🖤 You know what guys
Almost all active
#binancers invested in
#ME and dont know what to do next; hold or close?
$ME Answer is not that simple but there is one ofc.
We all hope that it must get its previous position back again and sell it without a loss but is it wise?
you have to know that it has gained a lot of reputation before its launch and after its launch; both positively and negatively.
but does that matter, I mean negative reputation does that matter ? of course NO. what if Magic Eden marketplace earns more and makes a huge investment on their coin 2 days later and it moves upwards quickly; you know what happens. Then, all previous negative thoughts will leave its place to regretful binancers who are saying " I shouldnt have sold it ". Here, I dont mean that hold your position on
#ME , but just saying dont decide so quickly in a couple of days unless you are a short term buyer and cant stand to the movements.
basically, it is meme coin which has the possibility of extreme rocket jumps upward and downwards.
Magic Eden is not just a marketplace but it is the leading marketplace of NFT, which means ME can not be a scam. They have been trading
#ME on their own platform already. So sooner or later, it might make you earn in one way or another.
Solutions ;
Risk management : assign yourself a maximum loss point like 10$ or 5000$ or I will sell it if it goes down around 3.00. And if you sell, dont look back.
assign yourself time : after 1 week if it is still here around 3.85 I will sell it. After 1 day, if it goes down under 3.50, I will sell it.
assign yourself a plan: I made an investment with a great hope but lost some, I will keep it no matter what happpens, I believe in this project. They are huge and Im sure They will get bigger like Pepe or
$COW or others.
Choose your plan and move accordingly.
Read my other analysis too
stay connected 🖤🍀