Crypto Fundraising vs Total Market Cap 📈

Is there a link between crypto primary and secondary markets?

In the crypto context, the #fundraising market is often considered the "Primary Market" where fundraising events take place, while the Total Market Cap (TOTAL) can be associated with the "Secondary Market" reflecting the aggregate value of trading crypto assets.

Analysis confirms a correlation, but it's modest (r=0.29)

→ This suggests that fundraising metrics may not be reliable in predicting short-term market trends.

Our key takeaways:

❯ It appears that the Total Market Cap influences fundraising activities, not the other way around (seen in Jan vs Mar & Sep & Nov).

❯ Sideways markets align with low fundraising → Both projects and #VCs may not be confident in raising/investing until receiving certain market confirmation.

❯ VCs tend to remain cautious during uncertain market sentiment but always stay alert for market upticks (seen in Oct & Nov).

#Fundraising #venturecapital