📢🚀Hey, DeFi & Web 3 fans! Mt. Gox's bankruptcy redemptions are about to shake things up, but not for Bitcoin!💎💪

🔮Presto Labs' Peter Chung predicts that the $73 million BCH payback to Mt. Gox's former customers (that's 24% of BCH's daily trading volume, folks!) could put a bearish spin on Bitcoin Cash, not Bitcoin.🐻💰

💡Chung's logic? The selling pressure for BCH will be 4x larger than for BTC. Plus, he believes that the current group of creditors are diamond-handed BTC bulls who've stuck around.🐂💎

🎁And here's the kicker: Chung thinks traders will treat the BCH payback "as an airdrop" and sell it immediately.🪂💸

🤔So, what's your move? Long BTC perpetuals paired with short BCH perpetuals? Or maybe shorting term futures or borrowing BCH in the spot market?📈📉

💬Let's chat in the comments!👇 And remember, in the world of DeFi, it's always a bull market somewhere!🌍🚀 #DeFi #Web3 #MtGox #BCH #BTC