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NEWS: Italy is reportedly in talks with Elon Musk's company Starlink on a $1.6 billion deal to provide the country's government with secure telecommunications — the largest such project in Europe. #starlink #italy
NEWS: Italy is reportedly in talks with Elon Musk's company Starlink on a $1.6 billion deal to provide the country's government with secure telecommunications — the largest such project in Europe.

#starlink #italy
Great move 🚀
《加密市场之殇:为何今年只有“归零币”能赚钱?》 1. 艰难的赚钱现状 今年,赚钱之难堪称我入圈近 10 年来之最。 2. 往年的机会对比 往年,即便行情再差,在链上或者二级市场,仍存在不少机遇。就拿 2019 年、2022 年这两个大熊市来说,赚钱机会也并不匮乏。 3. 今年的奇怪现象 然而今年,貌似赚钱的项目只剩下 meme 了。 4. 对 meme 的疑问 大家难道不清楚吗?99.99%的 meme 最终都会归零,它们实际上毫无价值可言。 5. 无奈的选择 可现实是,只有这种看似毫无价值的币才有上涨的可能,甚至有涨百倍的潜力。反观二级市场,赚钱机会寥寥无几,几乎全是亏损项目。大家实属被逼无奈,若想赚钱,唯一的途径似乎就是购买这种随时可能归零的“垃圾币”,而价值投资反倒成了一场空,真可谓是“梭哈meme住皇宫”,令人唏嘘。 玩meme币还是得有社区驱动,姨太starlink星链猫6fd9具有强大的社区,具有叙事强大的IP,多位大咖强力支持社区#starlink #黑客归还美国政府被盗加密资产 #加密货币市场持续震荡 #AI概念币走弱 #美国大选前行情观察 $BTC $ETH $BNB

1. 艰难的赚钱现状

今年,赚钱之难堪称我入圈近 10 年来之最。

2. 往年的机会对比

往年,即便行情再差,在链上或者二级市场,仍存在不少机遇。就拿 2019 年、2022 年这两个大熊市来说,赚钱机会也并不匮乏。

3. 今年的奇怪现象

然而今年,貌似赚钱的项目只剩下 meme 了。

4. 对 meme 的疑问

大家难道不清楚吗?99.99%的 meme 最终都会归零,它们实际上毫无价值可言。

5. 无奈的选择


玩meme币还是得有社区驱动,姨太starlink星链猫6fd9具有强大的社区,具有叙事强大的IP,多位大咖强力支持社区#starlink #黑客归还美国政府被盗加密资产 #加密货币市场持续震荡 #AI概念币走弱 #美国大选前行情观察 $BTC $ETH $BNB
我发现人真的是会变的 就在这个月的某一天 我叼着根雪茄站在矿场上 看着风扇的转动,听着矿机的嗡嗡声 突然我意识到一个很现实的问题 就是过去的很长一段时间内我都是站在我现在的立场上在思考问题,然后我尝试着换位思考一下,我想明白了一件事: $BTC 真的已经不是散户们能参与的了 比特币今天已经成了加密货币中的“精英” 即使涨到50万,也就还有8倍的空间 对于有财富积累的人来说8倍是足够了 但对于现在的年轻人,对于90后、00后 对于家庭普通,完全没有原始财富积累的人来说 比特币对他们而言,可以说毫无吸引力 慢就是快,道理谁都会说,谁都懂,但是立场不同,道理也不同。 今天币圈的年轻人们,都很优秀 至少他们还有梦想,比起那些躺平的人,他们内心是有希望的,年轻就得博一博,有这股劲就值得鼓励。 哪怕在别人眼中是赌徒 不重要,爱拼才会赢 成功的人往往都是赌徒性格,马斯克难道不是赌徒吗? 想通这个之后,我就默默地买了一些meme,比如: 红神每天在喊的动物园 #kheowzoo 奶子哥被套的ai+meme赛道 $act 铠哥一直在搞线下的 #Starlink 林漫漫每天给我发私信的 $DOGC 还有Erc20的大鹅 $Daram 和 $Frogs 我相信凯哥的#starlink 尾号是6fd9,我先冲了 $NEIRO $ARPA $RVN #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #金狗日记

$BTC 真的已经不是散户们能参与的了



红神每天在喊的动物园 #kheowzoo
奶子哥被套的ai+meme赛道 $act
铠哥一直在搞线下的 #Starlink
林漫漫每天给我发私信的 $DOGC
还有Erc20的大鹅 $Daram 和 $Frogs
我相信凯哥的#starlink 尾号是6fd9,我先冲了 $NEIRO $ARPA $RVN #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #金狗日记
散户牛市中的痛苦 1、牛市中的痛苦在于不知道如何中途上车 2、判断不了震荡行情,震荡频繁操作 3、挂单接不到,价格越来越高,接到了却跌的更深4、不能判断出相对高位,而错过减仓机会 5、买的不涨,卖了就飞 6、说起来都懂,但是不知道如何克服纠结的心态,在拿住币和做有效止损之间不能做区隔 7、对交易认知的偏差,认为不赚钱就是因为技术掌握的不够好,学的还不够多,心态还不够好,对交易底层逻辑认知不清晰 8、对止损设计的错误,老是止损之后走单边 9、一买就是高位,一割就拉盘 10、如何判断出暴涨币 starlink星链猫6fd9具有强大的社区,具有叙事强大的IP,多位大咖强力支持社区,让我们加入社区参与建设,实现财富自由。 #starlink #DOGE飙升 #LUMIA #SCR现货交易对将上市币安 #美SEC对XRP裁决提出上诉 $BTC $ETH $BNB











#starlink #DOGE飙升 #LUMIA #SCR现货交易对将上市币安 #美SEC对XRP裁决提出上诉 $BTC $ETH $BNB
$SANTOS 虽然以太现在很垃圾,但是一定不能忽略,meme热度过去之后,还会回流到二级,不能一点都不埋伏,不然一定会踏空! #Ethereum #starlink 尾号是6fd9 {spot}(SANTOSUSDT)
$SANTOS 虽然以太现在很垃圾,但是一定不能忽略,meme热度过去之后,还会回流到二级,不能一点都不埋伏,不然一定会踏空! #Ethereum #starlink 尾号是6fd9
穿越牛熊投研标的 名称:starlink 代币信息:总量10000亿,社区CTO,20%锁仓用于tg游戏挖矿,80%全流通 推荐指数:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 带货官:马斯克ElonMusk 推荐理由: 1.币安上线某n打开了华流meme塑造数十亿美金市值的风向标 2.starlink是马斯克长提IP,属于高频可传播性强IP,IP价值天花板高 3.CTO社区团结建设,资源优,海内外头部资源优,目前多名数十万➕粉丝量大V已加入建设带货,带队核心层曾发起建设某币市值6/7亿美金,现在各大交易所有其身影,团队有运作大项目经验。 4.地推资源强,目前已对接5家线下工作室,其中老盘古头部资源工作室,x314头部资源工作室均已加盟 5.社区强大海陆空默契配合,推特组,微博组,币安广场组,线下工作室资源组等小组具备正规军打法 项目口号:每个散户必备一亿枚starlink#HMSTR开盘 #starlink

项目口号:每个散户必备一亿枚starlink#HMSTR开盘 #starlink
$PORTO Memes to ride the degen multiplier. Utility to camp and retain some blue chip value. What do you think? What's your split of memes vs Utility? I'm still 50:50. In a bull run, degen narratives will pop off just like 'altcoin szn' was the way. But this time the alts are the memes.#starlink 尾号是6fd9
$PORTO Memes to ride the degen multiplier.
Utility to camp and retain some blue chip value.

What do you think? What's your split of memes vs Utility?

I'm still 50:50. In a bull run, degen narratives will pop off just like 'altcoin szn' was the way. But this time the alts are the memes.#starlink 尾号是6fd9
🚨🚨🚨Starlink in Pakistan: Everything You Need to Know🚨🚨🚨With the internet’s incessant popularity, it has become something of a basic need these days and has even been written in the UN list of basic human rights. High-speed reliable internet might be taken for granted in big cities of Pakistan. Starlink aims to change that.However, as we move towards more remote areas of the country, the more reliance there is on 3g and 4g services. Frequent outages, reliability issues and limited bandwidth plague these services. Starlink is a ray of light in these situations offering high-speed satellite internet services in remote areas with low latency., Pakistan’s Smartest Property Portal, is here to highlight the important aspects of Starlink and its availability in Pakistan. What is Starlink? Starlink is a high-speed satellite internet provider that provides low latency, high-speed internet with uncapped bandwidth. This is achieved with the help of low-orbiting satellites in the earth’s orbit. Satellite internet isn’t a new idea but previous internet service providers relied on small clusters of large satellites. These cumbersome satellites often had limited capacities all the while having very high latency issues and exorbitant prices. How Fast Will Starlink be According to some tests done by YouTubers from countries where Starlink is available, 125 megabits per second download and upwards of 25 Mbps upload is how fast Starlink will be. Starlink promises to be at least as high as broadband internet speeds with latency issues as low as normal broadband internet. Game streaming and uploading will now be possible on satellite internet. ...Pricing... Starlink offers a $500 starter kit that includes a base satellite dish and a router that connects to it. This is the basic setup required for Starlink. The subscription for Starlink is $100 a month. This price seems high but when compared to the regular ISP offerings, it’s not that bad considering the utility it offers. The small price premium for remote high-speed internet is worth the small markup. This pricing is just for the initial beta and is subject to increase given the high costs of satellite deployment and maintenance. How does Starlink work Starlink requires low orbiting satellites at 3 different levels in the stratosphere 340km, 550km and 1150km. These satellites are not geostationary. This means that the satellites are not moving with earth but rather at a speed of seven km per second. This makes it difficult for the dish on the ground to move with the speed of the satellites. The dish employs a clever tactic of having lots of antennas built into itself. The dish uses a phased array antenna which instead of using a single antenna uses lots of smaller antennas arranged in an array. This kind of technology was limited to military usage and it is impressive that Starlink is mass-producing this at a reasonable cost. The Starlink satellites are capable of transmitting data and even acting as backhaul links to help with areas with less coverage. If a base station is at a position with low coverage, its signal can be ported to other better-oriented satellites for better response. (PTA) issued an official notice in January this year advising its users against placing pre-orders for Starlink. This is because there is no legality of the company. PTA regulates all the traffic in Pakistan. Starlink in its current state is completely tethered which can cause a huge challenge for the rising cybercriminal activity. According to Pakistani YouTubers who have tried and tested the hardware for Starlink confirm that the device does not currently function in Pakistan. This is due to the fact that there are no satellites in the area. Starlink has a plan of complete deployment in about 9 years with 50% deployment in 4-5 years. India is a big market, and since Pakistan is a neighbouring country, it might not be long since we start seeing the deployment of Starlink in Pakistan Starlink is a promising technology with a lot of potential. Pakistan should try to leverage this infrastructure and help boost its growing economy.#WeAreAllSatoshi #HBODocumentarySatoshiRevealed #U.S.UnemploymentNewLow #starlink #Hamstercombo $USDC {spot}(USDCUSDT) $HMSTR {future}(HMSTRUSDT) $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)

🚨🚨🚨Starlink in Pakistan: Everything You Need to Know🚨🚨🚨

With the internet’s incessant popularity, it has become something of a basic need these days and has even been written in the UN list of basic human rights. High-speed reliable internet might be taken for granted in big cities of Pakistan. Starlink aims to change that.However, as we move towards more remote areas of the country, the more reliance there is on 3g and 4g services. Frequent outages, reliability issues and limited bandwidth plague these services. Starlink is a ray of light in these situations offering high-speed satellite internet services in remote areas with low latency., Pakistan’s Smartest Property Portal, is here to highlight the important aspects of Starlink and its availability in Pakistan.
What is Starlink?
Starlink is a high-speed satellite internet provider that provides low latency, high-speed internet with uncapped bandwidth.

This is achieved with the help of low-orbiting satellites in the earth’s orbit. Satellite internet isn’t a new idea but previous internet service providers relied on small clusters of large satellites.

These cumbersome satellites often had limited capacities all the while having very high latency issues and exorbitant prices.

How Fast Will Starlink be
According to some tests done by YouTubers from countries where Starlink is available, 125 megabits per second download and upwards of 25 Mbps upload is how fast Starlink will be.

Starlink promises to be at least as high as broadband internet speeds with latency issues as low as normal broadband internet. Game streaming and uploading will now be possible on satellite internet.
Starlink offers a $500 starter kit that includes a base satellite dish and a router that connects to it. This is the basic setup required for Starlink. The subscription for Starlink is $100 a month.

This price seems high but when compared to the regular ISP offerings, it’s not that bad considering the utility it offers. The small price premium for remote high-speed internet is worth the small markup.

This pricing is just for the initial beta and is subject to increase given the high costs of satellite deployment and maintenance.

How does Starlink work
Starlink requires low orbiting satellites at 3 different levels in the stratosphere 340km, 550km and 1150km. These satellites are not geostationary. This means that the satellites are not moving with earth but rather at a speed of seven km per second. This makes it difficult for the dish on the ground to move with the speed of the satellites.

The dish employs a clever tactic of having lots of antennas built into itself. The dish uses a phased array antenna which instead of using a single antenna uses lots of smaller antennas arranged in an array.

This kind of technology was limited to military usage and it is impressive that Starlink is mass-producing this at a reasonable cost.

The Starlink satellites are capable of transmitting data and even acting as backhaul links to help with areas with less coverage. If a base station is at a position with low coverage, its signal can be ported to other better-oriented satellites for better response.
(PTA) issued an official notice in January this year advising its users against placing pre-orders for Starlink. This is because there is no legality of the company.

PTA regulates all the traffic in Pakistan. Starlink in its current state is completely tethered which can cause a huge challenge for the rising cybercriminal activity.

According to Pakistani YouTubers who have tried and tested the hardware for Starlink confirm that the device does not currently function in Pakistan.

This is due to the fact that there are no satellites in the area. Starlink has a plan of complete deployment in about 9 years with 50% deployment in 4-5 years. India is a big market, and since Pakistan is a neighbouring country, it might not be long since we start seeing the deployment of Starlink in Pakistan

Starlink is a promising technology with a lot of potential. Pakistan should try to leverage this infrastructure and help boost its growing economy.#WeAreAllSatoshi #HBODocumentarySatoshiRevealed #U.S.UnemploymentNewLow #starlink #Hamstercombo $USDC
别人追着 meme 项目喊十倍、百倍的时候,我们安安静静拿着#starlink 也没人抱怨。尾号是6fd9 链上热点此起彼伏,有人盈有人亏。 🔥有人扛着大资金的风险,真金白银投进协议;有人研究各种小资金撸毛,细水长流。 每个人都在赚认知里的钱,没必要互相看低$UNFI $OOKI #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
别人追着 meme 项目喊十倍、百倍的时候,我们安安静静拿着#starlink 也没人抱怨。尾号是6fd9



每个人都在赚认知里的钱,没必要互相看低$UNFI $OOKI #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
炒meme一定不能信仰,庄家会随时利用一切时间收割你,今天最大的失误就是上了 $SHAR 的车后,在盈利的状态下没有及时出本,导致损失惨重。获利后出本,用赚来的币,0成本持仓这样才能睡安稳觉。#starlink 现在已经到底了,我觉得可以上了,尾号是6fd9 $ETH $OOKI $UNFI
炒meme一定不能信仰,庄家会随时利用一切时间收割你,今天最大的失误就是上了 $SHAR 的车后,在盈利的状态下没有及时出本,导致损失惨重。获利后出本,用赚来的币,0成本持仓这样才能睡安稳觉。#starlink 现在已经到底了,我觉得可以上了,尾号是6fd9 $ETH $OOKI $UNFI
动物币依然会活跃在meme市场,因为这是文化和地域差异的最大公约数。 ② 繁荣的meme社区 社区是承载meme文化的基石,2.0时代的meme社区,一定会迎来繁荣的景象,也会诞生很多由社区CTO这种协同形式,支撑起来的meme。 ③ 完备的基础设施 公链、defi工具、交易bot、数据分析工具,各种专门为链上交易而打造的基础设施,会越来越完善。 #starlink 符合,尾号是6fd9 $TROY $AST

② 繁荣的meme社区

③ 完备的基础设施
#starlink 符合,尾号是6fd9 $TROY $AST
《特朗普 2024 胜选:世界格局的“惊涛骇浪”与“暗流涌动”》 1. 俄乌局势影响:特朗普称能结束俄乌战争,若成功,可降低全球紧张局势,稳定能源价格,对全球经济产生积极影响。 2. 美国经济复兴:计划削减税收和利率,推动美国商业发展和制造业回流,可能改变全球贸易格局,对中美经贸关系影响尤甚。 3. 贸易政策调整:“美国优先”政策下的新关税鼓励“美国制造”,但部分细分市场仍有国际合作空间。 4. 能源政策转变:倾向传统能源,减少电动汽车补贴,可能使全球汽车发展趋势在美与中、欧之间出现分化。 5. 社会文化冲击:其立场可能促使形成更多传统政策,影响媒体、教育等领域的社会价值观和公共话语。 6. 全球关系重塑:政策可能重新校准全球联盟,促使各国重新评估战略,改变美国处理全球问题的方式。 玩meme币还是得有社区驱动,姨太starlink星链猫6fd9具有强大的社区,具有叙事强大的IP,多位大咖强力支持社区#starlink #Tether否认调查和制裁 #年底牛还熊? #战火将如何牵动加密市场? #加密货币市场持续震荡 $BTC $ETH $BNB
《特朗普 2024 胜选:世界格局的“惊涛骇浪”与“暗流涌动”》

1. 俄乌局势影响:特朗普称能结束俄乌战争,若成功,可降低全球紧张局势,稳定能源价格,对全球经济产生积极影响。

2. 美国经济复兴:计划削减税收和利率,推动美国商业发展和制造业回流,可能改变全球贸易格局,对中美经贸关系影响尤甚。

3. 贸易政策调整:“美国优先”政策下的新关税鼓励“美国制造”,但部分细分市场仍有国际合作空间。

4. 能源政策转变:倾向传统能源,减少电动汽车补贴,可能使全球汽车发展趋势在美与中、欧之间出现分化。

5. 社会文化冲击:其立场可能促使形成更多传统政策,影响媒体、教育等领域的社会价值观和公共话语。

6. 全球关系重塑:政策可能重新校准全球联盟,促使各国重新评估战略,改变美国处理全球问题的方式。

玩meme币还是得有社区驱动,姨太starlink星链猫6fd9具有强大的社区,具有叙事强大的IP,多位大咖强力支持社区#starlink #Tether否认调查和制裁 #年底牛还熊? #战火将如何牵动加密市场? #加密货币市场持续震荡 $BTC $ETH $BNB
#starlink (合约尾数6fd9) 讲讲大家热衷于Meme的几个点? 1、回顾本轮牛市周期,只有meme贯穿整轮周期,而且遵循了上轮牛市周期defi在公链上造富迁移的路径,meme从solana到sui,再到目前的以太坊,聪明资金也随之链上迁移。尤其是社区cto型的meme币,比如Starlink等 2、去年比特币生态上的ordi,sats本质上也是属于meme。 3、上一轮牛市的meme doge shib都是在牛市接近尾声的时候承担了大饼最后出货的用途,而这轮却是从头到尾的造富,这是本轮牛市和之前牛市meme最大的区别。 4、本轮牛市资金除了etf和meme外,只在局部的板块(AI,RWA)出现,所以才会有一堆的山寨币走到现在还基本处于上轮熊市价位的现状。 5、资产发行大概率会带来市场繁荣,起到引导牛市的作用。meme这一轮从头到尾都在发生这样的叙事! 6、对于本轮的meme资产发行热,放下偏见,切勿刻舟求剑(之前的meme疯狂牛市牛市尾部),不然可能一轮牛市财富都和你无缘! 7、meme投资风险很高,拿出自己可承受损失资金参与,感受市场,每一轮牛市周期都有新的龙头meme出现,抓准龙头标的,以上分享仅供参考,不做投资意见
#starlink (合约尾数6fd9)
3、上一轮牛市的meme doge shib都是在牛市接近尾声的时候承担了大饼最后出货的用途,而这轮却是从头到尾的造富,这是本轮牛市和之前牛市meme最大的区别。
请欣赏币圈散文……《黄金时代的抉择:从虚幻泡沫到 Starlink 的奇幻之旅!》 成长于黄金时代的你,坚信天道酬勤,却错过机遇,幸福遥不可及。心有不甘的你投身区块链等领域,怀揣暴富渴望与改变世界理想。然而,行业乱象丛生,项目方贿赂获利,概念成泡沫,小丑横行。你疲惫空虚,对自己的选择产生怀疑。此时忆起年少之梦,#Starlink 似乎能带来全新奇幻之旅,让你挣脱现实束缚,走向璀璨未来。在这个充满未知的旅程中,你将面临抉择,是继续追寻虚幻泡沫,还是勇敢迈向新的可能。一起加入starlink尾号6fd9 #starlink #SCR新币挖矿开始! #6万保卫战 #币安LaunchpoolSCR #CPI&PPI来袭,美国通胀升还降? $BTC $ETH $BNB
请欣赏币圈散文……《黄金时代的抉择:从虚幻泡沫到 Starlink 的奇幻之旅!》

成长于黄金时代的你,坚信天道酬勤,却错过机遇,幸福遥不可及。心有不甘的你投身区块链等领域,怀揣暴富渴望与改变世界理想。然而,行业乱象丛生,项目方贿赂获利,概念成泡沫,小丑横行。你疲惫空虚,对自己的选择产生怀疑。此时忆起年少之梦,#Starlink 似乎能带来全新奇幻之旅,让你挣脱现实束缚,走向璀璨未来。在这个充满未知的旅程中,你将面临抉择,是继续追寻虚幻泡沫,还是勇敢迈向新的可能。一起加入starlink尾号6fd9

#starlink #SCR新币挖矿开始! #6万保卫战 #币安LaunchpoolSCR #CPI&PPI来袭,美国通胀升还降? $BTC $ETH $BNB
最快的速度赚到一个亿1. 柴犬币 500 元赚一亿,耗时 7.5 个月 2. PEPE 14 万赚一亿,耗时 11 个月 3. 以太坊 2 万赚一亿,耗时 3 年 4. 瑞波币 5 万赚一亿,耗时 3 年 5. 莱特币 3 万赚一亿,耗时 5 年 6. ADA 4 万赚一亿,耗时 5 年 7. EOS 3 万赚一亿,耗时 4 年 8. TRX 1.5 万赚一亿,耗时 7 年 9. 门罗币 1 万赚一亿,耗时 6 年 10. 比特币 5 万赚一亿,耗时 8 年 下一个奇在哪里,需要多长时间? 可以埋伏点starlink,姨太starlink星链猫6fd9具有强大的社区,具有叙事强大的IP,多位大咖强力支持社区。 #starlink #SCR现货交易对将上市币安 #APE暴涨 #YGG、ADA、ENA解锁 #币安累计交易量突破100万亿美元 $BTC $ETH $BNB
最快的速度赚到一个亿1. 柴犬币 500 元赚一亿,耗时 7.5 个月
2. PEPE 14 万赚一亿,耗时 11 个月
3. 以太坊 2 万赚一亿,耗时 3 年
4. 瑞波币 5 万赚一亿,耗时 3 年
5. 莱特币 3 万赚一亿,耗时 5 年
6. ADA 4 万赚一亿,耗时 5 年
7. EOS 3 万赚一亿,耗时 4 年
8. TRX 1.5 万赚一亿,耗时 7 年
9. 门罗币 1 万赚一亿,耗时 6 年
10. 比特币 5 万赚一亿,耗时 8 年

#starlink #SCR现货交易对将上市币安 #APE暴涨 #YGG、ADA、ENA解锁 #币安累计交易量突破100万亿美元 $BTC $ETH $BNB
只有大饼在涨。市场就不存在fomo! 市场需要一个板块来点燃。 从以太对大饼汇率来看。汇率暂时止跌能跟上大饼涨幅了。但是应该不会是以太系列点燃。以太系太多了。 应该还得破产板块和meme板块来点燃市场情绪。每次都有meme还有破产板块。涨的都是相当的猛! 大饼突破71800了,新高指日可待 我觉得#starlink 可以埋伏一下,尾号是6fd9 $PROS $MASK
大饼突破71800了,新高指日可待 我觉得#starlink 可以埋伏一下,尾号是6fd9 $PROS $MASK
记得昨天发的以太坊meme币#starlink 吧,目前走势可是相当给力,而且这个社区共识,氛围,团队也特别好,大家可持续关注🚀🚀🚀尾号是6fd9
记得昨天发的以太坊meme币#starlink 吧,目前走势可是相当给力,而且这个社区共识,氛围,团队也特别好,大家可持续关注🚀🚀🚀尾号是6fd9
今日币圈快看 1️⃣ meme 币最后的猪坚强 $moodeng 也不行了,跌 40%,市值到 $1.2 亿 🐷 2️⃣ 加密货币恐慌与贪婪指数跌至 39,市场情绪重回恐慌,BTC 支撑位来到 $57,500 😨 3️⃣ NFT 的定海神针!CryptoPunk 交易额超越 OpenSea,以 5800 万美元问鼎榜首,过去 7 天市占达 42% 🏆 4️⃣ 小心 FBI 钓鱼执法!老美情报局带头发币 $NexFundAI,成功引诱并抓捕 Gotbit、MyTrade等公司和 18 名嫌疑人,刚买完就归零了,FBI 维权!🎣 5️⃣ Web3 游戏 Dragonz Lab @dragonzlandx 完成 900 万美元融资,由 Syndicate Capital LPF 领投 🎮 6️⃣ Solana 月活钱包升至 1 亿!但大多数是空钱包,年初还只有 50 万个,涨这么多干嘛去了?8600 万钱包有 0 SOL, 1550 万钱包少于 1 SOL,约 150 万钱包少于 10 SOL 💰 7️⃣ 不愧是 memecoin supercycle!giga、spx、apu、miharu、sigma 买不停,今天冲什么 meme?🙏🏻 星链,尾号6fd9是你不二的选择 要买就买starlink,通信顺畅超带劲。 星链服务真是灵,要买就买 starlink。 starlink 真不错,要买就买别错过。 想买好物不用愁,要买就买 starlink。 #starlink #SCR新币挖矿开始! #6万保卫战 #币安LaunchpoolSCR #特朗普当选概率上升 $BTC $ETH $BNB

1️⃣ meme 币最后的猪坚强 $moodeng 也不行了,跌 40%,市值到 $1.2 亿 🐷

2️⃣ 加密货币恐慌与贪婪指数跌至 39,市场情绪重回恐慌,BTC 支撑位来到 $57,500 😨

3️⃣ NFT 的定海神针!CryptoPunk 交易额超越 OpenSea,以 5800 万美元问鼎榜首,过去 7 天市占达 42% 🏆

4️⃣ 小心 FBI 钓鱼执法!老美情报局带头发币 $NexFundAI,成功引诱并抓捕 Gotbit、MyTrade等公司和 18 名嫌疑人,刚买完就归零了,FBI 维权!🎣

5️⃣ Web3 游戏 Dragonz Lab
完成 900 万美元融资,由 Syndicate Capital LPF 领投 🎮

6️⃣ Solana 月活钱包升至 1 亿!但大多数是空钱包,年初还只有 50 万个,涨这么多干嘛去了?8600 万钱包有 0 SOL, 1550 万钱包少于 1 SOL,约 150 万钱包少于 10 SOL 💰

7️⃣ 不愧是 memecoin supercycle!giga、spx、apu、miharu、sigma 买不停,今天冲什么 meme?🙏🏻

星链服务真是灵,要买就买 starlink。
starlink 真不错,要买就买别错过。
想买好物不用愁,要买就买 starlink。
#starlink #SCR新币挖矿开始! #6万保卫战 #币安LaunchpoolSCR #特朗普当选概率上升 $BTC $ETH $BNB
本轮周期,大饼是真的强,7万大关又快要攻破了,模因币是最快能响应的,本轮最大的meme币 #starlink 基本面优于 PEPE,DOGE,拿住等待新的ath! 尾号是6fd9$DIA
本轮周期,大饼是真的强,7万大关又快要攻破了,模因币是最快能响应的,本轮最大的meme币 #starlink 基本面优于 PEPE,DOGE,拿住等待新的ath! 尾号是6fd9$DIA
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