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SOL price is expected to have a -3.71% decrease and drop as low as by February 10, 2025. Analysis of the technical indicators suggests that the current market feeling is Bearish Bearish 56%, with a Fear & Greed Index score of 44 (Fear). Over the last 30 days, Solana has had 14/30 (47%) green days and 11.97% price volatility.
Taking into consideration
#solana current trading pattern, it is mostly expected to drop to
$SOL 157.2 ( -21% ) .
Also, Crypto analysts have checked the price fluctuations of Solana in 2024 and in previous years, so the average SOL rate they predict a market value of $242.61( +60 ) in May 2025.
#Buy SOLANA when close to the lowest market price of
$SOL 160.
#sell Solana past 28th May, 2025, more investors in Solana means in a shoot in price.