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OpenAI创始人Sam Altman和阿根廷总统讨论Worldcoin投资事项 OpenAI 创始人山姆·阿尔特曼(Sam Altman)和阿根廷总统哈维尔·米莱(Javier Milei)在旧金山会面,讨论了 Worldcoin 在南美国家的投资等问题。 周三,该项目的两位主要支持者,Tools for Humanity 联合创始人 Sam Altman 和 Alex Blania 会见了阿根廷总统哈维尔·米莱(Javier Milei),Tools for Humanity 由 Blania 和 OpenAI 首席执行官 Altman 共同创立,是 Worldcoin 项目背后的主要开发商。“在会议期间,Worldcoin 团队]讨论了人工智能的进步,如何让人类为人工智能做好准备,以及其在阿根廷的潜在投资,” #opbnb

OpenAI创始人Sam Altman和阿根廷总统讨论Worldcoin投资事项

OpenAI 创始人山姆·阿尔特曼(Sam Altman)和阿根廷总统哈维尔·米莱(Javier Milei)在旧金山会面,讨论了 Worldcoin 在南美国家的投资等问题。
周三,该项目的两位主要支持者,Tools for Humanity 联合创始人 Sam Altman 和 Alex Blania 会见了阿根廷总统哈维尔·米莱(Javier Milei),Tools for Humanity 由 Blania 和 OpenAI 首席执行官 Altman 共同创立,是 Worldcoin 项目背后的主要开发商。“在会议期间,Worldcoin 团队]讨论了人工智能的进步,如何让人类为人工智能做好准备,以及其在阿根廷的潜在投资,” #opbnb
Mailer Lite:某团队成员误点击钓鱼链接,使黑客得以访问内部系统 数字营销平台Mailer Lite发布电子邮件警报表示,一名支持团队成员点击了钓鱼链接、输入了谷歌凭证并进行了二次确认,让黑客得以访问Mailer lite的内部系统。 在获得访问权限后,攻击者在管理面板上对特定用户执行了密码重置,进一步巩固了他们未经授权的控制。攻击者冒充用户帐户,并将重点完全集中在与加密货币相关的账户上。攻击者访问了117个帐户,少数帐户被利用个人信息发起网络钓鱼活动。 根据Mailer Lite的说法,系统没有发送任何电子邮件,也没有导出其联系人列表。(Decrypt) 今日早些时候消息,Blockaid称Mailer Lite遭网络钓鱼攻击,损失超60万美元。 #opbnb

Mailer Lite:某团队成员误点击钓鱼链接,使黑客得以访问内部系统

数字营销平台Mailer Lite发布电子邮件警报表示,一名支持团队成员点击了钓鱼链接、输入了谷歌凭证并进行了二次确认,让黑客得以访问Mailer lite的内部系统。
根据Mailer Lite的说法,系统没有发送任何电子邮件,也没有导出其联系人列表。(Decrypt)
今日早些时候消息,Blockaid称Mailer Lite遭网络钓鱼攻击,损失超60万美元。 #opbnb
HOW TO COPY TRADE : Step by step guide Here is an overview of how to copy trading on binance Disclaimer⚠️ this not a financial advise beware of the high volatility in trading crypto and you’re fully responsible for your decision Here are the guide to start copying trades Open your binance app>> on the app menu>> go to marketplace >>> you will see different products click on TRADER WAGON>>> read and understand the terms and conditions before you proceed . After you’ve read and understood the terms and conditions and the risks associated with copy trading>> choose any experienced trader of your choice who has good review and high ROI % you can see from the images below some traders have a high roi of up to %16000 depending on the trading volume. Make sure you read and check the trade history of any trader you want to copy before proceeding to copy their trades where it will take you to deposit your assets for trading the minimum deposit is $50 depending on the type of trade you choose to copy your deposit will be automatically transferred from your spot wallet into your copy trading account and your profits will be automatically deposited into your spot wallet after trading . Important notice: risk management is very important evaluate the risk fixtures provided by the trader don’t be too greedy you will loose your money if you don’t copy with caution. Analyze the market before committing into trading make a thorough research invest only what you can afford to lose. Following this tips you’ll be on a safer side and on profit Ask questions on comment section below and follow me for more tips #crypto2023 #Layer2 #opbnb
Step by step guide

Here is an overview of how to copy trading on binance

Disclaimer⚠️ this not a financial advise beware of the high volatility in trading crypto and you’re fully responsible for your decision

Here are the guide to start copying trades
Open your binance app>> on the app menu>> go to marketplace >>> you will see different products click on TRADER WAGON>>> read and understand the terms and conditions before you proceed .

After you’ve read and understood the terms and conditions and the risks associated with copy trading>> choose any experienced trader of your choice who has good review and high ROI % you can see from the images below some traders have a high roi of up to %16000 depending on the trading volume. Make sure you read and check the trade history of any trader you want to copy before proceeding to copy their trades where it will take you to deposit your assets for trading the minimum deposit is $50 depending on the type of trade you choose to copy your deposit will be automatically transferred from your spot wallet into your copy trading account and your profits will be automatically deposited into your spot wallet after trading .

Important notice: risk management is very important evaluate the risk fixtures provided by the trader don’t be too greedy you will loose your money if you don’t copy with caution.
Analyze the market before committing into trading make a thorough research invest only what you can afford to lose. Following this tips you’ll be on a safer side and on profit

Ask questions on comment section below and follow me for more tips
#crypto2023 #Layer2 #opbnb
¿Qué es la tecnología Blockchain?En el mundo de la tecnología moderna, la cadena de bloques (blockchain) se destaca como una innovación revolucionaria con el poder de remodelar industrias, mejorar la seguridad y redefinir la forma en que realizamos transacciones y confiamos. Este artículo profundiza en el funcionamiento interno de la tecnología blockchain, sus aplicaciones y el impacto transformador que tiene en nuestro panorama digital.¿Qué es Blockchain?En su núcleo, blockchain es una tecnología de registro descentralizado y distribuido. Consiste en una cadena de bloques, cada uno de ellos contiene un registro de múltiples transacciones. Estos bloques están vinculados en orden cronológico, formando una cadena inmutable e inalterable.Componentes Clave de Blockchain:1. Descentralización: A diferencia de los sistemas centralizados tradicionales, blockchain opera en una red de computadoras (nodos) donde ninguna entidad tiene control completo. Esta descentralización mejora la seguridad y reduce el riesgo de un único punto de falla.2. Criptografía: Algoritmos criptográficos sólidos aseguran los datos dentro de cada bloque. Las transacciones se registran de manera que garantiza que no puedan ser alteradas retroactivamente.3. Mecanismos de Consenso: Para validar y agregar nuevas transacciones a la cadena de bloques, los participantes deben estar de acuerdo sobre su validez. Varios mecanismos de consenso, como Prueba de Trabajo (PoW) y Prueba de Participación (PoS), aseguran la confianza en la red.Aplicaciones de Blockchain:1. Criptomonedas: La tecnología blockchain dio origen a Bitcoin, la criptomoneda pionera. Permite transacciones digitales seguras y transparentes sin necesidad de intermediarios como los bancos.2. Contratos Inteligentes: Estos contratos autoejecutables con reglas y condiciones predefinidas automatizan diversos procesos, desde pagos de seguros hasta la gestión de la cadena de suministro.3. Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro: Blockchain puede rastrear el recorrido de productos desde el fabricante hasta el consumidor, garantizando transparencia, autenticidad y reduciendo el fraude.4. Salud: Los datos de los pacientes pueden almacenarse y compartirse de manera segura entre proveedores de atención médica, manteniendo la privacidad y la seguridad.5. Sistemas de Votación: Blockchain tiene el potencial de crear sistemas de votación digitales seguros y verificables, mejorando la integridad electoral.6. Propiedad Intelectual: Los artistas y creadores pueden proteger su trabajo mediante la marca de tiempo en la cadena de bloques, demostrando su originalidad y propiedad.El Impacto de Blockchain:1. Seguridad: La inmutabilidad y transparencia de blockchain lo hacen resistente al fraude y al pirateo. Las violaciones de datos se vuelven menos probables en sistemas descentralizados.2. Confianza: Blockchain elimina la necesidad de intermediarios en las transacciones, reduciendo el riesgo de manipulación o fraude. Esto genera confianza en las interacciones digitales.3. Inclusión Financiera: Blockchain puede proporcionar servicios financieros a poblaciones no bancarizadas o subbancarizadas, otorgando acceso a servicios bancarios y oportunidades económicas.4. Eficiencia: Las transacciones y procesos se simplifican, lo que reduce costos y retrasos. Por ejemplo, los pagos transfronterizos pueden volverse casi instantáneos.Desafíos y Consideraciones:1. Escalabilidad: A medida que las redes blockchain crecen, deben abordarse problemas de escalabilidad para mantener la velocidad y la eficiencia.2. Consumo de Energía: Las blockchains de Prueba de Trabajo pueden ser intensivas en energía, lo que ha llevado a la exploración de mecanismos de consenso más ecológicos.3. Regulación: Gobiernos y organismos reguladores están desarrollando marcos legales para gobernar blockchain, abordando preocupaciones como la fiscalidad y la legalidad.El Futuro de Blockchain:El potencial de la tecnología blockchain es ilimitado. No es solo una fuerza disruptiva en finanzas y criptomonedas; es una tecnología transformadora que tiene aplicaciones en diversos sectores. A medida que la innovación continúa, podemos esperar ver a blockchain desempeñar un papel cada vez más significativo en nuestras vidas, revolucionando la forma en que realizamos transacciones, nos comunicamos y confiamos en un mundo digitalmente interconectado.En conclusión, la tecnología blockchain es una maravilla digital que ofrece una forma segura y transparente de llevar a cabo transacciones y gestionar datos. Su impacto en las industrias y en la sociedad es profundo, y a medida que sigue evolucionando, promete un futuro en el que la confianza y la eficiencia sean primordiales en nuestro mundo interconectado. #opbnb #Layer2 #crypto2023 #BTC

¿Qué es la tecnología Blockchain?

En el mundo de la tecnología moderna, la cadena de bloques (blockchain) se destaca como una innovación revolucionaria con el poder de remodelar industrias, mejorar la seguridad y redefinir la forma en que realizamos transacciones y confiamos. Este artículo profundiza en el funcionamiento interno de la tecnología blockchain, sus aplicaciones y el impacto transformador que tiene en nuestro panorama digital.¿Qué es Blockchain?En su núcleo, blockchain es una tecnología de registro descentralizado y distribuido. Consiste en una cadena de bloques, cada uno de ellos contiene un registro de múltiples transacciones. Estos bloques están vinculados en orden cronológico, formando una cadena inmutable e inalterable.Componentes Clave de Blockchain:1. Descentralización: A diferencia de los sistemas centralizados tradicionales, blockchain opera en una red de computadoras (nodos) donde ninguna entidad tiene control completo. Esta descentralización mejora la seguridad y reduce el riesgo de un único punto de falla.2. Criptografía: Algoritmos criptográficos sólidos aseguran los datos dentro de cada bloque. Las transacciones se registran de manera que garantiza que no puedan ser alteradas retroactivamente.3. Mecanismos de Consenso: Para validar y agregar nuevas transacciones a la cadena de bloques, los participantes deben estar de acuerdo sobre su validez. Varios mecanismos de consenso, como Prueba de Trabajo (PoW) y Prueba de Participación (PoS), aseguran la confianza en la red.Aplicaciones de Blockchain:1. Criptomonedas: La tecnología blockchain dio origen a Bitcoin, la criptomoneda pionera. Permite transacciones digitales seguras y transparentes sin necesidad de intermediarios como los bancos.2. Contratos Inteligentes: Estos contratos autoejecutables con reglas y condiciones predefinidas automatizan diversos procesos, desde pagos de seguros hasta la gestión de la cadena de suministro.3. Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro: Blockchain puede rastrear el recorrido de productos desde el fabricante hasta el consumidor, garantizando transparencia, autenticidad y reduciendo el fraude.4. Salud: Los datos de los pacientes pueden almacenarse y compartirse de manera segura entre proveedores de atención médica, manteniendo la privacidad y la seguridad.5. Sistemas de Votación: Blockchain tiene el potencial de crear sistemas de votación digitales seguros y verificables, mejorando la integridad electoral.6. Propiedad Intelectual: Los artistas y creadores pueden proteger su trabajo mediante la marca de tiempo en la cadena de bloques, demostrando su originalidad y propiedad.El Impacto de Blockchain:1. Seguridad: La inmutabilidad y transparencia de blockchain lo hacen resistente al fraude y al pirateo. Las violaciones de datos se vuelven menos probables en sistemas descentralizados.2. Confianza: Blockchain elimina la necesidad de intermediarios en las transacciones, reduciendo el riesgo de manipulación o fraude. Esto genera confianza en las interacciones digitales.3. Inclusión Financiera: Blockchain puede proporcionar servicios financieros a poblaciones no bancarizadas o subbancarizadas, otorgando acceso a servicios bancarios y oportunidades económicas.4. Eficiencia: Las transacciones y procesos se simplifican, lo que reduce costos y retrasos. Por ejemplo, los pagos transfronterizos pueden volverse casi instantáneos.Desafíos y Consideraciones:1. Escalabilidad: A medida que las redes blockchain crecen, deben abordarse problemas de escalabilidad para mantener la velocidad y la eficiencia.2. Consumo de Energía: Las blockchains de Prueba de Trabajo pueden ser intensivas en energía, lo que ha llevado a la exploración de mecanismos de consenso más ecológicos.3. Regulación: Gobiernos y organismos reguladores están desarrollando marcos legales para gobernar blockchain, abordando preocupaciones como la fiscalidad y la legalidad.El Futuro de Blockchain:El potencial de la tecnología blockchain es ilimitado. No es solo una fuerza disruptiva en finanzas y criptomonedas; es una tecnología transformadora que tiene aplicaciones en diversos sectores. A medida que la innovación continúa, podemos esperar ver a blockchain desempeñar un papel cada vez más significativo en nuestras vidas, revolucionando la forma en que realizamos transacciones, nos comunicamos y confiamos en un mundo digitalmente interconectado.En conclusión, la tecnología blockchain es una maravilla digital que ofrece una forma segura y transparente de llevar a cabo transacciones y gestionar datos. Su impacto en las industrias y en la sociedad es profundo, y a medida que sigue evolucionando, promete un futuro en el que la confianza y la eficiencia sean primordiales en nuestro mundo interconectado. #opbnb #Layer2 #crypto2023 #BTC
Telegram新增帖子付费表情回应,频道所有者可获得全部Telegram Stars 据官方消息,Telegram 新增帖子付费表情回应。用户现在可以对帖子进行星星表情回应,以向他们喜欢的频道和内容创建者来发送 Telegram Stars。 频道所有者可获得 100%的 Telegram Stars,并可以将其转换为 Toncoin 加密货币奖励或补贴。 频道主如果想启用帖子上的星星回应,需在“频道设置”>“表情回应”>“Enable Paid Reactions(启动付费表情回应)启用。 #opbnb

Telegram新增帖子付费表情回应,频道所有者可获得全部Telegram Stars

据官方消息,Telegram 新增帖子付费表情回应。用户现在可以对帖子进行星星表情回应,以向他们喜欢的频道和内容创建者来发送 Telegram Stars。
频道所有者可获得 100%的 Telegram Stars,并可以将其转换为 Toncoin 加密货币奖励或补贴。
频道主如果想启用帖子上的星星回应,需在“频道设置”>“表情回应”>“Enable Paid Reactions(启动付费表情回应)启用。 #opbnb
美国比特币ETF每天纯油在3800亿韩元中,最多四个月……鲸鱼销售继续在比特币上市指数基金中四个月中的最多资金正在损失,比特币的价格继续下跌,并且由于对经济放缓的担忧而进一步下降。 #opbnb


在比特币上市指数基金中四个月中的最多资金正在损失,比特币的价格继续下跌,并且由于对经济放缓的担忧而进一步下降。 #opbnb
Arkham:特斯拉未抛售持有的BTC,目前已增值3亿美元 Arkham 在 X 平台发文称,特斯拉暂未抛售持有的比特币,该公司仍持有 2021 年 1 月下旬以约 32,000 美元的价格购得的 1.15 万枚 BTC,而且已经持有超三年时间,目前已增值 3 亿美元。 #opbnb


Arkham 在 X 平台发文称,特斯拉暂未抛售持有的比特币,该公司仍持有 2021 年 1 月下旬以约 32,000 美元的价格购得的 1.15 万枚 BTC,而且已经持有超三年时间,目前已增值 3 亿美元。 #opbnb
😃Powerful candlestick patterns and ideas to maximize your gains! 👇### **1. The Doji Pattern 🕯️💫** - **What it is**: The **Doji** represents indecision in the market, appearing when the opening and closing prices are nearly the same. This can signal a reversal, depending on where it appears in a trend. - **How to Spot It**: A Doji has a very small or nonexistent body, with long upper and lower shadows. Look for this at the top or bottom of a trend, where it can suggest a potential reversal. - **Earning Tip**: When a Doji appears after an extended uptrend, consider a short position, as it often signals a trend reversal. In downtrends, it can be a buy signal. Combine this with an RSI reading for extra confirmation, and ride the wave in either direction. ### **2. Hammer & Inverted Hammer 🛠️** - **What it is**: The **Hammer** and **Inverted Hammer** are single-candle patterns that signal a potential bullish reversal. They have long lower shadows (Hammer) or upper shadows (Inverted Hammer) with small bodies. - **How to Spot It**: These candles often appear after a downtrend. A Hammer has a small body with a long lower wick, while an Inverted Hammer has a long upper wick. - **Earning Tip**: Use these patterns to catch potential bottoms. If a hammer appears at the end of a downtrend, it’s often followed by a price reversal upwards. Enter the trade with a tight stop-loss just below the candle’s low for minimized risk and maximized potential. ### **3. The Shooting Star 🌠** - **What it is**: The **Shooting Star** is a bearish reversal pattern that signals a potential top. It has a small body with a long upper shadow, indicating buyers have pushed the price up but failed to maintain it. - **How to Spot It**: Look for this pattern at the end of an uptrend. It often marks a reversal as sellers step in to push the price back down. - **Earning Tip**: Enter a short trade when you see this pattern at the top of an uptrend. Set a stop-loss above the high of the shooting star, as this minimizes risk. Combine it with a bearish RSI divergence for a stronger signal and higher success rate. --- ### **More Ideas to Make $1000 Daily Using Candlestick Patterns 📊💸** #### 1. **Create a Multi-Pattern Strategy 📈** - Combine patterns like the **Doji**, **Hammer**, and **Shooting Star** with indicators such as **MACD** or **Bollinger Bands**. By layering patterns with indicators, you can increase the reliability of your trades and spot more opportunities, allowing you to take several profitable trades daily. #### 2. **Trade Breakouts with Candlestick Patterns 💥** - Use candlestick patterns to spot breakout opportunities. For instance, if a **Hammer** pattern appears near a support level, it could signal a bounce-back or breakout. Enter the trade at the breakout point to capture the momentum move, especially if it's backed by high volume. #### 3. **Leverage Candlestick Patterns in Swing Trading 🔄** - With swing trading, you hold positions for a few days to catch larger moves. Candlestick patterns like **Bullish Engulfing** and **Morning Star** can signal excellent entry points for multi-day trades. By catching these swings, you can reach your $1000 daily goal through larger price movements. #### 4. **Scalping with Candlestick Patterns ⚡** - For fast profits, use short-term patterns like the **Doji** and **Shooting Star** on lower timeframes (like 5-minute or 15-minute charts). Scalping with these patterns lets you make multiple quick trades in a day. Just remember to use tight stop-losses for risk management! #### 5. **Use Pattern-Based Bots for Passive Income 🤖** - Set up trading bots that detect patterns like the **Hammer** or **Shooting Star** and execute trades automatically. Once you’ve configured your bot with these specific patterns, it can trade 24/7, even when you’re offline, giving you another path to consistent, passive income. #### 6. **Pair Patterns with Support and Resistance Zones 📏** - Identify support and resistance levels, and watch for patterns like **Doji** or **Bullish Engulfing** when the price hits these zones. By combining patterns with key levels, you can identify high-confidence trades where reversals are more likely, leading to higher profits. --- ### Ready to Start Earning? 🌟 Mastering these candlestick patterns and strategies can significantly boost your trading performance. With daily practice, disciplined risk management, and a solid understanding of these patterns, you can confidently aim for **$1000 daily**! Get started today, and soon you’ll be capitalizing on every market movement with ease. #BTC #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #opbnb #Crypto2024 #CryptoBullRun 🔥 **For more tips and insights on trading, remember to like, share, and follow!**

😃Powerful candlestick patterns and ideas to maximize your gains! 👇

### **1. The Doji Pattern 🕯️💫**
- **What it is**: The **Doji** represents indecision in the market, appearing when the opening and closing prices are nearly the same. This can signal a reversal, depending on where it appears in a trend.
- **How to Spot It**: A Doji has a very small or nonexistent body, with long upper and lower shadows. Look for this at the top or bottom of a trend, where it can suggest a potential reversal.
- **Earning Tip**: When a Doji appears after an extended uptrend, consider a short position, as it often signals a trend reversal. In downtrends, it can be a buy signal. Combine this with an RSI reading for extra confirmation, and ride the wave in either direction.

### **2. Hammer & Inverted Hammer 🛠️**
- **What it is**: The **Hammer** and **Inverted Hammer** are single-candle patterns that signal a potential bullish reversal. They have long lower shadows (Hammer) or upper shadows (Inverted Hammer) with small bodies.
- **How to Spot It**: These candles often appear after a downtrend. A Hammer has a small body with a long lower wick, while an Inverted Hammer has a long upper wick.
- **Earning Tip**: Use these patterns to catch potential bottoms. If a hammer appears at the end of a downtrend, it’s often followed by a price reversal upwards. Enter the trade with a tight stop-loss just below the candle’s low for minimized risk and maximized potential.

### **3. The Shooting Star 🌠**
- **What it is**: The **Shooting Star** is a bearish reversal pattern that signals a potential top. It has a small body with a long upper shadow, indicating buyers have pushed the price up but failed to maintain it.
- **How to Spot It**: Look for this pattern at the end of an uptrend. It often marks a reversal as sellers step in to push the price back down.
- **Earning Tip**: Enter a short trade when you see this pattern at the top of an uptrend. Set a stop-loss above the high of the shooting star, as this minimizes risk. Combine it with a bearish RSI divergence for a stronger signal and higher success rate.


### **More Ideas to Make $1000 Daily Using Candlestick Patterns 📊💸**

#### 1. **Create a Multi-Pattern Strategy 📈**
- Combine patterns like the **Doji**, **Hammer**, and **Shooting Star** with indicators such as **MACD** or **Bollinger Bands**. By layering patterns with indicators, you can increase the reliability of your trades and spot more opportunities, allowing you to take several profitable trades daily.

#### 2. **Trade Breakouts with Candlestick Patterns 💥**
- Use candlestick patterns to spot breakout opportunities. For instance, if a **Hammer** pattern appears near a support level, it could signal a bounce-back or breakout. Enter the trade at the breakout point to capture the momentum move, especially if it's backed by high volume.

#### 3. **Leverage Candlestick Patterns in Swing Trading 🔄**
- With swing trading, you hold positions for a few days to catch larger moves. Candlestick patterns like **Bullish Engulfing** and **Morning Star** can signal excellent entry points for multi-day trades. By catching these swings, you can reach your $1000 daily goal through larger price movements.

#### 4. **Scalping with Candlestick Patterns ⚡**
- For fast profits, use short-term patterns like the **Doji** and **Shooting Star** on lower timeframes (like 5-minute or 15-minute charts). Scalping with these patterns lets you make multiple quick trades in a day. Just remember to use tight stop-losses for risk management!

#### 5. **Use Pattern-Based Bots for Passive Income 🤖**
- Set up trading bots that detect patterns like the **Hammer** or **Shooting Star** and execute trades automatically. Once you’ve configured your bot with these specific patterns, it can trade 24/7, even when you’re offline, giving you another path to consistent, passive income.

#### 6. **Pair Patterns with Support and Resistance Zones 📏**
- Identify support and resistance levels, and watch for patterns like **Doji** or **Bullish Engulfing** when the price hits these zones. By combining patterns with key levels, you can identify high-confidence trades where reversals are more likely, leading to higher profits.


### Ready to Start Earning? 🌟

Mastering these candlestick patterns and strategies can significantly boost your trading performance. With daily practice, disciplined risk management, and a solid understanding of these patterns, you can confidently aim for **$1000 daily**! Get started today, and soon you’ll be capitalizing on every market movement with ease.
#BTC #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #opbnb #Crypto2024 #CryptoBullRun
🔥 **For more tips and insights on trading, remember to like, share, and follow!**
♨️🔥Bitcoin Post-Halving Analysis🔥♨️ After the 2024 Bitcoin halving, the crypto community is buzzing with anticipation and uncertainty about its price trajectory. Pre-halving stability at $65,000 has wavered, leading to concerns of a dip. 🔍 Analysts like Rekt Capital point to a 'post-halving re-accumulation range,' suggesting a consolidation phase post-retrace, potentially paving the way for a parabolic upside. El_crypto_prof hints at a possible price bottom, emphasizing the importance of reclaiming technical levels, a pattern seen in previous cycles. Despite bullish predictions, bearish sentiments persist, with indicators showing sustained losses. Bitcoin's transaction fees hit $100+, indicating a potential sell-off. Uncertainty looms, especially with Bitcoin diverging from historical trends pre-halving. Will we see further upward momentum or increased volatility? While analyses offer insights, unforeseen events like geopolitical tensions can swiftly alter trajectories. ⚠️ Disclaimer Remember, investing is speculative, and your capital is at risk. This post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice. #bitcoin #Layer2 #opbnb #Web3 #ETH
♨️🔥Bitcoin Post-Halving Analysis🔥♨️

After the 2024 Bitcoin halving, the crypto community is buzzing with anticipation and uncertainty about its price trajectory. Pre-halving stability at $65,000 has wavered, leading to concerns of a dip.

🔍 Analysts like Rekt Capital point to a 'post-halving re-accumulation range,' suggesting a consolidation phase post-retrace, potentially paving the way for a parabolic upside.

El_crypto_prof hints at a possible price bottom, emphasizing the importance of reclaiming technical levels, a pattern seen in previous cycles.

Despite bullish predictions, bearish sentiments persist, with indicators showing sustained losses. Bitcoin's transaction fees hit $100+, indicating a potential sell-off.

Uncertainty looms, especially with Bitcoin diverging from historical trends pre-halving. Will we see further upward momentum or increased volatility?

While analyses offer insights, unforeseen events like geopolitical tensions can swiftly alter trajectories.

⚠️ Disclaimer
Remember, investing is speculative, and your capital is at risk. This post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice.

#bitcoin #Layer2 #opbnb #Web3 #ETH
Evmos基金会收回已离职联合创始人的5900万枚EVMOS金色财经报道,Evmos前联合创始人Akash Khosla返还5900万枚EVMOS给Evmos基金会。此次返还是在Evmos于2023年5月发表声明称Khosla曾试图在市场上出售大量Evmos原生代币之后进行的,这引发了人们对他当时离职的担忧。他归还分配的代币预计将与Evmos当前的团队和贡献者重新调整代币分配。 #opbnb


金色财经报道,Evmos前联合创始人Akash Khosla返还5900万枚EVMOS给Evmos基金会。此次返还是在Evmos于2023年5月发表声明称Khosla曾试图在市场上出售大量Evmos原生代币之后进行的,这引发了人们对他当时离职的担忧。他归还分配的代币预计将与Evmos当前的团队和贡献者重新调整代币分配。
某鲸鱼近4日加仓2000枚BTC,目前共持有5000枚BTC浮盈39% 据链上分析师余烬监测,某鲸鱼地址曾在2023年10月-12月出售3000枚BTC实现2617万美元收益,已经在近4日累计重新买入2000枚BTC(约合8864万美元),均价约44,323美元。 目前该地址总计持有5000枚BTC(约合2.33亿美元),综合均价33,595美元,浮盈6615万美元(+39%)。 #opbnb


目前该地址总计持有5000枚BTC(约合2.33亿美元),综合均价33,595美元,浮盈6615万美元(+39%)。 #opbnb
美银调查:受特朗普第二任期等因素影响,12月投资者情绪超级乐观美国银行 12 月全球基金经理调查发现,12 月投资者情绪“超级乐观”。报告称,投资者对现金的配置处于历史最低水平,而对美股的配置处于历史最高水平。报告称,受特朗普第二任期和美联储降息相关的经济增长乐观情绪推动,全球风险偏好处于三年来的高点。 #opbnb


美国银行 12 月全球基金经理调查发现,12 月投资者情绪“超级乐观”。报告称,投资者对现金的配置处于历史最低水平,而对美股的配置处于历史最高水平。报告称,受特朗普第二任期和美联储降息相关的经济增长乐观情绪推动,全球风险偏好处于三年来的高点。
🏧Always withdraw profits. Made $84 from ETC/UDST 😱Stop losing money. Fro you even have a trading plan, leave a comment and I will share my trading plan 🎁Follow me for accurate trades daily #opbnb #Layer2 #ETH #crypto2023 $BTC $ETC $BNB
🏧Always withdraw profits. Made $84 from ETC/UDST

😱Stop losing money. Fro you even have a trading plan, leave a comment and I will share my trading plan

🎁Follow me for accurate trades daily

#opbnb #Layer2 #ETH #crypto2023
Unlocking new possibilities! 🌐 Xdin3 is the ultimate bridge between Bitcoin inscriptions and diverse applications, revolutionizing the industry. Join us on the journey to a limitless future! #XDIN3 #opbnb
Unlocking new possibilities! 🌐 Xdin3 is the ultimate bridge between Bitcoin inscriptions and diverse applications, revolutionizing the industry. Join us on the journey to a limitless future! #XDIN3 #opbnb
The Islamic Coin Reg-D Offering is now liveIslamic Coin has launched its Reg D Token Offering to the Public with OpenDeal Broker. it's a unique opportunity to support a project with a strong ethical foundation and a clear vision for the financial future. By combining blockchain technology with sustainable principles and Sharia compliance, Islamic Coin aims to create lasting impact and value for both the crypto and Muslim communities. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this exciting journey towards a more ethical world. Be more stable Islamic Coin (ISLM) token is a digital money that adheres to Shariah principles and emphasizes ethical values. This synergy encompasses support from Republic to showcase Islamic Coin’s market entry strategy. The collaboration also engages Republic Crypto – Republic’s crypto advisory services by customizing tokenomics, DAO governance, and sustained economic utility value for the Islamic community. Furthermore, the engagement between Republic Crypto and Islamic Coin is supported by establishing relationships with potential strategic partners, exchanges, and market participants. Following this public launch, members of the international Islamic Coin community will enjoy various benefits, including opportunities for providing liquidity, staking their holdings, and earning tokens during the liquidity mining phase. Recently, the team has raised $193M in private sales. In addition to these partnerships, Islamic Coin has forged an exclusive integration with DDCAP Group including their network of over 300 Islamic banks. #opbnb #Layer2 #crypto2023 #Binance #BTC

The Islamic Coin Reg-D Offering is now live

Islamic Coin has launched its Reg D Token Offering to the Public with OpenDeal Broker.

it's a unique opportunity to support a project with a strong ethical foundation and a clear vision for the financial future. By combining blockchain technology with sustainable principles and Sharia compliance, Islamic Coin aims to create lasting impact and value for both the crypto and Muslim communities. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this exciting journey towards a more ethical world. Be more stable

Islamic Coin

(ISLM) token is a digital money that adheres to Shariah principles and emphasizes ethical values. This synergy encompasses support from Republic to showcase Islamic Coin’s market entry strategy.

The collaboration also engages Republic Crypto – Republic’s crypto advisory services by customizing tokenomics, DAO governance, and sustained economic utility value for the Islamic community. Furthermore, the engagement between Republic Crypto and Islamic Coin is supported by establishing relationships with potential strategic partners, exchanges, and market participants.

Following this public launch, members of the international Islamic Coin community will enjoy various benefits, including opportunities for providing liquidity, staking their holdings, and earning tokens during the liquidity mining phase.

Recently, the team has raised $193M in private sales. In addition to these partnerships, Islamic Coin has forged an exclusive integration with DDCAP Group including their network of over 300 Islamic banks.

#opbnb #Layer2 #crypto2023 #Binance #BTC
RIFT基金会完成300万美元战略融资,以支持ChronoForge生态系统根据官方公告,RIFT基金会宣布完成300万美元战略融资,以支持ChronoForge生态系统。此轮融资由Alex Becker、FaZe Banks、EllioTrades等知名web3和游戏内容创作者参投,部分基金和社区也参与其中,包括Citizen Capital、SwissBorg、XBorg、MH Ventures等。据悉,ChronoForge是基于Immutable和Raid构建的多人动作角色扮演游戏。 #opbnb


根据官方公告,RIFT基金会宣布完成300万美元战略融资,以支持ChronoForge生态系统。此轮融资由Alex Becker、FaZe Banks、EllioTrades等知名web3和游戏内容创作者参投,部分基金和社区也参与其中,包括Citizen Capital、SwissBorg、XBorg、MH Ventures等。据悉,ChronoForge是基于Immutable和Raid构建的多人动作角色扮演游戏。
Ethereum Price Prediction as ETH Faces Uphill Task The Ethereum price has dipped by a very slight 0.2% in the past 24 hours, falling to $1,633 as the cryptocurrency market remains flat today. #ETH has retreated slightly after another failed attempt to breach the $1,665 resistance level, with the altcoin down by 3% in the past week but up by 2.5% in the last 14 days. The token has also risen by 36.5% since the beginning of the year, and with the market recently showing signs that it may be moving towards a recovery, ETH remains one of the likeliest coins to bounce back soon enough. $ETH #crypto2023 #BTC #Layer2 #opbnb
Ethereum Price Prediction as ETH Faces Uphill Task

The Ethereum price has dipped by a very slight 0.2% in the past 24 hours, falling to $1,633 as the cryptocurrency market remains flat today.

#ETH has retreated slightly after another failed attempt to breach the $1,665 resistance level, with the altcoin down by 3% in the past week but up by 2.5% in the last 14 days.

The token has also risen by 36.5% since the beginning of the year, and with the market recently showing signs that it may be moving towards a recovery, ETH remains one of the likeliest coins to bounce back soon enough.


🏧If you lose money every time the market falls it's not normal. 🥳If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you'll be working until you die! 💯This does not apply to my followers! What could be better than waking up and collecting money while you sleep? #opbnb #BTC #Layer2 #ETH $BTC $BNB $USDC
🏧If you lose money every time the market falls it's not normal.

🥳If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you'll be working until you die!

💯This does not apply to my followers!

What could be better than waking up and collecting money while you sleep?

#opbnb #BTC #Layer2 #ETH
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