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For Those Who staked in orderly AirdropNow untake your amount and convert it into bnb as solve airdrop through megadrop is coming. Girdr up your loins and be ready to lock your BNB for MEGADROP EVENT. BINANCE MEGADROP ALWAYS PAYS MUCH. I am excited about it and will lock my bnb. Also have some btcb for web 3 quests. Comment if you want a tutorial for unstaking you'd order token.Comment if you need a tutorial for solve megadrop.#Megadrop #orderlynetwork

For Those Who staked in orderly Airdrop

Now untake your amount and convert it into bnb as solve airdrop through megadrop is coming. Girdr up your loins and be ready to lock your BNB for MEGADROP EVENT.
I am excited about it and will lock my bnb.
Also have some btcb for web 3 quests.
Comment if you want a tutorial for unstaking you'd order token.Comment if you need a tutorial for solve megadrop.#Megadrop #orderlynetwork
Orderly Network is preparing for an airdrop in August. The platform will release 1 billion $ORDER tokens, with 13.3% allocated for the airdrop. More details about the airdrop, including the exact date and claiming process, will be announced soon. #orderlynetwork #Orderly #order #XRPVictory #BinanceTurns7
Orderly Network is preparing for an airdrop in August.

The platform will release 1 billion $ORDER tokens, with 13.3% allocated for the airdrop. More details about the airdrop, including the exact date and claiming process, will be announced soon.

#orderlynetwork #Orderly #order #XRPVictory #BinanceTurns7
Orderly Network Enters Strategic Alliance with Slash Fintech to Advance Asian Market Web3 Footprints **Key Points:** 1. **Strategic Alliance:** Orderly Network announces a partnership with Slash Fintech, a rising fintech firm specializing in Web3 integration for digital asset payments. 2. **Objective:** The alliance aims to expand business development in Japan and broader Asian markets, utilizing Orderly Network's omnichain trading infrastructure and Slash Fintech's expertise in Asian fintech dynamics. 3. **Technology Integration:** Leveraging LayerZero technology, Orderly Network facilitates cross-chain trading without moving tokens between chains, ensuring user assets remain in self-custody. 4. **Benefits of Collaboration:** Slash Fintech brings deep knowledge of Asian fintech and regulatory landscapes, combining expertise to cater to the specific needs of Asian markets effectively. 5. **Web3 Integration:** The partnership strives to ease the transition of traditional businesses and consumers into the world of digital assets, ensuring security, ease of use, and regulatory compliance in financial transactions. 6. **Developer Empowerment:** Aimed at empowering developers across Asia, the collaboration provides tools to simplify blockchain integration, accelerating the adoption of Web3 technologies in the region. 7. **Upcoming Event:** An AMA session with Arbitrum Japan on December 7th will offer insights into the alliance, inviting stakeholders, investors, and the public to learn more about the partnership's implications for the future of Web3 in Asia. 8. The partnership signifies a substantial step in advancing Web3 technology in Asia, reflecting a progressive approach to integrating blockchain into mainstream finance. 9. With the potential to reshape the digital economy, the collaboration aims to redefine financial transactions and services in the region. 10. As the AMA with Arbitrum Japan approaches, there's excitement to delve deeper into the partnership's nuances and its transformative impact on Asia's Web3 landscape.  #orderlynetwork
Orderly Network Enters Strategic Alliance with Slash Fintech to Advance Asian Market Web3 Footprints

**Key Points:**

1. **Strategic Alliance:** Orderly Network announces a partnership with Slash Fintech, a rising fintech firm specializing in Web3 integration for digital asset payments.

2. **Objective:** The alliance aims to expand business development in Japan and broader Asian markets, utilizing Orderly Network's omnichain trading infrastructure and Slash Fintech's expertise in Asian fintech dynamics.

3. **Technology Integration:** Leveraging LayerZero technology, Orderly Network facilitates cross-chain trading without moving tokens between chains, ensuring user assets remain in self-custody.

4. **Benefits of Collaboration:** Slash Fintech brings deep knowledge of Asian fintech and regulatory landscapes, combining expertise to cater to the specific needs of Asian markets effectively.

5. **Web3 Integration:** The partnership strives to ease the transition of traditional businesses and consumers into the world of digital assets, ensuring security, ease of use, and regulatory compliance in financial transactions.

6. **Developer Empowerment:** Aimed at empowering developers across Asia, the collaboration provides tools to simplify blockchain integration, accelerating the adoption of Web3 technologies in the region.

7. **Upcoming Event:** An AMA session with Arbitrum Japan on December 7th will offer insights into the alliance, inviting stakeholders, investors, and the public to learn more about the partnership's implications for the future of Web3 in Asia.

8. The partnership signifies a substantial step in advancing Web3 technology in Asia, reflecting a progressive approach to integrating blockchain into mainstream finance.

9. With the potential to reshape the digital economy, the collaboration aims to redefine financial transactions and services in the region.

10. As the AMA with Arbitrum Japan approaches, there's excitement to delve deeper into the partnership's nuances and its transformative impact on Asia's Web3 landscape. 

Orderly App Chain का परिचय — Orderly Omnichain Settlement Layer को शक्ति प्रदान करते हुएनवंबर माह की पहली बेल से हमारे लिए Orderly Network पर एक अद्वितीय मील का पत्थर रहा — हमने मेननेट पर Orderly Omnichain की घोषणा की! Orderly Omnichain हमारी विस्तार को दिखाता है ब्रॉडर DeFi इकोसिस्टम की ओर कदम, DeFi के जन्म स्थान — EVM इकोसिस्टम के साथ शुरुआत करके। हमने एक ऑर्डर बुक बनाया है जो सभी प्रमुख EVM श्रृंखलाओं के माध्यम से पहुंचने योग्य है, जो Orderly के नवाचारी बुनियादी ढांचे के अनेक लाभ प्रदान करता है, EVM निर्माताओं और व्यापारियों को। इसे हमने कैसे हासिल किया? इस लेख में हम Orderly की ओम्निचैन ढांचे के एक महत्त्वपूर्ण घटक की विशेषता पर प्रकाश डालते हैं। Orderly Settlement Layer का अन्वेषण करें Orderly Settlement Layer OP स्टैक पर बनाया गया एक एप-श्रृंखला है जो Orderly EVM आर्किटेक्चर में Asset Layer और Engine Layer के बीच बसा है। Orderly की सेटलमेंट लेयर सभी लेनदेन डेटा, उपयोगकर्ता डेटा शेष और इंजन लेयर से प्राप्त व्यापार डेटा के लिए एक लेजर का काम करता है — सभी चीजें ऑन-चेन ट्रांसपैरेंसी के लिए संग्रहीत होती हैं। मूल रूप से, ट्रेड का कार्यान्वयन ऑफ-चेन होता है ताकि अनुकूल प्रदर्शन हो सके, सेटलमेंट ऑन-चेन होता है ताकि पारदर्शिता हो। Orderly Chain Block Explorer देखें Orderly Omnichain आर्किटेक्चर के मूलाधार पर तीन प्रमुख लेयर हैं: एसेट लेयर — यह प्रत्येक चेन पर बसा होता है जिसमें Orderly Network EVM इकोसिस्टम को समर्थन देता है। उपयोगकर्ता इस लेयर का उपयोग अपने खातों को पंजीकृत करने, जमा करने या अपने वॉलेट से निकासी करने के लिए करते हैं। सेटलमेंट लेयर — यह लेयर एक ही चेन पर बसता है और सभी क्रॉस-चेन संदेशन कार्यों को सशक्त करता है। उपयोगकर्ता इससे सीधे संबंधित नहीं होते और इसका उपयोग केवल लेन-देन लेजर के रूप में किया जाता है। इंजन लेयर — यह लेयर Orderly Network पर ऑर्डर बुक और ऑर्डर संबंधित सेवाओं को सशक्त करता है। उपयोगकर्ता इससे ऑर्डर, ट्रेड और लेनदेन को प्रबंधित करते समय संबंधित होते हैं। सभी आर्डर्स को ऑन-चेन सेटल करते हुए, Orderly की सेटलमेंट लेयर इंजन लेयर से जमा/निकासी के निर्देश भेजती/प्राप्त करती है और उपयोगकर्ताओं के ऑन-चेन शेष को अपडेट करती है। सेटलमेंट लेयर फिर इन निर्देशों को एसेट लेयर से भेजती/प्राप्त करती है — सभी ये संचार LayerZero द्वारा संचालित होते हैं। सारांश में, आपके फंड्स वास्तव में चलने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती। केवल ये संदेश ही अलग-अलग चेनों के बीच भेजे जाते हैं, जिनके साथ संबंधित सभी डेटा को पारदर्शी रूप से ऑन-चेन रिकॉर्ड किया जाता है, जो किसी भी व्यक्ति द्वारा सत्यापित किया जा सकता है। OP स्टैक के लाभ OP स्टैक का प्रमुख लाभ यह है कि यह विभिन्न लेयर 2 चेनों के बीच संगठनता और सम्मिलन को संभव बनाता है। इसका कारण है कि सभी OP चेनों में एक समान सुरक्षा और संचार लेयर होती है, और सभी ये एक ही मानकीकृत प्रौद्योगिकी स्टैक से निर्मित होते हैं। इसका मतलब है कि उपयोगकर्ता नेटवर्क स्विच किए बिना या सेतुओं का उपयोग किए बिना अपनी संपत्ति और डेटा को विभिन्न OP चेनों में संचालित कर सकते हैं। इसका मतलब है कि अनुप्रयोग अपने आप को विभिन्न OP चेनों के बीच संपर्क में रहने में सक्षम होते हैं बिना किसी कार्यक्षमता या प्रदर्शन की हानि के। Orderly की ऑम्नीचैन प्रयासों का उद्देश्य एक समूची आर्डर बुक में निर्मितता को एकीकृत करना है जबकि अधिकतम व्यापारिक अनुभव प्रदान करना है। Orderly इसे हासिल करने के लिए मूल रूप से सुनिश्चित कर रहा है कि ट्रेड सिर्फ तेज़ और लागत-कुशल होता है, बल्कि सुरक्षा भी अंत से अंत तक है। OP स्टैक सुरक्षा, उत्कृष्ट गति, और योग्य निष्पादन लागत की प्राप्ति करने के लिए आवश्यक संगठनात्मकता और मॉड्यूलरिटी प्रदान करता है। आगे क्या है? भविष्य मॉड्यूलर है। वर्तमान में, हम एक नए SDK का विकास कर रहे हैं जिसमें सुधारित विशेषताएं और संस्थागत व्यापारियों के लिए नए API दस्तावेज़ शामिल हैं। यह SDK इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर के साथ बिल्डर्स के लिए एक सुगम और मजबूत व्यापार अनुभव संरेखित करेगा, जिससे तेज एकीकरण होगा। साथ ही, हम अपनी API दस्तावेज़ीकरण को पुनर्गठना कर रहे हैं। नए API दस्तावेज़ों का निर्माण ऐसा किया गया है कि डेवलपर्स और संस्थागत व्यापारी आसानी से उन्हें समझ सकें और उनकी आवश्यकताओं को अमल कर सकें। यह बढ़ी तेज़ एकीकरण का माध्यम है और डेवलपर्स्स को व्यापारियों के लिए नवाचारी समाधान बनाने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने का और अधिक समय देने का अर्थ है। हमारे ओम्नीचेन ऑर्डर बुक को विस्तारित करना हमने महत्त्वपूर्ण कदम उठाए हैं ताकि हमारी ओम्नीचेन ऑर्डर बुक न केवल संचालनयोग्य हो, बल्कि EVM मेननेट पर बढ़े। इसके बाद, हमारा इरादा है कि हम अन्य प्रमुख EVM श्रृंखलाओं जैसे कि Optimism, Base, Polygon, Linea, Scroll, और अधिक के साथ अपनी रेच को विस्तारित करें। यह विस्तार योजनात्मक है, जिससे हम डीफाइ इकोसिस्टम के विस्तृत परिदृश्य को कवर करें और Orderly की श्रेष्ठ व्यापार इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर को ज्यादा से ज्यादा उपयोगकर्ताओं और निर्माताओं के पास पहुंचाएं। ओम्नीचेन मेननेट तक की अब तक की यात्रा Orderly Omnichain टेस्टनेट के लॉन्च के बाद से नंबर्स हमारे नेटवर्क में प्रतिक्रिया और विश्वास की सकारात्मक दिखाई दे रहे हैं। टेस्टनेट में WOOFi जैसे कई प्रोजेक्ट्स ने व्यापक परीक्षण किया — WOO की डिसेंट्रलाइज्ड आर्म — जो सभी ने हमारी प्लेटफॉर्म की मजबूतता और मैननेट कार्यों के लिए तैयारी को बलिदान किया। जैसे हम इन मीलस्टोन्स का जश्न मनाते हैं, हमें समझना है कि आगे की यात्रा में अवसरों और चुनौतियों से भरपूर है। हमारा सुरक्षा, उपयोगकर्ता अनुभव, और पारदर्शिता के लिए समर्पण. #orderlynetwork

Orderly App Chain का परिचय — Orderly Omnichain Settlement Layer को शक्ति प्रदान करते हुए

नवंबर माह की पहली बेल से हमारे लिए Orderly Network पर एक अद्वितीय मील का पत्थर रहा — हमने मेननेट पर Orderly Omnichain की घोषणा की!
Orderly Omnichain हमारी विस्तार को दिखाता है ब्रॉडर DeFi इकोसिस्टम की ओर कदम, DeFi के जन्म स्थान — EVM इकोसिस्टम के साथ शुरुआत करके। हमने एक ऑर्डर बुक बनाया है जो सभी प्रमुख EVM श्रृंखलाओं के माध्यम से पहुंचने योग्य है, जो Orderly के नवाचारी बुनियादी ढांचे के अनेक लाभ प्रदान करता है, EVM निर्माताओं और व्यापारियों को।
इसे हमने कैसे हासिल किया? इस लेख में हम Orderly की ओम्निचैन ढांचे के एक महत्त्वपूर्ण घटक की विशेषता पर प्रकाश डालते हैं।
Orderly Settlement Layer का अन्वेषण करें

Orderly Settlement Layer OP स्टैक पर बनाया गया एक एप-श्रृंखला है जो Orderly EVM आर्किटेक्चर में Asset Layer और Engine Layer के बीच बसा है। Orderly की सेटलमेंट लेयर सभी लेनदेन डेटा, उपयोगकर्ता डेटा शेष और इंजन लेयर से प्राप्त व्यापार डेटा के लिए एक लेजर का काम करता है — सभी चीजें ऑन-चेन ट्रांसपैरेंसी के लिए संग्रहीत होती हैं।
मूल रूप से, ट्रेड का कार्यान्वयन ऑफ-चेन होता है ताकि अनुकूल प्रदर्शन हो सके, सेटलमेंट ऑन-चेन होता है ताकि पारदर्शिता हो। Orderly Chain Block Explorer देखें
Orderly Omnichain आर्किटेक्चर के मूलाधार पर तीन प्रमुख लेयर हैं:
एसेट लेयर — यह प्रत्येक चेन पर बसा होता है जिसमें Orderly Network EVM इकोसिस्टम को समर्थन देता है।
उपयोगकर्ता इस लेयर का उपयोग अपने खातों को पंजीकृत करने, जमा करने या अपने वॉलेट से निकासी करने के लिए करते हैं।
सेटलमेंट लेयर — यह लेयर एक ही चेन पर बसता है और सभी क्रॉस-चेन संदेशन कार्यों को सशक्त करता है।
उपयोगकर्ता इससे सीधे संबंधित नहीं होते और इसका उपयोग केवल लेन-देन लेजर के रूप में किया जाता है।
इंजन लेयर — यह लेयर Orderly Network पर ऑर्डर बुक और ऑर्डर संबंधित सेवाओं को सशक्त करता है।
उपयोगकर्ता इससे ऑर्डर, ट्रेड और लेनदेन को प्रबंधित करते समय संबंधित होते हैं। सभी आर्डर्स को ऑन-चेन सेटल करते हुए, Orderly की सेटलमेंट लेयर इंजन लेयर से जमा/निकासी के निर्देश भेजती/प्राप्त करती है और उपयोगकर्ताओं के ऑन-चेन शेष को अपडेट करती है। सेटलमेंट लेयर फिर इन निर्देशों को एसेट लेयर से भेजती/प्राप्त करती है — सभी ये संचार LayerZero द्वारा संचालित होते हैं।
सारांश में, आपके फंड्स वास्तव में चलने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती। केवल ये संदेश ही अलग-अलग चेनों के बीच भेजे जाते हैं, जिनके साथ संबंधित सभी डेटा को पारदर्शी रूप से ऑन-चेन रिकॉर्ड किया जाता है, जो किसी भी व्यक्ति द्वारा सत्यापित किया जा सकता है।
OP स्टैक के लाभ
OP स्टैक का प्रमुख लाभ यह है कि यह विभिन्न लेयर 2 चेनों के बीच संगठनता और सम्मिलन को संभव बनाता है। इसका कारण है कि सभी OP चेनों में एक समान सुरक्षा और संचार लेयर होती है, और सभी ये एक ही मानकीकृत प्रौद्योगिकी स्टैक से निर्मित होते हैं। इसका मतलब है कि उपयोगकर्ता नेटवर्क स्विच किए बिना या सेतुओं का उपयोग किए बिना अपनी संपत्ति और डेटा को विभिन्न OP चेनों में संचालित कर सकते हैं। इसका मतलब है कि अनुप्रयोग अपने आप को विभिन्न OP चेनों के बीच संपर्क में रहने में सक्षम होते हैं बिना किसी कार्यक्षमता या प्रदर्शन की हानि के।
Orderly की ऑम्नीचैन प्रयासों का उद्देश्य एक समूची आर्डर बुक में निर्मितता को एकीकृत करना है जबकि अधिकतम व्यापारिक अनुभव प्रदान करना है। Orderly इसे हासिल करने के लिए मूल रूप से सुनिश्चित कर रहा है कि ट्रेड सिर्फ तेज़ और लागत-कुशल होता है, बल्कि सुरक्षा भी अंत से अंत तक है। OP स्टैक सुरक्षा, उत्कृष्ट गति, और योग्य निष्पादन लागत की प्राप्ति करने के लिए आवश्यक संगठनात्मकता और मॉड्यूलरिटी प्रदान करता है।
आगे क्या है? भविष्य मॉड्यूलर है।
वर्तमान में, हम एक नए SDK का विकास कर रहे हैं जिसमें सुधारित विशेषताएं और संस्थागत व्यापारियों के लिए नए API दस्तावेज़ शामिल हैं। यह SDK इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर के साथ बिल्डर्स के लिए एक सुगम और मजबूत व्यापार अनुभव संरेखित करेगा, जिससे तेज एकीकरण होगा।
साथ ही, हम अपनी API दस्तावेज़ीकरण को पुनर्गठना कर रहे हैं। नए API दस्तावेज़ों का निर्माण ऐसा किया गया है कि डेवलपर्स और संस्थागत व्यापारी आसानी से उन्हें समझ सकें और उनकी आवश्यकताओं को अमल कर सकें। यह बढ़ी तेज़ एकीकरण का माध्यम है और डेवलपर्स्स को व्यापारियों के लिए नवाचारी समाधान बनाने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने का और अधिक समय देने का अर्थ है।
हमारे ओम्नीचेन ऑर्डर बुक को विस्तारित करना
हमने महत्त्वपूर्ण कदम उठाए हैं ताकि हमारी ओम्नीचेन ऑर्डर बुक न केवल संचालनयोग्य हो, बल्कि EVM मेननेट पर बढ़े। इसके बाद, हमारा इरादा है कि हम अन्य प्रमुख EVM श्रृंखलाओं जैसे कि Optimism, Base, Polygon, Linea, Scroll, और अधिक के साथ अपनी रेच को विस्तारित करें।
यह विस्तार योजनात्मक है, जिससे हम डीफाइ इकोसिस्टम के विस्तृत परिदृश्य को कवर करें और Orderly की श्रेष्ठ व्यापार इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर को ज्यादा से ज्यादा उपयोगकर्ताओं और निर्माताओं के पास पहुंचाएं।
ओम्नीचेन मेननेट तक की अब तक की यात्रा
Orderly Omnichain टेस्टनेट के लॉन्च के बाद से नंबर्स हमारे नेटवर्क में प्रतिक्रिया और विश्वास की सकारात्मक दिखाई दे रहे हैं। टेस्टनेट में WOOFi जैसे कई प्रोजेक्ट्स ने व्यापक परीक्षण किया — WOO की डिसेंट्रलाइज्ड आर्म — जो सभी ने हमारी प्लेटफॉर्म की मजबूतता और मैननेट कार्यों के लिए तैयारी को बलिदान किया।
जैसे हम इन मीलस्टोन्स का जश्न मनाते हैं, हमें समझना है कि आगे की यात्रा में अवसरों और चुनौतियों से भरपूर है। हमारा सुरक्षा, उपयोगकर्ता अनुभव, और पारदर्शिता के लिए समर्पण.

The price of $ORDER is currently consolidating within a symmetrical triangle pattern, characterized by descending resistance (upper trendline) and ascending support (lower trendline). The symmetrical triangle indicates a period of consolidation where neither bulls nor bears have control. The price is nearing the apex of the triangle, suggesting a potential breakout is imminent. If the price breaks above the resistance, it could indicate a bullish move, whereas a break below the support could suggest a bearish trend. The red shaded area below the current price level represents a demand zone or support region around the $0.15 mark, where buying pressure could increase if the price falls to this level. The RSI indicator at the bottom (purple line) is not shown in the image but typically would help assess whether the asset is overbought or oversold. Traders may be waiting for a clear breakout direction before taking positions. #orderlynetwork
The price of $ORDER is currently consolidating within a symmetrical triangle pattern, characterized by descending resistance (upper trendline) and ascending support (lower trendline).

The symmetrical triangle indicates a period of consolidation where neither bulls nor bears have control. The price is nearing the apex of the triangle, suggesting a potential breakout is imminent. If the price breaks above the resistance, it could indicate a bullish move, whereas a break below the support could suggest a bearish trend.

The red shaded area below the current price level represents a demand zone or support region around the $0.15 mark, where buying pressure could increase if the price falls to this level. The RSI indicator at the bottom (purple line) is not shown in the image but typically would help assess whether the asset is overbought or oversold. Traders may be waiting for a clear breakout direction before taking positions.
📢 Orderly Network is an Omnichain L2 built on the OP stack. The Orderly chain offers an SDK that allows any project to easily launch perps across several chains; every #DEX on the Orderly chain shares one order book🚀 📜There are many added features #orderlynetwork provides in comparison to CEXs and on-chain derivatives exchanges. Their infrastructure provides: 🔸Highest throughput + lowest latency in #DeFi 🔸Low fees and tight spreads 🔸Access to deep liquidity from DeFi and CeFi 🔸Composability 🔸Platform-wide community pool For more information about them, check out their website:🔥
📢 Orderly Network is an Omnichain L2 built on the OP stack.

The Orderly chain offers an SDK that allows any project to easily launch perps across several chains; every #DEX
on the Orderly chain shares one order book🚀

📜There are many added features #orderlynetwork provides in comparison to CEXs and on-chain derivatives exchanges.

Their infrastructure provides:
🔸Highest throughput + lowest latency in #DeFi
🔸Low fees and tight spreads
🔸Access to deep liquidity from DeFi and CeFi
🔸Platform-wide community pool

For more information about them, check out their website:🔥
#Orderly Network is a DEX protocol designed to offer advanced trading infrastructure for #Web3 application & aims to revolutionize the Web3 trading industry. For more details and insights, you can watch this informative video that dives deeper into how Orderly Network is enhancing the Web3 trading space 👇 #orderlynetwork #order #TrendingTopic
#Orderly Network is a DEX protocol designed to offer advanced trading infrastructure for #Web3 application & aims to revolutionize the Web3 trading industry.
For more details and insights, you can watch this informative video that dives deeper into how Orderly Network is enhancing the Web3 trading space 👇
#orderlynetwork #order #TrendingTopic
Orderly Network, a decentralized trading protocol within the NEAR ecosystem, has announced the addition of Celestia modular DA technology. Orderly offers builders cost-effective development with lower DA fees, rapid iteration and deployment of DeFi applications through modular architecture, and a scalable network for easy user growth. #celestia #tia #orderlynetwork #NEAR
Orderly Network, a decentralized trading protocol within the NEAR ecosystem, has announced the addition of Celestia modular DA technology.

Orderly offers builders cost-effective development with lower DA fees, rapid iteration and deployment of DeFi applications through modular architecture, and a scalable network for easy user growth.

#celestia #tia #orderlynetwork #NEAR
Orderly Network is increasing the Merits token allocation by 50% to 92 million, boosting the airdrop from 10% to 13.3% of the total 1 billion token supply. The "The Road to The Order" campaign is also extended by 8 weeks to provide greater rewards without dilution. The 12th epoch in the campaign, "The Road to The Order," will end on June 27, with each epoch allocated 2,000,000 Merits. The company will gradually taper off Merits to reward participants. #orderlynetwork #Orderly #CryptoPCEWatch #Megadrop #BinanceTournament
Orderly Network is increasing the Merits token allocation by 50% to 92 million, boosting the airdrop from 10% to 13.3% of the total 1 billion token supply. The "The Road to The Order" campaign is also extended by 8 weeks to provide greater rewards without dilution.

The 12th epoch in the campaign, "The Road to The Order," will end on June 27, with each epoch allocated 2,000,000 Merits. The company will gradually taper off Merits to reward participants.

#orderlynetwork #Orderly #CryptoPCEWatch #Megadrop #BinanceTournament
⚠️RUG PULL ALERT!  The project IBX ($ARTIC), which raised over 160,000 Solana (valued at more than $24 million), has conducted a rug pull and is currently laundering and transferring assets. According to WikiBit’s investigation, the project is closely connected to Orderly Network. Orderly Network gained attention after receiving more than $25 million in funding from several prominent institutions. During IBX’s public token sale, Orderly Network utilized its influence to help facilitate this process for IBX.​ #rugpullalert #orderlynetwork #IBX

The project IBX ($ARTIC), which raised over 160,000 Solana (valued at more than $24 million), has conducted a rug pull and is currently laundering and transferring assets. According to WikiBit’s investigation, the project is closely connected to Orderly Network. Orderly Network gained attention after receiving more than $25 million in funding from several prominent institutions.

During IBX’s public token sale, Orderly Network utilized its influence to help facilitate this process for IBX.​

#rugpullalert #orderlynetwork #IBX
The Orderly Lottery & Referral Program is an exciting part of the ongoing Orderly Social Carnival campaign on Orderly Network's NEAR infrastructure. Here are the key details: 1. **Campaign Duration:** Begins on December 8th, 2023, and ends on February 10th, 2024. 2. **Lottery Leap:** - Every trade made on Orderly's partner platforms earns a ticket for the Orderly Lottery Pool. - A total prize pool of 20,000 USDC is up for grabs. - More trades mean more tickets and higher chances to win. 3. **Referral Rush:** - Completing verification tasks on Orderly's Galxe page earns a unique referral code. - Successful referrals enhance connections within the Orderly community. 4. **Key Program Details:** - Trading on supported front-ends on the NEAR mainnet earns lottery tickets. - Referral codes post-verification on Galxe multiply chances in the lottery. - Weekly lottery draws with chances accumulating for subsequent weeks. 5. **Referral Rewards:** - Weekly ranking rewards for top referrers and random participants. - Final referral ranking rewards for top referrers and additional random participants. 6. **Participation:** - Trading on front-end partners powered by Orderly NEAR grants entry. - The program aims to revive the trading carnival and welcome new members into the community. 7. **Conclusion:** - An opportunity to revitalize trading experiences and expand the Orderly community. - Join the celebration of trading, earning, and community through this exciting journey. To participate, trade on supported platforms, earn tickets, and engage in the referral program to maximize your chances of winning from the 20,000 USDC prize pool while contributing to the vibrant Orderly community. #orderlynetwork
The Orderly Lottery & Referral Program is an exciting part of the ongoing Orderly Social Carnival campaign on Orderly Network's NEAR infrastructure. Here are the key details:

1. **Campaign Duration:** Begins on December 8th, 2023, and ends on February 10th, 2024.

2. **Lottery Leap:**
- Every trade made on Orderly's partner platforms earns a ticket for the Orderly Lottery Pool.
- A total prize pool of 20,000 USDC is up for grabs.
- More trades mean more tickets and higher chances to win.

3. **Referral Rush:**
- Completing verification tasks on Orderly's Galxe page earns a unique referral code.
- Successful referrals enhance connections within the Orderly community.

4. **Key Program Details:**
- Trading on supported front-ends on the NEAR mainnet earns lottery tickets.
- Referral codes post-verification on Galxe multiply chances in the lottery.
- Weekly lottery draws with chances accumulating for subsequent weeks.

5. **Referral Rewards:**
- Weekly ranking rewards for top referrers and random participants.
- Final referral ranking rewards for top referrers and additional random participants.

6. **Participation:**
- Trading on front-end partners powered by Orderly NEAR grants entry.
- The program aims to revive the trading carnival and welcome new members into the community.

7. **Conclusion:**
- An opportunity to revitalize trading experiences and expand the Orderly community.
- Join the celebration of trading, earning, and community through this exciting journey.

To participate, trade on supported platforms, earn tickets, and engage in the referral program to maximize your chances of winning from the 20,000 USDC prize pool while contributing to the vibrant Orderly community.

Orderly Network and Xade Finance have partnered to improve liquidity and trading experience. The integration will allow users to trade perpetual contracts directly in the order book, with full-chain liquidity. Additionally, Orderly Network has also partnered with Prime Protocol, a cross-chain prime brokerage, to offer Orderly-powered perpetual contracts. #orderlynetwork #xade #Prime #Orderly #StartInvestingInCrypto
Orderly Network and Xade Finance have partnered to improve liquidity and trading experience. The integration will allow users to trade perpetual contracts directly in the order book, with full-chain liquidity.

Additionally, Orderly Network has also partnered with Prime Protocol, a cross-chain prime brokerage, to offer Orderly-powered perpetual contracts.

#orderlynetwork #xade #Prime #Orderly #StartInvestingInCrypto
Bitoro Network makes a historic move with the launch of its DEX for aggregated perpetual futures trading, redefining industry standards with its offerings. #orderlynetwork
Bitoro Network makes a historic move with the launch of its DEX for aggregated perpetual futures trading, redefining industry standards with its offerings.
How To Use Orderly's Omnichain Testnet DappIn an exciting move that promises to reshape the landscape of cryptocurrency trading, WOO Founder and CEO Jack Tan has announced the transition towards a stronger Centralized Finance (CeFi) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) offering with the introduction of WOOFi Pro. Tan's vision sees a seamless blend between these two worlds, paving the way for what he predicts will be a harmonious journey through the next crypto bull run. Connecting the Dots: An Omnichain Approach Underpinning this monumental shift is the goal of integrating all major blockchain networks, creating a powerhouse of liquidity and a thriving collaborative ecosystem. WOOFi Pro sets the stage for users to trade effortlessly on their preferred applications and blockchains, fostering a diverse and user-centric environment. Imagine a trader on Arbitrum seamlessly exchanging assets with peers on different chains like Polygon or Optimism, all without leaving their Arbitrum home. This is the future of trading—an omnichain approach. [In this article, i already explained about ominichain]( CEX on Steroids: Trading at Your Fingertips Bringing the best of both worlds, WOOFi Pro offers a user-friendly mobile interface, empowering traders to execute transactions on the go. WOO X, the centralized exchange already known for its impressive daily trading volume, provides the foundation for this evolution. With a rich history of pioneering industry-firsts and a commitment to maintaining the trust of its growing community of professional traders, WOOFi Pro represents the next level. Gasless orderbook trading is a game-changer, as it eliminates transaction fees and makes trading accessible to users without the hassle of Know Your Customer (KYC) verification. Taking control of your funds with self-custody ensures independence from third-party custodians, aligning with the principles of decentralization that are at the core of the crypto revolution. Institutional-Grade Trading with Orderly Network In this transformative journey, WOOFi Pro seamlessly integrates Orderly Network's institutional-grade order books, presenting users with a robust and readily available source of liquidity. Orderly Network, backed by Pantera, Dragonfly Capital, and Sequoia Capital China, is a decentralized liquidity network that bridges permissionless orderbooks with top market makers. "The combination of WOO X and WOOFi provides users with a fully-featured off-chain or on-chain orderbook trading system. This comes as we've observed a growing subset of traders that demand access to both traditional investments and cryptocurrency trading, which has become especially prominent in the latest cycle, with a strong appetite for Real World Assets (RWAs)," Tan explained. As WOOFi Pro sets the stage for a new era of cryptocurrency and traditional asset trading, the WOO community and traders at large can anticipate a powerful fusion of CeFi and DeFi that's set to redefine the rules of the game. It's a step towards a more inclusive, accessible, and versatile trading experience, where users have the ultimate say in their financial journey. The future of trading has arrived. Get ready to experience it with WOOFi Pro! Here is how you can Use Orderly's Omnichain First Dapp Testnet: Step 1: Connecting Your Wallet Visit woofi pro dex testnet.Connect an EVM compatible wallet like MetaMask. Step 2: Network Configuration Once connected, you will be prompted to add "Arbitrum Goerli Tesntet." Add it and switch to the network.You will receive notifications from MetaMask. Step 3: Signing In and Enabling Trading You'll be prompted to "Sign In" and "Enable Trading." Both require wallet signatures, so make sure to approve these requests when they pop up. Step 4: Getting Test USDC You'll need Testnet USDC to start trading. Simply select "Get test USDC" and confirm the pop-up to have test USDC in your wallet almost instantly. Step 5: Ready to Trade Congratulations! You're now connected and ready to trade. Use the console for trading, and feel free to adjust your leverage settings in the "Account" section of WOOFi Pro. Step 6: Stay Updated Don't forget to follow Orderly Network, WOOFi, and CryptoPM for frequent updates on this exciting platform. Now you're all set to explore and experience the world of WOOFi Pro and Orderly Omnichain. Happy trading! 🚀📈 #orderlynetwork #ominichain #woofipro

How To Use Orderly's Omnichain Testnet Dapp

In an exciting move that promises to reshape the landscape of cryptocurrency trading, WOO Founder and CEO Jack Tan has announced the transition towards a stronger Centralized Finance (CeFi) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) offering with the introduction of WOOFi Pro. Tan's vision sees a seamless blend between these two worlds, paving the way for what he predicts will be a harmonious journey through the next crypto bull run.
Connecting the Dots: An Omnichain Approach
Underpinning this monumental shift is the goal of integrating all major blockchain networks, creating a powerhouse of liquidity and a thriving collaborative ecosystem. WOOFi Pro sets the stage for users to trade effortlessly on their preferred applications and blockchains, fostering a diverse and user-centric environment. Imagine a trader on Arbitrum seamlessly exchanging assets with peers on different chains like Polygon or Optimism, all without leaving their Arbitrum home. This is the future of trading—an omnichain approach.
[In this article, i already explained about ominichain](
CEX on Steroids: Trading at Your Fingertips
Bringing the best of both worlds, WOOFi Pro offers a user-friendly mobile interface, empowering traders to execute transactions on the go. WOO X, the centralized exchange already known for its impressive daily trading volume, provides the foundation for this evolution. With a rich history of pioneering industry-firsts and a commitment to maintaining the trust of its growing community of professional traders, WOOFi Pro represents the next level.
Gasless orderbook trading is a game-changer, as it eliminates transaction fees and makes trading accessible to users without the hassle of Know Your Customer (KYC) verification. Taking control of your funds with self-custody ensures independence from third-party custodians, aligning with the principles of decentralization that are at the core of the crypto revolution.
Institutional-Grade Trading with Orderly Network
In this transformative journey, WOOFi Pro seamlessly integrates Orderly Network's institutional-grade order books, presenting users with a robust and readily available source of liquidity. Orderly Network, backed by Pantera, Dragonfly Capital, and Sequoia Capital China, is a decentralized liquidity network that bridges permissionless orderbooks with top market makers.
"The combination of WOO X and WOOFi provides users with a fully-featured off-chain or on-chain orderbook trading system. This comes as we've observed a growing subset of traders that demand access to both traditional investments and cryptocurrency trading, which has become especially prominent in the latest cycle, with a strong appetite for Real World Assets (RWAs)," Tan explained.
As WOOFi Pro sets the stage for a new era of cryptocurrency and traditional asset trading, the WOO community and traders at large can anticipate a powerful fusion of CeFi and DeFi that's set to redefine the rules of the game. It's a step towards a more inclusive, accessible, and versatile trading experience, where users have the ultimate say in their financial journey.
The future of trading has arrived. Get ready to experience it with WOOFi Pro!
Here is how you can Use Orderly's Omnichain First Dapp Testnet:
Step 1: Connecting Your Wallet
Visit woofi pro dex testnet.Connect an EVM compatible wallet like MetaMask.
Step 2: Network Configuration
Once connected, you will be prompted to add "Arbitrum Goerli Tesntet." Add it and switch to the network.You will receive notifications from MetaMask.
Step 3: Signing In and Enabling Trading
You'll be prompted to "Sign In" and "Enable Trading." Both require wallet signatures, so make sure to approve these requests when they pop up.
Step 4: Getting Test USDC

You'll need Testnet USDC to start trading. Simply select "Get test USDC" and confirm the pop-up to have test USDC in your wallet almost instantly.
Step 5: Ready to Trade
Congratulations! You're now connected and ready to trade. Use the console for trading, and feel free to adjust your leverage settings in the "Account" section of WOOFi Pro.
Step 6: Stay Updated
Don't forget to follow Orderly Network, WOOFi, and CryptoPM for frequent updates on this exciting platform.
Now you're all set to explore and experience the world of WOOFi Pro and Orderly Omnichain. Happy trading! 🚀📈

#orderlynetwork #ominichain #woofipro
📣 Orderly Network to Shut Down NEAR Instance on September 18 Orderly Network has announced that it will wind down its NEAR instance on September 18. This decision is part of a strategic shift to focus more on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) trading and to integrate new chains. It aims to maximize trading volumes in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. This was posted on the official X account of the company and said that it will enable the network to focus on critical areas for the future growth of the business. ‼️ Important update: Orderly Network is winding down its NEAR instance on September 18 in order to prioritize EVM trading, as well as new, soon-to-be integrated chains, for maximum DeFi trading volume. 💬 The NEAR team is aware, as are builders currently integrated with Orderly. — Orderly Network Orderly Network Gives NEAR Users Details on Trade Closure and Settlement Process Ahead of Shutdown It has been shared with the NEAR team as well as builders who are currently integrating with Orderly through NEAR. This advance notice is designed to allow the users enough time to come to terms with the directional change and plan adequately for the change that is expected to happen. For the users who are still holding their positions in NEAR, there are certain aspects that have to be considered. All the opened trades at the time of decommissioning will be closed at the same price. The method used to establish these prices will be the mark price of the past one hour before the shutdown. This works to ensure that trades are closed in a proper way that reflects the current market price. 🔸 Orderly Network to Focus on DeFi, Users Urged to Optimize Positions Before NEAR Shutdown Besides the information about the settlement price, the queried company referred to Orderly Network has stated that no trading fees will be charged during this type of settlement. Thirdly, there will be no funding fees by the users during the decommission period. #orderlynetwork #NEAR {spot}(NEARUSDT)
📣 Orderly Network to Shut Down NEAR Instance on September 18

Orderly Network has announced that it will wind down its NEAR instance on September 18. This decision is part of a strategic shift to focus more on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) trading and to integrate new chains. It aims to maximize trading volumes in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. This was posted on the official X account of the company and said that it will enable the network to focus on critical areas for the future growth of the business.

‼️ Important update:

Orderly Network is winding down its NEAR instance on September 18 in order to prioritize EVM trading, as well as new, soon-to-be integrated chains, for maximum DeFi trading volume.

💬 The NEAR team is aware, as are builders currently integrated with Orderly. — Orderly Network

Orderly Network Gives NEAR Users Details on Trade Closure and Settlement Process Ahead of Shutdown

It has been shared with the NEAR team as well as builders who are currently integrating with Orderly through NEAR. This advance notice is designed to allow the users enough time to come to terms with the directional change and plan adequately for the change that is expected to happen.

For the users who are still holding their positions in NEAR, there are certain aspects that have to be considered. All the opened trades at the time of decommissioning will be closed at the same price. The method used to establish these prices will be the mark price of the past one hour before the shutdown. This works to ensure that trades are closed in a proper way that reflects the current market price.

🔸 Orderly Network to Focus on DeFi, Users Urged to Optimize Positions Before NEAR Shutdown

Besides the information about the settlement price, the queried company referred to Orderly Network has stated that no trading fees will be charged during this type of settlement. Thirdly, there will be no funding fees by the users during the decommission period.

#orderlynetwork #NEAR
It's the moment you've all been waiting for.... 8 weeks of the Orderly Social Carnival have come to an end. 🎆 If you have collected all 8 NFTs, it's time to claim your mystery box 🪂 #orderlynetwork
It's the moment you've all been waiting for....

8 weeks of the Orderly Social Carnival have come to an end.

If you have collected all 8 NFTs, it's time to claim your mystery box

Orderly Network has announced the mainnet deployment for Orderly Omichain, a protocol that links liquidity across multiple EVM blockchains to a common order book, making cross-chain trading simpler and more convenient. #orderlynetwork #EVM #mainnet
Orderly Network has announced the mainnet deployment for Orderly Omichain, a protocol that links liquidity across multiple EVM blockchains to a common order book, making cross-chain trading simpler and more convenient.

#orderlynetwork #EVM #mainnet
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