Binance Square


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Skybaby Secrets
👀👷‍♂️ #BuildOnBNB $BNB
Bob (built on BNB) is a high-potential cryptocurrency that is still in its early stages. With strong fundamentals and growing adoption, it has the potential to reach a multi-billion-dollar market cap in the future. #bnb #bob #xrp
Bob (built on BNB) is a high-potential cryptocurrency that is still in its early stages. With strong fundamentals and growing adoption, it has the potential to reach a multi-billion-dollar market cap in the future. #bnb #bob #xrp
我持有了 但账户并没盈利
#BinanceAlpha #Web3Wallet #Monky #BabyDoge #Bob Hi friends! I’m exited for the future of Monky, although this is a new crypto asset and for the time being it can be traded at Binance Alpha Web3 Wallet, hopefully they keep up with this performance to bring Monky to the Binance Exchange here at Binance Pro. there’s also Coco coin, Bob coin and BabyDoge coin which are doing very well too. So interesting to keep an eye on them and conducting your research on them. Make sure you follow me, like, repost and share this post with your friends if you wish. I believe in the power of spreading the good news. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Disclaimer: my opinion doesn’t constitute financial advice, always conduct your own research and know your assets, since the crypto market and trading involves high risk. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Happy crypto! $BTC $BNB {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT)
#BinanceAlpha #Web3Wallet #Monky #BabyDoge #Bob
Hi friends! I’m exited for the future of Monky, although this is a new crypto asset and for the time being it can be traded at Binance Alpha Web3 Wallet, hopefully they keep up with this performance to bring Monky to the Binance Exchange here at Binance Pro. there’s also Coco coin, Bob coin and BabyDoge coin which are doing very well too. So interesting to keep an eye on them and conducting your research on them.

Make sure you follow me, like, repost and share this post with your friends if you wish. I believe in the power of spreading the good news.


Disclaimer: my opinion doesn’t constitute financial advice, always conduct your own research and know your assets, since the crypto market and trading involves high risk.


Happy crypto!
#BOB 想靠你翻身,什么时候上BN哇。
#BOB 想靠你翻身,什么时候上BN哇。
#BOB #Web3Wallet just tried and swaped first coins... super excited of the new tec offered. what's your opinion?
#BOB #Web3Wallet just tried and swaped first coins... super excited of the new tec offered. what's your opinion?
baby-neiro-bnb avec cz pour le futur listing sur binance #cz #bob #babyneirobnb
baby-neiro-bnb avec cz pour le futur listing sur binance #cz #bob #babyneirobnb
最近lunchpad的风也吹到了bsc链上了,发现一个做的挺好的lunchpad, 网站,我试了一下相应速度挺快的。没准这是bsc生态的新方向! $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) #lunchpad #bob

#lunchpad #bob
幣安web3錢包任務瓜分30萬美元BOB代幣剛好發現幣安web3錢包最新活動跟我最近介紹的Bedrock、Pell有關,分享一下資訊給大家,看上去獎池也滿大的、值得參與看看。 路徑: 用手機打開幣安app - 進到Web3錢包頁面 - 進到「探索」頁面找到BOB任務連結 活動時間: 2024/10/8 06:00 UTC - 2024/10/22 23:59 UTC 總獎池: 300,000 BOB代幣,完成個別任務還能獲得來自Pell、Bedrock、Solv三個協議的空投積分。 注意事項: 1.記得在活動頁面點擊"立即加入"的按鈕 2.需使用幣安Web3錢包的MPC錢包參與,期間不得匯出錢包 3.任務須透過行動應用程式(手機端)完成 4.使用者可以在活動頁面點選"驗證任務狀態"來確認是否完成任務了 操作攻略: 要完成四個任務等於至少要橋接超過0.0003 $BTC 過去BOB鏈的wBTC 1.先橋接超過0.0003BTC到BOB鏈變成wBTC 2.在Solv質押超過0.0002 wBTC然後存入BOB鏈的solvBTC.BBN 3.在Bedrock質押超過0.0001 wBTC變成uniBTC 4.將剛剛在Bedrock拿到的uniBTC質押在Pell (一樣要超過0.0001) 這樣就大功告成了,Bedrock跟Pell的部分之前文章就有說過了,有跟著我操作過一魚三吃教學的應該都很清楚了! 還不知道的可以看一下之前的文章:[Bedrock空投教程](、[Pell空投教程]( 也別忘了綁定我的邀請碼,Pell的是"LFTYVN"、Bedrock的是 "74PFQY" ,會有積分加成效果。 總結 除了三十萬美元的BOB代幣外,還有三個再質押協議的大量積分,而且還可以得到積分加成效果,很適合想要參與這三個協議的小夥伴參與! 活動任務的要求也滿簡單的,金額不大應該沒甚麼太大負擔,快點去撸吧! --------------------------- ※ 以上內容純屬個人分享,皆不構成投資建議(NFA),請用戶做好DYOR自行評估個人風險承受能力。 ※封面圖片截圖自幣安Web3錢包任務頁面 #binanceweb3wallet #BOB #SolvBTC #Bedrock #Pell


用手機打開幣安app - 進到Web3錢包頁面 - 進到「探索」頁面找到BOB任務連結
2024/10/8 06:00 UTC - 2024/10/22 23:59 UTC
300,000 BOB代幣,完成個別任務還能獲得來自Pell、Bedrock、Solv三個協議的空投積分。

要完成四個任務等於至少要橋接超過0.0003 $BTC 過去BOB鏈的wBTC
2.在Solv質押超過0.0002 wBTC然後存入BOB鏈的solvBTC.BBN
3.在Bedrock質押超過0.0001 wBTC變成uniBTC
4.將剛剛在Bedrock拿到的uniBTC質押在Pell (一樣要超過0.0001)
也別忘了綁定我的邀請碼,Pell的是"LFTYVN"、Bedrock的是 "74PFQY" ,會有積分加成效果。
※ 以上內容純屬個人分享,皆不構成投資建議(NFA),請用戶做好DYOR自行評估個人風險承受能力。
#binanceweb3wallet #BOB #SolvBTC #Bedrock #Pell
BOB Coin🪙🪙🪙🪙 chain( Bnb) This is alpha project.. as soon as binance exchange listing please hold this coin everyone.. Now listing binance web 3 and swap this coin and future profit .. 100000x profit future bro 😲😲 Big opportunity this time coin hold and big profit future 🪙🪙🪙 #bob #BTC #solv #ETH #bnb
BOB Coin🪙🪙🪙🪙 chain( Bnb)
This is alpha project.. as soon as binance exchange listing please hold this coin everyone.. Now listing binance web 3 and swap this coin and future profit ..
100000x profit future bro 😲😲
Big opportunity this time coin hold and big profit future 🪙🪙🪙
⚠️avis pour les noobs ⚠️ quand une nouvelles pièces est lancée, si toutes les pièces ne sont pas encore en circulationil faut bien vous dire Qu une fois droper elles vont faire chuter la valeur . je dis ça car , une fois que toutes les pièces sont en circulation et que le prix ne descend plus , on ne voit plus personne 😂 #PNUT🚀🚀🚀😍😍😍📈📈📈 #BOB build on bnb #LOTTO bnb #LZP alors que #usual #PENGU #BIO ont émis seulement 1/3 de leurs jetons et les gens ne comprennent pas pourquoi ça descend #PNUT vient de finir d émettre tout ses jeton , sur le web3 bob ,lotto ,et lzp ont fini d émettre leurs jeton ,le bob montre des signes prometteur
⚠️avis pour les noobs ⚠️
quand une nouvelles pièces est lancée, si toutes les pièces ne sont pas encore en circulationil faut bien vous dire Qu une fois droper elles vont faire chuter la valeur .
je dis ça car , une fois que toutes les pièces sont en circulation et que le prix ne descend plus , on ne voit plus personne 😂
#BOB build on bnb
#LOTTO bnb
alors que #usual #PENGU #BIO ont émis seulement 1/3 de leurs jetons et les gens ne comprennent pas pourquoi ça descend

#PNUT vient de finir d émettre tout ses jeton , sur le web3 bob ,lotto ,et lzp ont fini d émettre leurs jeton ,le bob montre des signes prometteur
#bob j aimerais avoir vos avis sur cette crypto. qu en pensez vous? de mon coté je penses qu elle peut faire x100, x1000. y a t il vraiment du potentiel dans cette crypto

j aimerais avoir vos avis sur cette crypto.

qu en pensez vous?
de mon coté je penses qu elle peut faire x100, x1000. y a t il vraiment du potentiel dans cette crypto
🚀Top Project From Recent Funding Round 💰 Avalon Labs 🚀🎉 Avalon Labs has just secured $10.00M in its latest funding round! 🎉 🔹About: Avalon Labs is a comprehensive Bitcoin financial platform that integrates various financial services. Founded by Michael Saylor, Avalon Labs offers Bitcoin-backed loans, collateralized debt positions (CDP) stablecoins, yield generation, and credit card services within a seamless ecosystem. The platform aims to provide users with a robust suite of financial tools centered around Bitcoin, enhancing liquidity and utility. Avalon Labs has already surpassed $850 million in Bitcoin-backed loans, demonstrating significant market traction. By combining these services, Avalon Labs seeks to create a comprehensive solution for Bitcoin holders and investors, making it easier to leverage their assets and generate returns.🚀🌐 🔹 Lead Investors: Framework Ventures, Kenetic Capital, SNZ Holdings, Matrixport, Presto Labs and many more. 🔹 Total Raised: $10.50M. 🔹 Project Category: DeFi, BTC LSDfi, BOB Ecosytem. 🌟If You find this useful Repost, Save, Share it with friends & Follow us for More Latest Crypto Analysis, News, Updates & Crypto Insights @crypto_fossa 🦁🙏🏻 #DeFi: #BtcNewHolder #LSD #bitcoin #Bob $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $STX {spot}(STXUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)

🚀Top Project From Recent Funding Round 💰 Avalon Labs 🚀

🎉 Avalon Labs has just secured $10.00M in its latest funding round! 🎉
🔹About: Avalon Labs is a comprehensive Bitcoin financial platform that integrates various financial services. Founded by Michael Saylor, Avalon Labs offers Bitcoin-backed loans, collateralized debt positions (CDP) stablecoins, yield generation, and credit card services within a seamless ecosystem. The platform aims to provide users with a robust suite of financial tools centered around Bitcoin, enhancing liquidity and utility. Avalon Labs has already surpassed $850 million in Bitcoin-backed loans, demonstrating significant market traction. By combining these services, Avalon Labs seeks to create a comprehensive solution for Bitcoin holders and investors, making it easier to leverage their assets and generate returns.🚀🌐
🔹 Lead Investors: Framework Ventures, Kenetic Capital, SNZ Holdings, Matrixport, Presto Labs and many more.
🔹 Total Raised: $10.50M.
🔹 Project Category: DeFi, BTC LSDfi, BOB Ecosytem.
🌟If You find this useful Repost, Save, Share it with friends & Follow us for More Latest Crypto Analysis, News, Updates & Crypto Insights @Crypto Simbha 🦁🙏🏻

#DeFi: #BtcNewHolder #LSD #bitcoin #Bob $BTC
#BOB on #ICP needs to be listed in Binance soon, deserving to be the first ICP token to get listed, since it has transformed the Internet Computer Protocol. It is an innovative Proof-of-Staked-Work token in the ICP ecosystem! #ICP #BOB
#BOB on #ICP needs to be listed in Binance soon, deserving to be the first ICP token to get listed, since it has transformed the Internet Computer Protocol. It is an innovative Proof-of-Staked-Work token in the ICP ecosystem! #ICP #BOB
#bob 关注起来,目标去去个零,0.0001
#bob 关注起来,目标去去个零,0.0001
#BOB 狗哥今天带粉丝们打鲍勃,当天翻倍。舒服了。期待币安上BOB,力压pepe。
#BOB 狗哥今天带粉丝们打鲍勃,当天翻倍。舒服了。期待币安上BOB,力压pepe。
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