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$ENA 惊爆! Ethena惊天解锁! 7.41亿美元代币汹涌来袭 ! 据数据猛料:Ethena在昨日解锁2.07亿枚ENA代币,换算下来价值高达约7.41亿美元 ,直接占据流通供应量的39.17%! 在过去短短两天,12个钱包疯狂动作,把总计1.25亿枚ENA(价值约4500万美元)一股脑转入币安、Bybit和FalconX等各大交易所。 这巨量代币涌入,预示着市场或许即将面临巨大抛售压力,一场市场动荡恐怕在所难免! 关注我,每天为您分享最新优质行情资讯,让您发财不迷路! #白宫首届加密货币峰会 #美国加密战略储备 #ENA #ENA将解锁走势如何 #热门话题 {future}(ENAUSDT)



7.41亿美元代币汹涌来袭 !

据数据猛料:Ethena在昨日解锁2.07亿枚ENA代币,换算下来价值高达约7.41亿美元 ,直接占据流通供应量的39.17%!




#白宫首届加密货币峰会 #美国加密战略储备 #ENA #ENA将解锁走势如何 #热门话题
#白宫首届加密货币峰会 #ENA 明晚白宫加密货币峰会大会必须盯紧这3个币! 兄弟们,明天晚上特朗普要开加密货币相关的大会,这说不定是 3 月能让咱们大赚一笔的好机会!我仔细研究了特朗普团队的钱包和交易数据,找出了 3 个很可能在会上被提到的加密货币。 重点爆头:ENA 川普团队在 ENA 这个 DeFi 项目上投了很多钱,可现在 ENA 的价格比他们买的时候低了一半还多,亏了 63% 呢。昨天晚上,项目方又放出了价值 8 亿美金的 ENA 代币,价格一下子跌到了最低。不过,跌得这么惨的币,有时候反而容易被拉起来。庄家为了把亏的钱赚回来,很可能借着大会的好消息,吸引咱们这些散户去买,好让他们解套。 潜在机遇:[ DeFi 主流币 在 DeFi 主流币里,其他像 AAVE、LINK 都已经涨价了,就它还没动静。听说这个币的团队可能会在大会上宣布一个特别厉害的合作,比如说能用上特朗普支持的支付系统。要是真的,那这个币价格肯定会涨很多。 冷门埋伏:XRP(懂王小三) 特朗普以前公开支持过瑞波公司和 SEC 对着干,XRP 是美国那些当官的都认可的合规加密货币,大家都很关注它。要是明天晚上特朗普说要整治 SEC 的腐败问题,或者支持那些合规的加密企业,XRP 的价格可能一下子就涨 20%。 风险投机:TRUMP(MEME 币)TRUMP 是和特朗普有关的 MEME 币里最厉害的,以前特朗普每次公开讲话,这个币的价格短时间内就能涨 50% 到 100%。现在它的价格比最高的时候跌了 40%,那些庄家很可能借着这次大会,把价格拉高然后卖掉赚钱。但是风险也很大,如果特朗普讲话的时候根本没提加密货币,这个币的价格可能一下子就跌 30%。 要是价格又跌回到你买的价格,马上全部卖掉,我今天在 ENA 上已经赚了钱,大家也得抓住机会,把赚的钱拿到手才是自己的!
#白宫首届加密货币峰会 #ENA


兄弟们,明天晚上特朗普要开加密货币相关的大会,这说不定是 3 月能让咱们大赚一笔的好机会!我仔细研究了特朗普团队的钱包和交易数据,找出了 3 个很可能在会上被提到的加密货币。


川普团队在 ENA 这个 DeFi 项目上投了很多钱,可现在 ENA 的价格比他们买的时候低了一半还多,亏了 63% 呢。昨天晚上,项目方又放出了价值 8 亿美金的 ENA 代币,价格一下子跌到了最低。不过,跌得这么惨的币,有时候反而容易被拉起来。庄家为了把亏的钱赚回来,很可能借着大会的好消息,吸引咱们这些散户去买,好让他们解套。

潜在机遇:[ DeFi 主流币

在 DeFi 主流币里,其他像 AAVE、LINK 都已经涨价了,就它还没动静。听说这个币的团队可能会在大会上宣布一个特别厉害的合作,比如说能用上特朗普支持的支付系统。要是真的,那这个币价格肯定会涨很多。


特朗普以前公开支持过瑞波公司和 SEC 对着干,XRP 是美国那些当官的都认可的合规加密货币,大家都很关注它。要是明天晚上特朗普说要整治 SEC 的腐败问题,或者支持那些合规的加密企业,XRP 的价格可能一下子就涨 20%。

风险投机:TRUMP(MEME 币)TRUMP 是和特朗普有关的 MEME 币里最厉害的,以前特朗普每次公开讲话,这个币的价格短时间内就能涨 50% 到 100%。现在它的价格比最高的时候跌了 40%,那些庄家很可能借着这次大会,把价格拉高然后卖掉赚钱。但是风险也很大,如果特朗普讲话的时候根本没提加密货币,这个币的价格可能一下子就跌 30%。

要是价格又跌回到你买的价格,马上全部卖掉,我今天在 ENA 上已经赚了钱,大家也得抓住机会,把赚的钱拿到手才是自己的!
3.6 ADA三月狂飙后紧急刹车?下跌预警!!!市场趋势分析 从 4 小时 K 线来看,ADA 在 3 月初经历了一波强势拉升,最高触及 1.175 后进入震荡调整阶段。目前价格在 0.9566 附近徘徊,整体趋势出现高位横盘整理的迹象。 布林带(BOLL) 上轨:1.1038,下轨:0.7693,中轨支撑:0.9339。 价格目前在布林带中轨附近震荡,若跌破 0.9300,可能进一步回踩0.9000。 均线(MA) MA7(0.9582)> MA30(0.8597)> MA100(0.7676),短周期均线依然保持多头趋势,但价格开始回落测试支撑。若跌破 MA7(0.9582)支撑,短线可能进入回调。 MACD DIF(0.0514)= DEA(0.0514),红柱缩短,动能衰减,短线做空信号增强。若 DIF 线下穿 DEA 线,将形成更明确的死叉,预示回调加剧。 今日操作策略 方向:做空 开仓位:0.96附近 第一止盈位:0.93(布林带中轨支撑) 第二止盈位:0.90(前期震荡支撑) 止损位:1.00(整数关口,多头重新掌控市场需止损) 策略说明 当前价格 0.9600附近处于震荡区间上沿,若未能突破,将继续回落,适合在此位置做空。第一目标位 0.9300(距离 260 点),若跌破此支撑,则可能下探 0.9000(距离 300 点)。若价格突破 1.0000,表明市场仍有较强买盘支撑,需果断止损。 #ADA #ENA #BTC #币安上线GPS #加密市场反弹 $ADA $XRP $TRUMP

3.6 ADA三月狂飙后紧急刹车?下跌预警!!!

从 4 小时 K 线来看,ADA 在 3 月初经历了一波强势拉升,最高触及 1.175 后进入震荡调整阶段。目前价格在 0.9566 附近徘徊,整体趋势出现高位横盘整理的迹象。

价格目前在布林带中轨附近震荡,若跌破 0.9300,可能进一步回踩0.9000。
MA7(0.9582)> MA30(0.8597)> MA100(0.7676),短周期均线依然保持多头趋势,但价格开始回落测试支撑。若跌破 MA7(0.9582)支撑,短线可能进入回调。
DIF(0.0514)= DEA(0.0514),红柱缩短,动能衰减,短线做空信号增强。若 DIF 线下穿 DEA 线,将形成更明确的死叉,预示回调加剧。

当前价格 0.9600附近处于震荡区间上沿,若未能突破,将继续回落,适合在此位置做空。第一目标位 0.9300(距离 260 点),若跌破此支撑,则可能下探 0.9000(距离 300 点)。若价格突破 1.0000,表明市场仍有较强买盘支撑,需果断止损。
#ADA #ENA #BTC #币安上线GPS #加密市场反弹 $ADA $XRP $TRUMP
#cryptosignals #ENA 🚀 Ethena (ENA) Price Prediction for March, April, and May 2025: Is Now the Time to Invest? 📊 ENA Price Forecast for March, April, and May 2025 Based on analyses from various sources, here are the projected price ranges for Ethena (ENA) in the upcoming months: March 2025: Starting Price: $0.401859 Projected Closing Price: $0.45 Price Range: $0.38 - $0.45 April 2025: Starting Price: $0.45 Projected Closing Price: $0.50 Price Range: $0.42 - $0.50 May 2025: Starting Price: $0.50 Projected Closing Price: $0.55 Price Range: $0.45 - $0.55 🔥 Why Consider Investing in $ENA Now? Innovative Platform: Ethena is recognized for its unique approach to blockchain technology, aiming to enhance transaction efficiency and scalability. Active Development: Continuous upgrades and a strong development community enhance Ethena's potential for future growth. Market Position: As of now, Ethena holds a significant position in the cryptocurrency market, reflecting its growing adoption and investor interest. 🚀 Don't Miss Out! Consider adding $ENA to your portfolio to capitalize on its potential growth. Note: Cryptocurrency investments carry inherent risks due to market volatility. Conduct thorough research or consult financial advisors before making investment decisions. $ENA {spot}(ENAUSDT) #WhiteHouseCryptoSummit #USJobsSlump #MarketRebound
#cryptosignals #ENA

🚀 Ethena (ENA) Price Prediction for March, April, and May 2025: Is Now the Time to Invest?

📊 ENA Price Forecast for March, April, and May 2025
Based on analyses from various sources, here are the projected price ranges for Ethena (ENA) in the upcoming

March 2025:

Starting Price: $0.401859
Projected Closing Price: $0.45
Price Range: $0.38 - $0.45

April 2025:
Starting Price: $0.45
Projected Closing Price: $0.50
Price Range: $0.42 - $0.50

May 2025:

Starting Price: $0.50
Projected Closing Price: $0.55
Price Range: $0.45 - $0.55

🔥 Why Consider Investing in $ENA Now?

Innovative Platform: Ethena is recognized for its unique approach to blockchain technology, aiming to enhance transaction efficiency and scalability.

Active Development: Continuous upgrades and a strong development community enhance Ethena's potential for future growth.

Market Position: As of now, Ethena holds a significant position in the cryptocurrency market, reflecting its growing adoption and investor interest.

🚀 Don't Miss Out! Consider adding $ENA to your portfolio to capitalize on its potential growth.

Note: Cryptocurrency investments carry inherent risks due to market volatility. Conduct thorough research or consult financial advisors before making investment decisions.


#WhiteHouseCryptoSummit #USJobsSlump #MarketRebound
$ENA Price At The End Of 2025 As of March 6, 2025, Ethena (ENA) is trading at approximately $0.4015. Price predictions for ENA by the end of 2025 vary significantly across different sources: CoinCodex: Anticipates ENA trading between $0.35 and $1.67 in 2025. BTC Direct: Projects $ENA reaching around €1.61 (approximately $1.75) by the end of 2025. DigitalCoinPrice: Forecasts ENA surpassing $0.89 by the end of 2025. Predicts a decline, with $ENA potentially falling to $0.146 by the end of 2025. These varying forecasts highlight the inherent volatility and unpredictability of the cryptocurrency market. Investors should approach such predictions with caution and conduct thorough research before making investment decisions. #Write2Earn #ENA #crypto
$ENA Price At The End Of 2025

As of March 6, 2025, Ethena (ENA) is trading at approximately $0.4015. Price predictions for ENA by the end of 2025 vary significantly across different sources:
CoinCodex: Anticipates ENA trading between $0.35 and $1.67 in 2025.
BTC Direct: Projects $ENA reaching around €1.61 (approximately $1.75) by the end of 2025.
DigitalCoinPrice: Forecasts ENA surpassing $0.89 by the end of 2025. Predicts a decline, with $ENA potentially falling to $0.146 by the end of 2025.
These varying forecasts highlight the inherent volatility and unpredictability of the cryptocurrency market. Investors should approach such predictions with caution and conduct thorough research before making investment decisions.

#Write2Earn #ENA #crypto
Trading Signal: LONG at 2025-03-07 03:38:57 Coin: ENA Current Price: 0.3727 Upper Band: 0.37331894119669323 Lower Band: 0.3705810588033068 MA9: 0.37212222222222224 MA20: 0.37195 RSI: 48.99768559850689 ATR: 0.0013141997636662369 ADX: 25.763922651728695 Stochastic K: 60.36036036036012 Stochastic D: 57.2248719307544 MACD: -0.0005485118779683384 MACD Signal: -0.0007976238079597465 Trend: Bullish trend (MA). MACD indicates bullish momentum. Strong trend (ADX). Suggested Entry Price: 0.3727 USDT Suggested Target Price: 0.37642699999999996 USDT Suggested Stop Loss Price: 0.368973 USDT Trading Signal: LONG at 2025-03-07 03:38:59 {future}(ENAUSDT) $ENA #MexicoEndsTariff #WhiteHouseCryptoSummit #MtGoxTransfers #USJobsSlump #ENA
Trading Signal: LONG at 2025-03-07 03:38:57
Coin: ENA
Current Price: 0.3727
Upper Band: 0.37331894119669323
Lower Band: 0.3705810588033068
MA9: 0.37212222222222224
MA20: 0.37195
RSI: 48.99768559850689
ATR: 0.0013141997636662369
ADX: 25.763922651728695
Stochastic K: 60.36036036036012
Stochastic D: 57.2248719307544
MACD: -0.0005485118779683384
MACD Signal: -0.0007976238079597465
Trend: Bullish trend (MA). MACD indicates bullish momentum. Strong trend (ADX).

Suggested Entry Price: 0.3727 USDT
Suggested Target Price: 0.37642699999999996 USDT
Suggested Stop Loss Price: 0.368973 USDT

Trading Signal: LONG at 2025-03-07 03:38:59

$ENA #MexicoEndsTariff #WhiteHouseCryptoSummit #MtGoxTransfers #USJobsSlump #ENA
🟢#ENA Next Target 1.3$ $ENA Zon LONG : 1) 0.34$ 2) 0.32$ Target : 1) 0.8$ 2) 1.08$ 3) 1.35$ ST : 0.18$ {future}(ENAUSDT)
🟢#ENA Next Target 1.3$


1) 0.34$
2) 0.32$

Target :

1) 0.8$
2) 1.08$
3) 1.35$

ST : 0.18$
🚨 *Big Moves in ENA: Whales Offload 21M Amid Huge Unlock!* 🔻🔻 Hey, crypto fam! 👀 Let’s talk about the *ENA* situation that has been making waves today. *What's Happening?* - *Whales* have just offloaded *59.3 million ENA tokens* (21 million) following a *huge ENA unlock*! 🚨 - These tokens were sold at an *average price of0.355*. That’s a massive amount of tokens hitting the market, which could affect the price action. 📉 *What's Left?* - Right now, the *multi-sig wallet* still holds *1.224 billion ENA tokens*, worth around *433 million*. That’s a lot of potential selling pressure! 😳 - The wallet could continue to distribute tokens, which means there might be more *selling pressure* ahead. 😬 *Current ENA Price:* - *ENA* is currently priced at *0.4026*, up **+6.17— *What Does This Mean for the Market?* - *Whale Activity*: When whales move large amounts of tokens like this, it often signals *market manipulation* or a *sell-off* for profits. This can cause *price volatility*. 🤔 - *Unlocking Drama*: Unlock events can lead to sudden *increased supply* in the market, which could keep prices *volatile* in the short term. — *What Should You Do?* - *Stay Cautious* if you’re holdingENA, as more distribution could happen, leading to *downward pressure*. 🚨 - *Watch for signs of price stabilization* if you’re thinking of entering or exiting the position. ⏳ --- In summary, keep an eye on the market closely! 🧐 *59.3M ENA* sold is a big deal, and the future of *$ENA* might see more movement as the *multi-sig wallet* continues to distribute. Stay smart and trade wisely! 💡 $ENA {spot}(ENAUSDT) #CryptoNews #ENA #whalealert #MarketVolatility #cryptotrading
🚨 *Big Moves in ENA: Whales Offload 21M Amid Huge Unlock!* 🔻🔻

Hey, crypto fam! 👀 Let’s talk about the *ENA* situation that has been making waves today.

*What's Happening?*
- *Whales* have just offloaded *59.3 million ENA tokens* (21 million) following a *huge ENA unlock*! 🚨
- These tokens were sold at an *average price of0.355*. That’s a massive amount of tokens hitting the market, which could affect the price action. 📉

*What's Left?*
- Right now, the *multi-sig wallet* still holds *1.224 billion ENA tokens*, worth around *433 million*. That’s a lot of potential selling pressure! 😳
- The wallet could continue to distribute tokens, which means there might be more *selling pressure* ahead. 😬

*Current ENA Price:*
- *ENA* is currently priced at *0.4026*, up **+6.17—

*What Does This Mean for the Market?*
- *Whale Activity*: When whales move large amounts of tokens like this, it often signals *market manipulation* or a *sell-off* for profits. This can cause *price volatility*. 🤔
- *Unlocking Drama*: Unlock events can lead to sudden *increased supply* in the market, which could keep prices *volatile* in the short term.

*What Should You Do?*
- *Stay Cautious* if you’re holdingENA, as more distribution could happen, leading to *downward pressure*. 🚨
- *Watch for signs of price stabilization* if you’re thinking of entering or exiting the position. ⏳


In summary, keep an eye on the market closely! 🧐 *59.3M ENA* sold is a big deal, and the future of *$ENA * might see more movement as the *multi-sig wallet* continues to distribute. Stay smart and trade wisely! 💡


#CryptoNews #ENA #whalealert #MarketVolatility #cryptotrading
where can i find this
$ENA ENA/USD (30M) - Market Analysis & Trade Strategy Market Overview: Current Price: $0.4069 Buy Signal Activated near $0.375 Resistance Zone: $0.41 - $0.42 (Key Level) Support Zone: $0.38 - $0.385 (Holding Well) Volume Profile: Strong buying interest around $0.38 - $0.39, indicating accumulation. Bullish Trade Strategy: Entry Zone: $0.39 - $0.40 Target 1: $0.42 (Short-Term Profit) Target 2: $0.45 (Extended Rally) Stop-Loss: $0.375 (Below Support Zone) Risk-Reward Ratio: Favorable for long positions. Key Observations: ✅ Strong breakout from accumulation zone at $0.375. ✅ Bullish structure forming higher lows, confirming uptrend. ⚠️ Needs to hold above $0.40 to maintain momentum; failure could result in a pullback to $0.385. Conclusion: Bullish momentum intact with key resistance at $0.42. Monitor breakout confirmation above $0.42 for further upside. Stop-loss at $0.375 ensures risk management. Disclaimer: This analysis is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Always conduct your own research before trading. #ENA #BinanceSquareFamily #Binance #TradingSignals #Price-Prediction
$ENA ENA/USD (30M) - Market Analysis & Trade Strategy

Market Overview:

Current Price: $0.4069

Buy Signal Activated near $0.375

Resistance Zone: $0.41 - $0.42 (Key Level)

Support Zone: $0.38 - $0.385 (Holding Well)

Volume Profile: Strong buying interest around $0.38 - $0.39, indicating accumulation.

Bullish Trade Strategy:

Entry Zone: $0.39 - $0.40

Target 1: $0.42 (Short-Term Profit)

Target 2: $0.45 (Extended Rally)

Stop-Loss: $0.375 (Below Support Zone)

Risk-Reward Ratio: Favorable for long positions.

Key Observations:

✅ Strong breakout from accumulation zone at $0.375.
✅ Bullish structure forming higher lows, confirming uptrend.
⚠️ Needs to hold above $0.40 to maintain momentum; failure could result in a pullback to $0.385.


Bullish momentum intact with key resistance at $0.42.

Monitor breakout confirmation above $0.42 for further upside.

Stop-loss at $0.375 ensures risk management.


This analysis is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Always conduct your own research before trading.

DOGE短期强势拉升,直接带领兄弟们拿下1000点 DOGE近期涨幅明显,价格在关键支撑位反弹并持续上行,多头情绪升温。兄弟们,风口已至,把握节奏! #DOGE #ENA #LTC #Move #xrp $DOGE $TRUMP $XRP
Bit Dreamer:
3月6日XRP价格预测:走势分析与关键点位!XRP近期价格波动显著。当前交易价约2.50美元附近,在初期飙升后大幅回落,现又重回升势,暗示潜在看涨趋势,有望形成更大上升格局。 自美国大选以来,XRP飙升375%,山寨币表现远超大盘,新买家兴趣渐浓,过去一周活跃XRP钱包增长620%。市场恐惧与贪婪指数升至30,前景更乐观;比特币主导地位稳定在60%,整体市值达3万亿美元,山寨币势头强劲。 ​3日图看跌背离:XRP在3天时间范围呈看跌背离,意味着短期虽有波动,但难现去年11月那样的重大看涨势头。​支撑与阻力位:XRP在2.25 - 2.30美元关键支撑区反弹,下一个阻力位在2.65 - 2.80美元之间,另有3美元和3.20美元等阻力位。​RSI指标情况:RSI曾反弹至超买区后回调,目前呈中性,表明XRP价格短期或横盘整理,若比特币及其他主要山寨币持中性,XRP将随之波动 。#xrp #pepe #ENA #DOGE #TRUMP $XRP $ENA $DOGE



​3日图看跌背离:XRP在3天时间范围呈看跌背离,意味着短期虽有波动,但难现去年11月那样的重大看涨势头。​支撑与阻力位:XRP在2.25 - 2.30美元关键支撑区反弹,下一个阻力位在2.65 - 2.80美元之间,另有3美元和3.20美元等阻力位。​RSI指标情况:RSI曾反弹至超买区后回调,目前呈中性,表明XRP价格短期或横盘整理,若比特币及其他主要山寨币持中性,XRP将随之波动 。#xrp #pepe #ENA #DOGE #TRUMP $XRP $ENA $DOGE
#ENA ENA Bulls Shaken! Major Long Liquidation Hits! A $52.1K long position just got liquidated at $0.369, signaling intense market turbulence. Longs are getting squeezed as sellers take control, testing key demand zones. 🔍 What’s Next for ENA? If buyers step up, we could see a quick bounce toward resistance near $0.375-$0.38. However, if weakness persists, a drop toward $0.360 or lower could be on the table. Volume and momentum will be crucial in the coming hours! ⚡ Stay alert—breakouts or further shakeouts could be imminent! #ENA #CryptoSignals #MarketUpdate {spot}(ENAUSDT)
#ENA ENA Bulls Shaken! Major Long Liquidation Hits!

A $52.1K long position just got liquidated at $0.369, signaling intense market turbulence. Longs are getting squeezed as sellers take control, testing key demand zones.

🔍 What’s Next for ENA?
If buyers step up, we could see a quick bounce toward resistance near $0.375-$0.38. However, if weakness persists, a drop toward $0.360 or lower could be on the table. Volume and momentum will be crucial in the coming hours!

⚡ Stay alert—breakouts or further shakeouts could be imminent!

#ENA #CryptoSignals #MarketUpdate
$ENA {future}(ENAUSDT) 12 Hours 1 Days 3 Days 📢 High Bullish momentum signal 🚥🚦 available ✅ check out here 👉$ENA follow me for next signal 🚥🚦✅#Yogiraj0152 like 👍 share your treder friends and retweet this post 🚦✅😊#ENA #ENAUSDT🚨
12 Hours 1 Days 3 Days 📢 High Bullish momentum signal 🚥🚦 available ✅ check out here 👉$ENA follow me for next signal 🚥🚦✅#Yogiraj0152 like 👍 share your treder friends and retweet this post 🚦✅😊#ENA #ENAUSDT🚨
Massive $ENA Unlock: More Selling Pressure Ahead? According to @Tokenomist_ai, #ethena unlocked 2.07B ENA ($740.71M), making up 39.17% of the circulating supply yesterday. Meanwhile, in the past 48 hours, 12 wallets deposited 125M #ENA ($45M) to Binance, Bybit, and FalconX—likely adding to selling pressure. Is this the beginning of a bigger dump, or will the market absorb it?
Massive $ENA Unlock: More Selling Pressure Ahead?
According to @Tokenomist_ai, #ethena unlocked 2.07B ENA ($740.71M), making up 39.17% of the circulating supply yesterday.
Meanwhile, in the past 48 hours, 12 wallets deposited 125M #ENA ($45M) to Binance, Bybit, and FalconX—likely adding to selling pressure.
Is this the beginning of a bigger dump, or will the market absorb it?
Benita Mannick oVfV:
Mở khoá nhiều mà giá lại tăng … ảo thật đấy!
{spot}(ENAUSDT) 💥 #ENA on Fire❗ هل سيرتفع إلى 0.80 دولار أو 1 دولار في مارس، أم سيواجه تراجعًا؟ يُظهر $ENA زخمًا قويًا، حيث يتم تداوله حاليًا عند 0.4073 دولار مع انتعاش قوي من أدنى مستوى له مؤخرًا عند 0.3370 دولار. مع زيادة الحجم والمعنويات الصعودية، هل يمكن أن يندفع #ENA نحو 0.80 دولار أو حتى 1 دولار هذا الشهر، أم أن هناك تصحيحًا في الأفق؟ $ENA /USDT - انتعاش قوي، ولكن هل يمكنه الصمود؟ يتم تداول $ENA عند 0.4073 دولار، بارتفاع 6.01% في الساعات الأربع والعشرين الماضية. وصل السعر مؤخرًا إلى أعلى مستوى عند 0.4119 دولار لكنه واجه مقاومة، مما أدى إلى تصحيح طفيف. مع زيادة ضغوط الشراء، هل سيحافظ ENA على ارتفاعه أم سيواجه الرفض؟ مستويات رئيسية يجب مراقبتها المقاومة: 0.4119 دولار - قد يؤدي الاختراق فوق هذا المستوى إلى دفع ENA نحو 0.4350 دولار و0.4480 دولار. الدعم: 0.3613 دولار - قد يؤدي فقدان هذا المستوى إلى الانخفاض إلى 0.3370 دولار و0.3200 دولار. رؤى السوق MACD: تقاطع صعودي، مما يشير إلى زخم صعودي محتمل. SAR: تشكيل اتجاه صاعد، مما يشير إلى مرحلة انتعاش. الحجم: يكتسب المشترون السيطرة، ولكن الحذر مطلوب بالقرب من المقاومة. إعداد التداول الدخول الطويل: فوق 0.4120 دولار، بهدف 0.4350 دولار و0.4480 دولار. الدخول القصير: أقل من 0.3613 دولار، مستهدفًا 0.3370 دولار و0.3200 دولار. وقف الخسارة: 0.3500 دولار للحد من مخاطر الهبوط.
💥 #ENA on Fire❗ هل سيرتفع إلى 0.80 دولار أو 1 دولار في مارس، أم سيواجه تراجعًا؟ يُظهر $ENA زخمًا قويًا، حيث يتم تداوله حاليًا عند 0.4073 دولار مع انتعاش قوي من أدنى مستوى له مؤخرًا عند 0.3370 دولار. مع زيادة الحجم والمعنويات الصعودية، هل يمكن أن يندفع #ENA نحو 0.80 دولار أو حتى 1 دولار هذا الشهر، أم أن هناك تصحيحًا في الأفق؟ $ENA /USDT - انتعاش قوي، ولكن هل يمكنه الصمود؟ يتم تداول $ENA عند 0.4073 دولار، بارتفاع 6.01% في الساعات الأربع والعشرين الماضية. وصل السعر مؤخرًا إلى أعلى مستوى عند 0.4119 دولار لكنه واجه مقاومة، مما أدى إلى تصحيح طفيف. مع زيادة ضغوط الشراء، هل سيحافظ ENA على ارتفاعه أم سيواجه الرفض؟
مستويات رئيسية يجب مراقبتها
المقاومة: 0.4119 دولار - قد يؤدي الاختراق فوق هذا المستوى إلى دفع ENA نحو 0.4350 دولار و0.4480 دولار.
الدعم: 0.3613 دولار - قد يؤدي فقدان هذا المستوى إلى الانخفاض إلى 0.3370 دولار و0.3200 دولار.
رؤى السوق
MACD: تقاطع صعودي، مما يشير إلى زخم صعودي محتمل.
SAR: تشكيل اتجاه صاعد، مما يشير إلى مرحلة انتعاش.
الحجم: يكتسب المشترون السيطرة، ولكن الحذر مطلوب بالقرب من المقاومة.
إعداد التداول
الدخول الطويل: فوق 0.4120 دولار، بهدف 0.4350 دولار و0.4480 دولار.
الدخول القصير: أقل من 0.3613 دولار، مستهدفًا 0.3370 دولار و0.3200 دولار.
وقف الخسارة: 0.3500 دولار للحد من مخاطر الهبوط.
Abdullah Sheikh8989:
🚀 **$ENA /USDT Bullish Trade Update!** 🚀 **Current Price:** $0.4040(**+8.72%**) ENA is showing strong momentum, trading close to its 24-hour high of $0.4110! If this breakout holds, we could see even more upward movement. 🔍 **Key Levels to Watch:** ✅ **Support:** $0.4000 – $0.3900 ✅ **Resistance:** $0.4200 – $0.4300 📊 **Trade Setup:** 🔹 **Entry Zone:** $0.4040 – $0.4100 🎯 **Target 1:** $0.4200 🎯 **Target 2:** $0.4300 🎯 **Target 3:** $0.4500 🛑 **Stop Loss:** $0.3950 📈 **Risk/Reward Ratio:** 2:1 ✅ 🔥 **Pro Tips:** 🚀 A breakout above $0.4200 with strong volume could signal further gains. ⚠️ Watch for consolidation before the next upward move. 💎 Staying above $0.4000 confirms bullish strength. {spot}(ENAUSDT) Are you jumping on this breakout? Share your strategy below! 🚀🔥 #ENA
🚀 **$ENA /USDT Bullish Trade Update!** 🚀
**Current Price:** $0.4040(**+8.72%**)
ENA is showing strong momentum, trading close to its 24-hour high of $0.4110! If this breakout holds, we could see even more upward movement.

🔍 **Key Levels to Watch:**
✅ **Support:** $0.4000 – $0.3900
✅ **Resistance:** $0.4200 – $0.4300

📊 **Trade Setup:**
🔹 **Entry Zone:** $0.4040 – $0.4100
🎯 **Target 1:** $0.4200
🎯 **Target 2:** $0.4300
🎯 **Target 3:** $0.4500
🛑 **Stop Loss:** $0.3950
📈 **Risk/Reward Ratio:** 2:1 ✅

🔥 **Pro Tips:**
🚀 A breakout above $0.4200 with strong volume could signal further gains.
⚠️ Watch for consolidation before the next upward move.
💎 Staying above $0.4000 confirms bullish strength.

Are you jumping on this breakout? Share your strategy below! 🚀🔥

ready for Dump
来自迪拜朋友 通知入0.36附近入场 目前浮盈1.3.ku 有苍位想得到结果的来 #ena #ADA



BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM 💥 #ENA on Fire❗ Will It Soar to $0.80 or $1 in March, or Face a Pullback❓$ENA is showing strong momentum, currently trading at $0.4073 with a solid recovery from its recent low of $0.3370. With increasing volume and bullish sentiment, can #ENA push towards $0.80 or even $1 this month, or is a correction on the horizon❓$ENA /USDT – Strong Rebound, But Can It Hold❓$ENA is trading at $0.4073, up 6.01% in the past 24 hours. The price recently hit a high of $0.4119 but faced resistance, leading to a minor retracement. With increasing buying pressure, will ENA sustain its rally or face rejection? Key Levels to Watch Resistance: $0.4119 – A breakout above this could push ENA toward $0.4350 and $0.4480. Support: $0.3613 – Losing this level may lead to a drop to $0.3370 and $0.3200. Market Insights MACD: Bullish crossover, indicating potential upside momentum. SAR: Uptrend forming, signaling a recovery phase. Volume: Buyers gaining control, but caution is needed near resistance. Trade Setup Long Entry: Above $0.4120, aiming for $0.4350 and $0.4480. Short Entry: Below $0.3613, targeting $0.3370 and $0.3200. Stop-loss: $0.3500 to limit downside risk. ENA is showing signs of a strong recovery, but traders should watch key resistance levels for confirmation of further upside. {spot}(ENAUSDT)
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM 💥 #ENA on Fire❗ Will It Soar to $0.80 or $1 in March, or Face a Pullback❓$ENA is showing strong momentum, currently trading at $0.4073 with a solid recovery from its recent low of $0.3370. With increasing volume and bullish sentiment, can #ENA push towards $0.80 or even $1 this month, or is a correction on the horizon❓$ENA /USDT – Strong Rebound, But Can It Hold❓$ENA is trading at $0.4073, up 6.01% in the past 24 hours. The price recently hit a high of $0.4119 but faced resistance, leading to a minor retracement. With increasing buying pressure, will ENA sustain its rally or face rejection?

Key Levels to Watch

Resistance: $0.4119 – A breakout above this could push ENA toward $0.4350 and $0.4480.

Support: $0.3613 – Losing this level may lead to a drop to $0.3370 and $0.3200.

Market Insights

MACD: Bullish crossover, indicating potential upside momentum.

SAR: Uptrend forming, signaling a recovery phase.

Volume: Buyers gaining control, but caution is needed near resistance.

Trade Setup

Long Entry: Above $0.4120, aiming for $0.4350 and $0.4480.

Short Entry: Below $0.3613, targeting $0.3370 and $0.3200.

Stop-loss: $0.3500 to limit downside risk.

ENA is showing signs of a strong recovery, but traders should watch key resistance levels for confirmation of further upside.
Suliman khant:
I am holding ENA for waiting the bulish
$ENA /USDT – Bearish Momentum with High Volatility! {spot}(ENAUSDT) Momentum Analysis: ENA has experienced a 12.27% decline, breaking through key support levels. The price is hovering near $0.3431, with a 24h range of $0.3943 – $0.3410, indicating high volatility. 288.79M ENA has been traded, showing strong market activity. Short Setup: Entry Zone: $0.3460 – $0.3550 Targets: T1: $0.3300 T2: $0.3150 T3: $0.3000 Stop Loss: $0.3650 Breakout Confirmation & Key Support: Bearish confirmation: If ENA fails to reclaim $0.3500 and breaks below $0.3390, a further drop is likely. Key support: $0.3350, $0.3200 Pro Tip for Traders: Wait for a clear breakdown confirmation before entering shorts. A failed rebound near $0.3500 could signal continuation of the downtrend. If volume spikes near $0.3300, watch for potential reversal signs. #ENA #CryptoTrading #DeFi #Altcoins #TradingSetup
$ENA /USDT – Bearish Momentum with High Volatility!

Momentum Analysis:

ENA has experienced a 12.27% decline, breaking through key support levels. The price is hovering near $0.3431, with a 24h range of $0.3943 – $0.3410, indicating high volatility. 288.79M ENA has been traded, showing strong market activity.

Short Setup:

Entry Zone: $0.3460 – $0.3550


T1: $0.3300

T2: $0.3150

T3: $0.3000

Stop Loss: $0.3650

Breakout Confirmation & Key Support:

Bearish confirmation: If ENA fails to reclaim $0.3500 and breaks below $0.3390, a further drop is likely.

Key support: $0.3350, $0.3200

Pro Tip for Traders:

Wait for a clear breakdown confirmation before entering shorts. A failed rebound near $0.3500 could signal continuation of the downtrend. If volume spikes near $0.3300, watch for potential reversal signs.

#ENA #CryptoTrading #DeFi #Altcoins #TradingSetup
$ENA {spot}(ENAUSDT) /USDT – BULLISH MOMENTUM Current Price: $0.4107 (+11.24%) Locked and Loaded: STRATEGIC ZONES Support: $0.3950 - $0.3800 - $0.3650 Resistance: $0.4150 - $0.4300 - $0.4500 TRADE SETUP Long Position (Bullish Scenario) Entry: $0.4000 - $0.4050 Targets: 1. $0.4150 2. $0.4300 3. $0.4500 Stop Loss: Below $0.3800 MARKET PULSE ENA breaking out with strong volume, signaling a bullish continuation. What's your next move in this $ENA trade? Look for a confirmed breakout above $0.4150 for added bullish confirmation. Use trailing stops to lock in profits while maximizing gains. Monitor volume for sustained momentum, and consider a push towards $0.4500 as a potential target. #Write2Earn #ENA #WhiteHouseCryptoSummit #MtGoxTransfers #USJobsSlump

Current Price: $0.4107 (+11.24%)

Locked and Loaded: STRATEGIC ZONES
Support: $0.3950 - $0.3800 - $0.3650
Resistance: $0.4150 - $0.4300 - $0.4500

Long Position (Bullish Scenario)
Entry: $0.4000 - $0.4050
1. $0.4150
2. $0.4300
3. $0.4500
Stop Loss: Below $0.3800

ENA breaking out with strong volume, signaling a bullish continuation.

What's your next move in this $ENA trade?

Look for a confirmed breakout above $0.4150 for added bullish confirmation. Use trailing stops to lock in profits while maximizing gains. Monitor volume for sustained momentum, and consider a push towards $0.4500 as a potential target.
#Write2Earn #ENA
#WhiteHouseCryptoSummit #MtGoxTransfers #USJobsSlump
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