🚀🌚 Hey #CryptoTwitter, guess what? Uncle Sam's been playing with his #Bitcoin stash again! 😂 $240M worth of seized BTC has been moved to a Coinbase Prime address. Cue the panic! 🙈

But hey, let's not forget, last time this happened, we saw a $2B worth of Bitcoin move and the market didn't crash, did it? 🤔 So, let's not lose our heads just yet.

Sure, #BTC took a little dip, slipping below $61K, but it's already edging back up. And yes, #ETH also took a 1.6% hit, but come on, we've seen worse, right?

So, what do you think? Is this the beginning of a sell-off or just another day in the #crypto world? Let's chat in the comments! 🚀🌚 #DeFi #Web3

P.S. Remember, if it's not about DeFi or Web3, it's not worth your time. 😉