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大鬧 Danao
做一下 @dropdotmoney 在 @initia 測試網的交互 ❶ Initia 錢包私鑰,導入 @keplrwallet 錢包使用 ❷ 進網站,連結錢包 ❸ 選擇質押 $INIT 及 Initia 測試網路 ❹ 輸入質押數量,確認後送出 質押單幣 INITI,會將 20% 的 INITI 兌換成 USDC, 以組成 LP 如果你本來就有 USDC ,而不想減少手上的 INIT 可以先到這裡組成 INIT-USDC LP,再回到 Drop,選擇質押 INIT-USDC LP 📌INIT 測試幣 📌填表 Feedback #Initia #drop $INIT
做一下 @dropdotmoney 在 @initia 測試網的交互

❶ Initia 錢包私鑰,導入 @keplrwallet 錢包使用
❷ 進網站,連結錢包
❸ 選擇質押 $INIT 及 Initia 測試網路
❹ 輸入質押數量,確認後送出

質押單幣 INITI,會將 20% 的 INITI 兌換成 USDC, 以組成 LP
如果你本來就有 USDC ,而不想減少手上的 INIT
可以先到這裡組成 INIT-USDC LP,再回到 Drop,選擇質押 INIT-USDC LP

📌INIT 測試幣

📌填表 Feedback

#Initia #drop $INIT
我幾乎每天都在關注 initia 的應用介面 VIP 只有 milkyway 及 civitiaorg 有一段時間了 直到前天我發現多了 kamigotchi(一款鏈上遊戲) 任務:完成每個時代遊戲中的 VIP 任務 之前測試網剛開的時候有提到過,當時我有進去玩一下下,但實在是不懂怎麼玩 至今已經過去三個多月了,依然還是不會玩😂 所以我的寵物是叫 "Party",還是 "kamigotchi" 遊戲沒有中文介面,雖然翻譯就可以了,但要花好多時間,暈倒 YouTube 也看不見中文教學,哪位老手能帶帶? 之前有找到中文博主寫的玩法,但存去哪我也不記得了... Kamigotchi 有沒有中文群啊,求拉一下 kamigotchiworld 求你做個語言切換吧~ #Initia #evm #Move $INIT
我幾乎每天都在關注 initia 的應用介面

VIP 只有 milkyway 及 civitiaorg 有一段時間了
直到前天我發現多了 kamigotchi(一款鏈上遊戲)
任務:完成每個時代遊戲中的 VIP 任務


所以我的寵物是叫 "Party",還是 "kamigotchi"

YouTube 也看不見中文教學,哪位老手能帶帶?


Kamigotchi 有沒有中文群啊,求拉一下
kamigotchiworld 求你做個語言切換吧~

#Initia #evm #Move $INIT
【币安投资明确空投项目@initiaFDN】🪂 🟣项目简介: Initia - 全链 #Rollup 网络,将 L1 与特定于应用程序的 L2 基础设施系统融合而构建,简单理解,他提供了 #layer1 到基础设施 #layer2 的完善技术堆栈,采用的是与Cosmos IBC协议本地兼容的MoveVM,核心团队成员包含前LUNA的Zon 和 Stan Liu。 🟣融资背景: 24年2月27日,Layer 1 区块链 Initia 完成 750 万美元融资,本轮融资由 Delphi Ventures 和 Hack VC 共同领投,Nascent、Figment Capital、Big Brain 和 A.Capital 等参投。 🟣参与机会: #Initia 在5月14日正式上线公共测试网,活动为期8周,用户目前可以在其中进行下载钱包、领水、质押、关注社媒等各种交互操作,完成任务后目前也有NFT可以领取,收集 NFT 卡、合并它们并获得一个链上宠物。通过花费Initia XP来喂养宠物,持续进化,注意一周只能喂一次,主要与6款生态项目进行测试任务交互 #initia #BinanceResearch #空投交互

Initia - 全链 #Rollup 网络,将 L1 与特定于应用程序的 L2 基础设施系统融合而构建,简单理解,他提供了 #layer1 到基础设施 #layer2 的完善技术堆栈,采用的是与Cosmos IBC协议本地兼容的MoveVM,核心团队成员包含前LUNA的Zon 和 Stan Liu。

24年2月27日,Layer 1 区块链 Initia 完成 750 万美元融资,本轮融资由 Delphi Ventures 和 Hack VC 共同领投,Nascent、Figment Capital、Big Brain 和 A.Capital 等参投。

#Initia 在5月14日正式上线公共测试网,活动为期8周,用户目前可以在其中进行下载钱包、领水、质押、关注社媒等各种交互操作,完成任务后目前也有NFT可以领取,收集 NFT 卡、合并它们并获得一个链上宠物。通过花费Initia XP来喂养宠物,持续进化,注意一周只能喂一次,主要与6款生态项目进行测试任务交互

#initia #BinanceResearch #空投交互
Meet Racoons NFT, Initia's first NFT project.The digital art world is transforming with Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and Racoons NFT, launched on the Initia blockchain, is leading this change. Combining artistic brilliance with technological innovation, Racoons NFT offers more than digital collectibles – it pioneers a new way to experience and own digital art. Initia’s advanced blockchain ensures the authenticity and security of each raccoon-themed artwork. Its modular architecture creates a seamless platform for transactions, reinforcing Racoons NFT’s place as a trailblazer in the NFT landscape. What sets Racoons NFT apart is its thriving community. Unlike traditional art collection, it fosters connections among collectors, encouraging collaboration and shared growth. Early supporters enjoy unique benefits, including potential token rewards and decision-making opportunities that align them closely with the project’s future. As both an artistic endeavor and an innovative investment, Racoons NFT holds significant potential. With limited-edition pieces and a strong link to the broader Initia ecosystem, it appeals to art enthusiasts and forward-thinking investors alike. This flagship NFT collection exemplifies how blockchain technology enhances creative expression while building engaged communities. For those drawn to the fusion of art and technology, Racoons NFT offers a chance to be part of a digital renaissance, setting new standards for ownership and connection in the evolving art world. #Initia #ModularBlockchain #NFT #RacoonsNFT #NFTs

Meet Racoons NFT, Initia's first NFT project.

The digital art world is transforming with Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and Racoons NFT, launched on the Initia blockchain, is leading this change. Combining artistic brilliance with technological innovation, Racoons NFT offers more than digital collectibles – it pioneers a new way to experience and own digital art.
Initia’s advanced blockchain ensures the authenticity and security of each raccoon-themed artwork. Its modular architecture creates a seamless platform for transactions, reinforcing Racoons NFT’s place as a trailblazer in the NFT landscape.
What sets Racoons NFT apart is its thriving community. Unlike traditional art collection, it fosters connections among collectors, encouraging collaboration and shared growth. Early supporters enjoy unique benefits, including potential token rewards and decision-making opportunities that align them closely with the project’s future.
As both an artistic endeavor and an innovative investment, Racoons NFT holds significant potential. With limited-edition pieces and a strong link to the broader Initia ecosystem, it appeals to art enthusiasts and forward-thinking investors alike.
This flagship NFT collection exemplifies how blockchain technology enhances creative expression while building engaged communities. For those drawn to the fusion of art and technology, Racoons NFT offers a chance to be part of a digital renaissance, setting new standards for ownership and connection in the evolving art world.
#Initia #ModularBlockchain #NFT #RacoonsNFT #NFTs
上次說的 all in @civitiaorg 現在給了 @RcoonsNFT 白單 大富翁第二季前 100 名給了白,另外還有 @initia 測試網的前 250 名 我該死,活該沒白... 我最捲的時候有搞到前 50 名,但後面就不怎麼積極了,一路被刷到 300 名外 其實在體感上是沒那麼難進排行的,努力一點還是有機會的,簡單來說就是懶 📌表單查白 #Initia #evm #Lunch #civitia $INIT
上次說的 all in @civitiaorg 現在給了 @RcoonsNFT 白單

大富翁第二季前 100 名給了白,另外還有 @initia 測試網的前 250 名

我最捲的時候有搞到前 50 名,但後面就不怎麼積極了,一路被刷到 300 名外


#Initia #evm #Lunch #civitia $INIT
Cabal raises $3M in a funding round #Cabal secures $3M in a funding round from Hack VC, Delphi Digital, Nascent, CitizenX and angel investors. Cabal is an income-generating project for members of the #Initia network. Cabal accumulates management power by allowing users to place INIT and Enshrined Liquidity positions to generate liquid, income-generating assets. 👉
Cabal raises $3M in a funding round

#Cabal secures $3M in a funding round from Hack VC, Delphi Digital, Nascent, CitizenX and angel investors. Cabal is an income-generating project for members of the #Initia network. Cabal accumulates management power by allowing users to place INIT and Enshrined Liquidity positions to generate liquid, income-generating assets.

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