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🚀 $SYS /USDT Bullrun Alert!** 🔥💯 📈 Current Price: #syscoin $0.0730 🎯 Entry Zone: #SYSUSDT $0.071 - $0.072 🎯 Targets: TP1: $0.075 TP2: $0.077 TP3: $0.079
🚀 $SYS /USDT Bullrun Alert!** 🔥💯
📈 Current Price: #syscoin $0.0730
🎯 Entry Zone: #SYSUSDT
$0.071 - $0.072
🎯 Targets:
TP1: $0.075
TP2: $0.077
TP3: $0.079
去中心化支付平台币的机遇与风险 SYS,作为Syscoin平台的原生代币,其核心价值在于支撑去中心化支付体系,并赋予持有者参与网络治理的权利。然而,在光鲜的治理与支付功能背后,SYS的市场表现却透露出几分同质化与高度控盘的迹象。 同质化与控盘隐忧:SYS项目本身缺乏独特卖点,平台币特性趋于单一,加之大部分代币集中于少数大户手中,导致市场流动性受限,价格波动易受操控。K线走势上的频繁翻倍,往往伴随着散户的无奈与损失,庄家仅凭少量现货即可掀起波澜。 交易策略与风险提示:尽管上币安等主流交易所可能带来短期冲高,但投资者需警惕前期套牢盘的强大阻力。在突破关键点位如0.212时,应谨慎观察量能变化,避免盲目追高。小仓位试水,设置合理止损,是应对此类高风险资产的有效策略。同时,切记避免使用挂单交易,以免成为市场透明信息下的牺牲品。 实战心得与心态管理:对于像SYS这样波动剧烈的数字资产,投资者需具备强大的心理素质与灵活的操作策略。正如“上山缆车,下山过山车”,享受刺激的同时,也要做好随时应对剧烈波动的准备。 总之,SYS作为去中心化支付平台币,虽有其独特价值,但市场表现却充满挑战。投资者在参与时,务必做好充分的市场调研与风险评估,以稳健的心态与科学的策略应对市场波动。 喜欢屯现货合约君羊就是一个聚宝盆这事你找👉@Square-Creator-27bcd3f2abfe 还是那句话下🍜图片🈶财富密码#SYS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SYS.每日智能策略 #SYS.24小时交易策略 #syscoin #SYSUSDT {future}(SYSUSDT)






还是那句话下🍜图片🈶财富密码#SYS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SYS.每日智能策略 #SYS.24小时交易策略 #syscoin #SYSUSDT
SYS 如何找准进出场点位 准确率高达98% 第一、选那些在相对底部位置突破的品种,成功率更高,在相对高位盘整的品种不要参与。 第二、若看中的品种此时是阴线,则一定不要着急,等到价格回到10日均线位置后,再建仓。 第三、即使是强势洗盘,一般也不会跌破10日均线,因此可以将10日均线附近视为低位入场点。 第四、当一个币盘整时间超过14天时,应该立即止损出局。 第五、若币价跌破10日均线,应尽快考虑止损。 #SYS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #sys #syscoin #Meme #新币挖矿 $SYS

#sys #syscoin #Meme #新币挖矿 $SYS
Syscoin:全球最安全的去中心化平台,与比特币合并挖矿,超越以太坊的功能!巨大潜力引发市场关注!Syscoin是一个全栈模块化的PoW区块链解决方案,它与比特币进行合并挖矿。该项目基于Syscoin原生(UTXO)区块链网络,提供数据可用性和最终性。与此同时,它还与名为NEVM(网络增强型虚拟机)的以太坊虚拟机(EVM)协同工作,从而提供了与以太坊相当的功能,并继承了本链的安全性增强,并通过Rollup提供可扩展性。#syscoin Syscoin通过比特币合并挖矿结算,多重BLS签名的最终确定性以及数据可用性证明等技术手段,提升了Rollup的安全性。作为对中本聪共识的增强,Syscoin增加了对自私挖矿的抵抗能力,并通过解决非最终场景的问题,保持了链的弹性。与以太坊的Casper共识不同,Syscoin在这些情况下追求纯粹的中本聪共识,而不是分叉。 多签和数据可用性是 Syscoin 的独特创新 Syscoin的愿景是建立一个真正可扩展的Web3基础设施和去中心化应用程序,以满足全球人口的需求。它利用了第一个具备EVM兼容性的模块化区块链,将其锚定在比特币网络上,并通过Rollup进行扩展。 自比特币问世以来,其目标就是成为去中心化金融的替代方案,而Syscoin也共享着同样的目标。Syscoin通过将比特币的安全性与以太坊的功能相结合,在一个协调的模块化平台上为去中心化的数据驱动创造新的机会,推动向更加公平的金融现实转变。Syscoin不仅构建在比特币的安全性基础之上,还遵循着使其成为全球最安全和去中心化网络的原则。 可扩展性是区块链的核心价值,Syscoin正在引领区块链技术发展的下一步。通过使用乐观的、零知识Rollups、跨链零知识Rollups以及其他Layer2技术,Syscoin将比特币的安全性与以太坊的图灵完备可编程性提升为真正具备可扩展性的方案。 yscoin的团队由SYS Labs和Syscoin基金会的成员组成,他们在区块链技术、密码学、软件开发和业务战略等方面拥有不同的专业知识。 Syscoin基金会是一个于2018年成立的非盈利组织,旨在支持、指导和培育开源去中心化的Syscoin区块链项目。而SYS Labs则是一个独立于Syscoin基金会的营利实体,专注于在Syscoin生态系统上构建产品,并推动采用和实用性达到新的高度。 Jagdeep Sidhu是Syscoin基金会的CEO兼首席技术官,他在区块链技术和基本业务实践方面有着丰富的经验,擅长处理与可扩展性和系统互操作性相关的技术。在加入Syscoin之前,Jagdeep Sidhu担任过软件工程师的职位。 Michiel是Syscoin基金会的副总裁,主要负责Syscoin的营销活动。 Willy是Syscoin基金会的财务主管,他是一位经验丰富的软件工程师,还积极担任Syscoin的华语区负责人。 Chris是Syscoin基金会的董事会成员,主要负责市场关系,同时也是一名JavaScript开发人员。 Bradley是Syscoin基金会的董事会成员,他是一位区块链解决方案顾问,拥有近25年的软件开发和信息系统经验,主要涉及各种环境和行业中的关系数据库管理、SQL开发和数据分析师角色。 Syscoin背后的SYS Labs和Syscoin基金会目前涵盖了Metaverse、NFT和gamefi平台,以及符合监管要求的Rollups,所有这些都提供了先进的用户体验,并由比特币进行保障。SYS Labs类似于Ava Labs、StarkWare和Matter Labs的组合,其重点是让全球各地的人们加入Syscoin,以从其功能中获益。 关于Syscoin的公开融资信息较少。在2014年项目推出初期,他们通过预售筹集了1500 BTC。 2022年,加密货币交易所MEXC推出了2000万美元的Syscoin生态基金,旨在支持Syscoin生态系统的发展。 NEVM(网络增强型虚拟机)为Syscoin上的智能合约提供支持。 以太坊虚拟机(EVM)提供了一个在智能合约代码和执行该代码的以太坊网络机器之间的抽象层。但由于设计上的限制,EVM的可扩展性受到影响。这意味着随着需求的增长,网络可能无法始终以合理的交易成本和执行时间提供服务。 Syscoin的NEVM旨在提供可扩展的智能合约和互操作性,同时保持低成本和高性能,通过比特币自身的工作量证明安全模型和合并挖矿来实现强大的去中心化结算。区块链用户和市场参与者越来越认识到经过验证的安全性的重要性,特别是当各种实验性安全模型面临风险时。此外,一旦以太坊转向权益证明,其他权益证明计算平台将变得多余,而Syscoin的安全性将继续保持重要。# 通过NEVM,Syscoin将比特币最强大的元素(安全模型、合并挖矿的算力潜力、UTXO效率以及与未来UTXO进步的兼容性)与以太坊(广泛的通用计算能力)结合到一个统一的去中心化协调金融计算平台中。Syscoin也将在这两个方面进行改进。例如,在UTXO方面,链锁将解决比特币长期存在的"自私挖矿"漏洞,并在链锁建立后加强网络以抵御重组攻击,通常需要耗时一分钟才能确认。 NEVM将实现零知识证明,为图灵完备的智能合约提供可扩展性和无需信任的互操作性。 Syscoin的第一层数据可用性解决方案被称为PoDA。为了确保关键的DeFi应用程序能够正确提供服务,数据可用性需要存在于L1的安全领域中,以便Rollup可以通过确保用户可以退出到L1来实现。Syscoin的PoDA在存储、展示、修剪和费用计算方面与以太坊的danksharding有所不同。PoDA的特点使其成为以太坊正在进行的Proto-Danksharding数据可用性解决方案的有价值替代方案。#sys PoDA的优势包括: 更便宜的交易费用无需数据分片通过高效的Keccak数据blob实现更高的数据吞吐量结合比特币的PoW和Syscoin的最终性保证更适应基于网络中断/审查的情况基于Syscoin的UTXO费用市场的更简单数据费用市场中本聪假设:只需要一个诚实节点来保证数据的安全性 Rollux是基于Rollup技术的L2解决方案,用于扩展NEVM智能合约。Rollux旨在为EVM用户提供几乎即时、低成本的传输、执行和部署智能合约的能力。Rollux利用Syscoin的L1以实现同类最佳的安全去中心化结算,并利用Syscoin的PoDA以实现L1数据可用性。相比其他L1数据可用性解决方案,Rollux提供了更高的效率、更低的成本和更大的吞吐量。 Z-DAG是Syscoin的原生UTXO链中的一种即时结算协议,具有概率安全性。它专为实现UTXO资产的传输而设计,而不是用于Syscoin的NEVM链上运行。 Syscoin的Z-DAG是一种区块链吞吐量可扩展性解决方案,几乎不增加复杂性。它通过利用比特币代码中经过验证的原理,并采用适当的网络工具和便利,解决了整个行业普遍面临的问题。Z-DAG基于中本聪的“snack machine”概念,旨在实现点对点电子现金和代币化资产的交换。它利用独立运行的全节点网络和快速中继拓扑,通过跨时间排序内存池的快速传播实现高度的概率安全性。 Z-DAG提供了概率安全性,确保交易不会被双花,并将被接受并在链上结算。同时,Z-DAG还改善了费用市场的效率,并在区块已满时提供安全的高吞吐量服务。这是一个L1解决方案,因为内存池位于区块链安全领域内,并且使用符合比特币核心共识的方式对Z-DAG的所有有效交易进行链上结算。 目前,Syscoin生态系统中有许多项目,涵盖了DeFi、NFT、GameFi、基础设施等各种项目类型。 尽管Syscoin生态系统中有许多项目,但它们的发展相对缓慢,并且只有PegaSys一个真正上链的项目。整个链上的总锁定价值(TVL)只有40多万美元。目前,在Syscoin上很少有知名的应用程序。为了保持竞争优势,未来需要发展更多优质的原生链上项目。 社群方面 Twitter上有226,674个关注者,粉丝互动程度一般。 Discord上有106,673人,Telegram上有6,074人,活跃率大约保持在2%左右。 总体而言,该项目的社群活跃度较低。 经济模型 代币分配 SYS是Syscoin平台的原生代币。其代币经济模型基于以太坊的EIP-1559提案,没有最大供应量上限。SYS的供应量由协议发行和交易费用的通缩燃烧来决定。截至撰写本文时,Syscoin的流通量为747,394,570 SYS,市值约为6300万美元。 在最近的Syscoin 4.0升级后,区块奖励时间变为2.5分钟一次,平均每个区块生成86.8 SYS。具体而言,对于主节点,每个块奖励58.62 SYS;对于矿工,每个块奖励19.52 SYS;对于治理,每个块奖励8.675 SYS。对于1年资历的主节点,这些奖励将增至79.15 SYS;对于2.5年资历的主节点,这些奖励将增至117.25 SYS。这些奖励以每年5%的比例逐渐减少。 根据Chainz的数据显示,截至2023年9月19日,SYS持币地址总数为89,206个。前100名持有地址占比为48.06%,前10名持有地址占比为38.27%。从整体来看,SYS的持币地址较为分散,显示出相对较高的去中心化程度。 经济模型 作为Syscoin生态系统中的实用代币,SYS具有多种功能和用途: 矿工奖励:作为激励验证网络成员的方式。 交易费用:SYS持有者可以用代币支付交易费用、智能合约部署费用等。 自定义代币发行:SYS还可用于创建Syscoin平台代币(SPT),为使用Syscoin代币平台的用户提供自定义资产代币的创建功能。 平台治理:SYS代币在网络中用于治理,代币持有者可通过投票参与决策,为Syscoin的发展做出贡献。 Syscoin的代币经济模型受到平台迭代的影响。最初,该项目是为了扩展比特币并实现去中心化市场而创建的区块链协议。经过多次升级,Syscoin引入了新的特性和功能。最近的Syscoin 4.0引入了UTXO资产平台实现,包括具有即时、伪交互式、零确认、防双花的加密货币交易(Z-DAG)和EVM。这些特性通过与比特币共识机制PoW的联合挖矿来保护。 优势 首先是可扩展性。Syscoin上的Rollup服务具有高度可扩展性,使用Validium和模块化扩展,能够应对更大规模的交易。它不仅考虑高吞吐量的每秒交易量,还考虑了交易成本,使Syscoin上的交易即使在高吞吐量的情况下也变得廉价。 其次是去中心化。Syscoin网络上有约2,500个活跃的主节点,随着区块网络的发展,这个数字可能会增加。这意味着Syscoin不仅可扩展,而且去中心化。 最后是安全性。由于与比特币的联合挖矿,Syscoin目前拥有约25%的算力用于挖掘比特币,这已经给Syscoin带来了相当大的安全性。Syscoin团队目前正在寻求更多比特币矿工的加入,旨在成为最安全的结算层之一。此外,Syscoin还使用多签来实现最终性,消除了51%攻击、自私挖矿、远程MEV攻击等风险,增强了安全性。 风险 首先,目前比特币第二层和侧链项目正在逐渐崛起。除了Syscoin之外,还有许多成熟的市场已经存在,使得Syscoin在希望用户下载应用程序来访问市场方面面临较大的挑战。 此外,与以太坊相比,当前比特币生态系统的规模还存在一些差距。首先,相对于以太坊而言,比特币生态系统缺乏知名项目。其次,比特币生态系统的用户规模也不及以太坊。此外,比特币Layer2生态系统仍处于建设阶段,需要市场的验证。



多签和数据可用性是 Syscoin 的独特创新


yscoin的团队由SYS Labs和Syscoin基金会的成员组成,他们在区块链技术、密码学、软件开发和业务战略等方面拥有不同的专业知识。
Syscoin基金会是一个于2018年成立的非盈利组织,旨在支持、指导和培育开源去中心化的Syscoin区块链项目。而SYS Labs则是一个独立于Syscoin基金会的营利实体,专注于在Syscoin生态系统上构建产品,并推动采用和实用性达到新的高度。
Jagdeep Sidhu是Syscoin基金会的CEO兼首席技术官,他在区块链技术和基本业务实践方面有着丰富的经验,擅长处理与可扩展性和系统互操作性相关的技术。在加入Syscoin之前,Jagdeep Sidhu担任过软件工程师的职位。

Syscoin背后的SYS Labs和Syscoin基金会目前涵盖了Metaverse、NFT和gamefi平台,以及符合监管要求的Rollups,所有这些都提供了先进的用户体验,并由比特币进行保障。SYS Labs类似于Ava Labs、StarkWare和Matter Labs的组合,其重点是让全球各地的人们加入Syscoin,以从其功能中获益。
关于Syscoin的公开融资信息较少。在2014年项目推出初期,他们通过预售筹集了1500 BTC。

Syscoin的Z-DAG是一种区块链吞吐量可扩展性解决方案,几乎不增加复杂性。它通过利用比特币代码中经过验证的原理,并采用适当的网络工具和便利,解决了整个行业普遍面临的问题。Z-DAG基于中本聪的“snack machine”概念,旨在实现点对点电子现金和代币化资产的交换。它利用独立运行的全节点网络和快速中继拓扑,通过跨时间排序内存池的快速传播实现高度的概率安全性。

SYS是Syscoin平台的原生代币。其代币经济模型基于以太坊的EIP-1559提案,没有最大供应量上限。SYS的供应量由协议发行和交易费用的通缩燃烧来决定。截至撰写本文时,Syscoin的流通量为747,394,570 SYS,市值约为6300万美元。
在最近的Syscoin 4.0升级后,区块奖励时间变为2.5分钟一次,平均每个区块生成86.8 SYS。具体而言,对于主节点,每个块奖励58.62 SYS;对于矿工,每个块奖励19.52 SYS;对于治理,每个块奖励8.675 SYS。对于1年资历的主节点,这些奖励将增至79.15 SYS;对于2.5年资历的主节点,这些奖励将增至117.25 SYS。这些奖励以每年5%的比例逐渐减少。


Syscoin的代币经济模型受到平台迭代的影响。最初,该项目是为了扩展比特币并实现去中心化市场而创建的区块链协议。经过多次升级,Syscoin引入了新的特性和功能。最近的Syscoin 4.0引入了UTXO资产平台实现,包括具有即时、伪交互式、零确认、防双花的加密货币交易(Z-DAG)和EVM。这些特性通过与比特币共识机制PoW的联合挖矿来保护。

智能 策略库


AI智能科技时代 独立算法,规避了震荡行情的煎熬,每笔交易 不等待,小白简单执行,胜算率99%!


#SYS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #sys #syscoin #strk #Portal $SYS
@syscoin #syscoin es su momento donde buscará la zona de los 0.14 para buscar una recuperación a la zona de los 0.30 dejando en claro a la comunidad que intentan mantener el precio entre los 0.18 a 0.30 de ser así tendrá una subida lenta y a largo plazo . y de no ser así deberá buscar la zona de los 0.50 para mostrar firmeza y seguridad a los tenedores de su token .
@Syscoin #syscoin es su momento donde buscará la zona de los 0.14 para buscar una recuperación a la zona de los 0.30 dejando en claro a la comunidad que intentan mantener el precio entre los 0.18 a 0.30 de ser así tendrá una subida lenta y a largo plazo . y de no ser así deberá buscar la zona de los 0.50 para mostrar firmeza y seguridad a los tenedores de su token .
🔥 Syscoin (SYS) Price Breakout – Bullish Momentum Ahead! 🔥 💵 Current Price: $0.1135 📈 24H High: $0.1186 📉 24H Low: $0.1120 Prediction: SYS is showing signs of a breakout, with bullish momentum targeting $0.125+ in the short term. Sustained growth could see it test $0.130, driven by increasing demand and market interest. Why SYS Could Soar: 🔗 Foundation for Decentralized Applications 💹 Influence of Altcoin Market Revival 🚀 Strengthening Technical Indicators Investor Insight: Keep an eye on Bitcoin and Ethereum trends, as their stability often amplifies SYS's market movements. $SYS ✨ Breakout alert—SYS is ready to surprise! Grab the momentum now! ✨ #syscoin #CryptoBreakout #BlockchainGrowth #AltcoinRally
🔥 Syscoin (SYS) Price Breakout – Bullish Momentum Ahead! 🔥

💵 Current Price: $0.1135
📈 24H High: $0.1186
📉 24H Low: $0.1120

SYS is showing signs of a breakout, with bullish momentum targeting $0.125+ in the short term. Sustained growth could see it test $0.130, driven by increasing demand and market interest.

Why SYS Could Soar:
🔗 Foundation for Decentralized Applications
💹 Influence of Altcoin Market Revival
🚀 Strengthening Technical Indicators

Investor Insight:
Keep an eye on Bitcoin and Ethereum trends, as their stability often amplifies SYS's market movements.
✨ Breakout alert—SYS is ready to surprise! Grab the momentum now! ✨
#syscoin #CryptoBreakout #BlockchainGrowth #AltcoinRally
$SYS {spot}(SYSUSDT) Yo! 🔥 Your fav crypto psychic sliding in with that SPICY SYS prediction! 🌶️ Current Price: $0.1192 (climbing like my DMs after a good trade! 📱) Quick Digits (accurate like my mom's sixth sense 🔮): Support: $0.1150 (solid like my excuses for being late 😅) Resistance: $0.1230 (harder to crack than my phone password 🔒) Quick OCO (easier than making instant noodles 🍜): Entry: $0.1192 TP: $0.1260 (sweet like victory 🏆) SL: $0.1140 (low like my energy before coffee ☕️) 24hr Prediction (trust me more than your GPS 🗺️): Heading to $0.1250-0.1270! Looking more bullish than gym bros on protein shake day! 💪 #syscoin #CryptoGems2024 #tothemoon #TrustMeBro #Cryptowizard 🧙‍♂️ Manage risk like you manage your pizza slices - don't go all in at once! 🍕 WAGMI! 🚀 (Unless you panic sell faster than I run from responsibilities 🏃‍♂️)

Yo! 🔥 Your fav crypto psychic sliding in with that SPICY SYS prediction! 🌶️

Current Price: $0.1192 (climbing like my DMs after a good trade! 📱)

Quick Digits (accurate like my mom's sixth sense 🔮):

Support: $0.1150 (solid like my excuses for being late 😅)
Resistance: $0.1230 (harder to crack than my phone password 🔒)

Quick OCO (easier than making instant noodles 🍜):
Entry: $0.1192
TP: $0.1260 (sweet like victory 🏆)
SL: $0.1140 (low like my energy before coffee ☕️)

24hr Prediction (trust me more than your GPS 🗺️):
Heading to $0.1250-0.1270! Looking more bullish than gym bros on protein shake day! 💪

#syscoin #CryptoGems2024 #tothemoon #TrustMeBro #Cryptowizard 🧙‍♂️

Manage risk like you manage your pizza slices - don't go all in at once! 🍕

WAGMI! 🚀 (Unless you panic sell faster than I run from responsibilities 🏃‍♂️)
SYS: Syscoin Signaling a Comeback? Syscoin ($SYS ), a platform merging the best of Bitcoin and Ethereum, is flashing signals that have savvy investors saying "buy the dip"! This project is tackling scalability and interoperability, and here's why now might be the time to get on board: * Support Level Found: SYS appears to have found solid ground around $0.0906. This suggests buyers are stepping in, potentially creating a strong foundation for a price rebound. * Oversold Territory: The RSI has dipped below 30, a classic indicator that SYS might be oversold and poised for a bounce back. * MACD Hints at a Reversal: The MACD is showing early signs of a potential bullish crossover, which could signal the start of a new upward trend. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the Syscoin ecosystem at a potentially discounted price! This could be your chance to accumulate SYS before it potentially embarks on a significant upward trajectory. Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency. #syscoin {future}(SYSUSDT)
SYS: Syscoin Signaling a Comeback?
Syscoin ($SYS ), a platform merging the best of Bitcoin and Ethereum, is flashing signals that have savvy investors saying "buy the dip"! This project is tackling scalability and interoperability, and here's why now might be the time to get on board:
* Support Level Found: SYS appears to have found solid ground around $0.0906. This suggests buyers are stepping in, potentially creating a strong foundation for a price rebound.
* Oversold Territory: The RSI has dipped below 30, a classic indicator that SYS might be oversold and poised for a bounce back.
* MACD Hints at a Reversal: The MACD is showing early signs of a potential bullish crossover, which could signal the start of a new upward trend.
Don't miss this opportunity to explore the Syscoin ecosystem at a potentially discounted price! This could be your chance to accumulate SYS before it potentially embarks on a significant upward trajectory.
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency. #syscoin
$SYS {spot}(SYSUSDT) Syscoin采取了不同的方法,通过与比特币合并挖矿,提供了无与伦比的可扩展性,同时不牺牲基础层的经济健康。合并挖矿是一种挖矿机制,允许矿工同时挖掘两种或多种加密货币,而不会牺牲整体挖矿性能。这种方法通过提供额外的挖矿激励来增强比特币网络,随着比特币区块奖励随时间减少,这些激励变得至关重要。这些激励有助于确保比特币网络的可持续性,从而为未来的世代带来好处。 Syscoin的合并挖矿机制不仅增强了比特币的安全性,而且还利用了比特币的算力来保护Syscoin网络。这意味着Syscoin可以利用比特币的安全性,而无需牺牲其自身的经济模型。此外,Syscoin还采用了NEVM(网络增强型虚拟机),这是一种以太坊虚拟机(EVM)的增强版本,提供以太坊等效性,同时继承了比特币的安全性,并通过Rollup提供可扩展性。这种设计使得Syscoin能够在保持安全性的同时,实现更高的交易吞吐量和更低的交易成本。 #sys #syscoin #SYS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SYS.每日智能策略 #SYS.24小时交易策略
#sys #syscoin #SYS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #SYS.每日智能策略 #SYS.24小时交易策略
Do not fade this game changes. #syscoin $SYS
Do not fade this game changes. #syscoin $SYS
Syscoin Unveils World’s First ZkDA,  Rolling Out the Red Carpet for Building on Bitcoin Through M...
In a landmark achievement for blockchain technology, Syscoin, in collaboration with Polyhedra Network and NodeKit, proudly unveils Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Data Availability (zkDA). This groundbreaking innovation, emerging from a unique partnership, marks a pivotal advancement in Syscoin’s modular blockchain design toolkit. By integrating sophisticated smart contract execution and Data Availability (DA) rollup architecture, zkDA sets a new benchmark in blockchain scalability and security. This collaboration not only demonstrates the power of partnership in pushing technological boundaries but also reaffirms Syscoin’s commitment to building a more scalable, secure, and efficient blockchain ecosystem, and providing a clear path forward for alternative chains to join Syscoin in capitalizing on Bitcoin’s gold standard Proof-of-Work network security.

Industry push towards Proof-of-Work

The blockchain landscape is no stranger to innovation and transformation, yet recent events have shed light on the profound vulnerabilities that come with embracing Proof-of-Stake (PoS) systems. Ethereum, a trailblazer in the industry, has encountered significant risks that its own developers seem wary of engaging with directly, opting out of staking due to the inherent dangers PoS presents​​. This trepidation is not without merit; just yesterday, a bug in a minority client, Nethermind, almost plunged the network into disarray, threatening to slash $20 to potentially $50 billion of $ETH  and bringing the platform to its knees—a fate narrowly avoided thanks to the bug’s association with Nethermind rather than the majority client, Geth​​​​.

The community’s subsequent push for diversification in client usage underscores the reluctance to rely on minority clients, which have a history of bugs. This precarious balancing act between security and the quest for scalability exposes a fundamental flaw in PoS systems. Syscoin provides a much-needed alternative with its modular PoW design, eschewing validators and data availability sampling for a hash-based system that inherits the robust security philosophy of Bitcoin: verify, then trust.

As the Ethereum and greater PoS community grapples with the fallout and implications of these incidents, Syscoin emerges with a solution that not only solves these critical issues but also enhances the blockchain’s scalability and security. Enter Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Data Availability (zkDA)—Syscoin’s innovative response that leverages the time-tested security of PoW to offer a modular and scalable framework for blockchain technology. By marrying the benefits of Ethereum’s modularity with the steadfast security of PoW, Syscoin’s zkDA ushers in a new paradigm where the gold standard of Bitcoin’s network security is extended to rollups on any chain.

PoS Dangers and Syscoin’s Solution

The grave dangers posed by PoS systems have become increasingly apparent in light of the risks exhibited by Ethereum’s reliance on a single client and the potential for catastrophic bugs. Ethereum’s move to PoS with “The Merge” was touted as a leap forward for scalability and efficiency, yet the inherent risks of this system are now impossible to ignore. The recent Nethermind bug highlights a fundamental issue: over-reliance on a single point of failure—a stark departure from the decentralized ethos that blockchain technology champions​​​​​​, so clearly explained by Satoshi Nakamoto and exemplified by Bitcoin.

Syscoin’s approach elegantly circumvents these pitfalls. By employing a PoW consensus mechanism harmonious with Bitcoin, Syscoin ensures maximum security and decentralization. There’s no need for validators, no necessity for the complex and often opaque system of data availability sampling. Instead, Syscoin opts for a transparent, hash-based system that offers scalability without sacrificing the principles of decentralization. This design philosophy preserves and enhances the reliability of the blockchain’s integrity, ensuring that Syscoin and any applications built upon it can weather the storm of potential threats that PoS systems face.

As we dive further into Syscoin’s zkDA, we reveal a framework that is built on the premise of steadfast security and boundless scalability. It’s a testament to the innovative spirit that drives the blockchain community, a beacon of hope for those seeking a more resilient and efficient blockchain infrastructure, one that is actually capable of hosting the global transition to decentralized systems.

zkDA: A Breakthrough in Blockchain Scalability

In the blockchain industry, achieving true scalability necessary for allowing mass adoption has been the paramount problem to solve without making untenable trade-offs to the other two angles of the classic trilemma—decentralization and security.Unto these ends, zkDA, or Zero-Knowledge Data Availability, is a truly revolutionary concept in the blockchain world, brought forward by Syscoin’s innovative modular blockchain design toolkit. zkDA is not merely an incremental improvement but a fundamental shift in how blockchain scalability is approached. Leveraging advanced cryptographic techniques, zkDA propels blockchain throughput to unprecedented levels, effectively handling a significantly higher volume of transactions and interactions. This upgrade gives Syscoin superpowers to become a layer 0 to fundamentally shift the modular blockchain narrative with greater scalability and provide Bitcoin security directly to any rollup on any chain.

Data availability is at the crux of every scaling solution in the blockchain industry. Wherever the data is stored for rollups is basically the level of security your rollup has. Many rollup projects decided to store on external systems, thereby decreasing the overall security while trying to scale up. Through zkDA we can effectively scale rollups as “Bitcoin rollups” by inheriting the security of Bitcoin through merged mining. Syscoin uniquely solves the modular approach of blockchain design by leveraging Bitcoin to create a holistic approach that is the most effective in the entire industry. This is a complete game-changer, as it means any rollup on any chain can now be provided with the gold standard of Bitcoin’s network security, which was impossible until now.

The magic of zkDA lies in its ability to provide strong security assurances while maintaining high throughput. This is achieved through a unique blend of data availability solutions and execution rollups, which work in harmony to ensure that the blockchain can handle large amounts of data efficiently and securely. This approach not only boosts the performance of the Syscoin blockchain but also sets a new standard for blockchain scalability in the industry.

One of the key aspects of zkDA is its compatibility with various layers of blockchain infrastructure. It allows for the integration of different data availability and execution layers, making it a versatile solution for a wide range of blockchain applications. Whether it’s for simple transactions or complex smart contract executions, zkDA provides a robust foundation for building scalable and secure decentralized applications.

The PoDA Service: High-Performance Data Availability

At the heart of Syscoin’s scalability solution is the PoDA (Proof of Data Availability) service. PoDA is a premium data availability service that operates on the Syscoin UTXO chain, delivering an impressive ~426 kb of sustained data availability per second before the demand side of the fee market pushes costs higher. This high-performance service is critical for ensuring that the blockchain can efficiently handle the vast amounts of data generated by transactions and smart contracts.

The primary role of PoDA is to provide a reliable and secure foundation for data availability. By doing so, it enables the Syscoin blockchain to maintain high throughput while ensuring the integrity and accessibility of data. This is particularly important in a decentralized environment, where data availability is crucial for the proper functioning of the network.

PoDA’s design is carefully crafted to meet the demands of modern blockchain applications. It utilizes advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure that data is not only available but also verifiable. This means that users can trust that the data they interact with is accurate and has not been tampered with. Furthermore, PoDA’s efficient design ensures that it can provide high-quality data availability services without compromising on performance or security.

PoDA is a key component of Syscoin’s scalability solution, providing the necessary infrastructure for high-performance data availability. Its integration with zkDA further enhances the capabilities of the Syscoin blockchain, making it a formidable platform for scalable and secure decentralized applications.

The real-world implications of Syscoin’s PoDA service are vast and transformative. PoDA underpins Syscoin’s ability to handle massive amounts of transaction data efficiently. This service is pivotal for businesses and developers, enabling them to build scalable applications that can handle high transaction volumes without sacrificing speed or security. From enabling faster and more reliable financial transactions to supporting complex decentralized applications, PoDA’s robust infrastructure ensures that Syscoin and those who build using on solutions like zkDA remain agile and responsive to the growing demands of modern blockchain use cases.

DA Rollups: Enhancing Security and Flexibility

Concept of DA Rollups

DA (Data Availability) rollups represent a major step forward in enhancing the security and flexibility of blockchain networks. Various types of DA rollups can coexist. We can solve these problems in unique ways. Typically it is hard to prove unavailability of data and thus attribute fault, however we have been researching ways to get around these problems to increase DA throughput each with unique tradeoffs:

DAC committees – as long as 1 honest party exists and all committee members sign off in a quorum, otherwise if consensus cannot be achieved fall back to using PoDA.

zkFVM – With the help of ZK light clients use a protocol such as Filecoin with high redundancy and minimum contract length to reduce costs and assure data has been made publicly available. Wrap it in a recursive ZK proof and use a validity-based rollup which guarantees that data was sent to Filecoin through ZK proving FVM.

In essence, DA rollups make blockchain networks more robust and adaptable, capable of supporting a wider range of applications and use cases. 

These rollups are a critical component of Syscoin’s approach to modular blockchain design, working in tandem with the PoDA service to offer a comprehensive scalability solution. In the Syscoin ecosystem, DA rollups serve as a supplementary layer to the PoDA service. While PoDA provides a high-quality data availability service, DA rollups offer an additional layer of scalability. They enable the network to handle overflow data that exceeds the capacity of the PoDA service. This dual-layer approach ensures that Syscoin can maintain high throughput and data availability, even under heavy network loads.

Security Benefits and Trade-offs

The integration of DA rollups with PoDA brings several security benefits to the Syscoin blockchain. One of the key advantages is the enhanced data integrity provided by DA rollups.

Each DA rollup can employ its own mechanism to ensure availability, or using external crypto-economically secured networks that have been proven by the market. DA rollups ensure that data is not only available but also resistant to tampering and censorship. This distributed approach to data availability enhances the overall security and resilience of the network.

However, there are trade-offs to consider when using custom DA layers in conjunction with PoDA. While DA rollups offer increased scalability, they may introduce subtle security trade-offs. For example, in PoDA if data is withheld the blockchain will assert its validity and reject it from the blockchain, its tied right to the Syscoin blockchain itself while DA rollups make new trust or security assumptions of at least 1 honest party attests to the data. The design of DA rollups requires careful consideration to balance scalability with the decentralization principles of blockchain technology. Giving the option to zkDA consuming solutions will let them decide on the levels of throughput and security required for their users depending on the use-cases, which can be decided even in real-time at a per batch interval.

Syscoin’s Layered Approach to Blockchain Scalability

Syscoin’s layered approach to blockchain scalability is a harmonious blend of the PoDA service and DA rollups. This approach strategically layers different scalability solutions, each addressing specific aspects of blockchain performance. By combining the high throughput of PoDA with the distributed data integrity of DA rollups, Syscoin creates a multifaceted scalability solution. This not only enhances the network’s capacity to handle large volumes of transactions but also maintains Syscoin’s commitment to decentralization and security, distinguishing it from other blockchain platforms.

Combining Base Layer DA Service with DA Rollups

The foundation of Syscoin’s scalability solution is its base layer DA service, primarily provided by the PoDA (Proof of Data Availability) service. PoDA is designed to ensure high-quality data availability and integrity across the Syscoin blockchain. It offers a premium level of service, capable of handling a significant amount of data throughput (~426 kb per second), which is crucial for the efficient functioning of the blockchain.

Complementing the base layer DA service are the DA rollups. These rollups act as supplementary layers, enhancing the blockchain’s capacity to handle data beyond what the base layer can accommodate. This layered approach ensures that the Syscoin network can scale effectively, handling increased demand without compromising on performance or security.

Advantages of the Layered Approach

The layered scalability solution offered by Syscoin comes with several key advantages:

Light Requirements for Syscoin Nodes

Syscoin’s architecture is designed to keep the computational and storage requirements for nodes light and manageable. This is achieved by offloading a significant portion of data processing to PoDA and the DA rollups, which handle data verification and availability.

As a result, the base layer nodes are not burdened with the entire dataset, allowing them to operate efficiently even on less powerful hardware. This accessibility encourages wider participation in the network, enhancing its decentralization and resilience.

Cost-Effective Verification

The use of DA rollups for data verification is not only efficient but also cost-effective. By offloading to external networks DA rollups can create separation of concerns and leave availability to networks that have proven secure mechanisms of data storage and redundancy.

This approach reduces the computational overhead for individual nodes, leading to lower operational costs. It also enables the network to scale in a financially sustainable manner, as the cost of verifying additional data may not increase linearly with the size of the dataset.

Syscoin’s layered approach to blockchain scalability is a testament to its commitment to building a robust, efficient, and accessible blockchain ecosystem.

The Future of Data Availability with zkDA

The introduction of zkDA places Syscoin at the vanguard of blockchain innovation. By pioneering the first Zero-Knowledge Data Availability solution, Syscoin signals a new era in blockchain technology where scalability does not come at the expense of security or decentralization. This positions Syscoin as a leader in the industry, offering a vision for a more integrated, efficient, and user-friendly blockchain ecosystem. The versatility and advanced capabilities of zkDA make it a cornerstone technology for future blockchain developments, highlighting Syscoin’s role in shaping the future of the industry.

Impact on the Broader Blockchain Industry

Serving Rollups Across Multiple Chains

One of the most groundbreaking aspects of zkDA is its ability to serve rollups across multiple blockchain chains. This capability addresses a critical need in the blockchain space for scalable, secure, and efficient cross-chain interactions.

By enabling rollups to operate seamlessly across different blockchain ecosystems, zkDA facilitates a new level of interoperability and collaboration. This opens up possibilities for a wide range of applications, including decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other blockchain-based services that can benefit from cross-chain functionality.

The introduction of zkDA can lead to more integrated and cohesive blockchain networks, where barriers between different chains are reduced, fostering a more unified and efficient omni-chain ecosystem.

Plans for Integrating ZK Light Clients and Global Layer 1 DA Contract

ZK Light Clients Integration

Syscoin’s plans for integrating ZK Light clients into its ecosystem are a key component of the zkDA framework. These light clients are designed to provide efficient and secure verification of blockchain data, enabling users to interact with the blockchain without needing to download the entire chain.

The use of ZK Light clients, particularly in conjunction with zkDA, enhances the scalability and efficiency of the network. It allows for the verification of data in a zero-knowledge manner, ensuring privacy and security while maintaining the integrity and accessibility of the data.

The integration of ZK Light clients is expected to significantly improve the user experience, making blockchain interactions faster, more secure, and more accessible to a broader audience.

Development of the Global Layer 1 DA Contract

Alongside the integration of ZK Light clients, Syscoin is also developing a global layer 1 DA contract. This contract serves as a centralized point for managing data availability across the Syscoin network and potentially other interconnected blockchains.

The global layer 1 DA contract will facilitate the seamless posting and verification of DA hashes, enabling different blockchain layers and rollups to efficiently share and access data. This approach streamlines the data availability process, ensuring that the network can handle large volumes of data in a scalable and secure manner.

The development of this contract is a critical step in realizing the full potential of zkDA. It lays the groundwork for a more interconnected and efficient blockchain ecosystem, where data availability is no longer a bottleneck for scalability and innovation.


As we reflect on the groundbreaking advancements introduced by Syscoin with zkDA, it’s clear that we are on the cusp of a transformative era in blockchain technology. zkDA stands out as a beacon of innovation, addressing some of the most pressing challenges in the blockchain space and offering a vision of a more scalable, secure, and interconnected future. With zkDA, Syscoin becomes the layer-0 of the modular blockchain paradigm by allowing all rollups to scale their DA while extending their security to Bitcoin through merged-mining.

Key Benefits of zkDA


zkDA’s ability to handle practically unlimited throughput while maintaining high performance is a game-changer for blockchain scalability. Its layered approach, combining PoDA with DA rollups, ensures that the Syscoin network can efficiently manage large volumes of data and transactions, making it an ideal platform for a wide range of applications.


At its core, zkDA is designed with security in mind. By leveraging advanced cryptographic techniques and a robust data availability framework, it provides strong assurances of data integrity and resistance to tampering, ensuring a trustworthy and resilient blockchain ecosystem. The Syscoin network is secured by Bitcoin itself through merged-mining.


The versatility of zkDA, with its support for rollups across multiple chains and integration of ZK Light clients, highlights its flexibility. It accommodates a variety of use cases and blockchain architectures, making it a versatile tool for developers and users alike.

Syscoin’s commitment to innovation is evident in its continuous efforts to enhance blockchain technology. The introduction of zkDA is a testament to this commitment, offering a glimpse into the future of blockchain scalability, security, and interoperability.

Engage with Syscoin and Explore zkDA

We invite you to delve deeper into the world of Syscoin and discover the vast potential of zkDA. Whether you’re a developer, investor, or simply a blockchain enthusiast, there’s a wealth of knowledge and opportunity awaiting in the Syscoin ecosystem. By engaging with the Syscoin community, you can stay informed about the latest developments, contribute to the conversation, and explore the myriad possibilities that zkDA brings to the table.

Be sure to visit the new Syscoin website, which has been revamped with a focus on Bitcoin, ZK technology, and data availability. Here, you’ll find comprehensive information about Syscoin’s projects, including zkDA, and resources to help you get involved and make the most of this exciting technology.

We encourage you to join them on this journey of discovery and be a part of the next wave of blockchain evolution. Take Part in the Revolution, by exploring the transformative potential of zkDA and the diverse possibilities it unlocks. Engage with the Syscoin ecosystem, discover more about the groundbreaking technology, and participate in community’s Discord. For developers and enthusiasts alike, Syscoin offers a fertile ground for innovation and growth. Visit their website, the website of their Rollux (EVM Layer 2) and Github repository to learn more, and become part of a community shaping the future of the industry.

About Syscoin

Celebrating a decade at the forefront of blockchain innovation, Syscoin has been a pioneer in harnessing Bitcoin’s proven security for scalable blockchain solutions. With the development of Rollux, an OPStack EVM Layer 2 solution, and the Proof-of-Data Availability (PoDA) protocol, Syscoin stands as a testament to blockchain’s evolution. Syscoin’s approach to modular blockchain design, emphasizing performance and cost efficiency, has now culminated in the integration of zkDA – a testament to what Bitcoin’s modularity can truly achieve.

Website | Discord | Telegram | News | Github | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

About Polyhedra Network

Polyhedra Network, renowned for its zkBridge protocol and expertise in zero-knowledge proof technology, brings invaluable technical prowess to this partnership. Their collaboration with LayerZero, a prominent omnichain interoperability provider, further amplifies the potential for interoperability in the Web3 industry.

Website | X | Discord | Medium | zkBridge Docs | YouTube

About NodeKit 

NodeKit is building SEQ, the decentralized shared sequencer L1 built to allow rollups to decentralize their sequencer and enable cross-rollup interoperability without sacrificing performance.

Website | Blog | X | Telegram | Discord | Documentation
比特币赛道还有哪些非主流币? Syscoin属于比特币赛道关注度较小的币种。虽然生态几乎没有,但人家从2014年到现在仍然不断跟随趋势转型。2023年6月我们介绍了syscoin,恰逢其底部区间,目前syscoin已经有启动迹象。#syscoin $SYS #比特币二层

Syscoin属于比特币赛道关注度较小的币种。虽然生态几乎没有,但人家从2014年到现在仍然不断跟随趋势转型。2023年6月我们介绍了syscoin,恰逢其底部区间,目前syscoin已经有启动迹象。#syscoin $SYS #比特币二层
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