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مشروع Solayer وعملته LAYER – كل ما تحتاج معرفته عن أحدث الفرص الاستثمارية على على بينانس 🤔🧠عالم الكريبتو بيتطور بسرعة، وكل يوم بيظهر مشروع جديد بيحاول يحل مشاكل البلوكشين ويقدم حلول مبتكرة. واحد من المشاريع اللي لفتت الأنظار مؤخرًا هو [Solayer](، وهو مشروع Layer-1 بيهدف لتحسين أداء وأمان العقود الذكية والمعاملات على البلوكشين. في المقالة دي، هنتكلم عن مشروع Solayer، عملته الرقمية LAYER، وإزاي تقدر تستفيد من الفرص الاستثمارية اللي بتقدمها Binance، سواء من خلال التداول أو Hodler Airdrops اللي بتتيح لك كسب العملات مجانًا! إيه هو مشروع Solayer؟ هو بلوكشين جديد بيشتغل كـ Layer-1، وبيقدم حلول مبتكرة لتشغيل العقود الذكية بكفاءة عالية وسرعة أكبر. المشروع بيهدف لإنشاء نظام بيئي متكامل يدعم التطبيقات اللامركزية (DApps) ويوفر بيئة آمنة وسريعة للمطورين والمستخدمين. أهم مميزات Solayer: ✅ سرعة معاملات أعلى بفضل تقنيات تحسين الأداء ✅ أمان متقدم لحماية البيانات والمعاملات ✅ تكلفة معاملات أقل مقارنةً بالشبكات المنافسة ✅ دعم قوي للمطورين لإنشاء التطبيقات اللامركزية بسهولة عملة [LAYER]( – العملة الرقمية لمشروع Solayer عملة LAYER هي العملة الأصلية لشبكة Solayer، وبيتم استخدامها في عمليات الدفع، رسوم المعاملات، والمشاركة في عمليات الحوكمة داخل الشبكة. العملة متاحة الآن للتداول على Binance، وده بيفتح فرص كبيرة للمستثمرين والمستخدمين اللي عايزين يكونوا جزء من المشروع. استخدامات عملة LAYER: دفع رسوم المعاملات داخل شبكة [Solayer]( 🔒 تخزين Staking للمشاركة في تأمين الشبكة وكسب مكافآت 📊 التصويت والحوكمة للمشاركة في قرارات تطوير الشبكة Hodler Airdrop – كسب العملات مجانًا من Binance! واحدة من أفضل الطرق لكسب [LAYER]( بدون أي مجهود هي الاشتراك في Binance Hodler Airdrops. لو عندك [BNB]( مخزن في Simple Earn على Binance، فأنت مؤهل للحصول على LAYER Tokens مجانًا بمجرد الاشتراك في الحملة! إزاي تستفيد من الـ Airdrop؟ ✅ امتلك BNB في حسابك على Binance ✅ خزن [BNB]( في Simple Earn خلال الفترة المحددة ✅ استلم عملات [LAYER]( مجانًا بعد انتهاء فترة التوزيع دي فرصة ذهبية لأي حد عايز يكسب عملات جديدة بدون شراء مباشر! Binance – أقوى منصة تداول كريبتو في العالم Binance مش مجرد منصة تداول، لكنها منظومة متكاملة بتوفر فرص استثمارية قوية لكل المتداولين، سواء المبتدئين أو المحترفين. من خلال Binance Simple Earn وHodler Airdrops، تقدر تحقق عائدات بدون مجهود وتحصل على عملات رقمية جديدة ببساطة. ليه تختار Binance؟ 🔹 أكبر منصة تداول كريبتو في العالم بسيولة ضخمة وأمان عالي 🔹 عروض حصرية زي الـ Airdrops والتخزين وكسب الفوائد 🔹 دعم لمئات العملات الرقمية وتداولها بسهولة الخلاصة – هل مشروع [Solayer]( يستحق الاهتمام؟ مشروع Solayer بيقدم حلول تقنية متطورة لعالم البلوكشين، وعملته LAYER عندها فرصة قوية للنمو مع تطور المشروع. ومع دعم Binance، تقدر تستفيد من التداول، التخزين، وكمان الـ Airdrops المجانية! #BinanceHODLer طبعا للاسف الحملة خلصت والعملة حاليا في فترة التصحيح والعملة $LAYER لها مشروع كما ذكرنا 👆🏻 دعم متطور وسعرها حاليا اقل من واحد دولار وهي مناسبه لي اغلب المستثمرين لانها حتما سترتفع فهذه ليست عملة ميم انها عملة قويه بفريق دعم متطور و قوي وبالنهايه القرار لكم انتم اصدقائي هذه ليس نصيحة استثمار ولكن رائي انها فرصه جيده ان شأت اغتنمها او لا اجمع معلوماتك من كل مكان وخذ القرار بالتوفيق للجميع برجاء المتابعة والاعجاب اذا اعجابك المقال فضلا وليس امرا لنستمر في النشر ونستفيد جميعا باذن الله 🌹🥰🫡 {spot}(LAYERUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)

مشروع Solayer وعملته LAYER – كل ما تحتاج معرفته عن أحدث الفرص الاستثمارية على على بينانس 🤔🧠

عالم الكريبتو بيتطور بسرعة، وكل يوم بيظهر مشروع جديد بيحاول يحل مشاكل البلوكشين ويقدم حلول مبتكرة. واحد من المشاريع اللي لفتت الأنظار مؤخرًا هو Solayer، وهو مشروع Layer-1 بيهدف لتحسين أداء وأمان العقود الذكية والمعاملات على البلوكشين.
في المقالة دي، هنتكلم عن مشروع Solayer، عملته الرقمية LAYER، وإزاي تقدر تستفيد من الفرص الاستثمارية اللي بتقدمها Binance، سواء من خلال التداول أو Hodler Airdrops اللي بتتيح لك كسب العملات مجانًا!
إيه هو مشروع Solayer؟
هو بلوكشين جديد بيشتغل كـ Layer-1، وبيقدم حلول مبتكرة لتشغيل العقود الذكية بكفاءة عالية وسرعة أكبر. المشروع بيهدف لإنشاء نظام بيئي متكامل يدعم التطبيقات اللامركزية (DApps) ويوفر بيئة آمنة وسريعة للمطورين والمستخدمين.
أهم مميزات Solayer:
✅ سرعة معاملات أعلى بفضل تقنيات تحسين الأداء
✅ أمان متقدم لحماية البيانات والمعاملات
✅ تكلفة معاملات أقل مقارنةً بالشبكات المنافسة
✅ دعم قوي للمطورين لإنشاء التطبيقات اللامركزية بسهولة
عملة LAYER – العملة الرقمية لمشروع Solayer
عملة LAYER هي العملة الأصلية لشبكة Solayer، وبيتم استخدامها في عمليات الدفع، رسوم المعاملات، والمشاركة في عمليات الحوكمة داخل الشبكة. العملة متاحة الآن للتداول على Binance، وده بيفتح فرص كبيرة للمستثمرين والمستخدمين اللي عايزين يكونوا جزء من المشروع.
استخدامات عملة LAYER:
دفع رسوم المعاملات داخل شبكة Solayer
🔒 تخزين Staking للمشاركة في تأمين الشبكة وكسب مكافآت
📊 التصويت والحوكمة للمشاركة في قرارات تطوير الشبكة
Hodler Airdrop – كسب العملات مجانًا من Binance!
واحدة من أفضل الطرق لكسب LAYER بدون أي مجهود هي الاشتراك في Binance Hodler Airdrops. لو عندك BNB مخزن في Simple Earn على Binance، فأنت مؤهل للحصول على LAYER Tokens مجانًا بمجرد الاشتراك في الحملة!
إزاي تستفيد من الـ Airdrop؟
✅ امتلك BNB في حسابك على Binance
✅ خزن BNB في Simple Earn خلال الفترة المحددة
✅ استلم عملات LAYER مجانًا بعد انتهاء فترة التوزيع
دي فرصة ذهبية لأي حد عايز يكسب عملات جديدة بدون شراء مباشر!
Binance – أقوى منصة تداول كريبتو في العالم
Binance مش مجرد منصة تداول، لكنها منظومة متكاملة بتوفر فرص استثمارية قوية لكل المتداولين، سواء المبتدئين أو المحترفين. من خلال Binance Simple Earn وHodler Airdrops، تقدر تحقق عائدات بدون مجهود وتحصل على عملات رقمية جديدة ببساطة.
ليه تختار Binance؟
🔹 أكبر منصة تداول كريبتو في العالم بسيولة ضخمة وأمان عالي
🔹 عروض حصرية زي الـ Airdrops والتخزين وكسب الفوائد
🔹 دعم لمئات العملات الرقمية وتداولها بسهولة
الخلاصة – هل مشروع Solayer يستحق الاهتمام؟
مشروع Solayer بيقدم حلول تقنية متطورة لعالم البلوكشين، وعملته LAYER عندها فرصة قوية للنمو مع تطور المشروع. ومع دعم Binance، تقدر تستفيد من التداول، التخزين، وكمان الـ Airdrops المجانية!
طبعا للاسف الحملة خلصت والعملة حاليا في فترة التصحيح
والعملة $LAYER لها مشروع كما ذكرنا 👆🏻 دعم متطور وسعرها حاليا اقل من واحد دولار وهي مناسبه لي اغلب المستثمرين لانها حتما سترتفع فهذه ليست عملة ميم انها عملة قويه بفريق دعم متطور و قوي وبالنهايه القرار لكم انتم اصدقائي هذه ليس نصيحة استثمار ولكن رائي انها فرصه جيده ان شأت اغتنمها او لا اجمع معلوماتك من كل مكان وخذ القرار
بالتوفيق للجميع برجاء المتابعة والاعجاب اذا اعجابك المقال
فضلا وليس امرا لنستمر في النشر ونستفيد جميعا باذن الله
مشروع Solayer وعملته LAYER – كل ما تحتاج معرفته عن أحدث الفرص الاستثمارية على Binance!{spot}(LAYERUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT) عالم الكريبتو بيتطور بسرعة، وكل يوم بيظهر مشروع جديد بيحاول يحل مشاكل البلوكشين ويقدم حلول مبتكرة. واحد من المشاريع اللي لفتت الأنظار مؤخرًا هو Solayer، وهو مشروع Layer-1 بيهدف لتحسين أداء وأمان العقود الذكية والمعاملات على البلوكشين. في المقالة دي، هنتكلم عن مشروع Solayer، عملته الرقمية LAYER، وإزاي تقدر تستفيد من الفرص الاستثمارية اللي بتقدمها Binance، سواء من خلال التداول أو Hodler Airdrops اللي بتتيح لك كسب العملات مجانًا! إيه هو مشروع Solayer؟ Solayer هو بلوكشين جديد بيشتغل كـ Layer-1، وبيقدم حلول مبتكرة لتشغيل العقود الذكية بكفاءة عالية وسرعة أكبر. المشروع بيهدف لإنشاء نظام بيئي متكامل يدعم التطبيقات اللامركزية (DApps) ويوفر بيئة آمنة وسريعة للمطورين والمستخدمين. أهم مميزات Solayer: ✅ سرعة معاملات أعلى بفضل تقنيات تحسين الأداء ✅ أمان متقدم لحماية البيانات والمعاملات ✅ تكلفة معاملات أقل مقارنةً بالشبكات المنافسة ✅ دعم قوي للمطورين لإنشاء التطبيقات اللامركزية بسهولة عملة LAYER – العملة الرقمية لمشروع Solayer عملة LAYER هي العملة الأصلية لشبكة Solayer، وبيتم استخدامها في عمليات الدفع، رسوم المعاملات، والمشاركة في عمليات الحوكمة داخل الشبكة. العملة متاحة الآن للتداول على Binance، وده بيفتح فرص كبيرة للمستثمرين والمستخدمين اللي عايزين يكونوا جزء من المشروع. استخدامات عملة LAYER: 💰 دفع رسوم المعاملات داخل شبكة Solayer 🔒 تخزين Staking للمشاركة في تأمين الشبكة وكسب مكافآت 📊 التصويت والحوكمة للمشاركة في قرارات تطوير الشبكة Hodler Airdrop – كسب العملات مجانًا من Binance! واحدة من أفضل الطرق لكسب LAYER بدون أي مجهود هي الاشتراك في Binance Hodler Airdrops. لو عندك BNB مخزن في Simple Earn على Binance، فأنت مؤهل للحصول على LAYER Tokens مجانًا بمجرد الاشتراك في الحملة! إزاي تستفيد من الـ Airdrop؟ ✅ امتلك BNB في حسابك على Binance ✅ خزن BNB في Simple Earn خلال الفترة المحددة ✅ استلم عملات LAYER مجانًا بعد انتهاء فترة التوزيع دي فرصة ذهبية لأي حد عايز يكسب عملات جديدة بدون شراء مباشر! Binance – أقوى منصة تداول كريبتو في العالم Binance مش مجرد منصة تداول، لكنها منظومة متكاملة بتوفر فرص استثمارية قوية لكل المتداولين، سواء المبتدئين أو المحترفين. من خلال Binance Simple Earn وHodler Airdrops، تقدر تحقق عائدات بدون مجهود وتحصل على عملات رقمية جديدة ببساطة. ليه تختار Binance؟ 🔹 أكبر منصة تداول كريبتو في العالم بسيولة ضخمة وأمان عالي 🔹 عروض حصرية زي الـ Airdrops والتخزين وكسب الفوائد 🔹 دعم لمئات العملات الرقمية وتداولها بسهولة الخلاصة – هل مشروع Solayer يستحق الاهتمام؟ مشروع Solayer بيقدم حلول تقنية متطورة لعالم البلوكشين، وعملته LAYER عندها فرصة قوية للنمو مع تطور المشروع. ومع دعم Binance، تقدر تستفيد من التداول، التخزين، وكمان الـ Airdrops المجانية! 🚀 لو لسه معندكش حساب على Binance، متضيعش الفرصة وسجل دلوقتي علشان تستفيد من العروض الحصرية! 🚀 #BinanceHODLer $BNB

مشروع Solayer وعملته LAYER – كل ما تحتاج معرفته عن أحدث الفرص الاستثمارية على Binance!

عالم الكريبتو بيتطور بسرعة، وكل يوم بيظهر مشروع جديد بيحاول يحل مشاكل البلوكشين ويقدم حلول مبتكرة. واحد من المشاريع اللي لفتت الأنظار مؤخرًا هو Solayer، وهو مشروع Layer-1 بيهدف لتحسين أداء وأمان العقود الذكية والمعاملات على البلوكشين.
في المقالة دي، هنتكلم عن مشروع Solayer، عملته الرقمية LAYER، وإزاي تقدر تستفيد من الفرص الاستثمارية اللي بتقدمها Binance، سواء من خلال التداول أو Hodler Airdrops اللي بتتيح لك كسب العملات مجانًا!
إيه هو مشروع Solayer؟
Solayer هو بلوكشين جديد بيشتغل كـ Layer-1، وبيقدم حلول مبتكرة لتشغيل العقود الذكية بكفاءة عالية وسرعة أكبر. المشروع بيهدف لإنشاء نظام بيئي متكامل يدعم التطبيقات اللامركزية (DApps) ويوفر بيئة آمنة وسريعة للمطورين والمستخدمين.
أهم مميزات Solayer:
✅ سرعة معاملات أعلى بفضل تقنيات تحسين الأداء
✅ أمان متقدم لحماية البيانات والمعاملات
✅ تكلفة معاملات أقل مقارنةً بالشبكات المنافسة
✅ دعم قوي للمطورين لإنشاء التطبيقات اللامركزية بسهولة
عملة LAYER – العملة الرقمية لمشروع Solayer
عملة LAYER هي العملة الأصلية لشبكة Solayer، وبيتم استخدامها في عمليات الدفع، رسوم المعاملات، والمشاركة في عمليات الحوكمة داخل الشبكة. العملة متاحة الآن للتداول على Binance، وده بيفتح فرص كبيرة للمستثمرين والمستخدمين اللي عايزين يكونوا جزء من المشروع.
استخدامات عملة LAYER:
💰 دفع رسوم المعاملات داخل شبكة Solayer
🔒 تخزين Staking للمشاركة في تأمين الشبكة وكسب مكافآت
📊 التصويت والحوكمة للمشاركة في قرارات تطوير الشبكة
Hodler Airdrop – كسب العملات مجانًا من Binance!
واحدة من أفضل الطرق لكسب LAYER بدون أي مجهود هي الاشتراك في Binance Hodler Airdrops. لو عندك BNB مخزن في Simple Earn على Binance، فأنت مؤهل للحصول على LAYER Tokens مجانًا بمجرد الاشتراك في الحملة!
إزاي تستفيد من الـ Airdrop؟
✅ امتلك BNB في حسابك على Binance
✅ خزن BNB في Simple Earn خلال الفترة المحددة
✅ استلم عملات LAYER مجانًا بعد انتهاء فترة التوزيع
دي فرصة ذهبية لأي حد عايز يكسب عملات جديدة بدون شراء مباشر!
Binance – أقوى منصة تداول كريبتو في العالم
Binance مش مجرد منصة تداول، لكنها منظومة متكاملة بتوفر فرص استثمارية قوية لكل المتداولين، سواء المبتدئين أو المحترفين. من خلال Binance Simple Earn وHodler Airdrops، تقدر تحقق عائدات بدون مجهود وتحصل على عملات رقمية جديدة ببساطة.
ليه تختار Binance؟
🔹 أكبر منصة تداول كريبتو في العالم بسيولة ضخمة وأمان عالي
🔹 عروض حصرية زي الـ Airdrops والتخزين وكسب الفوائد
🔹 دعم لمئات العملات الرقمية وتداولها بسهولة
الخلاصة – هل مشروع Solayer يستحق الاهتمام؟
مشروع Solayer بيقدم حلول تقنية متطورة لعالم البلوكشين، وعملته LAYER عندها فرصة قوية للنمو مع تطور المشروع. ومع دعم Binance، تقدر تستفيد من التداول، التخزين، وكمان الـ Airdrops المجانية!
🚀 لو لسه معندكش حساب على Binance، متضيعش الفرصة وسجل دلوقتي علشان تستفيد من العروض الحصرية! 🚀
Erwin Liebowitz oUF5:
من فضلك عايزة الخطوات ورابط الحدث علشان اسجل؟؟؟
🚀 Binance Announces Solayer ($LAYER) – 8th Project on HODLer Airdrops! 🌟 In just 6 hours, the Airdrop page will go live! 📢 Plus, $LAYER will soon be listed on Binance! 🔥 🎁 3% of the total $LAYER supply will be airdropped to $BNB holders! {spot}(BNBUSDT) Get ready to claim your share! 🚀 #BinanceHODLer #LAYEROnBinance #Solayer #BNB
🚀 Binance Announces Solayer ($LAYER) – 8th Project on HODLer Airdrops! 🌟

In just 6 hours, the Airdrop page will go live! 📢 Plus, $LAYER will soon be listed on Binance! 🔥

🎁 3% of the total $LAYER supply will be airdropped to $BNB holders!

Get ready to claim your share! 🚀
#BinanceHODLer #LAYEROnBinance #Solayer #BNB
#BinanceHODLer #Solayer #layer Solyer,Layer Introducing Solayer (LAYER) on Binance HODLer Airdrops! Subscribe your BNB to Simple Earn Binance is excited to announce the 8th project on the HODLer Airdrops page - Solayer (LAYER), Users who subscribed their BNB to Simple Earn products from 2025-02-01 00:00 (UTC) to 2025-02-05 23:59 (UTC) will get the airdrops distribution. Solayer is a hardware-accelerated blockchain designed to scale the Solana Virtual Machine (SVM) network infinitely, enabling high-throughput and near-zero latency use cases. It leverages Stake-weighted Quality of Service (SwQoS) to secure systems and applications on Solana.1 Solayer also offers a liquid restaking network on Solana, which allows users to deposit assets, earn yield, and delegate sSOL towards their preferred applications on Solana. The Solayer Foundation has announced the decentralization of its protocol and the launch of its native governance token, $LAYER.37 The $LAYER token will initially serve as a governance token, allowing token holders to influence the Foundation’s activities, including the formation of the entity and the appointment of directors and officers.The Solayer Foundation aims to develop a new hardware-focused SVM network and scale Solana-based applications by boosting transaction throughput. Solayer's $LAYER token is expected to be airdropped to users sometime in Q1 2025, with the distribution planned in three separate phases.The first phase will reward users who participated in Solayer's Season 1 reward campaign by staking $SOL or depositing $USDC in exchange for $sUSD. As of February 11, 2025, the current price of the Solayer (LAYER) token is $0.00, with a trading volume of $0.00 and a market cap of $0.00.5 Bybit announced the upcoming listing of Solayer (LAYER) on their Spot Trading Platform. Solayer has also partnered with Adrastea Finance to deliver a Solana LRT (Liquid Restaking Token). #Write2Earn #BinanceSquareFamily


Introducing Solayer (LAYER) on Binance HODLer Airdrops!


your BNB to Simple Earn

Binance is excited to announce the 8th project on the HODLer Airdrops page -

Solayer (LAYER), Users who subscribed their BNB to Simple Earn

products from 2025-02-01 00:00 (UTC) to 2025-02-05 23:59 (UTC) will get the

airdrops distribution.


is a hardware-accelerated blockchain designed to scale the

Solana Virtual Machine (SVM)

network infinitely, enabling high-throughput and near-zero latency use cases.

It leverages Stake-weighted Quality of Service (SwQoS) to secure systems

and applications on Solana.1 Solayer also offers a liquid restaking network

on Solana, which allows users to deposit assets, earn yield, and

delegate sSOL towards their preferred applications on Solana.

The Solayer Foundation has announced the decentralization of its protocol and

the launch of its native governance token, $LAYER.37 The $LAYER token

will initially serve as a governance token, allowing token holders to

influence the Foundation’s activities, including the formation of the entity

and the appointment of directors and officers.The Solayer Foundation aims to

develop a new hardware-focused SVM network and scale Solana-based

applications by boosting transaction throughput.

Solayer's $LAYER token is expected to be airdropped to users sometime in Q1

2025, with the distribution planned in three separate phases.The first phase

will reward users who participated in Solayer's Season 1 reward campaign

by staking $SOL or depositing $USDC in exchange for $sUSD.

As of February 11, 2025, the current price of the Solayer (LAYER) token

is $0.00, with a trading volume of $0.00 and a market cap of

$0.00.5 Bybit announced the upcoming listing of Solayer (LAYER) on

their Spot Trading Platform.

Solayer has also partnered with Adrastea Finance to deliver a Solana

LRT (Liquid Restaking Token).

How to get the maximum from Binance Hodler Program and Overview of Berachain - The 7th Project on itWhat Is Berachain? Berachain is a high-performance, EVM-identical Layer 1 blockchain that integrates Ethereum’s smart contract functionality with Proof-of-Liquidity (PoL) consensus model. Designed to enhance liquidity, security, and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, Berachain provides a developer-friendly environment while optimizing blockchain economics. Built using BeaconKit, Berachain utilizes the CometBFT consensus algorithm to achieve single-slot finality, enabling faster transactions and enhanced scalability. The PoL model ensures that network participants—validators, liquidity providers, and dApps—are economically aligned to maximize rewards and secure the network efficiently. How Berachain Works 1. Proof-of-Liquidity (PoL) – A New Consensus Model Berachain replaces traditional staking with Proof-of-Liquidity, a mechanism that integrates validators, users, and DeFi protocols into a unified incentive model. Validators must stake BERA and direct BGT emissions to liquidity providers in Reward Vaults, creating a self-sustaining liquidity cycle. Key benefits of PoL: 👉 Validators must align with DeFi protocols and liquidity providers to maximize rewards. 👉 Liquidity providers earn BGT rewards, ensuring deeper liquidity across the ecosystem. 👉 Protocols compete for validator emissions, increasing user participation in DeFi. 2. EVM Compatibility – Easy Migration for Developers Berachain is fully compatible with Ethereum, meaning that developers can seamlessly deploy smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), and existing DeFi protocols without modification. This reduces migration friction for projects looking to expand from Ethereum or other EVM chains. 3. BeaconKit & CometBFT – Faster Transactions & Instant Finality Berachain uses BeaconKit, a modular consensus framework that integrates CometBFT, an advanced blockchain consensus mechanism. This setup allows Berachain to achieve single-slot finality, meaning transactions are confirmed instantly, instead of waiting for multiple blocks like on Ethereum. Berachain Network’s Tri-Token System Berachain operates on a unique tri-token economy, where each token has a specific role in network security, governance, and stable transactions. 1. BERA (Native Utility Token) 👉 Used to pay gas fees for transactions on the network. 👉 Staked by validators to secure the blockchain. 👉 Burned upon use, reducing circulating supply over time. 2. BGT (Bera Governance Token) 👉 Non-transferable, earned through Reward Vaults by participating in DeFi activities. 👉 Used for governance voting and influencing validator emissions. 👉 Can be burned 1:1 for BERA, but BERA cannot be converted back into BGT. 3. HONEY (Stablecoin) 👉 A soft-pegged stablecoin backed by collateralized assets. 👉 Used for payments, DeFi trading, and stable transactions within the Berachain ecosystem. 👉 Can be minted by depositing whitelisted collateral into vaults. This three-token system creates a balanced and sustainable blockchain economy where each token has a clear, functional role instead of just existing for speculation. The BERA token is the native gas and staking token of the Berachain blockchain. It is used to pay for transaction fees, secure the network through staking, and enable DeFi applications within the Berachain ecosystem. BERA is burned upon use, reducing its circulating supply over time. The total genesis supply of BERA is 500 million tokens, with allocations for validators, liquidity incentives, community rewards, and ecosystem development. 🔗Project Links 👉Berachain Website 👉Whitepaper 👉X Binance Introduces HODLer Airdrops: Rewarding BNB Holders with Emerging Project Tokens Binance has introduced a new initiative called HODLer Airdrops, designed to reward BNB token holders and support emerging crypto projects. We already had a 7 Projects on it and it's a great way to put your BNB at work! The program will distribute tokens from small to medium-sized ventures to eligible users before they are listed on the Binance exchange, providing early access to new opportunities. To participate in the HODLer Airdrops, users must hold BNB and subscribe to Binance’s Simple Earn products, either Flexible or Locked. Eligibility for the airdrops will be determined by random historical snapshots of users’ BNB balances in these products. Binance will announce upcoming HODLer Airdrops in advance, giving users time to prepare for potential rewards. Once an airdrop is announced, eligible users will receive the tokens in their Spot Wallets within 24 hours, before the token is listed on Binance Spot. The tokens distributed through this program will come from projects with strong fundamentals, large circulating supplies, and organic communities that are set to be listed on Binance. To ensure compliance and fairness, users must complete KYC (Know Your Customer) verification and reside in an eligible jurisdiction to participate in the HODLer Airdrops. Binance has set a hard limit on the amount of BNB holdings that will be considered for each airdrop, which will be announced in advance. The program aims to provide additional rewards and benefits on top of existing perks, ensuring a steady stream of passive income for BNB holders. By engaging with small to medium-sized projects and distributing their tokens to BNB holders, Binance aims to support the development of the blockchain ecosystem and provide users with early access to promising new ventures. 🔥Read more about the Benefits of BNB Stakers: Participating in the HODLer Airdrops does not affect users’ standard benefits for holding BNB, such as eligibility for Binance’s Launchpool and Megadrop events. Instead, it provides additional rewards and benefits on top of existing perks, ensuring a steady stream of passive income for BNB holders. To participate in future HODLer Airdrops, follow these steps: 👉Go to the EARN section on Binance. 👉Subscribe to Simple Earn Flexible or Locked products. 👉Binance will automatically take snapshots of your balance and calculate rewards based on your BNB holdings. #BERA #BERAonBinance #BinanceHODLer

How to get the maximum from Binance Hodler Program and Overview of Berachain - The 7th Project on it

What Is Berachain?
Berachain is a high-performance, EVM-identical Layer 1 blockchain that integrates Ethereum’s smart contract functionality with Proof-of-Liquidity (PoL) consensus model. Designed to enhance liquidity, security, and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, Berachain provides a developer-friendly environment while optimizing blockchain economics.
Built using BeaconKit, Berachain utilizes the CometBFT consensus algorithm to achieve single-slot finality, enabling faster transactions and enhanced scalability. The PoL model ensures that network participants—validators, liquidity providers, and dApps—are economically aligned to maximize rewards and secure the network efficiently.
How Berachain Works
1. Proof-of-Liquidity (PoL) – A New Consensus Model
Berachain replaces traditional staking with Proof-of-Liquidity, a mechanism that integrates validators, users, and DeFi protocols into a unified incentive model. Validators must stake BERA and direct BGT emissions to liquidity providers in Reward Vaults, creating a self-sustaining liquidity cycle.
Key benefits of PoL:
👉 Validators must align with DeFi protocols and liquidity providers to maximize rewards.
👉 Liquidity providers earn BGT rewards, ensuring deeper liquidity across the ecosystem.
👉 Protocols compete for validator emissions, increasing user participation in DeFi.
2. EVM Compatibility – Easy Migration for Developers
Berachain is fully compatible with Ethereum, meaning that developers can seamlessly deploy smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), and existing DeFi protocols without modification. This reduces migration friction for projects looking to expand from Ethereum or other EVM chains.
3. BeaconKit & CometBFT – Faster Transactions & Instant Finality
Berachain uses BeaconKit, a modular consensus framework that integrates CometBFT, an advanced blockchain consensus mechanism. This setup allows Berachain to achieve single-slot finality, meaning transactions are confirmed instantly, instead of waiting for multiple blocks like on Ethereum.
Berachain Network’s Tri-Token System
Berachain operates on a unique tri-token economy, where each token has a specific role in network security, governance, and stable transactions.
1. BERA (Native Utility Token)
👉 Used to pay gas fees for transactions on the network.
👉 Staked by validators to secure the blockchain.
👉 Burned upon use, reducing circulating supply over time.
2. BGT (Bera Governance Token)
👉 Non-transferable, earned through Reward Vaults by participating in DeFi activities.
👉 Used for governance voting and influencing validator emissions.
👉 Can be burned 1:1 for BERA, but BERA cannot be converted back into BGT.
3. HONEY (Stablecoin)
👉 A soft-pegged stablecoin backed by collateralized assets.
👉 Used for payments, DeFi trading, and stable transactions within the Berachain ecosystem.
👉 Can be minted by depositing whitelisted collateral into vaults.
This three-token system creates a balanced and sustainable blockchain economy where each token has a clear, functional role instead of just existing for speculation.
The BERA token is the native gas and staking token of the Berachain blockchain. It is used to pay for transaction fees, secure the network through staking, and enable DeFi applications within the Berachain ecosystem. BERA is burned upon use, reducing its circulating supply over time.
The total genesis supply of BERA is 500 million tokens, with allocations for validators, liquidity incentives, community rewards, and ecosystem development.

🔗Project Links
👉Berachain Website
Binance Introduces HODLer Airdrops: Rewarding BNB Holders with Emerging Project Tokens
Binance has introduced a new initiative called HODLer Airdrops, designed to reward BNB token holders and support emerging crypto projects.
We already had a 7 Projects on it and it's a great way to put your BNB at work!
The program will distribute tokens from small to medium-sized ventures to eligible users before they are listed on the Binance exchange, providing early access to new opportunities.
To participate in the HODLer Airdrops, users must hold BNB and subscribe to Binance’s Simple Earn products, either Flexible or Locked.
Eligibility for the airdrops will be determined by random historical snapshots of users’ BNB balances in these products. Binance will announce upcoming HODLer Airdrops in advance, giving users time to prepare for potential rewards.
Once an airdrop is announced, eligible users will receive the tokens in their Spot Wallets within 24 hours, before the token is listed on Binance Spot.
The tokens distributed through this program will come from projects with strong fundamentals, large circulating supplies, and organic communities that are set to be listed on Binance.
To ensure compliance and fairness, users must complete KYC (Know Your Customer) verification and reside in an eligible jurisdiction to participate in the HODLer Airdrops. Binance has set a hard limit on the amount of BNB holdings that will be considered for each airdrop, which will be announced in advance.
The program aims to provide additional rewards and benefits on top of existing perks, ensuring a steady stream of passive income for BNB holders.
By engaging with small to medium-sized projects and distributing their tokens to BNB holders, Binance aims to support the development of the blockchain ecosystem and provide users with early access to promising new ventures.
🔥Read more about the Benefits of BNB Stakers:
Participating in the HODLer Airdrops does not affect users’ standard benefits for holding BNB, such as eligibility for Binance’s Launchpool and Megadrop events. Instead, it provides additional rewards and benefits on top of existing perks, ensuring a steady stream of passive income for BNB holders.
To participate in future HODLer Airdrops, follow these steps:
👉Go to the EARN section on Binance.
👉Subscribe to Simple Earn Flexible or Locked products.
👉Binance will automatically take snapshots of your balance and calculate rewards based on your BNB holdings.
#BERA #BERAonBinance #BinanceHODLer
Nega Justisia:
good article
BERA on Binance HODLER and how to earn maximum from your BNB + Benefits of Binance HODLer ProgramWhat is Berachain? Berachain is an EVM-compatible blockchain built on the Polaris EVM framework, enabling developers to easily deploy smart contracts written in Solidity or Vyper. The project aims to become one of the most liquidity-efficient EVM blockchains by leveraging the CometBFT consensus algorithm, which is based on the Cosmos SDK. One of Berachain’s standout features is its Proof of Liquidity (PoL) mechanism, which helps prevent Sybil attacks, increase transaction processing speed, and reduce costs, creating a more efficient environment for investors and users. Achievements of Berachain 🔥Boyco Market, a pre-launch liquidity platform, helps dApps attract early users and liquidity. It has accumulated over $2.2 billion in deposits across vaults from 150,000 users. 🔥Berachain's FDV (Fully Diluted Valuation) is projected to be between $15 - $40 billion. Berachain has announced that its mainnet will officially launch on February 6, alongside its Token Generation Event (TGE). The airdrop event has been highly anticipated by the market. Berachain has completed a $69 million funding round, led by Brevan Howard Digital and Framework Ventures. Prior to this, the project successfully raised $42 million in Series A, with participation from Polychain Capital, Hack VC, dao5, Tribe Capital, and others. Benefits and Key Features of Berachain Berachain is structured to address common inefficiencies in blockchain economics by linking validator rewards to network activity. The Proof of Liquidity (PoL) model introduces several key features: Efficient Liquidity Utilization Unlike traditional staking models, which primarily focus on network security, Berachain’s PoL mechanism integrates liquidity provisioning directly into the blockchain’s economic design. Validators are incentivized to engage with liquidity pools, ensuring that network rewards contribute to real economic activity rather than passive staking. Dual-Token Economic Model Berachain separates economic utility and governance through its dual-token system: 👉BERA is used for transaction fees, staking, and activating validator nodes. 👉BGT serves as a governance and rewards token, earned through liquidity provisioning and validator participation. This structure is designed to encourage liquidity provision while preventing governance centralization. Since BGT cannot be directly purchased or transferred, its value is tied to network participation rather than speculative trading. Dynamic Validator Rewards Validator rewards on Berachain are determined by both their BERA stake and BGT boost (which reflects their contribution to liquidity). This system is intended to create a more balanced rewards structure, ensuring that validators actively support ecosystem growth rather than relying solely on token staking. Application-Level Incentives Berachain includes reward vaults, which allow decentralized applications (dApps) to incentivize users for specific actions, such as liquidity provision or staking. This model enables dApps to direct network emissions toward their communities, creating additional incentives for participation. Adaptive Inflation Mechanism The total supply of BERA is uncapped, with an annual inflation rate of 10%, subject to governance adjustments. Since validator rewards are distributed based on liquidity participation, the system is designed to dynamically adjust incentives to match network demand. 🔗Project Links 👉Berachain Website 👉Whitepaper 👉X How to Receive the BERA Airdrop on Binance Binance HODLer Airdrops is a program that distributes free tokens to users who hold and subscribe BNB to Simple Earn products. Instead of requiring active staking or trading, users automatically qualify for token airdrops based on historical snapshots of their BNB balances. This system differs from Launchpool, where users must manually stake tokens to farm rewards. With HODLer Airdrops, users simply hold BNB in Simple Earn, and Binance allocates new tokens based on their BNB balance. For the Berachain airdrop, Binance has allocated 10,000,000 BERA tokens (2% of total genesis supply) to be distributed among eligible participants. BERA is already listed on Binance and you can trade it! Steps to Qualify for the BERA Airdrop and any future Airdrops on Binance HODLer Program Users who subscribed their BNB to Simple Earn before the snapshot deadline are automatically included in the airdrop process. Those who did not participate during the specified period are not eligible for the distribution. To have qualified for the BERA HODLer Airdrop and any Future HODLer Airdrops, users needed to follow these steps: First, they had to subscribe their BNB to Simple Earn products, which are available under the Earn section on Binance. Both Flexible and Locked Simple Earn products were eligible. Flexible subscriptions allow users to withdraw BNB at any time, while Locked subscriptions provide potentially higher yields in exchange for a fixed holding period. Once subscribed, users had to maintain their BNB holdings between January 22 and January 26, 2025, as Binance used random historical snapshots to calculate the airdrop distribution. The hourly average BNB balance held in Simple Earn products was used to determine how many BERA tokens each user received. Binance also imposed a holding cap of 4%, meaning if a user’s BNB holdings exceeded 4% of the total subscribed BNB pool, only 4% of the total would be counted toward their airdrop allocation. After the snapshot period ended, Binance finalized the distribution calculations, ensuring that eligible users would receive BERA tokens in their Spot Wallets before trading starts. No further actions are required on the user’s part. Why Participate in the HODLer Airdrop? One of the main benefits of Binance HODLer Airdrops is that it allows users to receive new tokens without any additional cost or effort. By simply holding BNB in Simple Earn products, users automatically gain access to new project tokens without needing to actively stake, farm, or trade. You can read more about the benefits of staking your BNB here: 🔥 🔥 Another advantage is the early exposure to new blockchain projects before they enter the market. The airdrop provides a way to acquire BERA before its trading pairs go live, allowing users to decide whether to hold, trade, or explore its use cases once the Berachain mainnet is launched. #BERAonBinance #BinanceHODLer

BERA on Binance HODLER and how to earn maximum from your BNB + Benefits of Binance HODLer Program

What is Berachain?
Berachain is an EVM-compatible blockchain built on the Polaris EVM framework, enabling developers to easily deploy smart contracts written in Solidity or Vyper. The project aims to become one of the most liquidity-efficient EVM blockchains by leveraging the CometBFT consensus algorithm, which is based on the Cosmos SDK.
One of Berachain’s standout features is its Proof of Liquidity (PoL) mechanism, which helps prevent Sybil attacks, increase transaction processing speed, and reduce costs, creating a more efficient environment for investors and users.

Achievements of Berachain
🔥Boyco Market, a pre-launch liquidity platform, helps dApps attract early users and liquidity. It has accumulated over $2.2 billion in deposits across vaults from 150,000 users.
🔥Berachain's FDV (Fully Diluted Valuation) is projected to be between $15 - $40 billion.
Berachain has announced that its mainnet will officially launch on February 6, alongside its Token Generation Event (TGE). The airdrop event has been highly anticipated by the market.
Berachain has completed a $69 million funding round, led by Brevan Howard Digital and Framework Ventures. Prior to this, the project successfully raised $42 million in Series A, with participation from Polychain Capital, Hack VC, dao5, Tribe Capital, and others.
Benefits and Key Features of Berachain
Berachain is structured to address common inefficiencies in blockchain economics by linking validator rewards to network activity. The Proof of Liquidity (PoL) model introduces several key features:
Efficient Liquidity Utilization
Unlike traditional staking models, which primarily focus on network security, Berachain’s PoL mechanism integrates liquidity provisioning directly into the blockchain’s economic design.
Validators are incentivized to engage with liquidity pools, ensuring that network rewards contribute to real economic activity rather than passive staking.
Dual-Token Economic Model
Berachain separates economic utility and governance through its dual-token system:
👉BERA is used for transaction fees, staking, and activating validator nodes.
👉BGT serves as a governance and rewards token, earned through liquidity provisioning and validator participation.
This structure is designed to encourage liquidity provision while preventing governance centralization. Since BGT cannot be directly purchased or transferred, its value is tied to network participation rather than speculative trading.
Dynamic Validator Rewards
Validator rewards on Berachain are determined by both their BERA stake and BGT boost (which reflects their contribution to liquidity). This system is intended to create a more balanced rewards structure, ensuring that validators actively support ecosystem growth rather than relying solely on token staking.
Application-Level Incentives
Berachain includes reward vaults, which allow decentralized applications (dApps) to incentivize users for specific actions, such as liquidity provision or staking.
This model enables dApps to direct network emissions toward their communities, creating additional incentives for participation.
Adaptive Inflation Mechanism
The total supply of BERA is uncapped, with an annual inflation rate of 10%, subject to governance adjustments.
Since validator rewards are distributed based on liquidity participation, the system is designed to dynamically adjust incentives to match network demand.
🔗Project Links
👉Berachain Website
How to Receive the BERA Airdrop on Binance
Binance HODLer Airdrops is a program that distributes free tokens to users who hold and subscribe BNB to Simple Earn products.
Instead of requiring active staking or trading, users automatically qualify for token airdrops based on historical snapshots of their BNB balances.
This system differs from Launchpool, where users must manually stake tokens to farm rewards. With HODLer Airdrops, users simply hold BNB in Simple Earn, and Binance allocates new tokens based on their BNB balance.
For the Berachain airdrop, Binance has allocated 10,000,000 BERA tokens (2% of total genesis supply) to be distributed among eligible participants.
BERA is already listed on Binance and you can trade it!
Steps to Qualify for the BERA Airdrop and any future Airdrops on Binance HODLer Program
Users who subscribed their BNB to Simple Earn before the snapshot deadline are automatically included in the airdrop process. Those who did not participate during the specified period are not eligible for the distribution.
To have qualified for the BERA HODLer Airdrop and any Future HODLer Airdrops, users needed to follow these steps:
First, they had to subscribe their BNB to Simple Earn products, which are available under the Earn section on Binance.
Both Flexible and Locked Simple Earn products were eligible. Flexible subscriptions allow users to withdraw BNB at any time, while Locked subscriptions provide potentially higher yields in exchange for a fixed holding period.
Once subscribed, users had to maintain their BNB holdings between January 22 and January 26, 2025, as Binance used random historical snapshots to calculate the airdrop distribution.
The hourly average BNB balance held in Simple Earn products was used to determine how many BERA tokens each user received.
Binance also imposed a holding cap of 4%, meaning if a user’s BNB holdings exceeded 4% of the total subscribed BNB pool, only 4% of the total would be counted toward their airdrop allocation.
After the snapshot period ended, Binance finalized the distribution calculations, ensuring that eligible users would receive BERA tokens in their Spot Wallets before trading starts. No further actions are required on the user’s part.
Why Participate in the HODLer Airdrop?
One of the main benefits of Binance HODLer Airdrops is that it allows users to receive new tokens without any additional cost or effort.
By simply holding BNB in Simple Earn products, users automatically gain access to new project tokens without needing to actively stake, farm, or trade.
You can read more about the benefits of staking your BNB here:
🔥 🔥
Another advantage is the early exposure to new blockchain projects before they enter the market.
The airdrop provides a way to acquire BERA before its trading pairs go live, allowing users to decide whether to hold, trade, or explore its use cases once the Berachain mainnet is launched.
#BERAonBinance #BinanceHODLer
Selamat bagi kalian yang menyimpan $BNB di simple earn, karena akan mendapatkan #Airdrop token baru yaitu $1000CAT dan $PENGU untuk total token yang didapat tergantung seberapa banyak BNB yang kalian punya di simple earn. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap bisa kalian baca informasi dibawah. Binance akhir-akhir ini sering ngadain Launchpool dan Airdrop untuk usernya untuk apa kira-kira? Ya, supaya usernya betah pake aplikasi Binance dan membuat tokennya naik terus. Semoga Beruntung :) #BinanceAirdropsCATandPENGU #BinanceHoDLer #MarketNewHype
Selamat bagi kalian yang menyimpan $BNB di simple earn, karena akan mendapatkan #Airdrop token baru yaitu $1000CAT dan $PENGU untuk total token yang didapat tergantung seberapa banyak BNB yang kalian punya di simple earn. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap bisa kalian baca informasi dibawah.

Binance akhir-akhir ini sering ngadain Launchpool dan Airdrop untuk usernya untuk apa kira-kira? Ya, supaya usernya betah pake aplikasi Binance dan membuat tokennya naik terus.

Semoga Beruntung :)
#BinanceAirdropsCATandPENGU #BinanceHoDLer #MarketNewHype
Binance Announcement
Introducing Simon's Cat (1000CAT) and Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) on Binance HODLer Airdrops!
Note: Please do your own research before making any trades for the aforementioned token outside Binance to avoid any scams and ensure the safety of your funds.
This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is excited to announce the 4th and 5th projects on the HODLer Airdrops Portal - Simon's Cat (1000CAT) and Pudgy Penguins (PENGU). Users who subscribed their BNB to Simple Earn products from 2024-12-09 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-12-12 23:59 (UTC) will get the airdrops distribution. The HODLer Airdrops information is estimated to be available in 12 hours, and the new token will be distributed to users’ Spot Wallet 1 hour before trading starts.
Binance will then list 1000CAT at 2024-12-17 09:00 (UTC) and open trading against USDT, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY pairs. The seed tag will be applied to 1000CAT.
Binance will then list PENGU at 2024-12-17 14:00 (UTC) and open trading against USDT, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY pairs. The seed tag will be applied to PENGU.
Please note: 1000CAT is a circulating token. The HODLer Airdrops rewards will rapidly increase the circulation in the secondary market, which may cause huge fluctuations in the price compared to the current price after Binance opens. Please be cautious when trading.
1000CAT HODLer Airdrops Details
Token Name: Simon's Cat (CAT)Total Token Supply: 8,099,954,917,916 CATMax Token Supply: 9,000,000,000,000 CATHODLer Airdrops Token Rewards: 1,143,000,000,000 CAT (12.7% of max token supply)Current Circulating Supply: 6,749,954,917,916 CAT (75% of total supply)Circulating Supply upon Listing on Binance : 7,892,954,917,916 CAT (88% of max token supply)Smart Contract Details: BNB Chain: 0x6894CDe390a3f51155ea41Ed24a33A4827d3063D;Solana: 3joMReCCSESngJEpFLoKR2dNcChjSRCDtybQet5uSpse.Research Report: Simon's Cat (1000CAT) (will be available within 24 hours of publishing this announcement)Per User Reward Hard Cap: User’s Average BNB Holding / Total Average BNB Holdings * Total HODLer Airdrops Rewards * 100% ≤ Total HODLer Airdrops Rewards * 4%
PENGU HODLer Airdrops Details
Token Name: Pudgy Penguins (PENGU)Total Token Supply: 88,888,888,888 PENGU Max Token Supply: 88,888,888,888 PENGU HODLer Airdrops Token Rewards: 2,666,666,666.64 PENGU (3% of total token supply)Circulating Supply upon Listing on Binance : 62,415,951,646 PENGU (70.22% of total and max supply)Smart Contract Details: Solana 2zMMhcVQEXDtdE6vsFS7S7D5oUodfJHE8vd1gnBouauvResearch Report: Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) (will be available within 12 hours of publishing this announcement)Per User Reward Hard Cap: User’s Average BNB Holding / Total Average BNB Holdings * Total HODLer Airdrops Rewards * 100% ≤ Total HODLer Airdrops Rewards * 4%
Introducing Binance HODLer Airdrops
Binance HODLer Airdrops is a program that rewards BNB holders with token airdrops based on historical snapshots of their BNB balances. By subscribing BNB to Simple Earn, users are automatically eligible for HODLer Airdrops (as well as Launchpool and Megadrop rewards).
Unlike other earning methods that require ongoing actions, HODLer Airdrops reward users retroactively, offering a simple way to earn additional tokens. By subscribing BNB to Simple Earn products, users can automatically qualify for token rewards.
How to Benefit from HODLer Airdrops
Head to [Earn] and search for BNB. Subscribe to Simple Earn products (Flexible and/or Locked) with your BNB holdings.Snapshots of user balances and total pool balances will be taken multiple times at any point of time each hour to get users’ hourly average balances in Simple Earn products (Flexible and/or Locked). Binance will use historical snapshots of user balances at random periods after this announcement to calculate user rewards. For example, reward calculation for HODLer Airdrops on 2024-06-11 may use snapshots of user balances between 2024-06-01 to 2024-06-07 as reference.Eligible users will receive HODLer Airdrops rewards in their Spot Wallets within 24 hours after the HODLer Airdrops is announced.
Project Links
Simon's Cat WebsiteSimon's Cat XSimon Cat's WhitepaperPudgy Penguins WebsitePudgy Penguins X
Terms & Conditions
Users must complete account verification (KYC) and also be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in HODLer Airdrops.The airdrop token will be automatically transferred to each user’s Spot Wallet before it lists on Binance Spot.If there is more than one HODLer Airdrops projects running concurrently, users' BNB assets in BNB Simple Earn Products (both Flexible and Locked) will be allocated into those projects, unless otherwise specified.BNB Simple Earn assets collateralizing against Binance Loans (Flexible Rate) are not entitled to HODLer Airdrops rewards.BNB subscribed to Simple Earn products will still provide users with the standard benefits for holding BNB, such as Launchpool, Megadrop, and HODLer Airdrops eligibility and VIP benefits.
Participation in HODLer Airdrops is subject to eligibility based on the user's country or region of residence. Binance reserves the right to disqualify any participants who tamper with Binance program code, or interfere with the operation of Binance program code with other software.Staked Lista BNB (slisBNB) and Lista collateral BNB (clisBNB) in Binance MPC Wallet will be supported in HODLer Airdrops reward calculation.Trading Bots & Spot Copy Trading will be enabled for the aforementioned token within 24 hours of it being listed on Spot. For users with running Spot Copy Trading portfolios, pairs can be included by enabling them in the [Personal Pair Preference] section of the Spot Copy Trading settings.There may be discrepancies between this original content in English and any translated versions. Please refer to the original English version for the most accurate information, in case any discrepancies arise.Users need to be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in HODLer Airdrops. Currently, users residing in the following countries or regions will not be able to participate by subscribing to BNB Simple Earn Products: Australia, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Russia, Syria, United Kingdom, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands), and any non-government controlled areas of Ukraine.Please note that the list of excluded countries provided here is not exhaustive and may be subject to changes due to evolving local rules, regulations, or other considerations. This list may be updated periodically to accommodate changes in legal, regulatory, or other factors.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Note: This announcement was updated on 2024-12-20 to update that 1000CAT on Solana network are now supported. Previously, it was updated on 2024-12-17 to include the HODLer Airdrops website link, and on 2024-12-16 to clarify PENGU's circulating supply upon listing on Binance will be 62,415,951,646 PENGU (70.22% of total and max supply), update the Per User Reward Hard Cap calculation formula, change the token ticker to “1000CAT”, and clarify that both CAT and 1000CAT on Solana network will not be supported.
🚨¡Berachain (BERA) en los airdrops de Binance HODLer!🚨 ▶️ #BinanceHODLer Binance anunció el sexto proyecto en HODLer Airdrops: Berachain (BERA). Berachain es un marco de cadena de bloques de alto rendimiento que es totalmente compatible con la máquina virtual Ethereum (EVM), lo que lo convierte en una herramienta poderosa para los desarrolladores que buscan crear o migrar aplicaciones con facilidad. Los usuarios que suscribieron sus BNB a los productos Simple Earn desde el 22/01/2025 a las 00:00 (UTC) hasta el 26/01/2025 a las 23:59 (UTC) recibirán la distribución de airdrops. Binance incluirá entonces BERA en su lista el 6 de febrero de 2025 a las 13:00 (UTC). $BNB #Berachain {spot}(BNBUSDT)
🚨¡Berachain (BERA) en los airdrops de Binance HODLer!🚨

▶️ #BinanceHODLer
Binance anunció el sexto proyecto en HODLer Airdrops: Berachain (BERA).

Berachain es un marco de cadena de bloques de alto rendimiento que es totalmente compatible con la máquina virtual Ethereum (EVM), lo que lo convierte en una herramienta poderosa para los desarrolladores que buscan crear o migrar aplicaciones con facilidad.

Los usuarios que suscribieron sus BNB a los productos Simple Earn desde el 22/01/2025 a las 00:00 (UTC) hasta el 26/01/2025 a las 23:59 (UTC) recibirán la distribución de airdrops.

Binance incluirá entonces BERA en su lista el 6 de febrero de 2025 a las 13:00 (UTC).


Bagi kalian yang mempunyai $BNB di simple earn akan dapat kesempatan untuk dapet airdrop token $BERA untuk informasi lengkapnya bisa kalian baca artikel resmi #Binance dibawah Semoga Beruntung #BERAAirdropAlert #BinanceHodler
Bagi kalian yang mempunyai $BNB di simple earn akan dapat kesempatan untuk dapet airdrop token $BERA untuk informasi lengkapnya bisa kalian baca artikel resmi #Binance dibawah

Semoga Beruntung
#BERAAirdropAlert #BinanceHodler
Binance Announcement
Introducing Berachain (BERA) on Binance HODLer Airdrops! Earn BERA With Retroactive BNB Simple Earn Subscriptions
Note: Please do your own research before making any trades for the aforementioned token outside Binance to avoid any scams and ensure the safety of your funds.
This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is excited to announce the 7th project on the HODLer Airdrops page - Berachain (BERA). Users who subscribed their BNB to Simple Earn products from 2025-01-22 00:00 (UTC) to 2025-01-26 23:59 (UTC) will get the airdrops distribution. The HODLer Airdrops information is estimated to be available in 12 hours, and the new token will be distributed to users’ Spot Accounts at least 1 hour before trading starts.
Binance will then list BERA at 2025-02-06 13:00 (UTC) and open trading against BTC, USDT, USDC, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY pairs. The seed tag will be applied to BERA.
BERA HODLer Airdrops Details
Token Name: Berachain (BERA)Genesis Total Token Supply: 500,000,000 BERA Max Token Supply: Non-capped (10% yearly inflationary based on emission type) HODLer Airdrops Token Rewards: 10,000,000 BERA (2% of genesis total token supply)Additional 5,000,000 BERA will be allocated to the marketing campaigns (in batches) 12 months after spot listing. Details will be shown in a separate announcement. Circulating Supply upon Listing on Binance : 107,480,000 BERA (21.50% of genesis total token supply)Smart Contract/Network Details: Native token - Berachain Mainnet Explorer (will be available at public launch)Listing Fee: 0Research Report: Berachain (BERA) (will be available within 24 hour of publishing this announcement) BNB Holding Hard Cap: User’s Average BNB Holding / Total Average BNB Holding * 100% ≤ 4% (If the holding ratio is greater than 4%, the BNB holding ratio will be calculated as 4%)
Introducing Binance HODLer Airdrops
Binance HODLer Airdrops is a program that rewards BNB holders with token airdrops based on historical snapshots of their BNB balances. By subscribing BNB to Simple Earn, users are automatically eligible for HODLer Airdrops (as well as Launchpool and Megadrop rewards).
Unlike other earning methods that require ongoing actions, HODLer Airdrops reward users retroactively, offering a simple way to earn additional tokens. By subscribing BNB to Simple Earn products, users can automatically qualify for token rewards.
How to Benefit from HODLer Airdrops
Head to [Earn] and search for BNB. Subscribe to Simple Earn products (Flexible and/or Locked) with your BNB holdings.Snapshots of user balances and total pool balances will be taken multiple times at any point of time each hour to get users’ hourly average balances in Simple Earn products (Flexible and/or Locked). Binance will use historical snapshots of user balances at random periods after this announcement to calculate user rewards. For example, reward calculation for HODLer Airdrops on 2024-06-11 may use snapshots of user balances between 2024-06-01 to 2024-06-07 as reference.Eligible users will receive HODLer Airdrops rewards in their Spot Accounts within 24 hours after the HODLer Airdrops is announced.
Project Links
Berachain WebsiteWhitepaperX
Terms & Conditions
Users must complete account verification (KYC) and also be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in HODLer Airdrops.The airdrop token will be automatically transferred to each user’s Spot Account before it lists on Binance Spot.If there is more than one HODLer Airdrops projects running concurrently, users' BNB assets in BNB Simple Earn Products (both Flexible and Locked) will be allocated into those projects, unless otherwise specified.BNB Simple Earn assets collateralizing against Binance Loans (Flexible Rate) are not entitled to HODLer Airdrops rewards.BNB subscribed to Simple Earn products will still provide users with the standard benefits for holding BNB, such as Launchpool, Megadrop, and HODLer Airdrops eligibility and VIP benefits.
Participation in HODLer Airdrops is subject to eligibility based on the user's country or region of residence. Binance reserves the right to disqualify any participants who tamper with Binance program code, or interfere with the operation of Binance program code with other software.Staked Lista BNB (slisBNB) and Lista collateral BNB (clisBNB) in Binance Keyless Wallet will be supported in HODLer Airdrops reward calculation.Spot Algo Orders will also be enabled for the aforementioned pairs at 2025-02-06 13:00 (UTC), while Trading Bots & Spot Copy Trading will be enabled within 24 hours of it being listed on Spot. For users with running Spot Copy Trading portfolios, pairs can be included by enabling them in the [Personal Pair Preference] section of the Spot Copy Trading settings.There may be discrepancies between this original content in English and any translated versions. Please refer to the original English version for the most accurate information, in case any discrepancies arise.Users need to be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in HODLer Airdrops. Currently, users residing in the following countries or regions will not be able to participate by subscribing to BNB Simple Earn Products: Australia, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Russia, Syria, United Kingdom, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands), and any non-government controlled areas of Ukraine.Please note that the list of excluded countries provided here is not exhaustive and may be subject to changes due to evolving local rules, regulations, or other considerations. This list may be updated periodically to accommodate changes in legal, regulatory, or other factors.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
$MOVE /USDT Surges Over 4,343% in 24 Hours! The $MOVE/USDT trading pair has delivered an extraordinary performance, skyrocketing by an astonishing 4,343% in just 24 hours. Currently priced at 0.8887 USDT, the asset witnessed extreme volatility, with a 24-hour high of 1.4100 USDT and a low of 0.0200 USDT, reflecting unprecedented market momentum. Fueling this surge is a remarkable 24-hour trading volume of 1.62 billion USDT, highlighting the massive interest and activity surrounding $MOVE. Such explosive growth positions the token as a key player to watch in the current market. Traders should remain cautious, as the extreme volatility could lead to sharp corrections or set the stage for another bullish breakout. Stay alert and informed as the market evolves! $MOVE/USDT: 0.7897 (-0.32%) {spot}(MOVEUSDT) #MOVEOpening #AltSeasonHype #MarketMomentum #BinanceHODLer
$MOVE /USDT Surges Over 4,343% in 24 Hours!

The $MOVE /USDT trading pair has delivered an extraordinary performance, skyrocketing by an astonishing 4,343% in just 24 hours. Currently priced at 0.8887 USDT, the asset witnessed extreme volatility, with a 24-hour high of 1.4100 USDT and a low of 0.0200 USDT, reflecting unprecedented market momentum.

Fueling this surge is a remarkable 24-hour trading volume of 1.62 billion USDT, highlighting the massive interest and activity surrounding $MOVE . Such explosive growth positions the token as a key player to watch in the current market.

Traders should remain cautious, as the extreme volatility could lead to sharp corrections or set the stage for another bullish breakout. Stay alert and informed as the market evolves!

$MOVE /USDT: 0.7897 (-0.32%)

#MOVEOpening #AltSeasonHype #MarketMomentum #BinanceHODLer
The 4th Project on Binance Hodler Program - $PENGU Binance has announced Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) as the 4th project in its HODLer Airdrops program. The announcement is a significant milestone for the Pudgy Penguins community, which has grown into a cultural phenomenon with over 50 billion social views and a robust global following. $PENGU was officially listed on Binance on December 17, 2024, at 14:00 UTC, with trading pairs including USDT, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY. Binance also airdropped 2.67 billion PENGU tokens to eligible BNB holders, accounting for 3% of the token’s max supply, directly into their Spot Wallets. Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) on Binance HODLER Airdrop The PENGU token is central to expanding the Pudgy Penguins ecosystem, aiming to strengthen its community and cultural significance. With a max supply of 88,888,888,888 tokens, the project embodies the playful, community-first ethos that has made Pudgy Penguins a standout brand in crypto. 👉Token Details 🔥Name: Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) 🔥Total/Max Supply: 88,888,888,888 $PENGU 🔥Circulating Supply Upon Listing: 62,415,951,646 $PENGU 👉Airdrop Allocation 🔥Total Airdropped Tokens: 2,666,666,666.64 $PENGU (3% of max supply) 🔥Eligibility: Based on BNB holdings during the airdrop period. Smart Contract 👉Blockchain: Solana 👉Contract Address: 2zMMhcVQEXDtdE6vsFS7S7D5oUodfJHE8vd1gnBouauv The $PENGU token is not tied to specific utility but rather reflects a shared identity and belonging within the Pudgy Penguins community. By bridging blockchain and mainstream culture, $PENGU has the potential to attract both crypto enthusiasts and general audiences alike. Key Highlights of Pudgy Penguins Pudgy Penguins is not just an NFT project; it is a cultural phenomenon with an expansive reach. The mission of Pudgy Penguins extends beyond NFTs, aiming to build a brand that resonates with audiences through its ethos of positivity and underdog triumph. Key Features of Pudgy Penguins: Viral Appeal: Over 34 billion GIF views and substantial engagement across platforms #BinanceHODLer #PENGU
The 4th Project on Binance Hodler Program - $PENGU
Binance has announced Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) as the 4th project in its HODLer Airdrops program. The announcement is a significant milestone for the Pudgy Penguins community, which has grown into a cultural phenomenon with over 50 billion social views and a robust global following.
$PENGU was officially listed on Binance on December 17, 2024, at 14:00 UTC, with trading pairs including USDT, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY. Binance also airdropped 2.67 billion PENGU tokens to eligible BNB holders, accounting for 3% of the token’s max supply, directly into their Spot Wallets.
Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) on Binance HODLER Airdrop
The PENGU token is central to expanding the Pudgy Penguins ecosystem, aiming to strengthen its community and cultural significance. With a max supply of 88,888,888,888 tokens, the project embodies the playful, community-first ethos that has made Pudgy Penguins a standout brand in crypto.
👉Token Details
🔥Name: Pudgy Penguins (PENGU)
🔥Total/Max Supply: 88,888,888,888 $PENGU
🔥Circulating Supply Upon Listing: 62,415,951,646 $PENGU
👉Airdrop Allocation
🔥Total Airdropped Tokens: 2,666,666,666.64 $PENGU (3% of max supply)
🔥Eligibility: Based on BNB holdings during the airdrop period.
Smart Contract
👉Blockchain: Solana
👉Contract Address: 2zMMhcVQEXDtdE6vsFS7S7D5oUodfJHE8vd1gnBouauv
The $PENGU token is not tied to specific utility but rather reflects a shared identity and belonging within the Pudgy Penguins community. By bridging blockchain and mainstream culture, $PENGU has the potential to attract both crypto enthusiasts and general audiences alike.
Key Highlights of Pudgy Penguins
Pudgy Penguins is not just an NFT project; it is a cultural phenomenon with an expansive reach. The mission of Pudgy Penguins extends beyond NFTs, aiming to build a brand that resonates with audiences through its ethos of positivity and underdog triumph.
Key Features of Pudgy Penguins:
Viral Appeal: Over 34 billion GIF views and substantial engagement across platforms
#BinanceHODLer #PENGU
🚨 Attention $XRP Investors! Major Market Moves Ahead! 🚨 The $XRP market could be setting up for a significant extended uptrend, and the signs are becoming clearer! A monumental move might be on the horizon, so stay sharp and informed. 📉 Current Setup: The chart suggests that 99% of the market may establish solid support near the next higher low, indicated by the lower purple zone. This area could act as a springboard for a bullish reversal after testing this critical level. 📊 Key Observations: A short-term dip is possible, which might create an ideal entry point for maximizing potential gains. Timing and confirmation are crucial. Jumping in too early could mean unnecessary risk. 🌟 Potential Trading Strategy: Keep a close watch on the support zone near the purple line for entry opportunities. Once confirmed, be prepared for the next bullish surge. Remain disciplined and patient—don't trade on emotion. 💡 Pro Tip: Open your charts and set alerts around the key support levels. Watch for signs of confirmation, such as increased volume or a reversal candlestick pattern, to ensure your entry aligns with market momentum. 📉 Current Price: $2.2346 (-7.78%) 💥 Don't miss this chance to catch the wave as $XRP gears up for potential explosive action! {spot}(XRPUSDT) #MarketMoves #XRPAlert #CryptoTradingTips #BinanceHODLer #AltSeason
🚨 Attention $XRP Investors! Major Market Moves Ahead! 🚨

The $XRP market could be setting up for a significant extended uptrend, and the signs are becoming clearer! A monumental move might be on the horizon, so stay sharp and informed.

📉 Current Setup:
The chart suggests that 99% of the market may establish solid support near the next higher low, indicated by the lower purple zone. This area could act as a springboard for a bullish reversal after testing this critical level.

📊 Key Observations:

A short-term dip is possible, which might create an ideal entry point for maximizing potential gains.

Timing and confirmation are crucial. Jumping in too early could mean unnecessary risk.

🌟 Potential Trading Strategy:

Keep a close watch on the support zone near the purple line for entry opportunities.

Once confirmed, be prepared for the next bullish surge.

Remain disciplined and patient—don't trade on emotion.

💡 Pro Tip: Open your charts and set alerts around the key support levels. Watch for signs of confirmation, such as increased volume or a reversal candlestick pattern, to ensure your entry aligns with market momentum.

📉 Current Price: $2.2346 (-7.78%)
💥 Don't miss this chance to catch the wave as $XRP gears up for potential explosive action!

#MarketMoves #XRPAlert #CryptoTradingTips #BinanceHODLer #AltSeason
Unlock $500–$1,000 with 1000CAT Airdrop: The Perfect Blend of Art and Blockchain!Simon's Cat (1000CAT) is a standout NFT project inspired by the globally renowned animated brand. With Binance’s support, 1000CAT delivers not only artistic value but also an expanded NFT experience through Airdrop programs on Binance Earn, attracting strong interest from blockchain and digital art enthusiasts. Simon's Cat: Bridging Art and NFTs for the Community Simon's Cat is more than just an NFT collection—it's a bridge connecting art and blockchain technology. Through its adorable cat characters and humorous stories, Simon's Cat fosters a creative community, connecting users globally with entertaining and emotionally rich NFTs. With Binance's backing, Simon's Cat has extended its potential, turning NFTs into tools for engaging with fans and generating tangible value in both physical and digital spaces. Key Highlights of the 1000CAT Project Exclusive Original Content: Leveraging the charm of the Simon's Cat brand, the project delivers vibrant and captivating stories through NFTs.Large Fan Community: Simon's Cat has built a global community of millions of cat lovers and art enthusiasts, fostering strong connections.Expanded Ecosystem: Beyond NFTs, the project includes physical products like toys, collectibles, and interactive digital experiences. Why Pay Attention to Simon's Cat on Binance? Exciting Airdrop Program: Simon's Cat is featured in Binance's Hodler’s Airdrops program, offering users the chance to own exclusive NFTs.Binance Earn Ecosystem: Simon's Cat provides a seamless experience for users to enter the NFT world through Binance.Growth Potential: With Simon's Cat's reputation and Binance's support, the project has the potential to become an NFT icon in the blockchain industry. 1000CAT HODLer Airdrop Details Token Name: Simon's Cat (CAT)Total Supply: 8,099,954,917,916 CATMax Supply: 9,000,000,000,000 CATHODLer Airdrop Rewards: 1,143,000,000,000 CAT (12.7% of the max supply)Current Circulating Supply: 6,749,954,917,916 CAT (75% of total supply)Circulating Supply upon Binance Listing: 7,892,954,917,916 CAT (88% of the max supply) Smart Contract Details: Blockchain: BNB ChainContract Address: 0x6894CDe390a3f51155ea41Ed24a33A4827d3063D Note: CAT and 1000CAT tokens on the Solana network are not supported. Per User Reward Cap: Formula: (User’s Average BNB Holding / Total Average BNB Holdings) x Total HODLer Airdrop Rewards x 100% ≤ Total HODLer Airdrop Rewards x 4% Token Distribution 12.7% of the max supply is allocated for the HODLer Airdrop program.75% of the total supply is already circulating before Binance listing, ensuring high liquidity.The remaining tokens will be gradually allocated through community and ecosystem development activities. Conclusion Simon's Cat (1000CAT) is more than just an NFT project—it’s a perfect blend of art, technology, and community. With Binance's support and the Hodler’s Airdrops program, this is a project you can’t afford to miss if you’re looking to explore NFTs' true potential in the blockchain space. Join now and become part of the creative community with Simon's Cat! For further research: [Simon's Cat on Binance Research]( Binance Hodler Airdrop details: [Binance Hodler Airdrop]( Follow #wendy for the latest updates 😉 #BinanceHodler #Simon $1000CAT

Unlock $500–$1,000 with 1000CAT Airdrop: The Perfect Blend of Art and Blockchain!

Simon's Cat (1000CAT) is a standout NFT project inspired by the globally renowned animated brand. With Binance’s support, 1000CAT delivers not only artistic value but also an expanded NFT experience through Airdrop programs on Binance Earn, attracting strong interest from blockchain and digital art enthusiasts.

Simon's Cat: Bridging Art and NFTs for the Community
Simon's Cat is more than just an NFT collection—it's a bridge connecting art and blockchain technology.
Through its adorable cat characters and humorous stories, Simon's Cat fosters a creative community, connecting users globally with entertaining and emotionally rich NFTs.
With Binance's backing, Simon's Cat has extended its potential, turning NFTs into tools for engaging with fans and generating tangible value in both physical and digital spaces.
Key Highlights of the 1000CAT Project
Exclusive Original Content: Leveraging the charm of the Simon's Cat brand, the project delivers vibrant and captivating stories through NFTs.Large Fan Community: Simon's Cat has built a global community of millions of cat lovers and art enthusiasts, fostering strong connections.Expanded Ecosystem: Beyond NFTs, the project includes physical products like toys, collectibles, and interactive digital experiences.
Why Pay Attention to Simon's Cat on Binance?
Exciting Airdrop Program: Simon's Cat is featured in Binance's Hodler’s Airdrops program, offering users the chance to own exclusive NFTs.Binance Earn Ecosystem: Simon's Cat provides a seamless experience for users to enter the NFT world through Binance.Growth Potential: With Simon's Cat's reputation and Binance's support, the project has the potential to become an NFT icon in the blockchain industry.
1000CAT HODLer Airdrop Details
Token Name: Simon's Cat (CAT)Total Supply: 8,099,954,917,916 CATMax Supply: 9,000,000,000,000 CATHODLer Airdrop Rewards: 1,143,000,000,000 CAT (12.7% of the max supply)Current Circulating Supply: 6,749,954,917,916 CAT (75% of total supply)Circulating Supply upon Binance Listing: 7,892,954,917,916 CAT (88% of the max supply)

Smart Contract Details:
Blockchain: BNB ChainContract Address: 0x6894CDe390a3f51155ea41Ed24a33A4827d3063D

Note: CAT and 1000CAT tokens on the Solana network are not supported.
Per User Reward Cap:


(User’s Average BNB Holding / Total Average BNB Holdings) x Total HODLer Airdrop Rewards x 100% ≤ Total HODLer Airdrop Rewards x 4%
Token Distribution
12.7% of the max supply is allocated for the HODLer Airdrop program.75% of the total supply is already circulating before Binance listing, ensuring high liquidity.The remaining tokens will be gradually allocated through community and ecosystem development activities.

Simon's Cat (1000CAT) is more than just an NFT project—it’s a perfect blend of art, technology, and community. With Binance's support and the Hodler’s Airdrops program, this is a project you can’t afford to miss if you’re looking to explore NFTs' true potential in the blockchain space.
Join now and become part of the creative community with Simon's Cat!
For further research: Simon's Cat on Binance Research
Binance Hodler Airdrop details: Binance Hodler Airdrop
Follow #wendy for the latest updates 😉
#BinanceHodler #Simon $1000CAT
Simon's CAT ( $CAT ) on Binance HODLER ProgramSimon's Cat tokens represent the seamless integration of the beloved Simon's Cat IP created by British animator Simon Tofield with the Web3 ecosystem. With more than 1.6 billion YouTube views, more than 25 million fans on social media, and a huge influence in books, merchandise, and mobile games, Simon's Cat has become a well-known global brand. The token (CAT) continues this success and provides fans with a unique interactive platform for them to interact with the Simon's Cat universe. CAT, launched in August 2024, introduces fans to blockchain technology through a hybrid Web2/Web3 approach. This innovation enables exclusive rewards, interactive experiences, and charity-focused programs that align with Simon's Cat's core values ​​and audience interests, particularly in animal welfare. The token is designed to simplify fan adoption of blockchain, fostering active participation and deeper connections within the Simon's Cat community. By integrating digital and physical experiences, CAT enhances fan engagement and promotes inclusivity in the evolving Web3 space. Token Information 👉Project Name: Simon’s Cat 👉Token Symbol: CAT 👉Blockchain: BNB Chain and Solana 👉BNB Address: https :// 👉Solana Address: https :// Development History 🔥Simon's Cat has been committed to building an immersive, fan-centric ecosystem that emphasizes innovation, practicality, and community ownership. CAT's development strategy connects the Simon's Cat brand with the Web3 space to promote participation and deeper connections. 🔥CAT was launched on August 22, 2024, with a trading volume of more than $600 million on DEX and CEX within 72 hours, breaking the transaction record on the BNB chain. 🔥After CAT went online, BNB Chain's on-chain activity soared from an average of 4-5% in 90 days to 19.8% in 6 days, with a peak of 27.7%. This cycle record has been maintained throughout CAT’s first week of launch, highlighting its significant impact. 🔥DeFiLlama reports that the launch of Simon’s Cat pushed BNB Chain to surpass Solana in DEX trading volume for three consecutive days during CAT’s launch period — a significant achievement as Solana has been in the lead. 🔥CAT is currently listed on more than 40 exchanges, including Binance (perps), OKX, Bybit (perps), Kraken (perps), KuCoin, Gate, HTX, and more. 🔥Simon’s Cat: Fun Time is the official Telegram applet of Simon’s Cat, which has amassed more than 2.8 million users in the weeks since its launch. 🔥CAT recently bridged with Solana, making it tradable on both BNB Chain and Solana. The move is aimed at obtaining greater trading liquidity and expanding its influence in the market. $CAT Holders Airdrop Details: Simon's Cat 👉Token Name: Simon's Cat (CAT) 👉Total Token Supply: 8,099,954,917,916 CAT 👉Max Token Supply: 9,000,000,000,000 CAT 👉HODLer Airdrops Token Rewards: 1,143,000,000,000 CAT (12.7% of max token supply) 👉Current Circulating Supply: 6,749,954,917,916 CAT (75% of total supply) 👉Circulating Supply upon Listing on Binance: 7,892,954,917,916 CAT (88% of max token supply) The Binance HODLer Airdrops reward mechanism credits users with some rewards on their holdings, which could be subscribed to the different Simple Earn Binance products by holding BNB in Flexible or Locked Savings. The program is suitable for long-term crypto holders who have the potential for passive profits in the form of an additional token airdrop without actively staking or trading. #BinanceHODLer #CatOpening #BinanceAirdropsCATandPENGU

Simon's CAT ( $CAT ) on Binance HODLER Program

Simon's Cat tokens represent the seamless integration of the beloved Simon's Cat IP created by British animator Simon Tofield with the Web3 ecosystem. With more than 1.6 billion YouTube views, more than 25 million fans on social media, and a huge influence in books, merchandise, and mobile games, Simon's Cat has become a well-known global brand. The token (CAT) continues this success and provides fans with a unique interactive platform for them to interact with the Simon's Cat universe.
CAT, launched in August 2024, introduces fans to blockchain technology through a hybrid Web2/Web3 approach. This innovation enables exclusive rewards, interactive experiences, and charity-focused programs that align with Simon's Cat's core values ​​and audience interests, particularly in animal welfare.
The token is designed to simplify fan adoption of blockchain, fostering active participation and deeper connections within the Simon's Cat community. By integrating digital and physical experiences, CAT enhances fan engagement and promotes inclusivity in the evolving Web3 space.
Token Information
👉Project Name: Simon’s Cat
👉Token Symbol: CAT
👉Blockchain: BNB Chain and Solana
👉BNB Address: https ://
👉Solana Address: https ://
Development History
🔥Simon's Cat has been committed to building an immersive, fan-centric ecosystem that emphasizes innovation, practicality, and community ownership. CAT's development strategy connects the Simon's Cat brand with the Web3 space to promote participation and deeper connections.
🔥CAT was launched on August 22, 2024, with a trading volume of more than $600 million on DEX and CEX within 72 hours, breaking the transaction record on the BNB chain.
🔥After CAT went online, BNB Chain's on-chain activity soared from an average of 4-5% in 90 days to 19.8% in 6 days, with a peak of 27.7%. This cycle record has been maintained throughout CAT’s first week of launch, highlighting its significant impact.
🔥DeFiLlama reports that the launch of Simon’s Cat pushed BNB Chain to surpass Solana in DEX trading volume for three consecutive days during CAT’s launch period — a significant achievement as Solana has been in the lead.
🔥CAT is currently listed on more than 40 exchanges, including Binance (perps), OKX, Bybit (perps), Kraken (perps), KuCoin, Gate, HTX, and more.
🔥Simon’s Cat: Fun Time is the official Telegram applet of Simon’s Cat, which has amassed more than 2.8 million users in the weeks since its launch.
🔥CAT recently bridged with Solana, making it tradable on both BNB Chain and Solana. The move is aimed at obtaining greater trading liquidity and expanding its influence in the market.
$CAT Holders Airdrop Details: Simon's Cat
👉Token Name: Simon's Cat (CAT)
👉Total Token Supply: 8,099,954,917,916 CAT
👉Max Token Supply: 9,000,000,000,000 CAT
👉HODLer Airdrops Token Rewards: 1,143,000,000,000 CAT (12.7% of max token supply)
👉Current Circulating Supply: 6,749,954,917,916 CAT (75% of total supply)
👉Circulating Supply upon Listing on Binance: 7,892,954,917,916 CAT (88% of max token supply)
The Binance HODLer Airdrops reward mechanism credits users with some rewards on their holdings, which could be subscribed to the different Simple Earn Binance products by holding BNB in Flexible or Locked Savings.
The program is suitable for long-term crypto holders who have the potential for passive profits in the form of an additional token airdrop without actively staking or trading.
#BinanceHODLer #CatOpening #BinanceAirdropsCATandPENGU
Don’t Miss Out on the BLUM Airdrop – A Rare Opportunity Awaits The BLUM Airdrop is making waves inDon’t Miss Out on the BLUM Airdrop – A Rare Opportunity Awaits The BLUM Airdrop is making waves in the crypto space, offering participants a chance to secure free tokens with significant growth potential. If you’re looking for an easy way to step into a promising project, here’s everything you need to know. --- 📌 Key Airdrop Details Tokens Allocated Per User: 150,000 BLUM Estimated Token Value: $0.00015 Potential Earnings: $22.50 This airdrop offers a seamless entry into the crypto world with zero investment. The real excitement lies in the potential for BLUM’s value to skyrocket after the distribution. --- 🌟 Why BLUM Could Be a Game-Changer 1. Strong Growth Potential: A mere 60% price increase could raise your earnings from $22.50 to $36.00, making it a great opportunity to watch. 2. Market Challenges: As with any cryptocurrency, BLUM is not without risks, including potential low trading volume or limited community engagement. 3. Community-Driven Success: BLUM’s future hinges on active user participation and consistent project development. --- 💡 Pro Tips to Maximize Your Airdrop Earnings 1. Stay Updated: Keep track of BLUM’s price movements and key announcements to make informed decisions. 2. Prepare for Volatility: The crypto market is unpredictable, so be ready for rapid fluctuations in value. 3. Follow the Roadmap: Use BLUM’s milestone updates to decide whether to hold or sell your tokens. 4. Diversify Your Portfolio: Reduce risk by spreading your investments across multiple assets. --- Is BLUM the Next Big Crypto Opportunity? While the BLUM Airdrop is an easy way to secure free tokens, its long-term potential depends on the strength of its community and the project’s ability to deliver on its promises. As the launch date approaches, this is a project worth keeping on your radar. --- Are you planning to join the BLUM airdrop? Share your insights below! #BLUMAirdrop #CryptoOpportunities #DeFiPotential #BinanceHODLer #Write2Earn

Don’t Miss Out on the BLUM Airdrop – A Rare Opportunity Awaits The BLUM Airdrop is making waves in

Don’t Miss Out on the BLUM Airdrop – A Rare Opportunity Awaits
The BLUM Airdrop is making waves in the crypto space, offering participants a chance to secure free tokens with significant growth potential. If you’re looking for an easy way to step into a promising project, here’s everything you need to know.
📌 Key Airdrop Details
Tokens Allocated Per User: 150,000 BLUM
Estimated Token Value: $0.00015
Potential Earnings: $22.50
This airdrop offers a seamless entry into the crypto world with zero investment. The real excitement lies in the potential for BLUM’s value to skyrocket after the distribution.
🌟 Why BLUM Could Be a Game-Changer
1. Strong Growth Potential: A mere 60% price increase could raise your earnings from $22.50 to $36.00, making it a great opportunity to watch.
2. Market Challenges: As with any cryptocurrency, BLUM is not without risks, including potential low trading volume or limited community engagement.
3. Community-Driven Success: BLUM’s future hinges on active user participation and consistent project development.
💡 Pro Tips to Maximize Your Airdrop Earnings
1. Stay Updated: Keep track of BLUM’s price movements and key announcements to make informed decisions.
2. Prepare for Volatility: The crypto market is unpredictable, so be ready for rapid fluctuations in value.
3. Follow the Roadmap: Use BLUM’s milestone updates to decide whether to hold or sell your tokens.
4. Diversify Your Portfolio: Reduce risk by spreading your investments across multiple assets.
Is BLUM the Next Big Crypto Opportunity?
While the BLUM Airdrop is an easy way to secure free tokens, its long-term potential depends on the strength of its community and the project’s ability to deliver on its promises. As the launch date approaches, this is a project worth keeping on your radar.
Are you planning to join the BLUM airdrop? Share your insights below!
#BLUMAirdrop #CryptoOpportunities #DeFiPotential #BinanceHODLer #Write2Earn
Don’t Miss Out on the BLUM Airdrop – A Rare Opportunity Awaits The BLUM Airdrop is making waves in.. Don’t Miss Out on the BLUM Airdrop – A Rare Opportunity Awaits The BLUM Airdrop is making waves in the crypto space, offering participants a chance to secure free tokens with significant growth potential. If you’re looking for an easy way to step into a promising project, here’s everything you need to know. 📌 Key Airdrop Details Tokens Allocated Per User: 150,000 BLUM Estimated Token Value: $0.00015 Potential Earnings: $22.50 This airdrop offers a seamless entry into the crypto world with zero investment. The real excitement lies in the potential for BLUM’s value to skyrocket after the distribution. 🌟 Why BLUM Could Be a Game-Changer 1. Strong Growth Potential: A mere 60% price increase could raise your earnings from $22.50 to $36.00, making it a great opportunity to watch. 2. Market Challenges: As with any cryptocurrency, BLUM is not without risks, including potential low trading volume or limited community engagement. 3. Community-Driven Success: BLUM’s future hinges on active user participation and consistent project development. 💡 Pro Tips to Maximize Your Airdrop Earnings 1. Stay Updated: Keep track of BLUM’s price movements and key announcements to make informed decisions. 2. Prepare for Volatility: The crypto market is unpredictable, so be ready for rapid fluctuations in value. 3. Follow the Roadmap: Use BLUM’s milestone updates to decide whether to hold or sell your tokens. 4. Diversify Your Portfolio: Reduce risk by spreading your investments across multiple assets. Is BLUM the Next Big Crypto Opportunity? While the BLUM Airdrop is an easy way to secure free tokens, its long-term potential depends on the strength of its community and the project’s ability to deliver on its promises. As the launch date approaches, this is a project worth keeping on your radar. Are you planning to join the BLUM airdrop? Share your insights below! #BlumAirdrop #CryptoOpportunities #DeFiPotential #BinanceHODLer #Write2Earn
Don’t Miss Out on the BLUM Airdrop – A Rare Opportunity Awaits The BLUM Airdrop is making waves in..
Don’t Miss Out on the BLUM Airdrop – A Rare Opportunity Awaits

The BLUM Airdrop is making waves in the crypto space, offering participants a chance to secure free tokens with significant growth potential. If you’re looking for an easy way to step into a promising project, here’s everything you need to know.

📌 Key Airdrop Details
Tokens Allocated Per User: 150,000 BLUM
Estimated Token Value: $0.00015
Potential Earnings: $22.50
This airdrop offers a seamless entry into the crypto world with zero investment. The real excitement lies in the potential for BLUM’s value to skyrocket after the distribution.

🌟 Why BLUM Could Be a Game-Changer
1. Strong Growth Potential: A mere 60% price increase could raise your earnings from $22.50 to $36.00, making it a great opportunity to watch.
2. Market Challenges: As with any cryptocurrency, BLUM is not without risks, including potential low trading volume or limited community engagement.
3. Community-Driven Success: BLUM’s future hinges on active user participation and consistent project development.

💡 Pro Tips to Maximize Your Airdrop Earnings
1. Stay Updated: Keep track of BLUM’s price movements and key announcements to make informed decisions.
2. Prepare for Volatility: The crypto market is unpredictable, so be ready for rapid fluctuations in value.
3. Follow the Roadmap: Use BLUM’s milestone updates to decide whether to hold or sell your tokens.
4. Diversify Your Portfolio: Reduce risk by spreading your investments across multiple assets.

Is BLUM the Next Big Crypto Opportunity?
While the BLUM Airdrop is an easy way to secure free tokens, its long-term potential depends on the strength of its community and the project’s ability to deliver on its promises. As the launch date approaches, this is a project worth keeping on your radar.

Are you planning to join the BLUM airdrop? Share your insights below!

#BlumAirdrop #CryptoOpportunities #DeFiPotential #BinanceHODLer #Write2Earn
The 4th Project on Binance Hodler Program - $PENGUBinance has announced Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) as the 4th project in its HODLer Airdrops program. The announcement is a significant milestone for the Pudgy Penguins community, which has grown into a cultural phenomenon with over 50 billion social views and a robust global following. $PENGU was officially listed on Binance on December 17, 2024, at 14:00 UTC, with trading pairs including USDT, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY. Binance also airdropped 2.67 billion PENGU tokens to eligible BNB holders, accounting for 3% of the token’s max supply, directly into their Spot Wallets. Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) on Binance HODLER Airdrop The PENGU token is central to expanding the Pudgy Penguins ecosystem, aiming to strengthen its community and cultural significance. With a max supply of 88,888,888,888 tokens, the project embodies the playful, community-first ethos that has made Pudgy Penguins a standout brand in crypto. 👉Token Details 🔥Name: Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) 🔥Total/Max Supply: 88,888,888,888 $PENGU 🔥Circulating Supply Upon Listing: 62,415,951,646 $PENGU 👉Airdrop Allocation 🔥Total Airdropped Tokens: 2,666,666,666.64 $PENGU (3% of max supply) 🔥Eligibility: Based on BNB holdings during the airdrop period. Smart Contract 👉Blockchain: Solana 👉Contract Address: 2zMMhcVQEXDtdE6vsFS7S7D5oUodfJHE8vd1gnBouauv The $PENGU token is not tied to specific utility but rather reflects a shared identity and belonging within the Pudgy Penguins community. By bridging blockchain and mainstream culture, $PENGU has the potential to attract both crypto enthusiasts and general audiences alike. Key Highlights of Pudgy Penguins Pudgy Penguins is not just an NFT project; it is a cultural phenomenon with an expansive reach. The mission of Pudgy Penguins extends beyond NFTs, aiming to build a brand that resonates with audiences through its ethos of positivity and underdog triumph. Key Features of Pudgy Penguins: Viral Appeal: Over 34 billion GIF views and substantial engagement across platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Retail Success: More than 1.5 million Pudgy toys sold through retailers like Walmart, Amazon, and Target. Community-Centric Approach: $PENGU tokens empower the community to participate in the brand’s evolution. What’s Next for Pudgy Penguins? Pudgy Penguins continues to solidify its position as a key player in the NFT and Web3 space. With Binance’s support, $PENGU offers both seasoned crypto enthusiasts and newcomers an opportunity to engage with one of the strongest communities in the ecosystem. This partnership underscores the growing synergy between innovative blockchain projects and major exchanges, setting a precedent for future collaborations. Stay tuned as Pudgy Penguins breaks new ground, bringing fresh opportunities for the crypto community. ............ Binance HODLer Airdrops is a program that rewards BNB holders with token airdrops based on historical snapshots of their BNB balances. By subscribing BNB to Simple Earn, users are automatically eligible for HODLer Airdrops (as well as Launchpool and Megadrop rewards). #PENGUOpening #BinanceHODLer

The 4th Project on Binance Hodler Program - $PENGU

Binance has announced Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) as the 4th project in its HODLer Airdrops program. The announcement is a significant milestone for the Pudgy Penguins community, which has grown into a cultural phenomenon with over 50 billion social views and a robust global following.
$PENGU was officially listed on Binance on December 17, 2024, at 14:00 UTC, with trading pairs including USDT, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY. Binance also airdropped 2.67 billion PENGU tokens to eligible BNB holders, accounting for 3% of the token’s max supply, directly into their Spot Wallets.
Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) on Binance HODLER Airdrop
The PENGU token is central to expanding the Pudgy Penguins ecosystem, aiming to strengthen its community and cultural significance. With a max supply of 88,888,888,888 tokens, the project embodies the playful, community-first ethos that has made Pudgy Penguins a standout brand in crypto.
👉Token Details
🔥Name: Pudgy Penguins (PENGU)
🔥Total/Max Supply: 88,888,888,888 $PENGU
🔥Circulating Supply Upon Listing: 62,415,951,646 $PENGU
👉Airdrop Allocation
🔥Total Airdropped Tokens: 2,666,666,666.64 $PENGU (3% of max supply)
🔥Eligibility: Based on BNB holdings during the airdrop period.
Smart Contract
👉Blockchain: Solana
👉Contract Address: 2zMMhcVQEXDtdE6vsFS7S7D5oUodfJHE8vd1gnBouauv
The $PENGU token is not tied to specific utility but rather reflects a shared identity and belonging within the Pudgy Penguins community. By bridging blockchain and mainstream culture, $PENGU has the potential to attract both crypto enthusiasts and general audiences alike.
Key Highlights of Pudgy Penguins
Pudgy Penguins is not just an NFT project; it is a cultural phenomenon with an expansive reach. The mission of Pudgy Penguins extends beyond NFTs, aiming to build a brand that resonates with audiences through its ethos of positivity and underdog triumph.
Key Features of Pudgy Penguins:
Viral Appeal: Over 34 billion GIF views and substantial engagement across platforms like TikTok and Instagram.
Retail Success: More than 1.5 million Pudgy toys sold through retailers like Walmart, Amazon, and Target.
Community-Centric Approach: $PENGU tokens empower the community to participate in the brand’s evolution.
What’s Next for Pudgy Penguins?
Pudgy Penguins continues to solidify its position as a key player in the NFT and Web3 space. With Binance’s support, $PENGU offers both seasoned crypto enthusiasts and newcomers an opportunity to engage with one of the strongest communities in the ecosystem.
This partnership underscores the growing synergy between innovative blockchain projects and major exchanges, setting a precedent for future collaborations. Stay tuned as Pudgy Penguins breaks new ground, bringing fresh opportunities for the crypto community.
Binance HODLer Airdrops is a program that rewards BNB holders with token airdrops based on historical snapshots of their BNB balances. By subscribing BNB to Simple Earn, users are automatically eligible for HODLer Airdrops (as well as Launchpool and Megadrop rewards).
#PENGUOpening #BinanceHODLer
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