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🟡 Bitcoin price wobbles ahead of Fed’s rate decision Bitcoin (BTC) dipped as low as $59,500 on Binance ahead of tomorrow’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. Market participants are bracing for a hawkish stance from the Federal Reserve (Fed), with expectations set for unchanged interest rates. The CME FedWatch Tool indicates a mere 4.4% of economists predict a rate cut—the first in over a decade—while a dominant 95.6% anticipate rates to hold steady between 525-550 basis points. According to The Kobeissi Letter, current market data indicates a 36% probability that there will be no interest rate cuts this year. Four months ago, the likelihood of maintaining current rates was only about 3%. Expectations have also shifted to just one reduction this year. Previously, the market anticipated six rate cuts. Additionally, the probability of experiencing two or more rate cuts has diminished to 31%. 🔺 Stagflation risk Amidst this financial climate, the US grapples with stagflation risks as inflation persists and economic growth slows. The first quarter of 2024 saw GDP growth decelerate to 1.6%, falling short of the 2.2% forecast and down from the previous quarter’s 3.4%. Concurrently, the US Core PCE inflation index climbed from 2.0% to 3.7%. Fed Chair Jerome Powell stated that recent data does not make the Fed more confident, suggesting a longer timeline to regain economic stability. He expressed belief in the adequacy of current policies to navigate the risks at hand, hinting at sustained high-interest rates without increases. Bitcoin’s trajectory mirrored these economic uncertainties, dropping below $62,000 earlier in the week due to renewed stagflation worries. A brief rally above $64,000 occurred with the launch of spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs in Hong Kong yesterday, but the momentum was short-lived as investor caution set in ahead of the Fed’s key decision. $BTC #BTC #Bitcoin
🟡 Bitcoin price wobbles ahead of Fed’s rate decision

Bitcoin (BTC) dipped as low as $59,500 on Binance ahead of tomorrow’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. Market participants are bracing for a hawkish stance from the Federal Reserve (Fed), with expectations set for unchanged interest rates.

The CME FedWatch Tool indicates a mere 4.4% of economists predict a rate cut—the first in over a decade—while a dominant 95.6% anticipate rates to hold steady between 525-550 basis points.

According to The Kobeissi Letter, current market data indicates a 36% probability that there will be no interest rate cuts this year. Four months ago, the likelihood of maintaining current rates was only about 3%.

Expectations have also shifted to just one reduction this year. Previously, the market anticipated six rate cuts. Additionally, the probability of experiencing two or more rate cuts has diminished to 31%.

🔺 Stagflation risk

Amidst this financial climate, the US grapples with stagflation risks as inflation persists and economic growth slows.

The first quarter of 2024 saw GDP growth decelerate to 1.6%, falling short of the 2.2% forecast and down from the previous quarter’s 3.4%. Concurrently, the US Core PCE inflation index climbed from 2.0% to 3.7%.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell stated that recent data does not make the Fed more confident, suggesting a longer timeline to regain economic stability. He expressed belief in the adequacy of current policies to navigate the risks at hand, hinting at sustained high-interest rates without increases.

Bitcoin’s trajectory mirrored these economic uncertainties, dropping below $62,000 earlier in the week due to renewed stagflation worries.

A brief rally above $64,000 occurred with the launch of spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs in Hong Kong yesterday, but the momentum was short-lived as investor caution set in ahead of the Fed’s key decision.

$BTC #BTC #Bitcoin
Kirstin Johns Pu4L:
Tipped the creator!
Aula 3 - ESCOLHER MOEDASVejo muitos novatos compartilhando suas carteiras e, quando vou olhar, tem 10, 15 moedas diferentes. Isso é um erro comum entre iniciantes. Se você ainda NÃO sabe analisar um único gráfico, identificar suportes e resistências, como pretende acompanhar 10 projetos diferentes?! Pense sobre! ———ENTÃO, BORA ANOTAR (dicas para novatos)👇🏽🥷 1. ESCOLHA POUCAS MOEDAS E ESTUDE: Evite diversificação excessiva, três moedas bem escolhidas são suficientes para começar. Opção: ✅ #BTC – O ativo mais sólido do mercado, com histórico de valorização e aceitação global. ✅ Duas moedas consolidadas – Projetos bem estabelecidos, com estrutura sólida e boa aceitação. COMO ESCOLHER??? • PROJETO - Qual problema ele resolve? Ele realmente tem utilidade? • PARCEIROS - Quem está por trás do desenvolvimento? Há grandes empresas apoiando? • POTENCIAL DE VALORIZAÇÃO - O ativo já tem um histórico de crescimento ou ainda está em fase inicial? • MARKETING E DESENVOLVEDORES - O time de desenvolvedores é ativo? Há novas atualizações sendo lançadas? FUJA DE MEMECOINS E MOEDAS DE LANÇAMENTO SE VOCÊ É NOVATO E NÃO SABE GESTÃO DE RISCO. ‼️ LEMBRETE: a decisão final é sua! Seu dinheiro, sua carteira, sua responsabilidade. O papel de um analista é fornecer informações e insights, mas quem decide onde investir é você. ‼️ —————— 2. INVISTA SOMENTE O QUE PODE DEIXAR PARADO: Outro erro comum é investir dinheiro das contas. Criptomoedas são ativos de alto risco e alta volatilidade. Ou seja, assim como podem valorizar muito, também podem passar por fortes quedas antes de subirem novamente. 🚩 Nunca invista dinheiro das contas do mês (aluguel, comida, dívidas). 🚩 Use apenas um percentual do seu capital disponível - Uma boa estratégia para iniciantes é investir entre 5% e 10% do seu capital livre. 🚩 Tenha paciência - O retorno pode vir rápido ou demorar meses ou anos. Invista apenas o que você pode deixar parado sem ansiedade. EXEMPLO: - Você tem $10.000 disponíveis (fora das suas despesas). - Decide investir 10% em criptomoedas = $1.000. Distribui esse valor entre BTC e duas outras moedas sólidas. - O restante do seu capital você guarda para ocasiões como imprevisto. - ESPERE! O mercado sempre busca uma queda ou entra em um longo período de correção… Essa será oportunidade de se posicionar! PACIÊNCIA! - Agora, deixa o mercado trabalhar! Sem desespero em vender na primeira queda. ————— 3. O PROBLEMA DE TER MUITAS MOEDAS ‼️ Se seu capital for pequeno, você pode acabar NÃO tendo um volume expressivo em nenhum ativo consolidado. ‼️ O lucro de uma moeda pode ser consumido pelos prejuízos das outras. ‼️ Fica impossível acompanhar tantos gráficos e notícias ao mesmo tempo. ‼️ Você aumenta as chances de tomar decisões ruins por pânico ou falta de informação. Agora, imagine que você concentra seus $1.000 em apenas três moedas bem escolhidas. Você terá posições mais fortes, poderá acompanhar melhor os ativos e tomará decisões com mais segurança. ————— 4. PENSAMENTO DE MÉDIO E LONGO PRAZO Com uma carteira bem estruturada, seu dinheiro começa a trabalhar para você. No início, oscilações e até quedas. MAS ao longo do tempo, se estiver bem posicionado, verá os ativos se valorizando mais e mais. Seja paciente e disciplinado – Grandes valorizações acontecem para quem tem visão de longo prazo. Quanto mais estratégia e menos impulsividade, melhores serão seus resultados. PARA QUEM JÁ ESTÁ nesse marcação A UMA DÉCADA, fique tranquilo com seu mar de moedas… Essa aula é apenas para os novatos… kkkkkk ——- 1. Curti e compartilha com quem é novo nesse mercado! 👊🏽🥷🚀 2. Clica nos amarelos para fortalecer o post! 👇🏽 #TrumpCongressSpeech #BinanceSquareTalks #binancealert #bitcoin $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT)


Vejo muitos novatos compartilhando suas carteiras e, quando vou olhar, tem 10, 15 moedas diferentes. Isso é um erro comum entre iniciantes. Se você ainda NÃO sabe analisar um único gráfico, identificar suportes e resistências, como pretende acompanhar 10 projetos diferentes?! Pense sobre!

———ENTÃO, BORA ANOTAR (dicas para novatos)👇🏽🥷
Evite diversificação excessiva, três moedas bem escolhidas são suficientes para começar. Opção:
#BTC – O ativo mais sólido do mercado, com histórico de valorização e aceitação global.
✅ Duas moedas consolidadas – Projetos bem estabelecidos, com estrutura sólida e boa aceitação.

• PROJETO - Qual problema ele resolve? Ele realmente tem utilidade?
• PARCEIROS - Quem está por trás do desenvolvimento? Há grandes empresas apoiando?
• POTENCIAL DE VALORIZAÇÃO - O ativo já tem um histórico de crescimento ou ainda está em fase inicial?
• MARKETING E DESENVOLVEDORES - O time de desenvolvedores é ativo? Há novas atualizações sendo lançadas?


‼️ LEMBRETE: a decisão final é sua! Seu dinheiro, sua carteira, sua responsabilidade. O papel de um analista é fornecer informações e insights, mas quem decide onde investir é você. ‼️

Outro erro comum é investir dinheiro das contas. Criptomoedas são ativos de alto risco e alta volatilidade. Ou seja, assim como podem valorizar muito, também podem passar por fortes quedas antes de subirem novamente.
🚩 Nunca invista dinheiro das contas do mês (aluguel, comida, dívidas).
🚩 Use apenas um percentual do seu capital disponível - Uma boa estratégia para iniciantes é investir entre 5% e 10% do seu capital livre.
🚩 Tenha paciência - O retorno pode vir rápido ou demorar meses ou anos. Invista apenas o que você pode deixar parado sem ansiedade.

- Você tem $10.000 disponíveis (fora das suas despesas).
- Decide investir 10% em criptomoedas = $1.000. Distribui esse valor entre BTC e duas outras moedas sólidas.
- O restante do seu capital você guarda para ocasiões como imprevisto.
- ESPERE! O mercado sempre busca uma queda ou entra em um longo período de correção… Essa será oportunidade de se posicionar! PACIÊNCIA!
- Agora, deixa o mercado trabalhar! Sem desespero em vender na primeira queda.

‼️ Se seu capital for pequeno, você pode acabar NÃO tendo um volume expressivo em nenhum ativo consolidado.
‼️ O lucro de uma moeda pode ser consumido pelos prejuízos das outras.
‼️ Fica impossível acompanhar tantos gráficos e notícias ao mesmo tempo.
‼️ Você aumenta as chances de tomar decisões ruins por pânico ou falta de informação.

Agora, imagine que você concentra seus $1.000 em apenas três moedas bem escolhidas. Você terá posições mais fortes, poderá acompanhar melhor os ativos e tomará decisões com mais segurança.

Com uma carteira bem estruturada, seu dinheiro começa a trabalhar para você. No início, oscilações e até quedas. MAS ao longo do tempo, se estiver bem posicionado, verá os ativos se valorizando mais e mais.

Seja paciente e disciplinado – Grandes valorizações acontecem para quem tem visão de longo prazo.

Quanto mais estratégia e menos impulsividade, melhores serão seus resultados. PARA QUEM JÁ ESTÁ nesse marcação A UMA DÉCADA, fique tranquilo com seu mar de moedas… Essa aula é apenas para os novatos… kkkkkk

1. Curti e compartilha com quem é novo nesse mercado! 👊🏽🥷🚀
2. Clica nos amarelos para fortalecer o post! 👇🏽

#TrumpCongressSpeech #BinanceSquareTalks #binancealert #bitcoin

starseeds mb:
parabéns garota é isso aí, a experiência nos leva a contribuir no mínimo 1% na vida de alguém e o retorno sempre será no mínimo 7x mais do que vc entrega.
3.5币圈院士:81500假跌破,北上单边行情启动暴跌前最后上车机会!‌最新行情分析   比特币现价87500,现在是北京时间凌晨三点,在94400选择南下跌破九万以后逐步离场,最大空间在85000落袋,有很多粉丝私下问为什么不继续持有,毕竟最低点到了81500,稳健第一,我的口头禅是:交易的根本是生存其次才是收益益,9400点空间足够了,从75000到85000这一万个点空间并不适合继续追空,而是要开始北上试仓,尤其是入场选择一定要分开,不要一单止盈就反手继续入场,尤其是急跌行情一定要等止跌以后的回调,这个时候才是北上的时机      日K线87500,最低81500,跨度超过5000点,探底以后的回调主力来回收割说明85000以下不适合小散入场这个真空区是主力收割的位置,EMA趋势 指标收缩,整体趋势上看压力位开始下移,来到了94500,MACD缩量出现增筹,DIF和DEA并没有向上收缩,K线探底布林带下轨支撑82000,北上主力压力位92400不破的话就可以全部离场落袋为安,      四小时K线拉伸到了EMA15快线压力位86400附近,下一个关键压力位关注87000,MACD增筹明显,DIF和DEA刚过零轴线就开始收缩,布林带横盘K线开始发力中级中轨压力位87500,KDJ也在收缩有形成金叉趋势,综合各项指标来看主力连续横盘83000附近以后回拉的动能很强,不排除单边拉伸的可能所以北上不急着离场,可以继续持有,更多实战细节咨询笔者      短线思路参考:,      北上试仓点83000到82000,防守81500,止损500点,目标看85000到86000,破位看87000到88000      南下试仓点9000到91000,防守91500,止损500点,目标看89000到88000,破位看87500到87000  建议仅供参考风险自担$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) #BTC合约 #BTC走势分析 #BTC  
  日K线87500,最低81500,跨度超过5000点,探底以后的回调主力来回收割说明85000以下不适合小散入场这个真空区是主力收割的位置,EMA趋势 指标收缩,整体趋势上看压力位开始下移,来到了94500,MACD缩量出现增筹,DIF和DEA并没有向上收缩,K线探底布林带下轨支撑82000,北上主力压力位92400不破的话就可以全部离场落袋为安,

#BTC合约 #BTC走势分析 #BTC  
比特币价格下跌后持稳——反弹即将到来?#BTC 比特币价格跌破 90,000 美元区域,再次下跌。BTC 跌破 88,500 美元,可能难以重拾看涨势头。 比特币跌破 92,000 美元区域,开始再次下跌。该价格低于 90,000 美元和 100 小时简单移动平均线。在 BTC/USD 对的小时图上,形成了一条连接的看跌趋势线,阻力位在 91,000 美元(数据来自 Kraken)。如果该货币对未能维持在 85,000 美元以上,则可能开始再次下跌。 比特币价格面临阻力 比特币价格从95,000 美元阻力位开始再次下跌。BTC 交易价格跌破 92,000 美元和 90,000 美元支撑位。价格下跌超过 10%,并跌破 88,000 美元支撑区域。 从 84,500 美元的摆动低点到 95,000 美元的高点,上行波的 50% 斐波那契回撤位明显低于该水平。最后,价格测试了 82,000 美元的支撑区域。价格形成了一个底部,目前价格正在 83,500 美元上方收复一些损失。 比特币价格目前低于 90,000 美元和100 小时简单移动平均线。上行方面,直接阻力位在 88,750 美元附近。第一个关键阻力位在 90,000 美元附近。 下一个关键阻力位可能是 91,500 美元。BTC/USD 对的小时图上还形成一条连接看跌趋势线,阻力位在 91,000 美元。收盘价高于 91,500 美元阻力位可能会进一步推高价格。在这种情况下,价格可能会上涨并测试 93,000 美元的阻力位。如果价格进一步上涨,可能会推高至 94,200 美元甚至 95,000 美元的水平。 BTC 再次下跌? 如果比特币未能突破 90,000 美元的阻力区,则可能会开始新一轮下跌。下行方向的直接支撑位在 85,000 美元附近。第一个主要支撑位在 83,200 美元附近。 下一个支撑位目前位于 82,250 美元区域附近,也是从 84,500 美元的摆动低点到 95,000 美元的高点的上行波的 76.4% 斐波那契回撤位。如果价格进一步下跌,可能会在短期内跌向 80,000 美元的支撑位。主要支撑位位于 78,800 美元。 技术指标: 每小时 MACD – MACD 目前在看跌区域失去速度。每小时 RSI(相对强弱指数)——BTC/USD 的 RSI 现在高于 50 水平。主要支撑位 - 85,000 美元,其次是 82,250 美元。主要阻力位 - 90,000 美元和 91,500 美元。


比特币价格跌破 90,000 美元区域,再次下跌。BTC 跌破 88,500 美元,可能难以重拾看涨势头。
比特币跌破 92,000 美元区域,开始再次下跌。该价格低于 90,000 美元和 100 小时简单移动平均线。在 BTC/USD 对的小时图上,形成了一条连接的看跌趋势线,阻力位在 91,000 美元(数据来自 Kraken)。如果该货币对未能维持在 85,000 美元以上,则可能开始再次下跌。
比特币价格从95,000 美元阻力位开始再次下跌。BTC 交易价格跌破 92,000 美元和 90,000 美元支撑位。价格下跌超过 10%,并跌破 88,000 美元支撑区域。
从 84,500 美元的摆动低点到 95,000 美元的高点,上行波的 50% 斐波那契回撤位明显低于该水平。最后,价格测试了 82,000 美元的支撑区域。价格形成了一个底部,目前价格正在 83,500 美元上方收复一些损失。
比特币价格目前低于 90,000 美元和100 小时简单移动平均线。上行方面,直接阻力位在 88,750 美元附近。第一个关键阻力位在 90,000 美元附近。

下一个关键阻力位可能是 91,500 美元。BTC/USD 对的小时图上还形成一条连接看跌趋势线,阻力位在 91,000 美元。收盘价高于 91,500 美元阻力位可能会进一步推高价格。在这种情况下,价格可能会上涨并测试 93,000 美元的阻力位。如果价格进一步上涨,可能会推高至 94,200 美元甚至 95,000 美元的水平。
BTC 再次下跌?
如果比特币未能突破 90,000 美元的阻力区,则可能会开始新一轮下跌。下行方向的直接支撑位在 85,000 美元附近。第一个主要支撑位在 83,200 美元附近。
下一个支撑位目前位于 82,250 美元区域附近,也是从 84,500 美元的摆动低点到 95,000 美元的高点的上行波的 76.4% 斐波那契回撤位。如果价格进一步下跌,可能会在短期内跌向 80,000 美元的支撑位。主要支撑位位于 78,800 美元。
每小时 MACD – MACD 目前在看跌区域失去速度。每小时 RSI(相对强弱指数)——BTC/USD 的 RSI 现在高于 50 水平。主要支撑位 - 85,000 美元,其次是 82,250 美元。主要阻力位 - 90,000 美元和 91,500 美元。
🚨 Ancient Bitcoin Wallets Move 22 Million in BTC After 14 Years! 🚨Guess what, crypto fans? Some *22 million* worth of *Bitcoin* has just been moved after sitting untouched for *14 years*! 😱 Let me break it down for you: --- *What Happened?* - *Six ancient BTC addresses* — which have been sitting around since *2011* — suddenly transferred a total of *250 BTC* (about *22 million*) this past Monday. 🤑 - These wallets were some of the *oldest* in Bitcoin history, using *legacy addresses* from the early days of Bitcoin (back when it was trading for just around *1*! 😳). - *14 years later*, these wallets finally saw movement, sparking curiosity in the crypto world. --- *Why Is This Important?* 1. *Big Moves Often Lead to Big Reactions*: Whenever large amounts of crypto are moved, especially after being dormant for so long, *investors get nervous*. Some traders worry that these long-term holders (aka *HODLers*) might be *preparing to sell*—which could impact the market. 😬 2. *Where Are They Moving the Coins?* It's unclear exactly where the Bitcoin went, but *one address* was linked to *Revolut*, a British fintech company. 💳 It’s possible the holder could be planning to *cash out* amid *macro-economic uncertainties* like *inflation* and *global tensions*. 🌍 --- *A Glimpse into the Past... and the Future* - The oldest wallet received *50 BTC* back in *February 2011* when Bitcoin was priced just over *1*. Imagine *unrealized gains* of over **8,310,400 - Bitcoin had a wild journey back then, briefly hitting *nearly30* before dipping again to just over *4* by the end of the year. 📉 - So, if the investor sells now, they’re sitting on some serious gains. But it’s still *uncertain* whether these moves are signs of *selling* or just a *shift in wallets*. 🤔 — *The Bigger Picture...* - *Bitcoin’s Recent Dip*: As we know, Bitcoin’s been struggling a bit recently, with a drop to *81,688* earlier this week before bouncing back to around *87,935*. Still, it’s *over 20108,786*. 😬 - Even though this wallet movement is *huge*, it's important to note that it *doesn’t qualify* as a *"whale"* move. A *Bitcoin whale* would need to hold *over 1,000 BTC*, worth nearly *$88 million* at today’s prices. 🐋 --- *What Does This Mean for You?* This kind of movement *adds uncertainty* to the market, especially with *macro-economic pressures* like trade wars and inflation looming. But it’s also a reminder that *Bitcoin’s early adopters* have *seen enormous gains*, and as the market grows, *big transactions will continue to shape* its future. 💡 --- *Takeaway* - *HODLers* may be moving their assets, but don’t jump to conclusions too quickly. - Keep an eye on market reactions, especially when older wallets start showing signs of life. 👀 Stay *calm*, stay informed, and always *manage your risk* in this volatile crypto world! 🔥💰 $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) #Bitcoin #BTC #CryptoNews #CryptoMarkets #CryptoAnalysis

🚨 Ancient Bitcoin Wallets Move 22 Million in BTC After 14 Years! 🚨

Guess what, crypto fans? Some *22 million* worth of *Bitcoin* has just been moved after sitting untouched for *14 years*! 😱 Let me break it down for you:


*What Happened?*

- *Six ancient BTC addresses* — which have been sitting around since *2011* — suddenly transferred a total of *250 BTC* (about *22 million*) this past Monday. 🤑
- These wallets were some of the *oldest* in Bitcoin history, using *legacy addresses* from the early days of Bitcoin (back when it was trading for just around *1*! 😳).
- *14 years later*, these wallets finally saw movement, sparking curiosity in the crypto world.


*Why Is This Important?*

1. *Big Moves Often Lead to Big Reactions*:
Whenever large amounts of crypto are moved, especially after being dormant for so long, *investors get nervous*. Some traders worry that these long-term holders (aka *HODLers*) might be *preparing to sell*—which could impact the market. 😬

2. *Where Are They Moving the Coins?*
It's unclear exactly where the Bitcoin went, but *one address* was linked to *Revolut*, a British fintech company. 💳 It’s possible the holder could be planning to *cash out* amid *macro-economic uncertainties* like *inflation* and *global tensions*. 🌍

*A Glimpse into the Past... and the Future*

- The oldest wallet received *50 BTC* back in *February 2011* when Bitcoin was priced just over *1*. Imagine *unrealized gains* of over **8,310,400
- Bitcoin had a wild journey back then, briefly hitting *nearly30* before dipping again to just over *4* by the end of the year. 📉
- So, if the investor sells now, they’re sitting on some serious gains. But it’s still *uncertain* whether these moves are signs of *selling* or just a *shift in wallets*. 🤔

*The Bigger Picture...*

- *Bitcoin’s Recent Dip*: As we know, Bitcoin’s been struggling a bit recently, with a drop to *81,688* earlier this week before bouncing back to around *87,935*. Still, it’s *over 20108,786*. 😬

- Even though this wallet movement is *huge*, it's important to note that it *doesn’t qualify* as a *"whale"* move. A *Bitcoin whale* would need to hold *over 1,000 BTC*, worth nearly *$88 million* at today’s prices. 🐋


*What Does This Mean for You?*

This kind of movement *adds uncertainty* to the market, especially with *macro-economic pressures* like trade wars and inflation looming. But it’s also a reminder that *Bitcoin’s early adopters* have *seen enormous gains*, and as the market grows, *big transactions will continue to shape* its future. 💡

- *HODLers* may be moving their assets, but don’t jump to conclusions too quickly.
- Keep an eye on market reactions, especially when older wallets start showing signs of life. 👀

Stay *calm*, stay informed, and always *manage your risk* in this volatile crypto world! 🔥💰


#Bitcoin #BTC #CryptoNews #CryptoMarkets #CryptoAnalysis
please share the address details
MICHAEL SAYLOR AT THE WHITE HOUSE: THE FATE OF BITCOIN AT STAKE THE FUTURE IS BEING DECIDED NOW This Friday, Michael Saylor, founder of MicroStrategy and one of Bitcoin’s biggest advocates, has been invited to the White House Digital Assets Summit. The event, hosted by the President of the United States, signals that crypto regulation is now at the heart of global financial discussions. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR BITCOIN AND THE MARKET? ✔️ If the government takes a pro-crypto stance, we could see an unprecedented wave of institutional adoption. ⚠️ If regulations tighten, it could slow down the industry and increase volatility. Michael Saylor is not just a bystander in this story. He has invested billions in BTC and has been one of the most influential voices advocating for Bitcoin as "digital gold" and a store of value. His presence at the White House could mark a turning point. BULLISH SIGNAL OR POLITICAL MOVE? Bitcoin is no longer just an investment asset—it is now at the center of major economic strategies. Are we witnessing the mainstream adoption of crypto, or are stricter regulations about to hit the industry? 📢 Drop your thoughts in the comments: mass adoption or more regulatory hurdles? And if you found this content interesting, share it so more people stay informed about what’s happening. You're already part of my community! Leave a like, follow me, and let's grow together with the best content. And if you want to show some extra support, I truly appreciate it! #BTC走势分析 #BTC

This Friday, Michael Saylor, founder of MicroStrategy and one of Bitcoin’s biggest advocates, has been invited to the White House Digital Assets Summit. The event, hosted by the President of the United States, signals that crypto regulation is now at the heart of global financial discussions.


✔️ If the government takes a pro-crypto stance, we could see an unprecedented wave of institutional adoption.
⚠️ If regulations tighten, it could slow down the industry and increase volatility.

Michael Saylor is not just a bystander in this story. He has invested billions in BTC and has been one of the most influential voices advocating for Bitcoin as "digital gold" and a store of value. His presence at the White House could mark a turning point.


Bitcoin is no longer just an investment asset—it is now at the center of major economic strategies. Are we witnessing the mainstream adoption of crypto, or are stricter regulations about to hit the industry?

📢 Drop your thoughts in the comments: mass adoption or more regulatory hurdles? And if you found this content interesting, share it so more people stay informed about what’s happening.

You're already part of my community! Leave a like, follow me, and let's grow together with the best content. And if you want to show some extra support, I truly appreciate it!

#BTC走势分析 #BTC
$BTC البيتكون عندما كان في ترند هابط تاريخ ديسمبر 2017 استغرق هذا الترند(34 شهر) تقريبًا ثلاث سنوات، حتى انعكس في سيبتمبر 2020 ثم بدأ ترند الصعود. و استغرق ترند الصعود (20 شهر) تقريبا عامين حتى كسره و هبط في شهر مايو 2022. و استمر ترند الهبوط (19 شهر) عام و نصف، حتى عكسه في يناير 2024، عندما بدأ الترند الصاعد الحالي الذي نمر فيه في شهر مارس 2025. الترند الصاعد هذا استغرق (15 شهر) حتى هذا الشهر الحالي (مارس). كم شهر تتوقعون سوف يستغرق هذا الترند الصاعد الحالي؟ 17,19,20 أو أكثر؟ ما هو الشهر و العام الذي تتوقعونه يبدأ فيه ترند الهبوط و التصحيح؟ شاركوني رأيكم و جاوبوا على السؤالين في التعليقات ☺️👇🏻 #Binance #TrendingTopic #BinanceAlphaAlert #BTC #bitcoin {spot}(BTCUSDT)

البيتكون عندما كان في ترند هابط تاريخ ديسمبر 2017 استغرق هذا الترند(34 شهر) تقريبًا ثلاث سنوات، حتى انعكس في سيبتمبر 2020 ثم بدأ ترند الصعود.

و استغرق ترند الصعود (20 شهر) تقريبا عامين حتى كسره و هبط في شهر مايو 2022. و استمر ترند الهبوط (19 شهر) عام و نصف، حتى عكسه في يناير 2024، عندما بدأ الترند الصاعد الحالي الذي نمر فيه في شهر مارس 2025.
الترند الصاعد هذا استغرق (15 شهر) حتى هذا الشهر الحالي (مارس).

كم شهر تتوقعون سوف يستغرق هذا الترند الصاعد الحالي؟ 17,19,20 أو أكثر؟

ما هو الشهر و العام الذي تتوقعونه يبدأ فيه ترند الهبوط و التصحيح؟

شاركوني رأيكم و جاوبوا على السؤالين في التعليقات ☺️👇🏻

#Binance #TrendingTopic #BinanceAlphaAlert #BTC #bitcoin
بالفعل بدا ترند الهبوط
Миллиардер вкладывает в BTC$BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) Американский миллиардер и председатель правления телекоммуникационного гиганта Grupo Salinas сообщил, что 70% его инвестпортфеля приходится на биткоин. Остальные 30% отведены под золото и акции золотодобывающих компаний. По словам Рикардо Салинаса, он избегает традиционных активов, таких как облигации и акции, предпочитая «самые сложные инструменты». У меня нет ни одной облигации, и у меня нет никаких других акций, кроме моих собственных, — заявил мексиканский миллиардер. Салинас — давний сторонник биткоина, который с годами ещё больше уверился в будущем флагманского криптоактива. Так, в 2020 году на BTC приходилось всего 10% инвестпортфеля миллиардера, сейчас эта доля выросла до 70%. Интересно, что Салинас не только лично вкладывается в биткоин, но и активно продвигает криптовалюту, например, через многочисленные посты в социальных сетях, где на него подписано более 2 млн человек. Более того, четыре года назад он объявил о планах сделать банк Banco Azteca, входящий в Grupo Salinas, первым банком в Мексике, принимающим биткоин. Приверженность BTC и золоту можно объяснить и попыткой Салинаса защитить свои активы от экономической нестабильности в Мексике и обесценивания национальной криптовалюты. #BTC

Миллиардер вкладывает в BTC

Американский миллиардер и председатель правления телекоммуникационного гиганта Grupo Salinas сообщил, что 70% его инвестпортфеля приходится на биткоин. Остальные 30% отведены под золото и акции золотодобывающих компаний.
По словам Рикардо Салинаса, он избегает традиционных активов, таких как облигации и акции, предпочитая «самые сложные инструменты».
У меня нет ни одной облигации, и у меня нет никаких других акций, кроме моих собственных, — заявил мексиканский миллиардер.
Салинас — давний сторонник биткоина, который с годами ещё больше уверился в будущем флагманского криптоактива. Так, в 2020 году на BTC приходилось всего 10% инвестпортфеля миллиардера, сейчас эта доля выросла до 70%.
Интересно, что Салинас не только лично вкладывается в биткоин, но и активно продвигает криптовалюту, например, через многочисленные посты в социальных сетях, где на него подписано более 2 млн человек. Более того, четыре года назад он объявил о планах сделать банк Banco Azteca, входящий в Grupo Salinas, первым банком в Мексике, принимающим биткоин.
Приверженность BTC и золоту можно объяснить и попыткой Салинаса защитить свои активы от экономической нестабильности в Мексике и обесценивания национальной криптовалюты.
Signal type $BTC As Btc is coming back to it original position after market correction. we May take an entry now in #BTC for long. Entry : After Breakout from 89380$ area Tp1: 90000$ Tp2 : 91000$ Tp3 : 92000$ We may see a rejection from 92000$ level. If it successfully break out from area of 92500$ it may further rise to 95000$. What's your opinion. ? {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Signal type $BTC
As Btc is coming back to it original position after market correction.
we May take an entry now in #BTC for long.
Entry : After Breakout from 89380$ area

Tp1: 90000$
Tp2 : 91000$
Tp3 : 92000$

We may see a rejection from 92000$ level.
If it successfully break out from area of 92500$ it may further rise to 95000$.

What's your opinion. ?
Muhammad Talha Dilshad:
Yes it will rise..friction phase of 87000 is being tolerated...its the time for LONG
📢 Solana Cofounder Claims Bitcoin Has No Value 💰 Solana cofounder Anatoly Yakovenko says Bitcoin (BTC) has zero intrinsic value compared to other assets. His tirade against the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization has triggered polarizing reactions in the ecosystem with a cross section taking swipes at Solana. Yakovenko made the assertions on a post on X, claiming that the asset is not an investment but akin to a coin flip. He argues that the best-case scenario for Bitcoin is as “insurance” against the collapse of a global superpower. The Solana co-founder pegged the odds of such a collapse at 1%, adding that Bitcoin may hold up well in the event of a superpower implosion. Yakovenko’s comments have triggered a wave of reactions from the cryptoverse with the bulk disagreeing with his claim. Angel investor Ashkay BD diverged from Yakovenko, stating that Bitcoin offers immense value flowing from its ability to protect users from counterparty risk. $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT) $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT) #USTariffs #MarketPullback #solana #BTC
📢 Solana Cofounder Claims Bitcoin Has No Value 💰

Solana cofounder Anatoly Yakovenko says Bitcoin (BTC) has zero intrinsic value compared to other assets. His tirade against the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization has triggered polarizing reactions in the ecosystem with a cross section taking swipes at Solana.

Yakovenko made the assertions on a post on X, claiming that the asset is not an investment but akin to a coin flip.

He argues that the best-case scenario for Bitcoin is as “insurance” against the collapse of a global superpower. The Solana co-founder pegged the odds of such a collapse at 1%, adding that Bitcoin may hold up well in the event of a superpower implosion.

Yakovenko’s comments have triggered a wave of reactions from the cryptoverse with the bulk disagreeing with his claim. Angel investor Ashkay BD diverged from Yakovenko, stating that Bitcoin offers immense value flowing from its ability to protect users from counterparty risk.



#USTariffs #MarketPullback #solana #BTC
Pavlik Zabyi gol:
十年前,倾家荡产买下10万个比特币的新东方老师,如今后悔了吗?你可以是新手,但你必须不是韭菜!” 2018年,新东方老师李笑来的一本书扯下币圈的遮羞布。 他将炒币行为总结为“忽悠”“割韭菜”,又将炒币人贬为“韭菜”。 可他不正是疯狂炒币的第一人吗? 2011年,从新东方走出来的李笑来倾家荡产购入十万比特币。 无数人嘲笑他疯狂和痴傻,比特币才值几块人民币? 万万没想到,2013年比特币暴涨近千倍,李笑来身价上涨至上百亿,被投资者推上神坛。 然而,短短5年的时间,他却将投资比特币称作“傻子才会干的事情”。 李笑来究竟经历了什么,他对自己倾尽一切,购入10万比特币的行为感到后悔了吗? 比特币“神话” 2018年,李笑来一本《韭菜的自我修养》将自己贬为“韭菜”。 他曾经在比特币创造的传奇竟被他自己消解掉。 2011年,他曾不顾一切,倾尽自己的全部积蓄,8万人民币,狂购10万比特币。 旁人对李笑来这一疯狂之举嗤之以鼻。 当时比特币的价格,确实小范围暴涨; 它首次突破1美元大关,单价最高时甚至达30多美元。 作为一种投资,比特币的前景还是较为不错的。 但这种投资的价值也仅限于“不错”。 比特币的辉煌稍纵即逝,没几天它就被打回原形。 一比特币的单价一直稳定在1美元左右,折合人民币也就值几块钱。 李笑来花费上万元购买这么多比特币,简直令人发笑。 “不过是新东方出来的一个英语老师,他能多有远见呢?” 旁人权当他是一个疯狂中带着些许“痴傻”的炒币者。 岂料仅仅过去两年的时间,2013年比特币身价持续暴涨,直接翻了100多倍。 比特币价格最高时达到了上千美元一枚。 狂购10万比特币的李笑来凭借这次机会,狠狠收割一波红利。 2013年,他参加节目时,看似随意地提起自己2011年曾购买10万比特币。 李笑来这随便一提,直接引爆全网。 网友依照比特币的价值猜测,他的身价直线飙升至上百亿。 李笑来成为中国首位靠着“比特币”发家致富的人,被人誉为“中国比特币首富”。 凭借8万元轻轻松松创造上百亿的财富,他的经历堪称传奇。 无数人跃跃欲试,想要复刻他创造的“神话”。 李笑来顺势而为,成立了“比特基金”,开始在数字货币领域大展拳脚。 演讲、写作,他通过各种各样的方式比特币和相关项目,吸引了大量投资者关注和参与。 李笑来的名气越来越大,完全是炒币领域一名新晋网络红人。 然而,出乎所有人意料的是,他却在功成名就之后,对炒币行为以及炒币人全盘否定。 这中间究竟发生了什么,他后悔了吗? 比特币“泡沫” 2018年,“录音门事件”将新东方老师,兼任炒币网红李笑来推上了风口浪尖。 录音中他毫不客气,对一众币圈大佬评头论足。 李笑来还将那些疯狂买入的炒币人称作“傻子”。 他的那些言论直接把一众吃瓜群众给搞懵了。 李笑来他自己不就是一个“入局者”吗? 2011年,他在比特币刚刚兴起时,愣是不顾一切,倾家荡产购买10万比特币。 2013年,他趁着比特币价格上涨,一跃成为“比特币首富”。 可不过短短几年的时间,他怎么突然开启自我贬低了呢? 原因也不难猜到——比特币贬值了。 2018年,比特币先后经历三次崩盘,价格持续走低。 比特币曾经创造的辉煌,化作无数泡沫消失的无影无踪。 一众炒币人的热情都在不断衰退。 想要凭比特币创造神话,显而易见,并不是那么容易的一件事。 只是大多数人会产生一些疑惑,为什么比特币能轻松造就传奇,也能让传奇一瞬间破灭? 或许绝大多数人对于比特币的了解,主要停留在它是一种时兴的电子虚拟货币。 比特币既然是“货币”,那它自然是可以用于交易。 2008年10月,中本聪率先提出了比特币的概念和设计思路。 不过短短数月,这一概念就落入实际,逐渐应用于商品交易。 发行之初,比特币的身价不过0.003美元。 人们用它代替现实中常见的货币进行交易也是无可厚非。 只是这种货币为何会突然被炒起来,逐渐成为一种时兴的投资项目? 比特币最大的一个特点,就在于它的稀缺性。 它一经应用,就是定量的,最多只有2100万个货币。 这种稀缺性让比特币具有较高的增值空间。 2008年的经济金融危机,让全球经济面临高通胀和货币贬值的风险。 比特币因其总量固定,再加上去中心化的特性,逐渐被视作一种避险资产。 2013年,比特币彻底飞升,身价迎来史无前例地暴涨。 但随着货币政策有所调整,比特币的升值空间难免降低,逐渐失去大肆炒卖的意义。 2018年,曾凭比特币创造传奇的李笑来,不断表达对比特币以及支撑它的区块链的不看好。 而“录音门事件”中,他更是将比特币辉煌的表象撕碎。 李笑来在录音中大谈自己炒币的生意经,将自己割大众韭菜的老底给揭了出来。 饱受争议的他至此逐渐淡出大众视野。 如今没有了比特币,没有了可以大谈特谈的生意经,李笑来又在做什么呢? 转战人工智能领域 截至11月22日,单个比特币的“身价”接近10万美元,折合人民币70多万。 这已经不是2024年比特币价格的第一次暴涨。 自2024年9月以来,比特币的价格驶入了快车道,持续上涨。 2个月内,比特币的单价涨幅超过30%。 尤其是在特朗普赢得美国大选后,比特币价格更是搭上了火箭一般,突飞猛涨。 比特币身价暴涨,一众炒币者跃跃欲试。 试问哪个投资人不想再造新东方老师李笑来创造的“神话”。 可李笑来几乎再也没有提及与比特币相关的内容。 曾经的“中国比特币首富”显然已经对炒币失去了兴趣。 比特币造就了他的传奇,也推着他跌入谷底。 他后悔自己倾家荡产购买的10万比特币吗? 短短一两年身价上亿的他,或许不会对自己倾尽家产的行为全盘否认。 传闻他在比特币的风口期全部抛售,赚的盆满钵满。 但他如今对比特币这一投资失去了信心。 一时的暴涨不过是假象,用不了多时,就自行化作泡影。 不过,不谈炒币后,李笑来的社交账号被一种新型内容给“侵占”。 他经常畅谈自己对人工智能的利用。 近年来,人工智能技术取得了突破性的进展。 人工智能逐渐出现在大众生活的方方面面。 但人们对它的态度各有各的不同。 有的人认为,人工智能可以应用的领域有限; 尤其是在文化创造等领域,ai始终做不到人所能展现出的创造力。 而李笑来显然对人工智能有着极强的包容性和新鲜感。 和ai聊天,利用ai写书,他社交账号上全是他在人工智能方面进行的多种尝试。 他甚至还大开讲座,谈论自己对人工智能的看法。 ai与家庭教育、ai与英语学习,李笑来试图从多个领域探讨人工智能的前景。 不知这一次,他能否从这一新兴领域杀出重围呢? 结语 近段时间比特币的爆火,引来很多投资人跃跃欲试。 但炒币如同在刀锋上起舞,它可以造就传奇,也可以将传奇彻底撕碎。 正如李笑来那样,最后也只能嘲讽一句,“炒币的都是傻子”。#BTC #ETH #区块链




































































































正如李笑来那样,最后也只能嘲讽一句,“炒币的都是傻子”。#BTC #ETH #区块链
炒币 与 屯币 是两回事。明白?
{spot}(BTCUSDT) #BTC السعر الحالي 86800$ وحسب الشارة اخترق المقاومة عند ال 87000$ ولكن لم يحافظ عليها وعاود الكسر وطابما نه تحت خط الترند الهابط اي انه سلبي تحت رقم 87500$ اي اننا سنرا تصحيح مبدئي لل 84000$ ومن ثما لل 82000$ وبعدها ل 78000$ وعلى الاغلب سيتدرج بترند هابط إلى ان يصل لمستوا ال 67000$ هذا رايي وحسب تحليلي وانت سيد في قراراتك الصورة توضح الاسباب
#BTC السعر الحالي 86800$ وحسب الشارة اخترق المقاومة عند ال 87000$ ولكن لم يحافظ عليها وعاود الكسر وطابما نه تحت خط الترند الهابط اي انه سلبي تحت رقم 87500$ اي اننا سنرا تصحيح مبدئي لل 84000$ ومن ثما لل 82000$ وبعدها ل 78000$ وعلى الاغلب سيتدرج بترند هابط إلى ان يصل لمستوا ال 67000$ هذا رايي وحسب تحليلي وانت سيد في قراراتك الصورة توضح الاسباب
محمود m

#BTC السعر الحالي 85400$ وفي الصورة تشرح سبب الارتفاع والهدف سيكون عند ال 87000$ وبعدها حسب الشموع ممكن يصحح الصورة تشرح
الهدف الان 87000$
السوق ماشي عكس كلامك بالضبط
$BTC Long Trade Setup, Read the post carefully before entry and spot buying is recommended for kow risk.#BTC Is showing Bullish signs in 4hour time frame and we can take an entry after confirmation. Trade Setup: Entry Point: $88,000 (upon a 4-hour candle close above this level) Take Profit: $92,000 Stop Loss: $86,000 Confirmation: Wait for a 4-hour candle close above $88,000 to confirm the breakout. Monitoring: Keep an eye on trading volume; increased volume can validate the strength of the move. Stay informed about news and events that could impact Bitcoin's price, as fundamental developments can influence technical patterns. #CMEsolanaFutures #bitcoin #BTC走势分析
$BTC Long Trade Setup, Read the post carefully before entry and spot buying is recommended for kow risk.#BTC Is showing Bullish signs in 4hour time frame and we can take an entry after confirmation.

Trade Setup:

Entry Point: $88,000 (upon a 4-hour candle close above this level)

Take Profit: $92,000

Stop Loss: $86,000

Confirmation: Wait for a 4-hour candle close above $88,000 to confirm the breakout.

Monitoring: Keep an eye on trading volume; increased volume can validate the strength of the move.
Stay informed about news and events that could impact Bitcoin's price, as fundamental developments can influence technical patterns.

#CMEsolanaFutures #bitcoin #BTC走势分析
Estamos recuperando um pouco os preços aqui, mas percebe-se que há poucas pessoas interessadas nos preços hoje e provavelmente o mundo inteiro está atento nos preços de Sexta-Feira. Eu postarei mais tarde uma análise atualizada do #BTC , mas até aqui eu não vejo grandes problemas com o Bitcoin e hoje estamos vendo diversas boas declarações que são fundamentais para uma recuperação nas próximas semanas. Não sei porque não está sendo divulgados coisas como; - GrayScale faz pedido para um ETF HBAR. - BlackRock lançará um iShares HBAR Trust (IBAR) (Ainda não confirmado). - A Casa Branca convida Michael Saylor para sua cúpula sobre criptomoedas em Washington, DC, nesta sexta-feira. - O czar das Criptomoedas David Sacks diz que a Casa Branca está apoiando o esforço do Congresso para "revogar a chamada Regra DeFi dos Corretores". - A BlackRock diz que "se cada milionário nos EUA pedisse ao seu consultor financeiro para lhe dar 1 Bitcoin, não haveria o suficiente". Todos já vimos a recuperação que o BTC fez na semana passada, então, a velocidade que podemos imprimir em todo o Mercado, numa recuperação já não é questionável, então...não se preocupe mais do que deveria. ✊🏻🚀💛
Estamos recuperando um pouco os preços aqui, mas percebe-se que há poucas pessoas interessadas nos preços hoje e provavelmente o mundo inteiro está atento nos preços de Sexta-Feira.

Eu postarei mais tarde uma análise atualizada do #BTC , mas até aqui eu não vejo grandes problemas com o Bitcoin e hoje estamos vendo diversas boas declarações que são fundamentais para uma recuperação nas próximas semanas.

Não sei porque não está sendo divulgados coisas como;

- GrayScale faz pedido para um ETF HBAR.

- BlackRock lançará um iShares HBAR Trust (IBAR) (Ainda não confirmado).

- A Casa Branca convida Michael Saylor para sua cúpula sobre criptomoedas em Washington, DC,
nesta sexta-feira.

- O czar das Criptomoedas David Sacks diz que a
Casa Branca está apoiando o esforço do
Congresso para "revogar a chamada Regra
DeFi dos Corretores".

- A BlackRock diz que "se cada milionário nos EUA pedisse ao seu consultor financeiro para lhe dar 1 Bitcoin, não haveria o suficiente".

Todos já vimos a recuperação que o BTC fez na semana passada, então, a velocidade que podemos imprimir em todo o Mercado, numa recuperação já não é questionável, então...não se preocupe mais do que deveria. ✊🏻🚀💛
well said mate 🤗
📉 Разбор новостей и влияние на BTC Сегодняшние события могут серьезно повлиять на рынок, особенно на курс биткоина. Разберем ключевые новости и их возможные последствия. 🔥 Главные события: 1️⃣ Экономические показатели ЕС: • Безработица в Италии – 6,3% (высокая), в ЕС – 6,2% • Снижение безработицы в Испании (-6K) → Европейская экономика остается слабой, что может подтолкнуть инвесторов к активам-убежищам, включая BTC. 2️⃣ США – выступление члена FOMC Уильямса (16:20 UTC) → Любые намеки на снижение ставок могут ослабить доллар и усилить BTC. 3️⃣ Выступление президента Трампа (23:00 UTC) → Возможны заявления о новых экономических мерах, что повлияет на фондовый рынок и крипту. 4️⃣ Минфин США готов снизить процентные ставки → Это позитивный сигнал для рынков, так как дешевые деньги часто перетекают в криптоактивы. 📊 $BTC /USD: Технический анализ Цена $BTC находится в зоне поддержки $82 000 - 83 000, но нисходящий тренд сохраняется. • Пробой $82K откроет путь к $77K. • Закрепление выше $85K – первый сигнал для роста. Вывод: Рынок ждет сигнала от ФРС и Белого дома. Если риторика будет «мягкой» – $BTC может восстановиться. #bitcoin #BTC #crypto #Stocks #USTariffs {future}(BTCUSDT)
📉 Разбор новостей и влияние на BTC

Сегодняшние события могут серьезно повлиять на рынок, особенно на курс биткоина. Разберем ключевые новости и их возможные последствия.

🔥 Главные события:

1️⃣ Экономические показатели ЕС:
• Безработица в Италии – 6,3% (высокая), в ЕС – 6,2%
• Снижение безработицы в Испании (-6K)
→ Европейская экономика остается слабой, что может подтолкнуть инвесторов к активам-убежищам, включая BTC.

2️⃣ США – выступление члена FOMC Уильямса (16:20 UTC)
→ Любые намеки на снижение ставок могут ослабить доллар и усилить BTC.

3️⃣ Выступление президента Трампа (23:00 UTC)
→ Возможны заявления о новых экономических мерах, что повлияет на фондовый рынок и крипту.

4️⃣ Минфин США готов снизить процентные ставки
→ Это позитивный сигнал для рынков, так как дешевые деньги часто перетекают в криптоактивы.

📊 $BTC /USD: Технический анализ

Цена $BTC находится в зоне поддержки $82 000 - 83 000, но нисходящий тренд сохраняется.
• Пробой $82K откроет путь к $77K.
• Закрепление выше $85K – первый сигнал для роста.

Рынок ждет сигнала от ФРС и Белого дома. Если риторика будет «мягкой» – $BTC может восстановиться.

#bitcoin #BTC #crypto #Stocks #USTariffs
NHẬN ĐỊNH #BTC 5/3: SẮP ĐẾN HỒI KẾT Mục tiêu tiếp theo sẽ là 76.000 Hôm 3/3 mình có vẽ xu hướng đi của BTC trong vòng 1 tuần, tuy nhiên thì giá chạy nhanh hơn dự kiến của mình. Vẫn như cũ thôi, đoạn này BTC sẽ tiệp cận vùng giá 89000-91000 , kỳ vọng sẽ có 1 nhịp giá vỡ giá giả lên vùng 93500 sau đó quay đầu tiếp tục xu hướng chính ( có thể quay đầu trong tuần này , trước mắt là chạm vùng 80000). Total 3 hiện tại 830B và vẫn đang đóng nến ngày nằm dưới đường xu hướng. Nên hiện tại tổng thể altcoin sẽ không có nhịp hồi mạnh nếu kể cả BTC có đẩy lên lại vùng 93500 ( loanh quanh 10% đổ lại thôi). Altcoin nhiều con vẫn còn có thể chia tiếp nên mọi người cân nhắc vào hàng SPOT lúc này nhé.

Mục tiêu tiếp theo sẽ là 76.000

Hôm 3/3 mình có vẽ xu hướng đi của BTC trong vòng 1 tuần, tuy nhiên thì giá chạy nhanh hơn dự kiến của mình.

Vẫn như cũ thôi, đoạn này BTC sẽ tiệp cận vùng giá 89000-91000 , kỳ vọng sẽ có 1 nhịp giá vỡ giá giả lên vùng 93500 sau đó quay đầu tiếp tục xu hướng chính ( có thể quay đầu trong tuần này , trước mắt là chạm vùng 80000).

Total 3 hiện tại 830B và vẫn đang đóng nến ngày nằm dưới đường xu hướng. Nên hiện tại tổng thể altcoin sẽ không có nhịp hồi mạnh nếu kể cả BTC có đẩy lên lại vùng 93500 ( loanh quanh 10% đổ lại thôi). Altcoin nhiều con vẫn còn có thể chia tiếp nên mọi người cân nhắc vào hàng SPOT lúc này nhé.
xin nhóm vào tham khảo dc ko b
Good morning, Binance Fam❗ Hope you're all doing great! 💞 $BTC is leading the entire market❗In my last analysis, I highlighted Bitcoin’s potential move, and as expected, it has now dropped from $93,000 to $87,000. While $BTC still holds the potential to skyrocket to $100K, $150K, or even $200K, it might first experience a major correction, possibly dipping toward $40K or $50K before reclaiming its bullish momentum. $BTC /USDT Analysis: Recovery in Progress or Another Rejection? #Bitcoin is trading at $87,108, up 4.41%, showing a recovery after hitting a low of $81,500. The price recently touched a high of $88,967, but faces resistance around this level. Key Levels to Watch Resistance: $88,500 – A breakout could push BTC toward $90,000 and $92,000 Support: $86,000 – If BTC fails to hold, expect a dip toward $84,500 and $83,000 Market Insights Momentum: Positive with increasing buy pressure Order Book Sentiment: 89% buying interest, indicating strong accumulation Potential Breakout: If BTC maintains above $86,500, the uptrend could continue Trade Setup Long Entry: Above $88,500, targeting $90,000 and $92,000 Short Entry: Below $86,000, aiming for $84,500 and $83,000 Stop-Loss: $85,500 to manage risk Bitcoin is attempting to reclaim higher levels, but needs to sustain momentum. A break above resistance could signal further upside, while failure may lead to another pullback. #BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Good morning, Binance Fam❗ Hope you're all doing great! 💞 $BTC is leading the entire market❗In my last analysis, I highlighted Bitcoin’s potential move, and as expected, it has now dropped from $93,000 to $87,000. While $BTC still holds the potential to skyrocket to $100K, $150K, or even $200K, it might first experience a major correction, possibly dipping toward $40K or $50K before reclaiming its bullish momentum. $BTC /USDT Analysis: Recovery in Progress or Another Rejection?

#Bitcoin is trading at $87,108, up 4.41%, showing a recovery after hitting a low of $81,500. The price recently touched a high of $88,967, but faces resistance around this level.

Key Levels to Watch

Resistance: $88,500 – A breakout could push BTC toward $90,000 and $92,000

Support: $86,000 – If BTC fails to hold, expect a dip toward $84,500 and $83,000

Market Insights

Momentum: Positive with increasing buy pressure

Order Book Sentiment: 89% buying interest, indicating strong accumulation

Potential Breakout: If BTC maintains above $86,500, the uptrend could continue

Trade Setup

Long Entry: Above $88,500, targeting $90,000 and $92,000

Short Entry: Below $86,000, aiming for $84,500 and $83,000

Stop-Loss: $85,500 to manage risk

Bitcoin is attempting to reclaim higher levels, but needs to sustain momentum. A break above resistance could signal further upside, while failure may lead to another pullback.

Zonia Uoy xW7g:
C’est le SP500 qui dirige le marché
casi lo manda a 120 mil
BITCOIN Can it really take 1 month to form a bottom??Bitcoin (BTCUSD) quickly invalidated the Crypto Reserve rally by Trump and finds itself again on the 1D MA200 (orange trend-line) for the 2nd time in 5 days and 3rd since October 14 2024. The key technically development that we should concentrate at is the failure to break above the 1D MA50 (blue trend-line) during Sunday's rally, as it is the level the price was being rejected throughout the whole February. Until BTC breaks and closes above the 1D MA50, we can't expect a justifiable recovery. We are also on the 0.382 Fibonacci retracement level from the August 05 2024 Low. The last time the price was trading on those parameters was in late August 2023. More specifically, yesterday's 1D MA50 rejection resembles the August 29 2023 one, which came after a vastly oversold 1D RSI on August 18 2023, similar to the oversold RSI of February 26 (last Wednesday). During this price action, it took Bitcoin exactly 1 month from the RSI bottom to break again above its 1D MA50, starting a rally that initially broke marginally above the -0.5 Fibonacci extension before a new 1D MA50 pull-back. As you can see, the similarities between the two main phases of since the 2022 bottom are striking. Both started on a Channel Down and after the first Higher Lows formation, formed the Channel Up that was confirmed upon a 1D Golden Cross. It has to be highlighted that the 1W MA50 (red trend-line) has been holding since March 14 2023, it even supported during the August 2023 bottom formation and provided a massive bounce on the August 05 2024 low. With the 1W MA50 currently at 75070 and rising, it is natural to assume that it is the ultimate Support level. As a result and based on all the above conditions, it is possible to see Bitcoin consolidate sideways in an attempt to cement the bottom for the majority of March. A break above the 1D MA50 either then or earlier, would be a technical bullish break-out confirmation. The rally that will follow can technically reach $160000, which is just below the -0.5 Fibonacci extension. Please LIKE 👍, FOLLOW ✅, SHARE 🙌 and COMMENT ✍ if you enjoy this idea! #BTC #bitcoin #BTCUSDT #BTCUSD #signals

BITCOIN Can it really take 1 month to form a bottom??

Bitcoin (BTCUSD) quickly invalidated the Crypto Reserve rally by Trump and finds itself again on the 1D MA200 (orange trend-line) for the 2nd time in 5 days and 3rd since October 14 2024. The key technically development that we should concentrate at is the failure to break above the 1D MA50 (blue trend-line) during Sunday's rally, as it is the level the price was being rejected throughout the whole February.
Until BTC breaks and closes above the 1D MA50, we can't expect a justifiable recovery. We are also on the 0.382 Fibonacci retracement level from the August 05 2024 Low. The last time the price was trading on those parameters was in late August 2023. More specifically, yesterday's 1D MA50 rejection resembles the August 29 2023 one, which came after a vastly oversold 1D RSI on August 18 2023, similar to the oversold RSI of February 26 (last Wednesday).
During this price action, it took Bitcoin exactly 1 month from the RSI bottom to break again above its 1D MA50, starting a rally that initially broke marginally above the -0.5 Fibonacci extension before a new 1D MA50 pull-back.
As you can see, the similarities between the two main phases of since the 2022 bottom are striking. Both started on a Channel Down and after the first Higher Lows formation, formed the Channel Up that was confirmed upon a 1D Golden Cross. It has to be highlighted that the 1W MA50 (red trend-line) has been holding since March 14 2023, it even supported during the August 2023 bottom formation and provided a massive bounce on the August 05 2024 low. With the 1W MA50 currently at 75070 and rising, it is natural to assume that it is the ultimate Support level.
As a result and based on all the above conditions, it is possible to see Bitcoin consolidate sideways in an attempt to cement the bottom for the majority of March. A break above the 1D MA50 either then or earlier, would be a technical bullish break-out confirmation. The rally that will follow can technically reach $160000, which is just below the -0.5 Fibonacci extension.
Please LIKE 👍, FOLLOW ✅, SHARE 🙌 and COMMENT ✍ if you enjoy this idea!
#BTC #bitcoin #BTCUSDT #BTCUSD #signals
$BTC is facing strong resistance at $88K, and a breakout could send it toward $90K-$92.5K, with $95K+ in sight if momentum holds. Bulls are pushing hard, but volume needs to pick up for confirmation. If $88K gets rejected, support sits at $85.5K, $83K, and $80K. A drop below $85K could weaken the trend and trigger more downside. Staying above $88K is key for continuation. For trading, wallet allocation depends on your risk appetite. 10-20% for safer plays, 30-40% for aggressive positions. Leverage 3x-5x for low risk, **5x-10x for mid DYOR. #BTC
$BTC is facing strong resistance at $88K, and a breakout could send it toward $90K-$92.5K, with $95K+ in sight if momentum holds. Bulls are pushing hard, but volume needs to pick up for confirmation.

If $88K gets rejected, support sits at $85.5K, $83K, and $80K. A drop below $85K could weaken the trend and trigger more downside. Staying above $88K is key for continuation.

For trading, wallet allocation depends on your risk appetite. 10-20% for safer plays, 30-40% for aggressive positions. Leverage 3x-5x for low risk, **5x-10x for mid


good speak.
💥 Solana Co-Founder Claims Bitcoin Has Zero Value! 💥Hey Crypto Fam! 🚨 Recently, *Anatoly Yakovenko*, the co-founder of *Solana (SOL)*, stirred up some controversy with his comments about *Bitcoin (BTC)*. 🔥 He’s boldly claiming that *Bitcoin has no intrinsic value* compared to other assets. 😱 Let’s break down what he said and the reactions that followed. --- *Yakovenko’s Bold Statement* On a post on *X* (formerly Twitter), Yakovenko argued that Bitcoin is not an investment at all, but rather like a *coin flip*. 🍥💸 He believes that Bitcoin’s best-case scenario is being *"insurance"* in case a global superpower collapses – something he pegs at just a *1% chance*. He also suggests that Bitcoin may hold up in the event of such a collapse, but that’s pretty much where its usefulness ends. 🤔 --- *The Backlash* Naturally, his comments sparked a *wave of reactions* from the crypto community! 🌊 Most people strongly disagreed with Yakovenko, with many pointing out that *Bitcoin* has been *regarded as a store of value* and a hedge against inflation and economic instability. 📈 For example, *Angel Investor Ashkay BD* came forward to say that *Bitcoin offers immense value* by providing a *safe haven from counterparty risk*. 🛡️💰 It’s also seen by many as a *digital gold* due to its *limited supply* and *decentralized nature*. --- *So, What Does This Mean for Solana (SOL)?* Yakovenko’s comments might have been a strategy to *push Solana’s* narrative further while undermining Bitcoin. Solana has gained attention for its *high-speed transactions* and *low fees*, and some argue that it could one day outperform Bitcoin in terms of *real-world use cases*. 🚀 However, Bitcoin’s dominance as the *first cryptocurrency* and *its status as a store of value* are hard to ignore. Bitcoin continues to be a *critical asset* for long-term investors, and despite criticism, it still holds strong. 💪 --- *Conclusion* While Yakovenko’s comments certainly stirred the pot, *Bitcoin* remains a cornerstone of the crypto space, with an established network, global recognition, and immense value as a *store of value*. Whether Solana can rise to the same level remains to be seen. 🌍 💡 What do you think? Is Bitcoin’s value truly in question, or is it just *FUD* from a competitor trying to shake things up? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 👇 $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT) #bitcoin #BTC #solana #cryptodebate #CryptoCommunity

💥 Solana Co-Founder Claims Bitcoin Has Zero Value! 💥

Hey Crypto Fam! 🚨 Recently, *Anatoly Yakovenko*, the co-founder of *Solana (SOL)*, stirred up some controversy with his comments about *Bitcoin (BTC)*. 🔥 He’s boldly claiming that *Bitcoin has no intrinsic value* compared to other assets. 😱 Let’s break down what he said and the reactions that followed.


*Yakovenko’s Bold Statement*
On a post on *X* (formerly Twitter), Yakovenko argued that Bitcoin is not an investment at all, but rather like a *coin flip*. 🍥💸 He believes that Bitcoin’s best-case scenario is being *"insurance"* in case a global superpower collapses – something he pegs at just a *1% chance*. He also suggests that Bitcoin may hold up in the event of such a collapse, but that’s pretty much where its usefulness ends. 🤔


*The Backlash*
Naturally, his comments sparked a *wave of reactions* from the crypto community! 🌊 Most people strongly disagreed with Yakovenko, with many pointing out that *Bitcoin* has been *regarded as a store of value* and a hedge against inflation and economic instability. 📈
For example, *Angel Investor Ashkay BD* came forward to say that *Bitcoin offers immense value* by providing a *safe haven from counterparty risk*. 🛡️💰 It’s also seen by many as a *digital gold* due to its *limited supply* and *decentralized nature*.


*So, What Does This Mean for Solana (SOL)?*
Yakovenko’s comments might have been a strategy to *push Solana’s* narrative further while undermining Bitcoin. Solana has gained attention for its *high-speed transactions* and *low fees*, and some argue that it could one day outperform Bitcoin in terms of *real-world use cases*. 🚀

However, Bitcoin’s dominance as the *first cryptocurrency* and *its status as a store of value* are hard to ignore. Bitcoin continues to be a *critical asset* for long-term investors, and despite criticism, it still holds strong. 💪


While Yakovenko’s comments certainly stirred the pot, *Bitcoin* remains a cornerstone of the crypto space, with an established network, global recognition, and immense value as a *store of value*. Whether Solana can rise to the same level remains to be seen. 🌍

💡 What do you think? Is Bitcoin’s value truly in question, or is it just *FUD* from a competitor trying to shake things up? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 👇


#bitcoin #BTC #solana #cryptodebate #CryptoCommunity
go down SOL and make me rich
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