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💎 Ethereum average gas price falls to $0.04.💎 Cheaper than many other L1s. #eth #gas #price {spot}(ETHUSDT)

💎 Ethereum average gas price falls to $0.04.

💎 Cheaper than many other L1s.
#eth #gas #price
以太坊 Gas 上限突破 3600 万在以太坊的世界里, 有个概念至关重要,那就是 Gas。 它就如同现实生活中的燃料, 驱动着每一笔交易和智能合约的运行。 但你知道 Gas 上限是什么吗? 为什么它会发生变化? Gas 上限过高或过低又会带来什么样不同的结果呢? 这篇图文就带你了解 Gas 上限的一些事儿。 #以太坊 #Gas #燃料 什么是 Gas ? Gas 是以太坊网络中用于衡量执行操作所需计算资源的单位,无论进行简单的以太币转账,还是触发复杂的智能合约执行,每一项操作都需要消耗 Gas。 例如,一笔普通的以太坊转账交易通常需要消耗 21,000 Gas,而涉及复杂计算和状态变更的智能合约操作,可能消耗几十万甚至更多的 Gas。 什么是 Gas 上限? Gas 上限是以太坊区块链网络中的一个关键参数,它规定了每个区块能够容纳的 Gas 总量。 每个区块的创建者(矿工或验证者)在打包交易时,必须确保该区块内所有交易消耗的 Gas 总量不超过 Gas 上限。Gas 上限决定了每个区块可以包含的交易数量和复杂程度。 Gas Limit 是 Gas 上限吗? 二者是两个不同的参数。 Gas Limit 是针对单笔交易的 Gas 消耗上限设定,由用户在发起交易时自行确定,它代表着用户愿意为这笔特定交易或智能合约执行所支付的最大 Gas 数量。 而以太坊网络 Gas 上限是针对整个区块内所有交易 Gas 消耗总和的限制。决定了每个区块最多能处理多少 Gas 量的交易。 每笔交易的 Gas Limit 是构成 Gas 上限这个总量的一部分。如果所有交易的 Gas Limit 总和超过了网络 Gas 上限,那么这些交易无法在一个区块内全部被打包,部分交易就需要等待下一个区块或提高 Gas Price 以获得优先打包的机会。 Gas 上限过低时 以太坊网络会如同狭窄道路涌入过多车辆,迅速陷入交易拥堵。 由于每个区块容纳的交易总量受限,大量交易只能等待打包,确认时间大幅延长。为让交易优先处理,用户被迫提高手续费,增加交易成本,小额及高频交易者负担尤重。 这不仅降低用户体验,致部分用户流失,还对去中心化应用与智能合约发展形成阻碍。复杂合约因 Gas 不足执行失败,打击开发者积极性,严重影响以太坊生态系统的拓展与创新。 Gas 上限过高时 虽能容纳更多交易,却也可能给以太坊网络带来一些隐患。 区块体积因交易与数据增多而增大,加重网络带宽与节点存储负担,导致数据同步延迟,甚至节点失联。 同时,高 Gas 上限降低去中心化程度,小型节点难以参与,少数强大节点影响力增强,安全风险上升,易遭受恶意攻击。 此外,还可能引发资源浪费,开发者编写低效智能合约,不注重优化 Gas 使用,降低网络资源利用效率,影响以太坊长期可持续发展。 为什么要提升? 随着以太坊生态的不断发展,越来越多的应用和交易涌入,较低的 Gas 上限导致交易拥堵和手续费飙升等问题时常出现,这对用户体验和以太坊的进一步发展都带来了挑战。 更高的 Gas 上限意味着以太坊网络能够容纳更多的交易,每一个区块可以打包更多的数据,从而提高了网络的交易处理能力。这对于以太坊上的各类去中心化应用(DApps)、智能合约以及众多用户来说,无疑是一个重大利好。它可以缓解交易拥堵的情况,降低用户的交易手续费,使得以太坊网络能够更好地支持大规模的商业应用和高频次的交易需求。 提升后,Gas 费可能降低 当以太坊 Gas 上限提升,就如同拓宽了交通道路,每个区块能够容纳更多交易。在交易需求稳定或增长缓慢的情况下,原本因区块空间紧张而激烈竞争的交易,如今竞争压力得到极大缓解。用户无需再为了让交易尽快被打包而竞相抬高 Gas 价格,就像车辆不需要再为争抢有限车位而付出高昂代价。因此,从供需关系的角度来看,Gas 费用很有可能会随着交易空间的充裕而降低,为用户带来更经济的交易体验。 提升后,Gas 费不一定降低 尽管以太坊 Gas 上限有所提升,但 Gas 费用并不必然降低。因为以太坊生态充满变数,如果新的热门应用不断涌现,吸引大量用户涌入,交易需求极有可能呈爆发式增长,远超 Gas 上限提升所能承载的范围,导致网络依旧拥堵不堪。同时,网络活跃度的不稳定、矿工(验证者)基于自身利益的策略调整,以及新应用对 Gas 的高消耗特性等因素,都可能使得 Gas 费用居高不下,甚至进一步上升,所以 Gas 费用降低并非板上钉钉。 2015 年至 2019 年间的 Gas 上限 从2015年至2019年,以太坊的Gas上限经历了多次调整,以适应网络交易量的增长和去中心化应用(DApp)的发展。 2015 年,以太坊上线时,初始 Gas上限为每个区块 5,000 Gas。 2016 年,Gas上限首次提升至约 300 万,随后在同年的 Tangerine Whistle 硬分叉(EIP-150)中,为应对 DoS 攻击,Gas 上限被提高到 550 万。 2017 年 7 月,Gas上限提升至670万,并在同年12月进一步提升至约800万。 历史重大提升:伊斯坦布尔硬分叉(2019 年 12 月) 在伊斯坦布尔硬分叉中,以太坊将区块 Gas 上限从 800 万 Gas 提升到了 1000 万 Gas 。 .这一时期,以太坊上的去中心化应用(DApps)数量逐渐增多,用户对交易处理能力的需求开始上升。提高 Gas 上限能够在一定程度上缓解交易拥堵问题,让每个区块可以容纳更多的交易,使得网络能够更好地适应不断增长的交易需求,为 DApps 的发展提供了更有利的环境。 历史重大提升:2021 年 5 月 在 2021 年 5 月,Gas 上限从 1500 万 Gas 提升至 3000 万 Gas 。 在这一时期,随着DeFi(去中心化金融)和NFT(非同质化代币)的兴起,网络交易量大幅增加,导致交易拥堵和Gas费用飙升。为了缓解这一问题,以太坊社区决定提升 Gas 上限。 在当时,以太坊的开发者、研究人员以及社区成员经过广泛的讨论和研究,提出了相应的技术方案,并通过硬分叉的方式来实施 Gas 上限的调整。硬分叉意味着区块链网络将发生永久性的分歧,旧的节点需要升级到新的版本才能继续参与网络的运行。 这是以太坊网络在 PoW(工作量证明)机制下的最后一次重大调整。此次调整将 Gas 上限翻倍,显著提升了网络的交易处理能力。 EIP - 1559 伦敦硬分叉,2021 年 8 月 EIP - 1559 在伦敦硬分叉中被激活,虽然这次升级的核心是改变了以太坊的交易费用机制,但也对 Gas 上限产生了间接影响。在此之前,矿工可以根据市场情况自行调整 Gas 上限。 EIP - 1559 引入了基础费用和小费的概念,同时设置了一个目标 Gas 使用量(通常对应一定的 Gas 上限)。网络会根据交易需求动态调整基础费用,目标是让每个区块的 Gas 使用量接近目标值。这一机制使得 Gas 上限的调整更加规范化和自动化,以更好地平衡网络的负载和交易费用。 此次提升:2025年 2 月 以太坊网络首次在 PoS 机制下,获得超 50% 验证者支持后,成功提升区块 Gas 上限,从此前的 3000 万突破至 3100 万 Gas ,截至 2 月 4 日已上调至超过 3350 万 Gas ,预计最终将调整至 3600 万 Gas 。 2 月 8 日消息,据 Vitalik 转发的技术更新,以太坊 L1 完成区块 Gas 上限动态调整,从 30M 提升至 3600 万 Gas 。 PoS 机制下,验证者在网络中扮演着至关重要的角色,他们负责验证交易和打包区块。当超半数验证者达成共识支持 Gas 上限调整时,这一变革才得以顺利推进。

以太坊 Gas 上限突破 3600 万

有个概念至关重要,那就是 Gas。

Gas 上限是什么吗?
Gas 上限过高或过低又会带来什么样不同的结果呢?
这篇图文就带你了解 Gas 上限的一些事儿。

#以太坊 #Gas #燃料

什么是 Gas ?
Gas 是以太坊网络中用于衡量执行操作所需计算资源的单位,无论进行简单的以太币转账,还是触发复杂的智能合约执行,每一项操作都需要消耗 Gas。
例如,一笔普通的以太坊转账交易通常需要消耗 21,000 Gas,而涉及复杂计算和状态变更的智能合约操作,可能消耗几十万甚至更多的 Gas。

什么是 Gas 上限?
Gas 上限是以太坊区块链网络中的一个关键参数,它规定了每个区块能够容纳的 Gas 总量。
每个区块的创建者(矿工或验证者)在打包交易时,必须确保该区块内所有交易消耗的 Gas 总量不超过 Gas 上限。Gas 上限决定了每个区块可以包含的交易数量和复杂程度。

Gas Limit 是 Gas 上限吗?
Gas Limit 是针对单笔交易的 Gas 消耗上限设定,由用户在发起交易时自行确定,它代表着用户愿意为这笔特定交易或智能合约执行所支付的最大 Gas 数量。
而以太坊网络 Gas 上限是针对整个区块内所有交易 Gas 消耗总和的限制。决定了每个区块最多能处理多少 Gas 量的交易。
每笔交易的 Gas Limit 是构成 Gas 上限这个总量的一部分。如果所有交易的 Gas Limit 总和超过了网络 Gas 上限,那么这些交易无法在一个区块内全部被打包,部分交易就需要等待下一个区块或提高 Gas Price 以获得优先打包的机会。

Gas 上限过低时
这不仅降低用户体验,致部分用户流失,还对去中心化应用与智能合约发展形成阻碍。复杂合约因 Gas 不足执行失败,打击开发者积极性,严重影响以太坊生态系统的拓展与创新。

Gas 上限过高时
同时,高 Gas 上限降低去中心化程度,小型节点难以参与,少数强大节点影响力增强,安全风险上升,易遭受恶意攻击。
此外,还可能引发资源浪费,开发者编写低效智能合约,不注重优化 Gas 使用,降低网络资源利用效率,影响以太坊长期可持续发展。

随着以太坊生态的不断发展,越来越多的应用和交易涌入,较低的 Gas 上限导致交易拥堵和手续费飙升等问题时常出现,这对用户体验和以太坊的进一步发展都带来了挑战。
更高的 Gas 上限意味着以太坊网络能够容纳更多的交易,每一个区块可以打包更多的数据,从而提高了网络的交易处理能力。这对于以太坊上的各类去中心化应用(DApps)、智能合约以及众多用户来说,无疑是一个重大利好。它可以缓解交易拥堵的情况,降低用户的交易手续费,使得以太坊网络能够更好地支持大规模的商业应用和高频次的交易需求。

提升后,Gas 费可能降低
当以太坊 Gas 上限提升,就如同拓宽了交通道路,每个区块能够容纳更多交易。在交易需求稳定或增长缓慢的情况下,原本因区块空间紧张而激烈竞争的交易,如今竞争压力得到极大缓解。用户无需再为了让交易尽快被打包而竞相抬高 Gas 价格,就像车辆不需要再为争抢有限车位而付出高昂代价。因此,从供需关系的角度来看,Gas 费用很有可能会随着交易空间的充裕而降低,为用户带来更经济的交易体验。

提升后,Gas 费不一定降低
尽管以太坊 Gas 上限有所提升,但 Gas 费用并不必然降低。因为以太坊生态充满变数,如果新的热门应用不断涌现,吸引大量用户涌入,交易需求极有可能呈爆发式增长,远超 Gas 上限提升所能承载的范围,导致网络依旧拥堵不堪。同时,网络活跃度的不稳定、矿工(验证者)基于自身利益的策略调整,以及新应用对 Gas 的高消耗特性等因素,都可能使得 Gas 费用居高不下,甚至进一步上升,所以 Gas 费用降低并非板上钉钉。

2015 年至 2019 年间的 Gas 上限
2015 年,以太坊上线时,初始 Gas上限为每个区块 5,000 Gas。
2016 年,Gas上限首次提升至约 300 万,随后在同年的 Tangerine Whistle 硬分叉(EIP-150)中,为应对 DoS 攻击,Gas 上限被提高到 550 万。
2017 年 7 月,Gas上限提升至670万,并在同年12月进一步提升至约800万。

历史重大提升:伊斯坦布尔硬分叉(2019 年 12 月)
在伊斯坦布尔硬分叉中,以太坊将区块 Gas 上限从 800 万 Gas 提升到了 1000 万 Gas 。
.这一时期,以太坊上的去中心化应用(DApps)数量逐渐增多,用户对交易处理能力的需求开始上升。提高 Gas 上限能够在一定程度上缓解交易拥堵问题,让每个区块可以容纳更多的交易,使得网络能够更好地适应不断增长的交易需求,为 DApps 的发展提供了更有利的环境。

历史重大提升:2021 年 5 月
在 2021 年 5 月,Gas 上限从 1500 万 Gas 提升至 3000 万 Gas 。
在这一时期,随着DeFi(去中心化金融)和NFT(非同质化代币)的兴起,网络交易量大幅增加,导致交易拥堵和Gas费用飙升。为了缓解这一问题,以太坊社区决定提升 Gas 上限。
在当时,以太坊的开发者、研究人员以及社区成员经过广泛的讨论和研究,提出了相应的技术方案,并通过硬分叉的方式来实施 Gas 上限的调整。硬分叉意味着区块链网络将发生永久性的分歧,旧的节点需要升级到新的版本才能继续参与网络的运行。
这是以太坊网络在 PoW(工作量证明)机制下的最后一次重大调整。此次调整将 Gas 上限翻倍,显著提升了网络的交易处理能力。

EIP - 1559 伦敦硬分叉,2021 年 8 月
EIP - 1559 在伦敦硬分叉中被激活,虽然这次升级的核心是改变了以太坊的交易费用机制,但也对 Gas 上限产生了间接影响。在此之前,矿工可以根据市场情况自行调整 Gas 上限。
EIP - 1559 引入了基础费用和小费的概念,同时设置了一个目标 Gas 使用量(通常对应一定的 Gas 上限)。网络会根据交易需求动态调整基础费用,目标是让每个区块的 Gas 使用量接近目标值。这一机制使得 Gas 上限的调整更加规范化和自动化,以更好地平衡网络的负载和交易费用。

此次提升:2025年 2 月
以太坊网络首次在 PoS 机制下,获得超 50% 验证者支持后,成功提升区块 Gas 上限,从此前的 3000 万突破至 3100 万 Gas ,截至 2 月 4 日已上调至超过 3350 万 Gas ,预计最终将调整至 3600 万 Gas 。
2 月 8 日消息,据 Vitalik 转发的技术更新,以太坊 L1 完成区块 Gas 上限动态调整,从 30M 提升至 3600 万 Gas 。
PoS 机制下,验证者在网络中扮演着至关重要的角色,他们负责验证交易和打包区块。当超半数验证者达成共识支持 Gas 上限调整时,这一变革才得以顺利推进。
⚡️$GAS /USDT { 25X } 📈 DIRECTION : { LONG } 🔍 ENTER ➡️3.910 - 3.901 💥 TARGETS 💯 ✨ ➡️3.942 ➡️3.990 ➡️4.032 ➡️4.069 ➡️4.116 ➡️4.160 #GAS 🔴STOPLOSS : 3.679
⚡️$GAS /USDT { 25X }


🔍 ENTER ➡️3.910 - 3.901


🔴STOPLOSS : 3.679
⛽ Цены на газ в Ethereum упали ниже 1 gwei! ⛽ Впервые за долгое время комиссии в сети Ethereum опустились ниже 1 gwei (≈ $0,06). Это вызвало жаркие обсуждения в криптосообществе. Почему так произошло? ✅ Активное использование сетей второго уровня (Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon). ✅ Рост конкуренции со стороны Solana, BNB Chain, Tron, Avalanche и Cardano. Будущее Ethereum под угрозой? Согласно отчету JPMorgan, Ethereum отстает в текущем цикле: конкуренция усиливается, а активность уходит в L2. Даже Uniswap уходит на Unichain! За неделю ETH потерял почти 20% стоимости. ⚠ Что это значит для нас? ⚠ Низкие комиссии — плюс, но сможет ли Ethereum сохранить лидерство? Время покажет. $ETH #Uniswap #GAS
⛽ Цены на газ в Ethereum упали ниже 1 gwei! ⛽

Впервые за долгое время комиссии в сети Ethereum опустились ниже 1 gwei (≈ $0,06). Это вызвало жаркие обсуждения в криптосообществе.

Почему так произошло?
✅ Активное использование сетей второго уровня (Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon).
✅ Рост конкуренции со стороны Solana, BNB Chain, Tron, Avalanche и Cardano.

Будущее Ethereum под угрозой?
Согласно отчету JPMorgan, Ethereum отстает в текущем цикле: конкуренция усиливается, а активность уходит в L2. Даже Uniswap уходит на Unichain! За неделю ETH потерял почти 20% стоимости.

⚠ Что это значит для нас? ⚠
Низкие комиссии — плюс, но сможет ли Ethereum сохранить лидерство? Время покажет.

$ETH #Uniswap #GAS
Ethereum (ETH) Gas Fees Drop Below 1 gWEI Again as Phantom Fees SurgeEthereum (ETH) is experiencing a significant decline in network activity, leading to historically low gas fees. The drop below 1 gWEI highlights a decrease in user transactions, while competition from Solana's ecosystem, particularly Phantom, is intensifying. Ethereum Gas Fees Plunge to Historic Lows Ethereum has seen a substantial reduction in transaction demand, pushing gas fees below 1 gWEI for the first time since September 2024. Currently, standard transactions cost as little as $0.06, while more complex operations, such as token swaps and NFT transactions, remain under $1. This development follows a broader market downturn, with ETH trading around $2,700 and experiencing bearish sentiment. Until recently, Ethereum users faced gas fees exceeding $25 per swap, making the network unaffordable for smaller investors. The high costs discouraged retail users from making transactions, leading to a decline in daily active users (DAUs) from 700,000 in late January to 477,000 over the past 24 hours. Ethereum L2 Ecosystem Sees Decline in Activity The drop in gas fees is not just affecting the Ethereum mainnet but is also impacting Layer 2 (L2) solutions. Blob transaction fees, which help optimize network congestion, have fallen from 84 ETH per day to just 62.65 ETH across all L2 networks. This decline reflects a broader 24% reduction in active addresses across L2 chains in the past week. Additionally, Base recorded a 30% drop in daily transactions since its peak in early January. Another concerning trend is the outflow of stablecoins from L2 back to Ethereum. Arbitrum, for example, had previously held over $7 billion in stablecoins, but recent withdrawals have reduced this figure to $3.91 billion. This shift suggests that while Ethereum remains the primary hub for liquidity, retail traders are migrating elsewhere. Phantom and Solana Surge as Ethereum Slows Down Ethereum is facing growing competition from Solana's ecosystem, where transaction volumes and fees are rising rapidly. Notably, Phantom, a leading Solana-based wallet, has surpassed Ethereum in daily fee generation. Phantom now brings in over $469,000 per day in fees, with monthly revenues reaching as high as $30.54 million. The wallet’s growing adoption was further fueled by its recent support for multiple blockchains and currencies. Among the top Solana applications, Jito, Raydium,, and Meteora are regularly ranking among the top 10 fee-generating dApps. This shift suggests that retail traders favor Solana for high-risk, high-reward trading opportunities. Ethereum Still Holds DeFi Liquidity, but Challenges Remain Despite declining transaction activity, Ethereum remains the dominant player in DeFi and high-value transactions. Large institutions and whales continue to rely on Ethereum for liquidity, giving it an edge over newer chains. The biggest fee generators on Ethereum continue to be Tether (USDT) and Circle (USDC), as stablecoins remain a core use case for Ethereum. Recently, USDT inflows into Ethereum have increased, largely due to its superior liquidity and direct access to centralized exchanges. Meanwhile, the Ethena (ENA) protocol has emerged as the second-largest fee generator on Ethereum, reflecting the market’s recent volatility and the demand for synthetic stablecoins like USDe and sUSDe. Ethereum Faces Market Capitulation Amid Falling Open Interest The recent market downturn triggered mass liquidations in ETH, causing open interest to drop from $16 billion to $11 billion in just one week. At the time of writing, Ethereum is trading at $2,736.96, with negative funding rates on Kraken and Deribit. Despite this, 70% of traders are still holding long positions, indicating confidence in a potential rebound. While Ethereum’s dominance is being challenged, it still holds a strong position in DeFi and institutional markets. However, the question remains whether it can maintain its leadership in the altcoin sector or if Solana and other emerging blockchains will continue to attract more users and liquidity. #Ethereum , #solana , #GAS , #CryptoNewsCommunity , #USDT Stay one step ahead – follow our profile and stay informed about everything important in the world of cryptocurrencies! Notice: ,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“

Ethereum (ETH) Gas Fees Drop Below 1 gWEI Again as Phantom Fees Surge

Ethereum (ETH) is experiencing a significant decline in network activity, leading to historically low gas fees. The drop below 1 gWEI highlights a decrease in user transactions, while competition from Solana's ecosystem, particularly Phantom, is intensifying.
Ethereum Gas Fees Plunge to Historic Lows
Ethereum has seen a substantial reduction in transaction demand, pushing gas fees below 1 gWEI for the first time since September 2024. Currently, standard transactions cost as little as $0.06, while more complex operations, such as token swaps and NFT transactions, remain under $1.

This development follows a broader market downturn, with ETH trading around $2,700 and experiencing bearish sentiment.
Until recently, Ethereum users faced gas fees exceeding $25 per swap, making the network unaffordable for smaller investors. The high costs discouraged retail users from making transactions, leading to a decline in daily active users (DAUs) from 700,000 in late January to 477,000 over the past 24 hours.
Ethereum L2 Ecosystem Sees Decline in Activity
The drop in gas fees is not just affecting the Ethereum mainnet but is also impacting Layer 2 (L2) solutions. Blob transaction fees, which help optimize network congestion, have fallen from 84 ETH per day to just 62.65 ETH across all L2 networks.
This decline reflects a broader 24% reduction in active addresses across L2 chains in the past week. Additionally, Base recorded a 30% drop in daily transactions since its peak in early January.
Another concerning trend is the outflow of stablecoins from L2 back to Ethereum. Arbitrum, for example, had previously held over $7 billion in stablecoins, but recent withdrawals have reduced this figure to $3.91 billion. This shift suggests that while Ethereum remains the primary hub for liquidity, retail traders are migrating elsewhere.

Phantom and Solana Surge as Ethereum Slows Down
Ethereum is facing growing competition from Solana's ecosystem, where transaction volumes and fees are rising rapidly.
Notably, Phantom, a leading Solana-based wallet, has surpassed Ethereum in daily fee generation. Phantom now brings in over $469,000 per day in fees, with monthly revenues reaching as high as $30.54 million. The wallet’s growing adoption was further fueled by its recent support for multiple blockchains and currencies.
Among the top Solana applications, Jito, Raydium,, and Meteora are regularly ranking among the top 10 fee-generating dApps. This shift suggests that retail traders favor Solana for high-risk, high-reward trading opportunities.
Ethereum Still Holds DeFi Liquidity, but Challenges Remain
Despite declining transaction activity, Ethereum remains the dominant player in DeFi and high-value transactions. Large institutions and whales continue to rely on Ethereum for liquidity, giving it an edge over newer chains.
The biggest fee generators on Ethereum continue to be Tether (USDT) and Circle (USDC), as stablecoins remain a core use case for Ethereum. Recently, USDT inflows into Ethereum have increased, largely due to its superior liquidity and direct access to centralized exchanges.
Meanwhile, the Ethena (ENA) protocol has emerged as the second-largest fee generator on Ethereum, reflecting the market’s recent volatility and the demand for synthetic stablecoins like USDe and sUSDe.
Ethereum Faces Market Capitulation Amid Falling Open Interest
The recent market downturn triggered mass liquidations in ETH, causing open interest to drop from $16 billion to $11 billion in just one week.
At the time of writing, Ethereum is trading at $2,736.96, with negative funding rates on Kraken and Deribit. Despite this, 70% of traders are still holding long positions, indicating confidence in a potential rebound.
While Ethereum’s dominance is being challenged, it still holds a strong position in DeFi and institutional markets. However, the question remains whether it can maintain its leadership in the altcoin sector or if Solana and other emerging blockchains will continue to attract more users and liquidity.

#Ethereum , #solana , #GAS , #CryptoNewsCommunity , #USDT

Stay one step ahead – follow our profile and stay informed about everything important in the world of cryptocurrencies!
,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“
这#GAS 费绝了,没有见过这么低的gas费,撸毛简直太合适了,新的一年,加号撸毛吧
#GAS 费绝了,没有见过这么低的gas费,撸毛简直太合适了,新的一年,加号撸毛吧
🙉 以太坊的Gas费这几天这么高,#GAS 上限都提高到3100万了,这么多人用,为啥价格不涨,难道都是在卖,不是在买? {future}(ETHUSDT)
🙉 以太坊的Gas费这几天这么高,#GAS 上限都提高到3100万了,这么多人用,为啥价格不涨,难道都是在卖,不是在买?
Don't miss this coin$GAS
Buy #Gas in current price
selling target 🎯
1, 20 dollar
2, 25 dollar
3, 30 dollar
4,35 dollar
5 40 dollar

I'm sure this coin will touch 50 dollar in this Halving
yükseliş olacaksa arz sayısı sınırlı olan favori altcoinim #gas balinalar istekli olursa kısa zamanda 10$ olabilir.
yükseliş olacaksa arz sayısı sınırlı olan favori altcoinim #gas balinalar istekli olursa kısa zamanda 10$ olabilir.
🚀 NeoGas ($GAS ): Powering the Neo Blockchain NeoGas ($GAS ) is an essential token in the Neo blockchain ecosystem, enabling network operations and governance. Here's what makes GAS stand out: 💡 Key Highlights: Market Cap: $344.7M (Ranked #194) Circulating Supply: 64.99M GAS All-Time High: $97.493 (Jan 16, 2018) All-Time Low: $0.599 (Mar 13, 2020) Current Price: $5.309 (+7.25% Today!) {spot}(GASUSDT) ⚙️ How GAS Works: GAS is used to power smart contracts, pay for transaction fees, and manage rights within the Neo ecosystem. Companies building on Neo's blockchain must spend GAS to deploy and run decentralized applications, which sustains its demand. 🔥 Fast and Efficient: With lightning-fast transaction speeds and dynamic fees, GAS is a token that combines utility and efficiency. 🌐 Growth Potential: As Neo’s adoption grows, so does the utility and demand for $GAS , making it a promising long-term asset. 📈 Will GAS hit new heights? Stay tuned to see how it performs as blockchain adoption surges! #NeoGas #GAS #NeoBlockchain #CryptoInvesting #SmartContracts
🚀 NeoGas ($GAS ): Powering the Neo Blockchain

NeoGas ($GAS ) is an essential token in the Neo blockchain ecosystem, enabling network operations and governance. Here's what makes GAS stand out:

💡 Key Highlights:

Market Cap: $344.7M (Ranked #194)

Circulating Supply: 64.99M GAS

All-Time High: $97.493 (Jan 16, 2018)

All-Time Low: $0.599 (Mar 13, 2020)

Current Price: $5.309 (+7.25% Today!)

⚙️ How GAS Works:
GAS is used to power smart contracts, pay for transaction fees, and manage rights within the Neo ecosystem. Companies building on Neo's blockchain must spend GAS to deploy and run decentralized applications, which sustains its demand.

🔥 Fast and Efficient: With lightning-fast transaction speeds and dynamic fees, GAS is a token that combines utility and efficiency.

🌐 Growth Potential: As Neo’s adoption grows, so does the utility and demand for $GAS , making it a promising long-term asset.

📈 Will GAS hit new heights? Stay tuned to see how it performs as blockchain adoption surges!

#NeoGas #GAS #NeoBlockchain #CryptoInvesting #SmartContracts
$GAS Long Liquidation Alert Amount Liquidated: $1,141.00 Liquidation Price: $5.272 What Happened GAS traders witnessed a sharp downturn, forcing overleveraged longs to close as the price dipped to $5.272 This marks a pivotal moment, possibly hinting at rising bearish sentiment or a temporary liquidity grab before a rebound. Key Market Insights 1 Immediate Support Zone: $5.20 2. Resistance Levels: $5.50 and $5.75 3. Market Momentum: Increased liquidation volumes suggest heightened volatility and potential price swings in the short term. Trading Strategy Tips Long Traders: Be cautious of cascading liquidations and consider adjusting risk exposure. Look for confirmed support before re-entering. Short Sellers: This could be an opportunity to ride the downward momentum, but watch for a quick bounce or bullish reversal near $5.20. Opportunities Liquidation events often create mispriced assets. Smart traders can capitalize by entering positions at key support or resistance levels #GAS #BinanceAlphaAlert #OnChainLendingSurge #MicroStrategyAcquiresBTC #CryptoMarketDip $BTC $GAS {future}(GASUSDT) {future}(BTCUSDT)
$GAS Long Liquidation Alert

Amount Liquidated: $1,141.00
Liquidation Price: $5.272

What Happened

GAS traders witnessed a sharp downturn, forcing overleveraged longs to close as the price dipped to $5.272

This marks a pivotal moment, possibly hinting at rising bearish sentiment or a temporary liquidity grab before a rebound.

Key Market Insights

1 Immediate Support Zone: $5.20

2. Resistance Levels: $5.50 and $5.75

3. Market Momentum: Increased liquidation volumes suggest heightened volatility and potential price swings in the short term.

Trading Strategy Tips

Long Traders: Be cautious of cascading liquidations and consider adjusting risk exposure. Look for confirmed support before re-entering.

Short Sellers: This could be an opportunity to ride the downward momentum, but watch for a quick bounce or bullish reversal near $5.20.

Liquidation events often create mispriced assets. Smart traders can capitalize by entering positions at key support or resistance levels

#GAS #BinanceAlphaAlert #OnChainLendingSurge #MicroStrategyAcquiresBTC #CryptoMarketDip

watch this #GAS in the next move ..
watch this #GAS in the next move ..
$GAS Watching this 4H chart closely, key levels holding strong
Could be the calm before the storm—next move will define the trend

最近,ACT价格如脱缰野马般以一根强力的大阳线拉升,触及了趋势底部支撑,瞬间让市场为之一振,仿佛反弹已然开启。然而,深度技术分析却给出警告信号——MACD死叉悄然出现,上涨动能的持续性面临严峻考验,短期内市场的多头希望或许瞬间崩塌。 目前的上涨,极可能是一场空头的“诱杀”战术,多头正处于“反击”前的最后喘息。接下来的几小时,将是决定价格走势生死的关键时刻! 这场激烈的多空对决,你站哪边? #ACT #sui #1000sats #GAS #Hive $ACT $BIO $AGLD
#ACT #sui #1000sats #GAS #Hive $ACT $BIO $AGLD
$BTC hôm bữa vẽ chơi cho tính đồ tiền ảo mà cứ như vẽ đúng rồi thì phải#bitcoin #gas
$BTC hôm bữa vẽ chơi cho tính đồ tiền ảo mà cứ như vẽ đúng rồi thì phải#bitcoin #gas
mời mọi người ăn sáng cùng Gas #gas chốt 6.3, xuống 5.9 chúng ta sẽ vào nữa mục tiêu là 10.x#Gas/usdt
mời mọi người ăn sáng cùng Gas #gas chốt 6.3,
xuống 5.9 chúng ta sẽ vào nữa mục tiêu là 10.x#Gas/usdt
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