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Zakończona została teoretycznie Ostania Epoka czyt. Epoch nr.7 😏 (Zaraz się dowiecie Czemu Teoretycznie?) Gratuluję wszystkim którzy Działali w tym Temacie🫡 Obecnie jak podaje samo Konto Get Grass Trwa tzw. 'Runda Bonusowa'💰 Która oczywiście jest Dodatkową Możliwością do zgarnięcia Punktów do Puli😉 z tym że jest ona stworzona w Celu zachęcenia Użytkowników do Pobrania ich Noda na PC Czy Warto?🤔 Myślę że tak, zwłaszcza że ta pula zostanie Dodana do naszej Poprzedniej Ilości pkt. Dodatkowo Nadmienie iż pojawiła się nam Informacja dotycząca Snapshotu📸i Airdropu🪂 więc idąc drogą Sherlockowej Dedukcji🔎 sądzę iż Snapshot odbędzie się po Zakończeniu Rundy Bonusowej❗️ innymi słowy, Panie i Panowie... Wyciśnijmy tą "Cytrynę" do Samego Końca!🫡 Mam tu jeszcze jeden Bonus który widzicie na Zdjęciu w Tweetcie, Mianowicie 'Stage 2' Wydaje mi się iż mogą już prowadzić przygotowania na to co ma być po Airdropie lub przedłużą nam tutaj Działania🤔 Także niestety ale jak sami widzicie... na Dwoje Babka Wróżyła🔮 Pożyjemy Zobaczymy! Pochwalcie się ile Pkt. macie na 'GetGrass'🌱😁 #getgrass #Bitcoin
Zakończona została teoretycznie Ostania Epoka czyt. Epoch nr.7

(Zaraz się dowiecie Czemu Teoretycznie?)

Gratuluję wszystkim którzy Działali w tym Temacie🫡

Obecnie jak podaje samo Konto Get Grass Trwa tzw. 'Runda Bonusowa'💰

Która oczywiście jest Dodatkową Możliwością do zgarnięcia Punktów do Puli😉

z tym że jest ona stworzona w Celu zachęcenia Użytkowników do Pobrania ich Noda na PC

Czy Warto?🤔

Myślę że tak, zwłaszcza że ta pula zostanie Dodana do naszej Poprzedniej Ilości pkt.

Dodatkowo Nadmienie iż pojawiła się nam Informacja dotycząca Snapshotu📸i Airdropu🪂

więc idąc drogą Sherlockowej Dedukcji🔎

sądzę iż Snapshot odbędzie się po Zakończeniu Rundy Bonusowej❗️

innymi słowy, Panie i Panowie... Wyciśnijmy tą "Cytrynę" do Samego Końca!🫡

Mam tu jeszcze jeden Bonus który widzicie na Zdjęciu w Tweetcie, Mianowicie 'Stage 2'

Wydaje mi się iż mogą już prowadzić przygotowania na to co ma być po Airdropie lub przedłużą nam tutaj Działania🤔

Także niestety ale jak sami widzicie... na Dwoje Babka Wróżyła🔮

Pożyjemy Zobaczymy!

Pochwalcie się ile Pkt. macie na 'GetGrass'🌱😁

#getgrass #Bitcoin
(空投分享4)Getgrass網頁掛件0成本撸毛 $sol 系depin项目getgrass草币 Polychain Capital领投350万刀的depin项目目前正在进行beta测试,测试网积分未来可兑换为草币空投。按照官方新闻稿,普通用户挂一个月可以撸到30美刀。但我覺得有機率更高。早挖早累積! 鏈結: 因網頁強制輸入邀請碼:5z7ORvzBHbMr1SY 擼毛方式:註冊登入後下載網頁掛件,鏈上穩定的網路就可以開始撸了,本身試撸了一週網路沒有被佔用的感覺。 (一日大約700-800積分左右) 公司或學校網頁都可以掛,不知不覺的撸,一個月肯定不只30美刀 目前還沒啟用鏈結錢包功能(待更新) 風險(1/10)無鏈結錢包、無入金、很多大V都有參與 #Airdrops #getgrass #Memecoins #BTC $SOL

$sol 系depin项目getgrass草币

Polychain Capital领投350万刀的depin项目目前正在进行beta测试,测试网积分未来可兑换为草币空投。按照官方新闻稿,普通用户挂一个月可以撸到30美刀。但我覺得有機率更高。早挖早累積!



擼毛方式:註冊登入後下載網頁掛件,鏈上穩定的網路就可以開始撸了,本身試撸了一週網路沒有被佔用的感覺。 (一日大約700-800積分左右)




#Airdrops #getgrass #Memecoins #BTC $SOL
KEBOHONGAN AIRDROP GRASS YANG SANGAT MERUGIKAN . Saya ikut dari Fase Alpa epoch Hingga Epoch Bonus , dan berhasil menggumpulkan Poin Grass lebih dari 250000, Dan menurut Aturan yang di sampaikan Alokasi berdasarkan jumlah poin pada setiap EPOCH , TERTERA digambar alokasinya , Tapi apa yang terjadi ?... saat perhitungan akhir alokasi saya hanya mendapatkan 7.38 token ,Dan hal ini sudah saya tanyakan di DC #GRASS dan jawaban ?... Ada aturan lain yang mempengaruhi alokasi , Apa tidak penipuan itu namanya, Aturan lain itu tidak ada di jelaskan sama sekali oleh Tim saat Airdrop ini di mulai. Dan sebagai catatan Saya Mining Solo tanpa VPN dan lain lain yang memudahkan mendulang poin , Murni Computer dan Hp pribadi yang saya hidupkan terus menerus Tapi apa hasilnya? ... 7 Token .untuk harga computer saya hidup dari Juni 2023 hingga sekarang ,Listrik dan Kouta yang digunakan selama itu hanya di ganti dengan 7 Biji Token #GRASS #Airdrop‬ #getgrass $GRASS @getgrass_io

Saya ikut dari Fase Alpa epoch Hingga Epoch Bonus , dan berhasil menggumpulkan Poin Grass lebih dari 250000, Dan menurut Aturan yang di sampaikan Alokasi berdasarkan jumlah poin pada setiap EPOCH , TERTERA digambar alokasinya , Tapi apa yang terjadi ?... saat perhitungan akhir alokasi saya hanya mendapatkan 7.38 token ,Dan hal ini sudah saya tanyakan di DC #GRASS dan jawaban ?... Ada aturan lain yang mempengaruhi alokasi , Apa tidak penipuan itu namanya, Aturan lain itu tidak ada di jelaskan sama sekali oleh Tim saat Airdrop ini di mulai. Dan sebagai catatan Saya Mining Solo tanpa VPN dan lain lain yang memudahkan mendulang poin , Murni Computer dan Hp pribadi yang saya hidupkan terus menerus Tapi apa hasilnya? ... 7 Token .untuk harga computer saya hidup dari Juni 2023 hingga sekarang ,Listrik dan Kouta yang digunakan selama itu hanya di ganti dengan 7 Biji Token #GRASS #Airdrop‬ #getgrass $GRASS @getgrass_io
#getgrass #grass #airdop 💰Profit from the Free Airdrop💸 $GRASS has just initaited its epoch3 💹 i.e 3rd phase in earning points.Register your account on the getgrass app and start your earning now🤑. use the the referal given in comments to register now💳 #Write2Earn‬
#getgrass #grass #airdop

💰Profit from the Free Airdrop💸

$GRASS has just initaited its epoch3 💹 i.e 3rd phase in earning points.Register your account on the getgrass app and start your earning now🤑. use the the referal given in comments to register now💳
I see many posts with price predictions for Grass, where people are comparing #GRASS to projects that aren’t even remotely similar in purpose, such as ( $APT , $ETHFI I, etc.). The first thing to understand is that there is currently no direct equivalent to Grass on the market (among projects already launched). Therefore, at the moment, we can only compare Grass with projects that are in the same sector, specifically #DePIN N projects that focus on #AI . 1. Golem ( $GLM ) @golemproject – a decentralized network for providing computational power, allowing users to share resources to perform heavy computations, especially for AI. 💰MC: $328 million 2. Render Network ( $RENDER ) @rendernetwork network – also provides decentralized computational power for tasks related to visualization and data processing for AI. 💰MC: $3.1 billion 3. ( $IO ) – built on the Solana blockchain, focusing on creating a decentralized network for providing computational power to companies working with AI. 💰MC: $254 million 4. #Helium ( $HNT ) – a DePIN project building a decentralized wireless network for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. 💰MC: $1.2 billion However, it’s important to understand that while all these projects are in the same sector (DePIN projects focused on AI), they each serve different purposes and offer different services. 👉If we are going to compare #Grass to these projects, it’s also worth noting that the comparison makes sense only if $Grass completes its initial listing on Binance. 🖖Prediction: Since tokenomics are not yet available, we’ll assume an initial circulation of 15%. Taking into account the above-mentioned projects, we can estimate: 💸Minimum market cap: $254 million 💰Maximum market cap: $3.1 billion Within this range, Grass could be priced between $1.7 – $20, but it’s also necessary to consider FDV. Therefore, I believe a fair price would be around $1.5 – $3. #getgrass
I see many posts with price predictions for Grass, where people are comparing #GRASS to projects that aren’t even remotely similar in purpose, such as ( $APT , $ETHFI I, etc.).

The first thing to understand is that there is currently no direct equivalent to Grass on the market (among projects already launched). Therefore, at the moment, we can only compare Grass with projects that are in the same sector, specifically #DePIN N projects that focus on #AI .

1. Golem ( $GLM ) @Golem Network – a decentralized network for providing computational power, allowing users to share resources to perform heavy computations, especially for AI.
💰MC: $328 million

2. Render Network ( $RENDER ) @Render Network network – also provides decentralized computational power for tasks related to visualization and data processing for AI.
💰MC: $3.1 billion

3. ( $IO ) – built on the Solana blockchain, focusing on creating a decentralized network for providing computational power to companies working with AI.
💰MC: $254 million

4. #Helium ( $HNT ) – a DePIN project building a decentralized wireless network for Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
💰MC: $1.2 billion

However, it’s important to understand that while all these projects are in the same sector (DePIN projects focused on AI), they each serve different purposes and offer different services.

👉If we are going to compare #Grass to these projects, it’s also worth noting that the comparison makes sense only if $Grass completes its initial listing on Binance.

🖖Prediction: Since tokenomics are not yet available, we’ll assume an initial circulation of 15%. Taking into account the above-mentioned projects, we can estimate:

💸Minimum market cap: $254 million
💰Maximum market cap: $3.1 billion

Within this range, Grass could be priced between $1.7 – $20, but it’s also necessary to consider FDV.

Therefore, I believe a fair price would be around $1.5 – $3.
GetGrass: Token Price, Launch Date, Token and Airdrop Guide In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain and decentralized technologies, has emerged as a promising player. With its ambitious vision of building the Data Layer of AI, Grass has garnered attention from tech enthusiasts, developers, and investors alike. The recent launch of Epoch 6 marks a significant milestone in the project’s journey. Let’s delve into the background, features, and implications of this exciting development. Tiered Points System Grass has implemented a tiered points system to incentivize user engagement. Depending on the number of referrals or points earned, users fall into specific tiers. Let’s explore the ranks and their requirements: Titan Rank: Cutoff at 49,616,939 points or 221 invites. Reward: 250,000 points. Vanguard Rank: Cutoff at 7,394,899.99 points or 185 invites. Reward: 100,000 points. Conqueror Rank: Cutoff at 2,767,564.12 points or 154 invites. Reward: 50,000 points. Diamond Rank: Cutoff at 375,443.13 points or 136 invites. Reward: 19,000 points. Emerald Rank: Cutoff at 118,247.20 points or 86 invites. Reward: 6,000 points. Platinum Rank: Cutoff at 36,351.14 points or 34 invites. Reward: 1,800 points. Gold Rank: Cutoff at 11,351.30 points or 17 invites. Reward: 565 points. Silver Rank: Cutoff at 2,595.00 points or 11 invites. Reward: 130 points. Bronze Rank: Cutoff at 373.00 points or 6 invites. Reward: 20 points. Iron Rank: Cutoff at 0.00 points or 0 invites. Every rank jump also comes with a bonus Current Status Epoch 6 launched on June 12, 2024 and will continue till July 12, 2024. If you do not want to miss the opportunity of easy money then it is the way to go. Currently points are being mined. After the mining will be over the Grass tokens will most probably be launched as per the points achieved. #getgrass #grassnetwork #Touching_Grass #solna
GetGrass: Token Price, Launch Date, Token and Airdrop Guide

In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain and decentralized technologies, has emerged as a promising player. With its ambitious vision of building the Data Layer of AI, Grass has garnered attention from tech enthusiasts, developers, and investors alike. The recent launch of Epoch 6 marks a significant milestone in the project’s journey. Let’s delve into the background, features, and implications of this exciting development.

Tiered Points System

Grass has implemented a tiered points system to incentivize user engagement. Depending on the number of referrals or points earned, users fall into specific tiers. Let’s explore the ranks and their requirements:
Titan Rank: Cutoff at 49,616,939 points or 221 invites. Reward: 250,000 points.
Vanguard Rank: Cutoff at 7,394,899.99 points or 185 invites. Reward: 100,000 points.
Conqueror Rank: Cutoff at 2,767,564.12 points or 154 invites. Reward: 50,000 points.
Diamond Rank: Cutoff at 375,443.13 points or 136 invites. Reward: 19,000 points.
Emerald Rank: Cutoff at 118,247.20 points or 86 invites. Reward: 6,000 points.
Platinum Rank: Cutoff at 36,351.14 points or 34 invites. Reward: 1,800 points.
Gold Rank: Cutoff at 11,351.30 points or 17 invites. Reward: 565 points.
Silver Rank: Cutoff at 2,595.00 points or 11 invites. Reward: 130 points.
Bronze Rank: Cutoff at 373.00 points or 6 invites. Reward: 20 points.
Iron Rank: Cutoff at 0.00 points or 0 invites. Every rank jump also comes with a bonus

Current Status

Epoch 6 launched on June 12, 2024 and will continue till July 12, 2024. If you do not want to miss the opportunity of easy money then it is the way to go. Currently points are being mined. After the mining will be over the Grass tokens will most probably be launched as per the points achieved.

#getgrass #grassnetwork #Touching_Grass #solna
Get ready for the $GRASS airdrop happening in March 2024 🪂 Investment: $0✅ Estimated Returns: $550 - $15,000✅ Time Required: 5 minutes✅ Snapshot: Yet to be taken ✅ Deadline: March 8, 2024 - Let’s make sure we complete this before the deadline getgrass_io is emerging as a decentralized network for web scraping, primarily aimed at converting public web data into AI datasets. With a remarkable $4.5 million in funding raised in recent years, including backing from Polychain and other significant venture capitalists, Grass is preparing for its Testnet Beta phase, expected to end in March. Here’s a detailed guide from #Rojrz-Baig to help you get started: 🔥Step 1: Sign Up Visit Referal Code: TpuSoA9XZ7JmaoL for Grass Registration (We appreciate your support by using our Referral Code, Thank You ❤️) Enter your email, choose a username, and set and confirm your password. Accept the terms, complete the captcha, input referral code ZqoNJ8D3TxEJ5Gz, and click Register 🔥Step 2: Connect to Dashboard Go to , the Grass Dashboard Click “Connect” in the top right corner. Install the extension and sign up using the same details from Step 1 🔥Step 3: Complete Connection Go back to Grass Dashboard.If your connected device isn’t showing, click “Refresh.”Once successfully connected, you’ll see the “Connected” button along with your Uptime. 🔥Step 4: Increase Your Airdrop Tokens** Higher uptime leads to more airdrop tokens! A fast internet connection results in a higher daily token count.Boost your earnings by connecting additional networks. Click “Add network” and even personalize network names. Don’t let this opportunity slip away – the sooner you start, the more tokens you’ll accumulate daily. Enjoy your farming! 🌱💰 We’re introducing a $0 cost Airdrop with a potential of $0.5 - $10,000. Stay Connected With Us #TrendingTopic  #Rojrz-Baig #BullRally #getgrass
Get ready for the $GRASS airdrop happening in March 2024 🪂

Investment: $0✅
Estimated Returns: $550 - $15,000✅
Time Required: 5 minutes✅
Snapshot: Yet to be taken ✅
Deadline: March 8, 2024 - Let’s make sure we complete this before the deadline

getgrass_io is emerging as a decentralized network for web scraping, primarily aimed at converting public web data into AI datasets.

With a remarkable $4.5 million in funding raised in recent years, including backing from Polychain and other significant venture capitalists, Grass is preparing for its Testnet Beta phase, expected to end in March.

Here’s a detailed guide from #Rojrz-Baig to help you get started:

🔥Step 1: Sign Up
Visit Referal Code: TpuSoA9XZ7JmaoL for Grass Registration (We appreciate your support by using our Referral Code, Thank You ❤️)
Enter your email, choose a username, and set and confirm your password.
Accept the terms, complete the captcha, input referral code ZqoNJ8D3TxEJ5Gz, and click Register

🔥Step 2: Connect to Dashboard
Go to , the Grass Dashboard
Click “Connect” in the top right corner.
Install the extension and sign up using the same details from
Step 1

🔥Step 3: Complete Connection
Go back to Grass Dashboard.If your connected device isn’t showing, click “Refresh.”Once successfully connected, you’ll see the “Connected” button along with your Uptime.
🔥Step 4: Increase Your Airdrop Tokens**
Higher uptime leads to more airdrop tokens! A fast internet connection results in a higher daily token count.Boost your earnings by connecting additional networks. Click “Add network” and even personalize network names.

Don’t let this opportunity slip away – the sooner you start, the more tokens you’ll accumulate daily. Enjoy your farming! 🌱💰

We’re introducing a $0 cost Airdrop with a potential of $0.5 - $10,000.

Stay Connected With Us

#TrendingTopic  #Rojrz-Baig #BullRally #getgrass
🚀 Exciting News Alert! 🚀 Get ready for the massive $GRASS airdrop! 🌱 It's set to hit Binance soon, and the best part? It's absolutely FREE and takes just 2 minutes of your time! Here's your step-by-step guide: 🧵👇 🔹 Step 1: Register - Visit app.getgrass register?referralCode - Enter your email, username, and password. - Click "Register." 🔹 Step 2: Download Grass - Head to chromewebstore and click "Add to Chrome" to download the extension. 🔹 Step 3: Connect - Log in to with your registration details. - Click "Connect." 🔹 Step 4: Referral - Copy your referral link from and share it with friends. 🔹 Step 5: Farm Points - Open the Grass extension and stay active to earn more tokens. - Click "Add network" and connect additional networks. 🔹 Step 6: Galxe - Visit and log in with your wallet. - Complete all quests. Don't miss out on this opportunity! $GRASS is a blockchain-powered protocol rewarding users for internet data through the Wynd network. Plus, it's already garnered $4.5M in investments from top names like Polychain Capital and Tribe Capital. Binance has even hinted at listing their token! Remember, always do your research and make informed decisions. Your support is appreciated! ❤️ #Airdrop #CryptoOpportunity 🌱💰 #HotTrends #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 #getgrass
🚀 Exciting News Alert! 🚀

Get ready for the massive $GRASS airdrop! 🌱 It's set to hit Binance soon, and the best part? It's absolutely FREE and takes just 2 minutes of your time! Here's your step-by-step guide:


🔹 Step 1: Register
- Visit app.getgrass register?referralCode
- Enter your email, username, and password.
- Click "Register."

🔹 Step 2: Download Grass
- Head to chromewebstore and click "Add to Chrome" to download the extension.

🔹 Step 3: Connect
- Log in to with your registration details.
- Click "Connect."

🔹 Step 4: Referral
- Copy your referral link from and share it with friends.

🔹 Step 5: Farm Points
- Open the Grass extension and stay active to earn more tokens.
- Click "Add network" and connect additional networks.

🔹 Step 6: Galxe
- Visit and log in with your wallet.
- Complete all quests.

Don't miss out on this opportunity! $GRASS is a blockchain-powered protocol rewarding users for internet data through the Wynd network. Plus, it's already garnered $4.5M in investments from top names like Polychain Capital and Tribe Capital. Binance has even hinted at listing their token!

Remember, always do your research and make informed decisions. Your support is appreciated! ❤️
#Airdrop #CryptoOpportunity 🌱💰
#HotTrends #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 #getgrass
Digital Maestro
Claim free reward from binance
Click here to claim free reward from binance

I am an early user of @getgrass_io. incentivized Beta is live! #getgrass join and start earning here: Get paid for your unused internet!!
I am an early user of @getgrass_io. incentivized Beta is live! #getgrass join and start earning here:

Get paid for your unused internet!!
#GETGRASS NEW AIRDROPHow to Qualify for the Airdrop and Get Started: To qualify for the Get Grass Airdrop and start earning passive income, follow these steps: Visit the Get Grass Airdrop Website: Search for “Get Grass Airdrop” online to find their official website. Create an Account: Sign up by providing your email and creating a password or use social media accounts. Use a referral link for more points. Complete Verification: Verify your account through email and any additional steps required. Download the Extension: Find and download the Get Grass Airdrop extension for Chrome on your device. Log In: Open the extension and log in with your created account details. Connect Your WiFi: Access settings in the app to connect your WiFi network to Get Grass. Adjust Settings: Ensure network settings are correct to start earning rewards. Start Earning: Once set up, you can earn money by staying connected to WiFi. Remember: Keep the app updated for new features and more earning opportunities. Maintain fast and reliable WiFi for increased earnings. Join the Get Grass community for tips and updates. By following these steps, you can participate in the Get Grass Airdrop and generate income from your WiFi connection. Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used: Everything you need to know about Getgrass and its Airdrop: This article provides comprehensive information about Grass, its innovative approach, how it works, residential IP proxies, and details on how to qualify for the airdrop. It covers essential aspects of Grass’s operations and incentives for users. Grass Registration Page: Directly accessing the registration page of Grass offers insights into the sign-up process, installation of extensions, earning points, referral system details, governance token launch confirmation, Galxe quest completion benefits, and potential point trading at Whales Market. Grass Official Website: The official website of Grass likely contains detailed information about its operations, services offered, potential airdrops, governance token plans, user rewards system, community engagement opportunities, and overall vision of democratizing data collection through decentralized networks like Grass. #getgrass #right2earn #NewAirdrop if you like my article so like this post and follow me for more share IT aslo so it will reach maximum people


How to Qualify for the Airdrop and Get Started: To qualify for the Get Grass Airdrop and start earning passive income, follow these steps:

Visit the Get Grass Airdrop Website: Search for “Get Grass Airdrop” online to find their official website.

Create an Account: Sign up by providing your email and creating a password or use social media accounts. Use a referral link for more points.
Complete Verification: Verify your account through email and any additional steps required.
Download the Extension: Find and download the Get Grass Airdrop extension for Chrome on your device.
Log In: Open the extension and log in with your created account details.
Connect Your WiFi: Access settings in the app to connect your WiFi network to Get Grass.
Adjust Settings: Ensure network settings are correct to start earning rewards.
Start Earning: Once set up, you can earn money by staying connected to WiFi.


Keep the app updated for new features and more earning opportunities.
Maintain fast and reliable WiFi for increased earnings.
Join the Get Grass community for tips and updates.

By following these steps, you can participate in the Get Grass Airdrop and generate income from your WiFi connection.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

Everything you need to know about Getgrass and its Airdrop: This article provides comprehensive information about Grass, its innovative approach, how it works, residential IP proxies, and details on how to qualify for the airdrop. It covers essential aspects of Grass’s operations and incentives for users.

Grass Registration Page: Directly accessing the registration page of Grass offers insights into the sign-up process, installation of extensions, earning points, referral system details, governance token launch confirmation, Galxe quest completion benefits, and potential point trading at Whales Market.

Grass Official Website: The official website of Grass likely contains detailed information about its operations, services offered, potential airdrops, governance token plans, user rewards system, community engagement opportunities, and overall vision of democratizing data collection through decentralized networks like Grass.

#getgrass #right2earn #NewAirdrop if you like my article so like this post and follow me for more share IT aslo so it will reach maximum people
#HotTrends #getgrass #sol Hey guys! Hope yall in profit today, but besides that we can farm upcoming coins, as $GRASS, unfortunately, or fortunately for last couple days over 200k people has connected to the servers!!! In soon hours website maintenance will be done, and you all who wants to join will be able to! Only thing you need a referral link or code which ill drop below ph0HtxprHhXVleh $SOL $BTC $BNB
#HotTrends #getgrass #sol
Hey guys! Hope yall in profit today, but besides that we can farm upcoming coins, as $GRASS, unfortunately, or fortunately for last couple days over 200k people has connected to the servers!!!
In soon hours website maintenance will be done, and you all who wants to join will be able to! Only thing you need a referral link or code which ill drop below

#getgrass im not getting email verification link from getgrass . please some one help me in sorting out this issue .. anyone else face this problem ??
im not getting email verification link from getgrass . please some one help me in sorting out this issue .. anyone else face this problem ??
Get paid for your unused internet with getgras.( Last Epoch)- Final Epoch (Epoch 7) starts today. - Currently in Epoch 6. - Network has 2 million active users. - Remember to connect your Solana wallet for the airdrop. - Must 100 hrs active for qualifying airdrop! The TGE is imminent. Don't miss this last chance to earn Free tokens

Get paid for your unused internet with getgras.( Last Epoch)

- Final Epoch (Epoch 7) starts today.
- Currently in Epoch 6.

- Network has 2 million active users.

- Remember to connect your Solana wallet for the airdrop.
- Must 100 hrs active for qualifying airdrop!
The TGE is imminent.
Don't miss this last chance to earn Free tokens
#getgrass I am fun of this project. I am waiting when mobiles will be available for mining too. Does anybody knows websites where they estimate the GRASS token price when launched? Also, does anybody knows if GRASS program will reward miners with crypto GRASS?
#getgrass I am fun of this project. I am waiting when mobiles will be available for mining too. Does anybody knows websites where they estimate the GRASS token price when launched?

Also, does anybody knows if GRASS program will reward miners with crypto GRASS?
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