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🔔 اليوم لن يكون هناك صفقات صباحية
نشرنا لكم صفقة magic بنسبة دخول 3% 5% أكتفي بها
عزز دخولك بها بقوة و تعامل معها و كأنها صفقتين

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نعود لكم بتحديث و صفقات جديدة مساءاً
بالتوفيق للجميع

$MAGIC #magic
#venus #thegem Venus Coin (XVS) is quickly emerging as one of the most promising hidden gems in the cryptocurrency space. With its unique focus on decentralized finance (DeFi) and lending, Venus provides a comprehensive ecosystem where users can mint synthetic assets and earn high-yield interest on their crypto holdings. Its innovative design on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) allows for fast, low-cost transactions, giving it an edge over many competitors. As DeFi continues to grow in popularity, Venus Coin’s integration of both lending and borrowing functions positions it as a future leader in the decentralized financial landscape. What makes Venus Coin particularly exciting is its strong community and governance model, where token holders have the power to influence protocol upgrades and decisions. With its increasing adoption and the growing demand for DeFi solutions, Venus Coin offers massive potential for both short-term gains and long-term growth. If you’re looking for a cryptocurrency with real utility and the ability to tap into the burgeoning DeFi sector, Venus Coin is undoubtedly one to keep an eye on.
#venus #thegem

Venus Coin (XVS) is quickly emerging as one of the most promising hidden gems in the cryptocurrency space. With its unique focus on decentralized finance (DeFi) and lending, Venus provides a comprehensive ecosystem where users can mint synthetic assets and earn high-yield interest on their crypto holdings. Its innovative design on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) allows for fast, low-cost transactions, giving it an edge over many competitors. As DeFi continues to grow in popularity, Venus Coin’s integration of both lending and borrowing functions positions it as a future leader in the decentralized financial landscape.

What makes Venus Coin particularly exciting is its strong community and governance model, where token holders have the power to influence protocol upgrades and decisions. With its increasing adoption and the growing demand for DeFi solutions, Venus Coin offers massive potential for both short-term gains and long-term growth. If you’re looking for a cryptocurrency with real utility and the ability to tap into the burgeoning DeFi sector, Venus Coin is undoubtedly one to keep an eye on.
🚨 震撼大单!某地址8小时前从Venus借出8.5万枚BNB,6174万美元资金流入Binance! 链上数据监测显示,八小时前,地址0x1E7...861ae从Venus借出8.5万枚BNB,价值高达6174万美元,并迅速将这些代币充值进Binance。这一交易成为过去24小时内单笔价值最高的BNB充值。 关键数据: 借出金额:8.5万枚BNB,总价值6174万美元;充值平台:Binance,为主要交易平台之一;交易时间:八小时前,单笔交易规模庞大。 市场观察: 这笔资金流入无疑是近期BNB市场的一个重要信号。随着资金流入Binance,可能意味着市场即将迎来更多的价格波动或大规模交易活动。尤其是当这种大额资金动向发生在市场的关键时刻时,通常会引发更多投资者的关注。 深度分析: 通过从Venus借出BNB,意味着这位地址背后的投资者或机构对市场的未来走势持积极态度,愿意在相对较低的成本下获得BNB并在交易平台进行操作。大额充值至Binance不仅可能为即将到来的市场波动做准备,也可能是该地址正在为短期套利或其他交易操作布局。 关注我们,实时跟踪市场动向,洞察每一笔关键交易背后的资金流向与趋势! #BNB走势 #Venus #MDT #KMD #币安LaunchpoolVANA $BTC $BNB $KMD
🚨 震撼大单!某地址8小时前从Venus借出8.5万枚BNB,6174万美元资金流入Binance!
#BNB走势 #Venus #MDT #KMD #币安LaunchpoolVANA $BTC $BNB $KMD
trading masters official
💯تم نجاح صفقة rsr خلال ساعة و 20 دقيقة


Entry :   0.01445/0.0141

Target 1: 0.0147✅
🔥الهدف الأول خلال ساعة و 20 دقيقة🔥

🛑التحديث انتهى و لا يوجد صفقات جديدة حتى مرور 6_9 ساعات ... بعد هذه المدة نعود لكم بتحديث و صفقات جديدة

⚪من بين الصفقات الأخيرة هناك صفقة aca لم تتحقق بعد و تم تعديل الستوب بإغلاق 4h تحت 0.103 حالياً العملة على سعر الدخول

⚠️و لكن هناك نقطه مهمه على الجميع إتباعها
في كل صفقة يوجد سعرين للشراء

سعر أول للدخول ، وسعر ثاني لتعزيز الصفقة

مثال صفقة aca دخولك الاول 2%
في حال تراجع السعر الى سعر الدخول الثاني 0.107 تعزز الصفقة 2% أيضاً
وعند العودة الى سعر دخولها الأول 0.1095 تقوم ببيع مبلغ التعزيز كتامين للصفقة

مع العلم أن سعر العملة لامس 0.105 و كان عليك الاستفادة من هذا التراجع

🟣ايضاً أي شخص ليس لديه استراتيجية او لا يعلم كيف يتعامل مع باقي الأهداف او كان مبتدئ في التداول... يكتفي في أول هدف من كل صفقة
التداول معنا سهل إن شاء الله و لكن قبل ذلك أعلم جيداً كيف هي خطتنا في العمل و ماهي إمكانياتك

⚠️ملاحظة : نظام صفقاتنا سبوت و لسنا مسؤولين عن دخولك فيوتشر لصفقاتنا

🔵نعود لكم بتحديث جديد قريباً
تابعنا للحصول على المزيد من الصفقات المجانية يومياً
ادعمنا بلايك و شارك المحتوى لتعم الفائدة على الجميع
بدعمكم نستمر ❤️
#ReserveRights #Acala #AcalaNetwork #spot #signals
XVS(Venus):低估宝藏的投资机会--为什么选择 #XVS(Venus)?XVS 概览:• 价格: $11.89• 市值: $186,234,949• 总锁定价值(TVL): $986,442,570• 最大供应量: 30,000,000 XVS• 完全稀释的市值: $356,752,776• 流通供应量: 15,658,232 XVS (流通比例:52.19%)• 市值/TVL比值: 0.19042757COMP 对比:• 价格: $55.47• 市值: $447,287,835• 总锁定价值(TVL): $1,118,649,329• 最大供应量: 10,000,000 COMP• 流通供应量: 8,063,997 COMP (流通比例:80.64%)• 市值/TVL比值: 0.3998648宏观政策和市场趋势:在当前市场环境下,几个重要宏观因素可能进一步推动加密货币的发展:1. 美联储降息预期:• 预期美联储将降息可能降低市场上获取资金的成本,为更高收益资产创造更有利的环境。2. BTC ETF的通过:• 比特币 ETF的通过标志着加密资产逐渐成为传统华尔街金融机构的合规投资资产,为整个市场提供了更多认可和流动性。XVS 优势:1. 市值/TVL比值低:• XVS 的市值/TVL比值为 0.19042757,相对较低。这可能意味着 XVS 的市值相对于其在DeFi 生态系统中的总锁定价值被低估。这为投资者提供了进入市场的良好时机。2. 市场上资金流动性充足时,XVS 有望实现更大的成长。• 其相对低估的市值/TVL比值表明,一旦市场对其价值有更深入的认识,XVS 的价格可能会有显著的上涨空间。3. 宏观趋势支持:• 在低息率、流动性增加的环境中,XVS 有望受益于更多资金流入加密货币市场的趋势。BTC ETF的通过将吸引更多机构资金,其中XVS 作为被低估的 Defi 项目可能迎来更多投资者的关注。4. 相对 COMP 的优势:• 相比之下,XVS 显示出更低的市值/TVL比值,意味着更大的潜在增长空间。尽管COMP 也被低估,但 XVS 可能更具吸引力。投资建议:基于以上分析,XVS 看起来是一个值得投资者关注的项目。其低估的市值/TVL比值、宏观趋势的支持以及相对于 COMP 的优势,都为 XVS 提供了潜在的投资机会。然而,投资决策应该是谨慎的,并充分考虑个人的风险承受能力和投资目标。市场风险随时存在,所以在做出决策之前,请咨询专业的财务顾问,以确保你做出的决策符合你的财务计划和风险偏好。#xvs #vai #venus #BTC #etf

XVS(Venus):低估宝藏的投资机会--为什么选择 #XVS(Venus)?

XVS 概览:• 价格: $11.89• 市值: $186,234,949• 总锁定价值(TVL): $986,442,570• 最大供应量: 30,000,000 XVS• 完全稀释的市值: $356,752,776• 流通供应量: 15,658,232 XVS (流通比例:52.19%)• 市值/TVL比值: 0.19042757COMP 对比:• 价格: $55.47• 市值: $447,287,835• 总锁定价值(TVL): $1,118,649,329• 最大供应量: 10,000,000 COMP• 流通供应量: 8,063,997 COMP (流通比例:80.64%)• 市值/TVL比值: 0.3998648宏观政策和市场趋势:在当前市场环境下,几个重要宏观因素可能进一步推动加密货币的发展:1. 美联储降息预期:• 预期美联储将降息可能降低市场上获取资金的成本,为更高收益资产创造更有利的环境。2. BTC ETF的通过:• 比特币 ETF的通过标志着加密资产逐渐成为传统华尔街金融机构的合规投资资产,为整个市场提供了更多认可和流动性。XVS 优势:1. 市值/TVL比值低:• XVS 的市值/TVL比值为 0.19042757,相对较低。这可能意味着 XVS 的市值相对于其在DeFi 生态系统中的总锁定价值被低估。这为投资者提供了进入市场的良好时机。2. 市场上资金流动性充足时,XVS 有望实现更大的成长。• 其相对低估的市值/TVL比值表明,一旦市场对其价值有更深入的认识,XVS 的价格可能会有显著的上涨空间。3. 宏观趋势支持:• 在低息率、流动性增加的环境中,XVS 有望受益于更多资金流入加密货币市场的趋势。BTC ETF的通过将吸引更多机构资金,其中XVS 作为被低估的 Defi 项目可能迎来更多投资者的关注。4. 相对 COMP 的优势:• 相比之下,XVS 显示出更低的市值/TVL比值,意味着更大的潜在增长空间。尽管COMP 也被低估,但 XVS 可能更具吸引力。投资建议:基于以上分析,XVS 看起来是一个值得投资者关注的项目。其低估的市值/TVL比值、宏观趋势的支持以及相对于 COMP 的优势,都为 XVS 提供了潜在的投资机会。然而,投资决策应该是谨慎的,并充分考虑个人的风险承受能力和投资目标。市场风险随时存在,所以在做出决策之前,请咨询专业的财务顾问,以确保你做出的决策符合你的财务计划和风险偏好。#xvs #vai #venus #BTC #etf
Hi everyone 😊 If you want to accumulate more #BIO tokens with the Binance #Launchpool & #wallet then you can borrow #slisBNB from the #Venus platform and add them to your $BNB Cheers 🥂
Hi everyone 😊

If you want to accumulate more #BIO tokens with the Binance #Launchpool & #wallet then you can borrow #slisBNB from the #Venus platform and add them to your $BNB

Cheers 🥂
Binance Unveils New Launchpool Project: Bio Protocol (BIO)
Binance, one of the top platforms for cryptocurrency trading, has introduced its 63rd project on the Launchpool platform: Bio Protocol (BIO). This initiative aims to revolutionize scientific research by incorporating decentralized technologies, supporting the growing Decentralized Science (DeSci) movement. Bio Protocol acts as a hub for scientific collaboration and funding, powered by blockchain technology, making scientific advancements more accessible and efficient.

Farming BIO Tokens on Binance Launchpool

Starting from December 24, 2024, at 00:00 (UTC), Binance users can earn BIO tokens by staking their BNB or FDUSD. This farming event will last for 10 days, ending on January 2, 2025, at 23:59 (UTC). During this period, a total of 100 million BIO tokens—equivalent to about 3% of the total token supply—will be given out as rewards. The rewards will be divided between two pools:

BNB Pool: Allocated 85% of the total rewards (85 million BIO tokens).

FDUSD Pool: Allocated 15% of the total rewards (15 million BIO tokens).

Every day, 10 million BIO tokens will be distributed, with 8.5 million BIO reserved for the BNB staking pool and 1.5 million BIO for the FDUSD pool. To ensure fair distribution, there’s a limit on how many tokens a single user can earn in an hour. This hourly cap is set at 35,000 BIO tokens for the BNB pool and 6,500 BIO tokens for the FDUSD pool.

Listing and Trading Pairs for BIO

Once the farming phase concludes, Binance plans to make BIO tokens available for trading starting January 3, 2025, at 10:00 (UTC). Users will be able to trade BIO using the following pairs: BIO/USDT, BIO/BNB, BIO/FDUSD, and BIO/TRY. Upon its launch, the circulating supply of BIO tokens is estimated to be around 1.3 billion, which represents nearly 40% of the total token supply.

What is Bio Protocol?

Bio Protocol is a platform designed to promote and fund scientific research using blockchain technology. The project operates within the Decentralized Science (DeSci) space, allowing researchers worldwide to collaborate and access resources in a transparent and decentralized way. By breaking traditional barriers to funding and resources, Bio Protocol aims to bring efficiency and fairness to the global scientific community.

Tokenomics and Allocation

The total number of BIO tokens is capped at 3.3 billion. These tokens will be distributed across various categories, with the majority (56%) reserved for community-building and ecosystem development. This allocation ensures that the platform remains community-driven while fostering long-term growth.


Binance’s latest Launchpool project, Bio Protocol, offers users an exciting opportunity to not only earn rewards but also support a transformative approach to science and research. Be sure to take part in the farming event and explore the potential of this groundbreaking initiative.
📊 $XVS / USDTKey Level and Next Move!⏳ Current Price: $9.16 24h Change: +4.57% 24h High: $9.21 24h Low: $8.67 Volume (XVS): 208,791 Volume (USDT): 1.86M Venus ($XVS ) is experiencing a notable increase in trading activity, with a 4.57% rise in the last 24 hours. The price is currently at $9.16, having rebounded from its 24-hour low of $8.67. The 4-hour chart shows a series of higher lows, suggesting a potential bullish trend forming after a period of consolidation. Performance Overview: 7-Day Change: -8.94%30-Day Change: -17.01%90-Day Change: +26.13%180-Day Change: +41.73%1-Year Change: -20.05% XVS is looking to break through the resistance at $9.20, with support established around $8.80. Traders should watch for any sustained movement above the resistance level, which could indicate further bullish momentum. Stay updated and make informed trading decisions with Binance! #Venus #XVS #Binance #CryptoTrading #MarketUpdate
📊 $XVS / USDTKey Level and Next Move!⏳
Current Price: $9.16
24h Change: +4.57%
24h High: $9.21
24h Low: $8.67
Volume (XVS): 208,791
Volume (USDT): 1.86M
Venus ($XVS ) is experiencing a notable increase in trading activity, with a 4.57% rise in the last 24 hours. The price is currently at $9.16, having rebounded from its 24-hour low of $8.67. The 4-hour chart shows a series of higher lows, suggesting a potential bullish trend forming after a period of consolidation.
Performance Overview:
7-Day Change: -8.94%30-Day Change: -17.01%90-Day Change: +26.13%180-Day Change: +41.73%1-Year Change: -20.05%
XVS is looking to break through the resistance at $9.20, with support established around $8.80. Traders should watch for any sustained movement above the resistance level, which could indicate further bullish momentum.
Stay updated and make informed trading decisions with Binance!
#Venus #XVS #Binance #CryptoTrading #MarketUpdate
$XVS /USDT Trading Signal - Venus Showing Strength! {spot}(XVSUSDT) Current Price: $8.97 $XVS has risen by 1.36% in the last 24 hours, bouncing off a low of $8.55 and hitting a high of $9.53. The price is currently recovering, showing potential for a further bullish continuation. Key Levels to Monitor: Resistance Zone: $9.20 - $9.50 Support Level: $8.70 Trade Setup Suggestion: Entry Range: $8.90 - $9.10 Targets: Target 1: $9.20 (Immediate resistance) Target 2: $9.50 (Stronger breakout level) Stop Loss: $8.60 (Below the recent support) Market Insight: $XVS is attempting to sustain its recovery after a dip to $8.55. A successful break above $9.20 could push the price toward $9.50. However, failure to maintain support near $8.70 may lead to another retest of lower levels. Look for volume confirmation to validate the trend. #Venus #XVS #CryptoTrading #Binance #XVSUSDT
$XVS /USDT Trading Signal - Venus Showing Strength!
Current Price: $8.97
$XVS has risen by 1.36% in the last 24 hours, bouncing off a low of $8.55 and hitting a high of $9.53. The price is currently recovering, showing potential for a further bullish continuation.

Key Levels to Monitor:

Resistance Zone: $9.20 - $9.50

Support Level: $8.70

Trade Setup Suggestion:

Entry Range: $8.90 - $9.10


Target 1: $9.20 (Immediate resistance)

Target 2: $9.50 (Stronger breakout level)

Stop Loss: $8.60 (Below the recent support)

Market Insight:

$XVS is attempting to sustain its recovery after a dip to $8.55. A successful break above $9.20 could push the price toward $9.50. However, failure to maintain support near $8.70 may lead to another retest of lower levels. Look for volume confirmation to validate the trend.

#Venus #XVS #CryptoTrading #Binance #XVSUSDT
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