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11年左右有100个btc。那时候这玩意又不值钱,也没怎么注意保存。密钥下载在旧电脑里面。12年左右换了。 然后喜闻乐见。 其实我不止一次想过,留到现在会怎么样。 但是我很清楚,我留不到现在。 我如果那个电脑没换,我可能也在几十至多400500左右抛了,在当时认知狠狠赚一笔。 因为谁特么也不会想到当年几块钱这玩意涨到了如今的10多万。。。 就跟当年别人跟我说让我买全通教育,当时正处牛市,7块钱的本进去的,14我就出了。 过了半年别人问我股票出了么,我说翻倍我就出了,他当时一脸不可置信,让我打开自己看看,已经涨到了327。。这玩意当年涨过400。。 我等凡人,要是能算到后来,世界上就没有那么多如果了。 但是又一个机会来了! 特朗普的狗狗#Conan 这是来自美国的一只现役英雄犬,川普在白宫接待并授予过“英雄犬”功勋。 社区强大,持续推动,有共识有经验能坚持,也一直在做流浪狗救助和其他国内外公益,目前仅700万美金市值,属于早期,适合以小博大!可以看看!#加密市场反弹 #TRUMP










特朗普的狗狗#Conan 这是来自美国的一只现役英雄犬,川普在白宫接待并授予过“英雄犬”功勋。

社区强大,持续推动,有共识有经验能坚持,也一直在做流浪狗救助和其他国内外公益,目前仅700万美金市值,属于早期,适合以小博大!可以看看!#加密市场反弹 #TRUMP
吹得很好 下次別吹了
$TRUMP TRUMP代币巨鲸割肉离场! 亏损近60万美元! 【链上风云】2月1日,链上数据分析大师揭秘:一位以2geJd开头的神秘巨鲸,在1月28日TRUMP代币反弹高潮时,用280万美元,一举购入9.27万枚TRUMP!然而,币市风云突变,TRUMP币价随后一路走低…… 终于,在7小时前,这位巨鲸痛下决心,以均价23.82美元忍痛割肉,清仓所有TRUMP代币,本轮操作直接亏损高达59万美元!其累计在TRUMP上的获利也因此缩减至744万美元。 这究竟是币圈的一次残酷洗礼,还是巨鲸布局中的一环? #TRUMP #加密市场反弹 #meme板块关注热点 #热门话题 {future}(TRUMPUSDT)






#TRUMP #加密市场反弹 #meme板块关注热点 #热门话题
马斯克又双叒叕发推了,某天凌晨2点,他一共发了18条推特! 猛烈抨击DeepSeek,理由是: 他们的大模型训练成本太高了,质疑人家技术不靠谱,让SEC赶紧介入调查。看到马老板这么疯狂的发推,网友们也是吵翻了,两派观点激烈对峙。一派认为:都是OpenAI搞的,美国现在偏离方向了。 另一派则认为:东大的AI技术实在是太强大了,美国感到恐慌了。马斯克当年不是很喜欢做美国的高官,但他还是成立了X基金会,拉了一堆投资人入股,自己也投入资金,搞算力中心建设,囤积了几万英伟达算力卡。但是他大模型没做起来,损失十几亿。现在看似是东大这边胜利了,但其实是马斯克这边阶段性失败。 全球首任加密总统在SOL链发布总统meme 币,颠覆全球人加密认知的时代已经开启!特朗普家族币挨个爆发,市值惊人! 一人当道,鸡“犬”升天!燃势正在蔓延到#Conan (柯南)!来自美国一只赫赫有名的现役军犬!总统特朗普在白宫接待并授予过“英雄犬”功勋,它曾在行动中立下战功,特朗普称赞柯南是地表最强狗,并送上一连串名号!有“终极斗士”、没人敢惹的“硬汉”。 如果说马斯克狗狗币开创meme 先河!那特朗普的英雄狗柯南#Conan 绝对把meme 推向鼎盛! 速度加入特朗普的英雄犬#Conan 战队!紧跟全球加密节奏!共享财富自由!#加密市场反弹 #TRUMP $ETH

全球首任加密总统在SOL链发布总统meme 币,颠覆全球人加密认知的时代已经开启!特朗普家族币挨个爆发,市值惊人!
一人当道,鸡“犬”升天!燃势正在蔓延到#Conan (柯南)!来自美国一只赫赫有名的现役军犬!总统特朗普在白宫接待并授予过“英雄犬”功勋,它曾在行动中立下战功,特朗普称赞柯南是地表最强狗,并送上一连串名号!有“终极斗士”、没人敢惹的“硬汉”。
如果说马斯克狗狗币开创meme 先河!那特朗普的英雄狗柯南#Conan 绝对把meme 推向鼎盛! 速度加入特朗普的英雄犬#Conan 战队!紧跟全球加密节奏!共享财富自由!#加密市场反弹 #TRUMP $ETH
Tamela Wellendorf cqiY:
$TRUMP {spot}(TRUMPUSDT) Donald Trump's statements about the Trump coin are quite interesting. When asked about the Official Trump (TRUMP) memecoin, he revealed that he doesn't know much about it, aside from its launch. His exact words were, "I don't know much about it other than I launched it" ¹. This statement might come as a surprise, given the coin's significant impact on his net worth. According to reports, the Trump coin's meteoric rise has boosted his fortune, with a 400% increase in net worth since its launch, putting his net worth at approximately $28 billion ². It's also worth noting that Trump's portfolio includes a substantial amount of TRUMP tokens, valued at around $1 million, as well as other cryptocurrencies like TROG, Ethereum, and Wrapped Ethereum ³. #DonaldTrump #TRUMP #CoinHuntersTRCommUNITY
Donald Trump's statements about the Trump coin are quite interesting. When asked about the Official Trump (TRUMP) memecoin, he revealed that he doesn't know much about it, aside from its launch. His exact words were, "I don't know much about it other than I launched it" ¹.

This statement might come as a surprise, given the coin's significant impact on his net worth. According to reports, the Trump coin's meteoric rise has boosted his fortune, with a 400% increase in net worth since its launch, putting his net worth at approximately $28 billion ².

It's also worth noting that Trump's portfolio includes a substantial amount of TRUMP tokens, valued at around $1 million, as well as other cryptocurrencies like TROG, Ethereum, and Wrapped Ethereum ³.
#DonaldTrump #TRUMP #CoinHuntersTRCommUNITY
Now it's not Pump & Dump, it's Trump & Dump!
#TRUMP $TRUMP bajará a su mínimo de $5, con el Objetivo de liquidar a todos los que están resistiendo que compraron en $35 para arriba, luego se mantendrá en un promedio de $27-$28, de ahí no subirá más.
#TRUMP $TRUMP bajará a su mínimo de $5, con el
Objetivo de liquidar a todos los que están resistiendo que compraron en $35 para arriba, luego se mantendrá en un promedio de $27-$28, de ahí no subirá más.
no lo que pasa es que hasta la segunda semana de febrero sigue en trump esta semana no da indicio de segunda semana no la mira mas nadie...y muere
币圈“血流成河”!一觉醒来账户少个零 凌晨三点,币圈毫无征兆地陷入恐慌。小明刚加仓的SOL,被急促的爆仓警报声“叫醒”。打开行情软件一看,他直接懵了:ETH跌破3300刀,狗狗币腰斩,自己加了50倍杠杆的仓位瞬间清零。 一时间,币圈被爆仓警报刷屏。短短几小时,全网爆仓7.7亿美金,比特币合约爆仓就蒸发2.38亿。主流币、山寨币集体暴跌,可小币种JUP却逆势上涨3.5%,原来是项目方回购拉盘。 这次暴跌看似因美联储会议引发市场避险情绪,实则是中国AI公司DeepSeek的动作带崩科技股,连累币圈,华尔街和狗庄趁机收割。 暴跌前大V还喊“牛市来了”,如今粉丝群成“爆仓互助会”。暴跌后巨鲸吸筹、散户遭殃,推特上还出现烧币活动,交易所也出现宕机。网友们在评论区疯狂吐槽,有人愤怒、有人自嘲,整个币圈乱成一团。 全球首任加密总统在SOL链发布总统meme 币,颠覆全球人加密认知的时代已经开启!特朗普家族币挨个爆发,市值惊人! 一人当道,鸡“犬”升天!燃势正在蔓延到#Conan (柯南)!来自美国一只赫赫有名的现役军犬!总统特朗普在白宫接待并授予过“英雄犬”功勋,它曾在行动中立下战功,特朗普称赞柯南是地表最强狗,并送上一连串名号!有“终极斗士”、没人敢惹的“硬汉”。 如果说马斯克狗狗币开创meme 先河!那特朗普的英雄狗柯南#Conan 绝对把meme 推向鼎盛! 速度加入特朗普的英雄犬#Conan 战队!紧跟全球加密节奏!共享财富自由!#TRUMP #加密市场反弹 $ETH




全球首任加密总统在SOL链发布总统meme 币,颠覆全球人加密认知的时代已经开启!特朗普家族币挨个爆发,市值惊人!
一人当道,鸡“犬”升天!燃势正在蔓延到#Conan (柯南)!来自美国一只赫赫有名的现役军犬!总统特朗普在白宫接待并授予过“英雄犬”功勋,它曾在行动中立下战功,特朗普称赞柯南是地表最强狗,并送上一连串名号!有“终极斗士”、没人敢惹的“硬汉”。
如果说马斯克狗狗币开创meme 先河!那特朗普的英雄狗柯南#Conan 绝对把meme 推向鼎盛! 速度加入特朗普的英雄犬#Conan 战队!紧跟全球加密节奏!共享财富自由!#TRUMP #加密市场反弹 $ETH
#TRUMP TrumpCoin Price Update & Predictions TrumpCoin ($TRUMP ) is currently experiencing a shift in its price trajectory. At present, the cryptocurrency is valued at $0.0003402, with a 24-hour trading volume of approximately $94,828. Over the past 24 hours, it has seen a decrease of 3.19%, and in the past week, a more significant drop of 5.28%. Speculation is brewing about the possibility of a new version of TrumpCoin, potentially backed by Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump. Eric Trump recently hinted at a major crypto announcement, sparking both interest and skepticism within the cryptocurrency space. However, the commitment of the Trump family to the crypto world remains uncertain, and the authenticity of these speculations is still under debate. On a more positive note, the original TrumpCoin (TRUMP) currently holds a market capitalization of $5.22 billion, with a price tag of $26.11. It has seen a 5.09% price increase in the last 24 hours. Despite the fluctuations, there is ongoing speculation about the currency’s future, and some predict short-term gains for those holding or trading TrumpCoin. Looking ahead, analysts forecast some notable fluctuations in the price of TrumpCoin over the next few days. According to CoinCodex, the price is predicted to rise by 2.21% on February 1, 2025, reaching $0.088354. The following day, February 2, 2025, it is expected to see a slight increase of 3.09%, hitting $0.088806. For the days after, here's what the predictions indicate: February 3, 2025: Price expected to hit $0.089389, with a 9.91% rise. February 4, 2025: Expected growth of 18.23%, reaching $0.071010. February 5, 2025: A significant surge of 27.51%, bringing the price to $0.071089. It’s crucial to note that cryptocurrency markets are notoriously volatile, and these predictions are subject to rapid changes. Investors should exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and stay updated with the latest news to make informed decisions. $TRUMP {spot}(TRUMPUSDT) #Write2Earn
TrumpCoin Price Update & Predictions

TrumpCoin ($TRUMP ) is currently experiencing a shift in its price trajectory. At present, the cryptocurrency is valued at $0.0003402, with a 24-hour trading volume of approximately $94,828. Over the past 24 hours, it has seen a decrease of 3.19%, and in the past week, a more significant drop of 5.28%. Speculation is brewing about the possibility of a new version of TrumpCoin, potentially backed by Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump. Eric Trump recently hinted at a major crypto announcement, sparking both interest and skepticism within the cryptocurrency space. However, the commitment of the Trump family to the crypto world remains uncertain, and the authenticity of these speculations is still under debate.

On a more positive note, the original TrumpCoin (TRUMP) currently holds a market capitalization of $5.22 billion, with a price tag of $26.11. It has seen a 5.09% price increase in the last 24 hours. Despite the fluctuations, there is ongoing speculation about the currency’s future, and some predict short-term gains for those holding or trading TrumpCoin.

Looking ahead, analysts forecast some notable fluctuations in the price of TrumpCoin over the next few days. According to CoinCodex, the price is predicted to rise by 2.21% on February 1, 2025, reaching $0.088354. The following day, February 2, 2025, it is expected to see a slight increase of 3.09%, hitting $0.088806.

For the days after, here's what the predictions indicate:

February 3, 2025: Price expected to hit $0.089389, with a 9.91% rise.

February 4, 2025: Expected growth of 18.23%, reaching $0.071010.

February 5, 2025: A significant surge of 27.51%, bringing the price to $0.071089.

It’s crucial to note that cryptocurrency markets are notoriously volatile, and these predictions are subject to rapid changes. Investors should exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and stay updated with the latest news to make informed decisions.
Evonne Barentine tvGv:
Trump is dead
🚨 $TRUMP SHORTS DESTROYED IN A MASSIVE LIQUIDATION! 🚨 A $1,094.80 short liquidation just obliterated bearish bets on TRUMP at $23.34737! The market shifted gears in a split second, sending short positions into chaos and wiping them out completely! 💥 This wasn’t just a dip—it was a full-scale destruction of overleveraged shorts! The bears got caught off guard as $TRUMP surged, turning the tables and sending traders scrambling for cover! Is this the calm before a major rally, or is the storm just beginning? One thing is clear—$TRUMP just sent a message: underestimate it, and you’ll get crushed! Stay on your toes—the market moves fast, and weak hands won’t survive! 🔥🚀 #TRUMP #ORDI #Pnut #gala #Fetch_ai {spot}(TRUMPUSDT) {spot}(QTUMUSDT) {spot}(ACHUSDT)

A $1,094.80 short liquidation just obliterated bearish bets on TRUMP at $23.34737!

The market shifted gears in a split second, sending short positions into chaos and wiping them out completely! 💥

This wasn’t just a dip—it was a full-scale destruction of overleveraged shorts! The bears got caught off guard as $TRUMP surged, turning the tables and sending traders scrambling for cover!

Is this the calm before a major rally, or is the storm just beginning? One thing is clear—$TRUMP just sent a message: underestimate it, and you’ll get crushed!

Stay on your toes—the market moves fast, and weak hands won’t survive! 🔥🚀

2025.2.1号trump 快速解盘 【TRUMP币1小时生死时速】紧急策略🚨 🔥现价23.99刀!1小时线狂砸7%,链上惊现15万枚TRUMP抛售,狗庄洗盘终极局! ▶️ **铁血防线**: - 狗命底23.50(三针探底+4小时布林下轨) - 多空绞肉23.80(1小时EMA89+鲸鱼挂单墙) ▶️ **空军核弹**: - 死亡压顶24.50(三顶结构+爆仓密集区) - 天堑25.00(历史套牢盘+特朗普演讲倒计时) 💥 **疯批操作**:现价23.99直接挂23.70多(止损23.30!),突破24.50加仓追涨!若放量跌破23.50,反手空单核平23.00!今夜特朗普NFT发售埋伏暴击! 🚨 **七日预言**:日线MACD死叉但RSI超卖,周内必现20%级暴力反弹!但周五非农数据或插针,MEME玩家建议5倍杠杆+止损保命!记住,TRUMP币是政治盘——睡王一条推文就能拉爆! (关注我🔥,提前24小时狙击特朗普内幕交易!置顶推文送《总统级狗庄操盘手册》)#TRUMP #BTC
2025.2.1号trump 快速解盘



▶️ **铁血防线**:
- 狗命底23.50(三针探底+4小时布林下轨)
- 多空绞肉23.80(1小时EMA89+鲸鱼挂单墙)

▶️ **空军核弹**:
- 死亡压顶24.50(三顶结构+爆仓密集区)
- 天堑25.00(历史套牢盘+特朗普演讲倒计时)

💥 **疯批操作**:现价23.99直接挂23.70多(止损23.30!),突破24.50加仓追涨!若放量跌破23.50,反手空单核平23.00!今夜特朗普NFT发售埋伏暴击!

🚨 **七日预言**:日线MACD死叉但RSI超卖,周内必现20%级暴力反弹!但周五非农数据或插针,MEME玩家建议5倍杠杆+止损保命!记住,TRUMP币是政治盘——睡王一条推文就能拉爆!

(关注我🔥,提前24小时狙击特朗普内幕交易!置顶推文送《总统级狗庄操盘手册》)#TRUMP #BTC
Анализ и прогноз TRUMP #TRUMP {future}(TRUMPUSDT) Прогноз цены на TRUMP/USDT (Trump Coin) является сложной задачей, поскольку криптовалютный рынок отличается высокой волатильностью и зависит от множества факторов, таких как новости, регулирование, технологические разработки и общее настроение инвесторов. Текущая ситуация На данный момент (23:36 UTC) цена TRUMP/USDT составляет $24.93, что на 5.82% ниже максимального значения за 24 часа, которое составляло $26.64. Объем торгов за 24 часа составляет 17.25 млн TRUMP и 444.15 млн USDT. Технический анализ На графике видно, что цена TRUMP/USDT находится в нисходящем тренде, о чем свидетельствует снижение с 60.00 до текущего уровня. Индикатор UO (Ultimate Oscillator) показывает значение 18.30, что говорит о возможном состоянии перепроданности актива. Однако, для более точного анализа необходимо учитывать и другие технические индикаторы, а также анализировать объемы торгов и уровни поддержки/сопротивления. Фундаментальный анализ Для фундаментального анализа TRUMP/USDT необходимо учитывать факторы, связанные с самим Trump Coin, такие как его популярность среди инвесторов, развитие проекта, наличие реальных кейсов использования и т.д. Также важно следить за новостями.
Анализ и прогноз TRUMP

Прогноз цены на TRUMP/USDT (Trump Coin) является сложной задачей, поскольку криптовалютный рынок отличается высокой волатильностью и зависит от множества факторов, таких как новости, регулирование, технологические разработки и общее настроение инвесторов.
Текущая ситуация
На данный момент (23:36 UTC) цена TRUMP/USDT составляет $24.93, что на 5.82% ниже максимального значения за 24 часа, которое составляло $26.64. Объем торгов за 24 часа составляет 17.25 млн TRUMP и 444.15 млн USDT.
Технический анализ
На графике видно, что цена TRUMP/USDT находится в нисходящем тренде, о чем свидетельствует снижение с 60.00 до текущего уровня. Индикатор UO (Ultimate Oscillator) показывает значение 18.30, что говорит о возможном состоянии перепроданности актива. Однако, для более точного анализа необходимо учитывать и другие технические индикаторы, а также анализировать объемы торгов и уровни поддержки/сопротивления.
Фундаментальный анализ
Для фундаментального анализа TRUMP/USDT необходимо учитывать факторы, связанные с самим Trump Coin, такие как его популярность среди инвесторов, развитие проекта, наличие реальных кейсов использования и т.д. Также важно следить за новостями.
Trump shit coin
漂亮国为了还清35万亿的债,可能会出现的几种局面: 第一种:中国变成老大,美国得找中国借钱,以后得听中国老大的。 第二种:美元彻底崩溃,美国经济陷入大混乱,社会动荡不安。 第三种:美国疯狂印钞,导致全球通货膨胀,各国纷纷抵制美元。 第四种:美国大幅加税,民众生活负担加重,引发大规模抗议。 第五种:美国大量出售国有资产,核心产业被他国掌控。 第六种:发动战争,通过掠夺他国资源来还债,但可能引发全球大战。 第七种:科技重大突破,创造巨大财富,但这需要时间和运气。 第八种:与各国达成债务重组协议,以出让部分金融话语权或海外军事基地权益等作为交换条件,在国际社会监督下逐步消化债务,不过这一过程必定充满艰难的谈判与复杂的利益博弈,美国也将在一定程度上失去往昔在国际事务中的绝对主导权 。 本人持续分享潜力币来自美国一只赫赫有名的现役军犬!总统特朗普在白宫接待并授予过“英雄犬”功勋,它曾在多次重要行动中立下战功,特朗普称赞柯南是地表最强狗, 速度加入特朗普的英雄犬Conan 战队!紧跟全球加密节奏!探索财富密码! #加密市场反弹 #美国初请失业金人数低于预期 #美联储维持利率不变 #TRUMP #Conan $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $TRUMP {spot}(TRUMPUSDT) $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT)








第八种:与各国达成债务重组协议,以出让部分金融话语权或海外军事基地权益等作为交换条件,在国际社会监督下逐步消化债务,不过这一过程必定充满艰难的谈判与复杂的利益博弈,美国也将在一定程度上失去往昔在国际事务中的绝对主导权 。
本人持续分享潜力币来自美国一只赫赫有名的现役军犬!总统特朗普在白宫接待并授予过“英雄犬”功勋,它曾在多次重要行动中立下战功,特朗普称赞柯南是地表最强狗, 速度加入特朗普的英雄犬Conan 战队!紧跟全球加密节奏!探索财富密码! #加密市场反弹 #美国初请失业金人数低于预期 #美联储维持利率不变 #TRUMP #Conan $BTC
拿着人家发明的手机互联网 翻越了自己牢笼下的币安 然后说着救赎 东郭先生与你 农夫与你
( TRUMP ) LONGE POSITION WITH TRUMP (TWEET 🐦)🤑🚀🚨‼️$TRUMP According to the current conditions in the (TRUMP)market a bullish pennant pattern is forming at the key support zone, which is a glimmer of hope for investors that the price may rise further. On top of that, Trump has also recently posted on social media about his Trump coin , which has further encouraged the market. Due to all these factors, it is expected that a bullish move can be seen in the crypto market. 1) position mention on the chart👇 👀 Trump mentions his memecoin for the first time The U.S. President wrote “I LOVE TRUMP,” but the post was published not on Twitter, but on Truth Social. Interestingly, right after Trump, Melania also made a post about her memecoin. #MicroStrategyAcquiresBTC #TRUMP {future}(TRUMPUSDT)


$TRUMP According to the current conditions in the (TRUMP)market a bullish pennant pattern is forming at the key support zone, which is a glimmer of hope for investors that the price may rise further. On top of that, Trump has also recently posted on social media about his Trump coin , which has further encouraged the market. Due to all these factors, it is expected that a bullish move can be seen in the crypto market.
1) position mention on the chart👇

👀 Trump mentions his memecoin for the first time

The U.S. President wrote “I LOVE TRUMP,” but the post was published not on Twitter, but on Truth Social.

Interestingly, right after Trump, Melania also made a post about her memecoin.
#MicroStrategyAcquiresBTC #TRUMP
NAH Bro I think It's gonna be Vice Versa, but who knows, try see the chart inverted view
$TRUMP {spot}(TRUMPUSDT) TRUMP Has Dropped -70% In Less Then 15 Days 🚨 In $TRUMP Because of No Major Liquidity Zones, Technicals 🧠 Works Less. Currently $TRUMP has Break-Down 🐻 the 4H Support-Zone. That Means Selling Pressure is High & Expect More DownFall. Two BUY LIMIT ORDERS 💰 ● $19 ● $16.8 ⚠️ Always Risk That Much in MemeCoins, Which You Can Afford to Lose. | TRADE VIRUS Team | ⚡️ #TRUMP #USDT
TRUMP Has Dropped -70% In Less Then 15 Days 🚨

In $TRUMP Because of No Major Liquidity Zones, Technicals 🧠 Works Less.

Currently $TRUMP has Break-Down 🐻 the 4H Support-Zone. That Means Selling Pressure is High & Expect More DownFall.


● $19
● $16.8

⚠️ Always Risk That Much in MemeCoins, Which You Can Afford to Lose.

| TRADE VIRUS Team | ⚡️
es una meme estafa......
打脸来的真快,根本就没有什么君子报仇,十年不晚的一说,咱们打脸不隔夜! 就在马斯克急着站队,并质疑Deepseek虚假宣传,不可能做出低成本训练的时候。 Deepseek在YouTube开启全球直播,在高清镜头下,用实际操作,狠狠的打了马斯克的脸。 就是不知道,如今成了特朗普走马斯克看到没有,本来就有些失落的他会不会拍脑袋撞墙。 不过,想一想,按照美国人的特性,只是被打脸,并没有伤筋动骨,也许只是低调一两天就过去了吧。 最近我又发现特朗普力挺的英雄犬#Conan ,瞬间点燃币圈。 #Conan 自诞生便备受关注,潜力无限,有望再掀meme币热潮,这是投资者改写命运的好机会! 别犹豫,赶紧加入特朗普的英雄犬#Conan 战队,跟上加密货币浪潮,冲向财富自由,尽享财富盛宴!#加密市场反弹 #TRUMP $BTC
最近我又发现特朗普力挺的英雄犬#Conan ,瞬间点燃币圈。

#Conan 自诞生便备受关注,潜力无限,有望再掀meme币热潮,这是投资者改写命运的好机会!

别犹豫,赶紧加入特朗普的英雄犬#Conan 战队,跟上加密货币浪潮,冲向财富自由,尽享财富盛宴!#加密市场反弹 #TRUMP $BTC
#Trump's #todaynews The Official Trump Coin, also known as TRUMP, has been making headlines lately. As of today, its price is $24.01, with a 7.27% increase over the past 24 hours ¹. The coin's market capitalization is $4.8 billion, ranking it #31 in the cryptocurrency market ¹. Recently, the Trump Coin surged 94871% in just three days, showcasing its high demand ². This surge is largely attributed to Donald Trump's appointment of David Sacks as the White House A.I. and Crypto Czar, which has increased trust in the crypto industry ². However, it's worth noting that the Trump Coin has also experienced significant volatility, with a 20% crash on January 21 ³. Despite this, the coin remains popular among investors, particularly with Trump's pro-crypto administration and promises to turn the US into a crypto capital ². *Current Stats:* - _Price:_ $24.01 - _Market Capitalization:_ $4.8 billion - _24-hour Change:_ 7.27% increase - _Ranking:_ #31 in the cryptocurrency market #todaynews #TRUMP
#Trump's #todaynews The Official Trump Coin, also known as TRUMP, has been making headlines lately. As of today, its price is $24.01, with a 7.27% increase over the past 24 hours ¹. The coin's market capitalization is $4.8 billion, ranking it #31 in the cryptocurrency market ¹.

Recently, the Trump Coin surged 94871% in just three days, showcasing its high demand ². This surge is largely attributed to Donald Trump's appointment of David Sacks as the White House A.I. and Crypto Czar, which has increased trust in the crypto industry ².

However, it's worth noting that the Trump Coin has also experienced significant volatility, with a 20% crash on January 21 ³. Despite this, the coin remains popular among investors, particularly with Trump's pro-crypto administration and promises to turn the US into a crypto capital ².

*Current Stats:*

- _Price:_ $24.01
- _Market Capitalization:_ $4.8 billion
- _24-hour Change:_ 7.27% increase
- _Ranking:_ #31 in the cryptocurrency market #todaynews #TRUMP
Chrystal Dejohn sCmO:
The first great deception was Trump—I navigated through it, took the risk, and emerged profitable. Seizing the opportunity, I reinvested everything into what seemed like the next big break, determined not to be left behind. However, this second venture turned out to be the most cunning and devastating trap I had ever encountered. $TRUMP {spot}(TRUMPUSDT) Fortunately, I had the foresight to withdraw my initial capital early, ensuring I didn’t suffer financial losses. Yet, the real cost wasn’t measured in money—it was in time wasted and trust broken. The experience reshaped my perspective, making me more cautious and discerning. $TRUMP I share this insight not as a regret but as a lesson—a reminder that opportunities often come wrapped in illusions. It is crucial to recognize the signs, make calculated moves, and, most importantly, protect what truly matters. #TRUMP #VVVonBinance #BinanceListsVelodrome #CryptoPatience
The first great deception was Trump—I navigated through it, took the risk, and emerged profitable. Seizing the opportunity, I reinvested everything into what seemed like the next big break, determined not to be left behind. However, this second venture turned out to be the most cunning and devastating trap I had ever encountered.

Fortunately, I had the foresight to withdraw my initial capital early, ensuring I didn’t suffer financial losses. Yet, the real cost wasn’t measured in money—it was in time wasted and trust broken. The experience reshaped my perspective, making me more cautious and discerning.
I share this insight not as a regret but as a lesson—a reminder that opportunities often come wrapped in illusions. It is crucial to recognize the signs, make calculated moves, and, most importantly, protect what truly matters.
#TRUMP #VVVonBinance #BinanceListsVelodrome
Er wird wieder steigen.
$TRUMP Bulls Wiped Out – What’s Next? A massive $3,498.6K long liquidation just crushed leveraged traders as trump tumbled to $23.228. The market is ruthless, wiping out overleveraged positions and shaking weak hands. This isn’t just another drop—it’s a reset before the next explosive move. $TRUMP now stands at a crucial juncture. If buyers reclaim control, a strong rebound could be on the horizon, leaving panic sellers in regret. But if the selling pressure persists, we might witness another painful leg down. The battle between bulls and bears is heating up, and only the strongest will survive. Volatility is at its peak, and these liquidations often set the stage for major price swings. Will Trump defy the odds and surge back, or is there more blood to come? Stay sharp—the next big move in $TRUMP is about to unfold! #TRUMP #BitcoinReserveWave #AltcoinRevolution2028 #PolkadotETF #PCEInflationWatch {spot}(TRUMPUSDT) {spot}(TRUUSDT) {spot}(TRXUSDT)
$TRUMP Bulls Wiped Out – What’s Next?

A massive $3,498.6K long liquidation just crushed leveraged traders as trump
tumbled to $23.228.

The market is ruthless, wiping out overleveraged positions and shaking weak hands.

This isn’t just another drop—it’s a reset before the next explosive move.

$TRUMP now stands at a crucial juncture.

If buyers reclaim control, a strong rebound could be on the horizon, leaving panic sellers in regret.

But if the selling pressure persists, we might witness another painful leg down.

The battle between bulls and bears is heating up, and only the strongest will survive.

Volatility is at its peak, and these liquidations often set the stage for major price swings.

Will Trump defy the odds and surge back, or is there more blood to come? Stay sharp—the next big move in $TRUMP is about to unfold!

said chmoni:
It will continue to fall to one dollar during these days.
$TRUMP /USDT Spot Trade Signal - Testing Support, Will It Hold? TRUMP is trading at $23.97, down 7.27%, and nearing its 24h low of $23.62. The price is at a key support level, with a breakout likely in either direction. Spot Buy Entry: Above $25.03 Target 1: $26.85 Target 2: $28.67 Stop Loss: $23.62 Spot Sell Entry: Below $23.62 Target 1: $23.20 Target 2: $22.50 Stop Loss: $25.03 Market Outlook: TRUMP is showing strong bearish momentum. A break above $25.03 may indicate a reversal, while dropping below $23.62 suggests further downside. {spot}(TRUMPUSDT) #CryptoTrading #TRUMP #MemeCoin #SpotTrading #CzechBitcoinReserve? 🚀
$TRUMP /USDT Spot Trade Signal - Testing Support, Will It Hold?

TRUMP is trading at $23.97, down 7.27%, and nearing its 24h low of $23.62. The price is at a key support level, with a breakout likely in either direction.

Spot Buy Entry: Above $25.03

Target 1: $26.85

Target 2: $28.67

Stop Loss: $23.62

Spot Sell Entry: Below $23.62

Target 1: $23.20

Target 2: $22.50

Stop Loss: $25.03

Market Outlook: TRUMP is showing strong bearish momentum. A break above $25.03 may indicate a reversal, while dropping below $23.62 suggests further downside.

#CryptoTrading #TRUMP #MemeCoin #SpotTrading #CzechBitcoinReserve? 🚀
you wanna lose money? Long $trump 👍
特朗普概念最新的Meme它来了! 当前加密市场,不是以前那样随便入手,然后等着十倍百倍!想要赚米必须紧跟热点! 那么现在什么是热点?特朗普和Solana就是热点! 而特朗普的狗狗Conan是在SOL链发布总统meme 币,颠覆全球人加密认知的时代已经开启! 一人当道,鸡“犬”升天!燃势正在蔓延到CONAN (柯南)!来自美国一只赫赫有名的现役军犬! 总统特朗普在白宫接待并授予过“英雄犬”功勋!并送上一连串名号!有“终极斗士”以及没人敢惹的“硬汉”。 如果说马斯克狗狗币开创meme 先河!那特朗普的英雄狗柯南CONAN绝对把meme 推向鼎盛! 加入特朗普的英雄犬CONAN 战队!紧跟全球加密节奏!共享财富自由! 你或许错过了早期的$DOGE $SHIB $FLOKI 别再 错过这一只!目前仅700万美金市值,成长空间非常大!#TRUMP #Conan



而特朗普的狗狗Conan是在SOL链发布总统meme 币,颠覆全球人加密认知的时代已经开启!

一人当道,鸡“犬”升天!燃势正在蔓延到CONAN (柯南)!来自美国一只赫赫有名的现役军犬!


如果说马斯克狗狗币开创meme 先河!那特朗普的英雄狗柯南CONAN绝对把meme 推向鼎盛!

加入特朗普的英雄犬CONAN 战队!紧跟全球加密节奏!共享财富自由!

你或许错过了早期的$DOGE $SHIB $FLOKI 别再
错过这一只!目前仅700万美金市值,成长空间非常大!#TRUMP #Conan
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