🎮 Konami's gone crypto! The Japanese gaming giant is partnering with Avalanche to launch Resella, a new NFT platform. No more external Web3 wallets, folks! You can now transact in Japanese yen. 🇯🇵💱

Bitwise is making ads minty fresh! 🍃 Their latest Ethereum ad can be minted as an NFT. The proceeds? Straight to the actors and Ethereum core contributors.

After a 2-year nap, Marc Cuban's crypto wallet is back in action, selling NFTs like hotcakes. 🥞 This coincides with a security breach of his Gmail account. Coincidence? We think not.

In less thrilling news, NFT sales took a 45% nosedive in Q2 2024. 📉 But hey, every market has its ups and downs, right?

Got thoughts? Spill the tea in the comments! ☕️👇

Tune in next Wednesday for more juicy NFT updates!