
