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Off The Grid 计划通过基于 Web3 的大逃杀游戏主宰主机游戏市场Gunzilla Games 即将于 2024 年 10 月推出其即将推出的赛博朋克大逃杀第三人称射击游戏 Off the Grid 的抢先体验版,现在又大举推出跨流派、区块链驱动的游戏 Off The Grid(OTG),这是一款以故事驱动的大逃杀为背景的第三人称射击游戏。 该游戏在 PC、PS5 和 Xbox Series X & S 上处于抢先体验阶段,采用重新混合的免费游戏方式,还具有使用区块链技术保护的数字游戏内物品。 Gunzilla Games 是 OTG 背后的团队,由多位游戏行业资深人士组成,尤其是 CRYENGINE 的创造者,CRYENGINE 是《孤岛惊魂》系列游戏引擎,而 Warface 是一款在线射击游戏,自发布以来玩家人数超过 1.5 亿,一度创下射击游戏单服务器同时在线人数最多的世界纪录。 创始团队还包括奥斯卡提名电影导演尼尔·布洛姆坎普,他担任首席创意官,最著名的作品是执导故事片《第九区》、《极乐空间》、《GT 浪漫旅》和《超能小子》。 Gunzilla 利用其在打造热门射击游戏和将其扩展到数亿玩家方面的专业知识,通过全新的商业模式、引人注目的新功能、强大的叙事元素和基于区块链的游戏内物品,对标准的大逃杀射击游戏进行了创新。 正如 Web3 总监 Theodore Agranat 在最近接受 OpenSea 采访时所说:“这支团队实力雄厚,随时准备应对市场上最大的战斗。” Off the Grid 将推出一款 OpenSea 皮肤,包括武器和衬衫,有关供应的更多详细信息将在未来几周内公布,为了更深入地了解 Off The Grid 如何在竞争激烈的环境中脱颖而出,我们与 Theodore Agranat 进行了交谈,深入了解该项目的起源和未来方向。 Off The Grid 计划如何脱颖而出  大逃杀类游戏由几款主流游戏主导,几乎每款主流大逃杀类游戏都采用免费游戏(F2P)模式,通常通过出售限时游戏内化妆品和战斗通行证来实现盈利,而这些通行证通常通过进度系统解锁游戏内容。 考虑到大逃杀游戏的市场规模,预计到 2031 年,其收入将达到 231 亿美元,覆盖数亿玩家,OTG 团队认为该游戏有空间开辟一个利基市场,并通过独特的方式吸引新玩家。 在游戏玩法方面,Agranat 透露,该游戏将拥有所有大逃杀游戏中最大的地图,最多可同时容纳 150 名玩家,并且能够在点对点市场中购买或出售任何游戏内物品。 玩家将被投放到泪珠岛,这是一块面积为一平方英里的战场,由三个派系争夺,每个玩家都可以收集和装备机械肢体,这些机械肢体可以提供特定的能力和升级,例如可以提高速度或跳跃能力的腿部,或者可以发射手榴弹的手臂。 这些机械肢体可以从对手身上射出,也可以从被击败的对手身上偷走,让玩家能够实时改变和混合他们的游戏风格。  团队对 OTG 的故事情节进行了深思熟虑,希望通过故事情节吸引玩家,该游戏承诺为游戏核心的引人入胜的中心冲突提供超过 60 小时的故事情节,这是大逃杀类游戏中的首例,此外,Gunzilla 不时发布由 Blomkamp 制作的短片,以推进游戏叙事。 Gunzilla 的研究表明,玩家会对具有强大中心叙事的游戏投入更多的情感,并且往往拒绝大逃杀类游戏。 另一个与大逃杀游戏规则不同的是:OTG 只会直接向玩家出售战斗通行证,游戏物品只能通过在游戏中收集或从 Gunzilla 运营的点对点市场购买来获得,后者将与 OpenSea 整合。 该公司将只通过市场上的费用和直接出售战斗通行证来赚钱,玩家在市场上列出要出售的物品时必须这样做。 此外,他们还计划与各大品牌合作举办赞助活动,正如 Agranat 所说:“品牌总是希望向他们了解的受众做广告,通过我们,他们将获得大量信息,并与我们的玩家群体建立关系。” 了解 Off The Grid 如何实现链上化 OTG 是在 GUNZ 上运行的,GUNZ 是建立在 Avalanche 区块链子网上的区块链,将与 OpenSea 集成,它的货币是 GUN 代币,用于购买和出售游戏内物品,玩家将能够在即将发布的 OpenSea 上使用 GUN 代币购买和出售 OTG 物品。 游戏中以 NFT 形式标记的物品包括武器、衣服、仿生身体部位和玩家角色的化妆品,玩家可以通过从二级市场购买或在游戏过程中提取 NFT 来将 NFT 添加到他们的收藏中。 “我们预计每年都会在游戏中 Drop 大量游戏内物品。” Agranat 说:“所有物品都将被代币化,这样你就可以拥有它并与其他玩家交易,游戏中将有数千万玩家,所以我们预计会有大量交易,有时是购买真正有用或稀有的物品,有时是购买你快用完的基本物品。” 玩家最初进入游戏时,手中只有一把基本的手枪作为武器,引导他们寻找 “Hex” 物品,即装有 NFT 支持的游戏物品的盒子,对于传统游戏玩家来说,这就像一场无缝的抢劫和射击大逃杀。 对于 web3 友好的游戏玩家来说,他们将建立一个潜在的有价值和稀有的收藏品,Agranat 说他们可以在游戏中展示这些收藏品,也可以出售这些收藏品(如果他们愿意的话)。 “有多少次你在玩实时服务游戏时想要在锦标赛中炫耀某种皮肤,但却无处购买?” Agranat 问道:“游戏内物品的销售市场是可行的,我们正在将其融入 Off The Grid 中。” OTG 的下一步发展 随着数十万玩家加入发布等待名单,OTG 已进入抢先体验阶段,对该游戏感兴趣的玩家可以在 Xbox Series S & X、PC 和 PlayStation 5 上添加它。 GUNZ 链将与 OpenSea 整合,开放 OTG 物品的可用性,并向广大 NFT 收藏家展示该游戏。 Off the Grid 上线 2024 年 10 月 8 日,Off the Grid 在 PlayStation 5、Xbox Series X 和 Epic Games Store 上启动了抢先体验阶段,并与顶级创作者 Ninja、Scump 和 TimTheTatMan 建立了流媒体合作伙伴关系,引起了轰动,甚至在游戏中为 Ninja 赋予了自己的外观皮肤。 Off the Grid 很快就登上了 Epic Games Store 上免费游戏排行榜上玩得最多和下载次数最多的榜首,从那时起,GeForce NOW 的支持就已加入,将游戏带到了移动设备、平板电脑、MAC、旧 PC 以及电视上。  根据 Delphi Ventures 创始合伙人 Piers Kicks 的推文,这款游戏在抢先体验版推出的前三天在 Twitch 上的观看时间已超过 100 万小时。 截至今日,GUNZ 已拥有超过 1300 万个钱包,总交易量超过 3.7 亿笔,平均每天交易量达 250 万笔。  Gunzilla Games 于 2024 年 12 月 13 日宣布与 Delphi Ventures 合作成立 GUNZ 基金会,为即将推出的 GUN 代币和 GUNZ 区块链主网做准备,并计划于 2025 年第一季度推出。 “我们最终的目标是在游戏正式发布后一年内吸引 1 亿玩家。” Agranat 说道:“我们拥有一流的团队、独特的大逃杀游戏玩法以及无缝的链上游戏经济,我们对 Off The Grid 的未来充满信心。” 编者注:本文与 Gunzilla Games 合作撰写,提及代币仅供参考,不作为财务或投资建议。 #OTG #GUNZ #GUN #AvalancheAVAX 你关心的 OpenSea 内容 探索 | 收集 | 销售 | 购买 收藏关注 OpenSea 币安频道 掌握最新资讯

Off The Grid 计划通过基于 Web3 的大逃杀游戏主宰主机游戏市场

Gunzilla Games 即将于 2024 年 10 月推出其即将推出的赛博朋克大逃杀第三人称射击游戏 Off the Grid 的抢先体验版,现在又大举推出跨流派、区块链驱动的游戏 Off The Grid(OTG),这是一款以故事驱动的大逃杀为背景的第三人称射击游戏。
该游戏在 PC、PS5 和 Xbox Series X & S 上处于抢先体验阶段,采用重新混合的免费游戏方式,还具有使用区块链技术保护的数字游戏内物品。
Gunzilla Games 是 OTG 背后的团队,由多位游戏行业资深人士组成,尤其是 CRYENGINE 的创造者,CRYENGINE 是《孤岛惊魂》系列游戏引擎,而 Warface 是一款在线射击游戏,自发布以来玩家人数超过 1.5 亿,一度创下射击游戏单服务器同时在线人数最多的世界纪录。
创始团队还包括奥斯卡提名电影导演尼尔·布洛姆坎普,他担任首席创意官,最著名的作品是执导故事片《第九区》、《极乐空间》、《GT 浪漫旅》和《超能小子》。
Gunzilla 利用其在打造热门射击游戏和将其扩展到数亿玩家方面的专业知识,通过全新的商业模式、引人注目的新功能、强大的叙事元素和基于区块链的游戏内物品,对标准的大逃杀射击游戏进行了创新。
正如 Web3 总监 Theodore Agranat 在最近接受 OpenSea 采访时所说:“这支团队实力雄厚,随时准备应对市场上最大的战斗。”

Off the Grid 将推出一款 OpenSea 皮肤,包括武器和衬衫,有关供应的更多详细信息将在未来几周内公布,为了更深入地了解 Off The Grid 如何在竞争激烈的环境中脱颖而出,我们与 Theodore Agranat 进行了交谈,深入了解该项目的起源和未来方向。
Off The Grid 计划如何脱颖而出 
考虑到大逃杀游戏的市场规模,预计到 2031 年,其收入将达到 231 亿美元,覆盖数亿玩家,OTG 团队认为该游戏有空间开辟一个利基市场,并通过独特的方式吸引新玩家。
在游戏玩法方面,Agranat 透露,该游戏将拥有所有大逃杀游戏中最大的地图,最多可同时容纳 150 名玩家,并且能够在点对点市场中购买或出售任何游戏内物品。

团队对 OTG 的故事情节进行了深思熟虑,希望通过故事情节吸引玩家,该游戏承诺为游戏核心的引人入胜的中心冲突提供超过 60 小时的故事情节,这是大逃杀类游戏中的首例,此外,Gunzilla 不时发布由 Blomkamp 制作的短片,以推进游戏叙事。
Gunzilla 的研究表明,玩家会对具有强大中心叙事的游戏投入更多的情感,并且往往拒绝大逃杀类游戏。
另一个与大逃杀游戏规则不同的是:OTG 只会直接向玩家出售战斗通行证,游戏物品只能通过在游戏中收集或从 Gunzilla 运营的点对点市场购买来获得,后者将与 OpenSea 整合。
此外,他们还计划与各大品牌合作举办赞助活动,正如 Agranat 所说:“品牌总是希望向他们了解的受众做广告,通过我们,他们将获得大量信息,并与我们的玩家群体建立关系。”
了解 Off The Grid 如何实现链上化
OTG 是在 GUNZ 上运行的,GUNZ 是建立在 Avalanche 区块链子网上的区块链,将与 OpenSea 集成,它的货币是 GUN 代币,用于购买和出售游戏内物品,玩家将能够在即将发布的 OpenSea 上使用 GUN 代币购买和出售 OTG 物品。

游戏中以 NFT 形式标记的物品包括武器、衣服、仿生身体部位和玩家角色的化妆品,玩家可以通过从二级市场购买或在游戏过程中提取 NFT 来将 NFT 添加到他们的收藏中。
“我们预计每年都会在游戏中 Drop 大量游戏内物品。” Agranat 说:“所有物品都将被代币化,这样你就可以拥有它并与其他玩家交易,游戏中将有数千万玩家,所以我们预计会有大量交易,有时是购买真正有用或稀有的物品,有时是购买你快用完的基本物品。”

玩家最初进入游戏时,手中只有一把基本的手枪作为武器,引导他们寻找 “Hex” 物品,即装有 NFT 支持的游戏物品的盒子,对于传统游戏玩家来说,这就像一场无缝的抢劫和射击大逃杀。
对于 web3 友好的游戏玩家来说,他们将建立一个潜在的有价值和稀有的收藏品,Agranat 说他们可以在游戏中展示这些收藏品,也可以出售这些收藏品(如果他们愿意的话)。
“有多少次你在玩实时服务游戏时想要在锦标赛中炫耀某种皮肤,但却无处购买?” Agranat 问道:“游戏内物品的销售市场是可行的,我们正在将其融入 Off The Grid 中。”
OTG 的下一步发展

随着数十万玩家加入发布等待名单,OTG 已进入抢先体验阶段,对该游戏感兴趣的玩家可以在 Xbox Series S & X、PC 和 PlayStation 5 上添加它。
GUNZ 链将与 OpenSea 整合,开放 OTG 物品的可用性,并向广大 NFT 收藏家展示该游戏。
Off the Grid 上线
2024 年 10 月 8 日,Off the Grid 在 PlayStation 5、Xbox Series X 和 Epic Games Store 上启动了抢先体验阶段,并与顶级创作者 Ninja、Scump 和 TimTheTatMan 建立了流媒体合作伙伴关系,引起了轰动,甚至在游戏中为 Ninja 赋予了自己的外观皮肤。
Off the Grid 很快就登上了 Epic Games Store 上免费游戏排行榜上玩得最多和下载次数最多的榜首,从那时起,GeForce NOW 的支持就已加入,将游戏带到了移动设备、平板电脑、MAC、旧 PC 以及电视上。 
根据 Delphi Ventures 创始合伙人 Piers Kicks 的推文,这款游戏在抢先体验版推出的前三天在 Twitch 上的观看时间已超过 100 万小时。
截至今日,GUNZ 已拥有超过 1300 万个钱包,总交易量超过 3.7 亿笔,平均每天交易量达 250 万笔。 
Gunzilla Games 于 2024 年 12 月 13 日宣布与 Delphi Ventures 合作成立 GUNZ 基金会,为即将推出的 GUN 代币和 GUNZ 区块链主网做准备,并计划于 2025 年第一季度推出。
“我们最终的目标是在游戏正式发布后一年内吸引 1 亿玩家。” Agranat 说道:“我们拥有一流的团队、独特的大逃杀游戏玩法以及无缝的链上游戏经济,我们对 Off The Grid 的未来充满信心。”
编者注:本文与 Gunzilla Games 合作撰写,提及代币仅供参考,不作为财务或投资建议。

#OTG #GUNZ #GUN #AvalancheAVAX

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Which one are you stacking today? 🤑
#Binance #crypto #solana #Chainlink #AvalancheAVAX $LINK


تجنب الخسائر في تداول العقود الآجلة – نصائح يجب قراءتها!يمكن أن يكون تداول العقود الآجلة مربحًا للغاية ولكنه محفوف بالمخاطر أيضًا إذا لم تتبع الاحتياطات المناسبة. إليك نصائح أساسية للتداول بأمان وتعظيم نجاحك! ✅ 1. استخدم دائمًا وقف الخسارة وجني الأرباح حدد وقف الخسارة وجني الأرباح لحماية أموالك من انهيارات السوق غير المتوقعة. ✅ 2. تحكم في الرافعة المالية الرافعة المالية العالية = مخاطر عالية! يجب على المبتدئين البدء بـ 3x أو 5x بدلاً من 10x+. ✅ 3. استثمر بحكمة لا تتداول أبدًا بأموال لا يمكنك تحمل خسارتها. ✅ 4. قم بتحليلك الخاص لا تتبع الإشارات بشكل أعمى - ادرس الاتجاهات الفنية والأساسية قبل التداول. ✅ 5. ابتعد عن المشاعر الخوف والجشع يؤديان إلى اتخاذ قرارات سيئة. التزم بخطة التداول الخاصة بك! ✅ 6. حافظ على رصيد هامش قوي يمكن أن يؤدي الهامش المنخفض إلى التصفية، لذا احتفظ دائمًا بأموال كافية في حسابك. ✅ 7. تابع أخبار السوق تؤثر اللوائح والتحركات المؤسسية والأخبار على أسواق العملات المشفرة - ابق على اطلاع! ✅ 8. اختر وضع الهامش المناسب 🔹 الهامش المتقاطع: يستخدم رصيدك بالكامل (مخاطرة أعلى) 🔹 الهامش المنعزل: يحد من المخاطر في صفقة واحدة (أكثر أمانًا) 💡 نصيحة إضافية: هل أنت جديد على العقود الآجلة؟ ابدأ بحساب تجريبي ورأس مال صغير قبل أن تستثمر كثيرًا! ⚡ تداول بذكاء، ابق آمنًا! ⚡ 📌 شارك هذا مع زملائك المتداولين! 💬 ما هو أكبر خطأ ترتكبه في التداول؟ اتركه في التعليقات! 👇 #bainance #AvalancheAVAX

تجنب الخسائر في تداول العقود الآجلة – نصائح يجب قراءتها!

يمكن أن يكون تداول العقود الآجلة مربحًا للغاية ولكنه محفوف بالمخاطر أيضًا إذا لم تتبع الاحتياطات المناسبة. إليك نصائح أساسية للتداول بأمان وتعظيم نجاحك!
✅ 1. استخدم دائمًا وقف الخسارة وجني الأرباح
حدد وقف الخسارة وجني الأرباح لحماية أموالك من انهيارات السوق غير المتوقعة.
✅ 2. تحكم في الرافعة المالية
الرافعة المالية العالية = مخاطر عالية! يجب على المبتدئين البدء بـ 3x أو 5x بدلاً من 10x+.
✅ 3. استثمر بحكمة
لا تتداول أبدًا بأموال لا يمكنك تحمل خسارتها.
✅ 4. قم بتحليلك الخاص
لا تتبع الإشارات بشكل أعمى - ادرس الاتجاهات الفنية والأساسية قبل التداول.
✅ 5. ابتعد عن المشاعر
الخوف والجشع يؤديان إلى اتخاذ قرارات سيئة. التزم بخطة التداول الخاصة بك!
✅ 6. حافظ على رصيد هامش قوي
يمكن أن يؤدي الهامش المنخفض إلى التصفية، لذا احتفظ دائمًا بأموال كافية في حسابك.
✅ 7. تابع أخبار السوق
تؤثر اللوائح والتحركات المؤسسية والأخبار على أسواق العملات المشفرة - ابق على اطلاع!
✅ 8. اختر وضع الهامش المناسب
🔹 الهامش المتقاطع: يستخدم رصيدك بالكامل (مخاطرة أعلى)
🔹 الهامش المنعزل: يحد من المخاطر في صفقة واحدة (أكثر أمانًا)
💡 نصيحة إضافية: هل أنت جديد على العقود الآجلة؟ ابدأ بحساب تجريبي ورأس مال صغير قبل أن تستثمر كثيرًا!

⚡ تداول بذكاء، ابق آمنًا! ⚡
📌 شارك هذا مع زملائك المتداولين! 💬 ما هو أكبر خطأ ترتكبه في التداول؟ اتركه في التعليقات! 👇
وقف الخسارة
Avalanche price analysis for today (March 02, 2025) The current price of Avalanche (AVAX) is $21.90, price is down by -0.38% in the last 24 hours. AVAX is currently available on 48 exchanges and in past 24 hours, 7,846,738 AVAX coins have been exchanged, which equals $171,806,847 in a trading volume. Today, Avalanche (AVAX) opened at $21.87. It's up by 0.11% from the opening price. Despite rallying to the $22.08 level, Avalanche (AVAX) faced resistance and was unable to maintain the momentum to move higher. From the maximum price of the last 30, and 7 days it's value is down by -39.32% and -16.81%, and from the minimum recorded price in the same timeframe, its up by 7.69%. According to our analysis, AVAX needs to stay above $21.46 to potentially move towards the first major resistance level at $24.57. Breaking above $24.57, could see AVAX rise to the next resistance level at $27.69. The third resistance is at $33.42. If the price drops, the first support level to watch is $21.46. If this level does not hold, a further decline to the next support level at $17.63 is possible. #AVA #AvalancheAVAX $AVA {spot}(AVAXUSDT)
Avalanche price analysis for today (March 02, 2025)

The current price of Avalanche (AVAX) is $21.90, price is down by -0.38% in the last 24 hours. AVAX is currently available on 48 exchanges and in past 24 hours, 7,846,738 AVAX coins have been exchanged, which equals $171,806,847 in a trading volume.
Today, Avalanche (AVAX) opened at $21.87. It's up by 0.11% from the opening price. Despite rallying to the $22.08 level, Avalanche (AVAX) faced resistance and was unable to maintain the momentum to move higher. From the maximum price of the last 30, and 7 days it's value is down by -39.32% and -16.81%, and from the minimum recorded price in the same timeframe, its up by 7.69%.
According to our analysis, AVAX needs to stay above $21.46 to potentially move towards the first major resistance level at $24.57. Breaking above $24.57, could see AVAX rise to the next resistance level at $27.69. The third resistance is at $33.42.
If the price drops, the first support level to watch is $21.46. If this level does not hold, a further decline to the next support level at $17.63 is possible.
#AVA #AvalancheAVAX
Here are five altcoins to watch for potential growth in 2025, based on current trends and technological advancements. Please remember that these are speculative and not financial advice. Ethereum (ETH) Why: Ethereum continues to dominate as the top platform for smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The ongoing rollout of Ethereum 2.0 enhances scalability, security, and transaction efficiency, solidifying its position as a leader in the crypto ecosystem. Solana (SOL) Why: With its fast and low-cost transactions, Solana has gained significant traction in the DeFi, gaming, and NFT sectors. Its growing developer community and expanding ecosystem position it as a strong contender for long-term growth. Chainlink (LINK) Why: As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink enables smart contracts to securely access real-world data. Its broad adoption across DeFi platforms and enterprise projects highlights its critical role in blockchain infrastructure. Polkadot (DOT) Why: Polkadot focuses on enhancing blockchain interoperability, enabling seamless communication between different networks. Its robust developer ecosystem and ongoing innovation make it a key player in driving cross-chain functionality and scalability. Avalanche (AVAX) Why: Known for its speed and scalability, Avalanche is gaining traction in DeFi, enterprise solutions, and institutional adoption. Its unique subnet architecture allows for the creation of custom blockchain solutions, boosting its appeal within the crypto space. As always, conduct your own research and stay updated on market trends before making any investment decisions. #Ethereum #Solona #Chainlink #Poladot #AvalancheAVAX $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $SOL $LINK {spot}(LINKUSDT)
Here are five altcoins to watch for potential growth in 2025, based on current trends and technological advancements. Please remember that these are speculative and not financial advice.

Ethereum (ETH)
Why: Ethereum continues to dominate as the top platform for smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The ongoing rollout of Ethereum 2.0 enhances scalability, security, and transaction efficiency, solidifying its position as a leader in the crypto ecosystem.

Solana (SOL)
Why: With its fast and low-cost transactions, Solana has gained significant traction in the DeFi, gaming, and NFT sectors. Its growing developer community and expanding ecosystem position it as a strong contender for long-term growth.

Chainlink (LINK)
Why: As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink enables smart contracts to securely access real-world data. Its broad adoption across DeFi platforms and enterprise projects highlights its critical role in blockchain infrastructure.

Polkadot (DOT)
Why: Polkadot focuses on enhancing blockchain interoperability, enabling seamless communication between different networks. Its robust developer ecosystem and ongoing innovation make it a key player in driving cross-chain functionality and scalability.

Avalanche (AVAX)
Why: Known for its speed and scalability, Avalanche is gaining traction in DeFi, enterprise solutions, and institutional adoption. Its unique subnet architecture allows for the creation of custom blockchain solutions, boosting its appeal within the crypto space.

As always, conduct your own research and stay updated on market trends before making any investment decisions.
#Ethereum #Solona #Chainlink #Poladot #AvalancheAVAX $ETH
أطلقت مؤسسة Avalanche وشركة الدفع الرقمي Rain بطاقة Avalanche في 26 فبراير 2025، مما يتيح للمستخدمين في جنوب شرق آسيا وأفريقيا وأمريكا اللاتينية إنفاق العملات المشفرة من خلال شبكة Visa العالمية. تتعاون Avalanche وRain لإطلاق بطاقة تشفير للإنفاق الخالي من التحويل تدعم البطاقة المعاملات باستخدام USDC وUSDT وWrapped AVAX (wAVAX) وAVAX، $AVAX {spot}(AVAXUSDT) #AvalancheAVAX #elaouzi
أطلقت مؤسسة Avalanche وشركة الدفع الرقمي Rain بطاقة Avalanche في 26 فبراير 2025، مما يتيح للمستخدمين في جنوب شرق آسيا وأفريقيا وأمريكا اللاتينية إنفاق العملات المشفرة من خلال شبكة Visa العالمية. تتعاون Avalanche وRain لإطلاق بطاقة تشفير للإنفاق الخالي من التحويل تدعم البطاقة المعاملات باستخدام USDC وUSDT وWrapped AVAX (wAVAX) وAVAX،


#AvalancheAVAX #elaouzi
Avalanche Card Debuts for Crypto Payments in Emerging Markets Avalanche launches a Visa-backed crypto card, expanding digital payments in emerging markets amid rising demand for seamless crypto transactions. {spot}(AVAXUSDT) The Avalanche Foundation has officially launched the Avalanche Card, a Visa-backed crypto payment card, as part of a broader push to integrate digital assets into mainstream financial services. How the Avalanche Card Works Developed in partnership with Rain Liquidity fintech, the Avalanche Card lets users spend USDC, USDT, wAVAX, and AVAX directly, eliminating conversion hassles and reducing costs. It also integrates with Visa’s global payment network, making it accessible for both online and in-store transactions. Avalanche executives emphasize that the card is designed to make cryptocurrency spending as seamless as traditional payments. “As digital assets gain wider adoption, we’re bringing them into everyday financial activities,” said John Wu, President of Ava Labs. “The Avalanche Card turns crypto into a practical payment tool.” Why This Matters As crypto payment adoption grows, the Avalanche Card could position Avalanche as a leader in bridging blockchain with traditional finance. The rate of sign-ups in emerging markets could be a key indicator of how digital assets continue to gain real-world utility. #AVAX #AVAX✈️ #AvalancheAVAX
Avalanche Card Debuts for Crypto Payments
in Emerging Markets

Avalanche launches a Visa-backed crypto card, expanding digital payments in emerging markets amid rising demand for seamless crypto transactions.

The Avalanche Foundation has officially launched the Avalanche Card, a Visa-backed crypto payment card, as part of a broader push to integrate digital assets into mainstream financial services.

How the Avalanche Card Works
Developed in partnership with Rain Liquidity fintech, the Avalanche Card lets users spend USDC, USDT, wAVAX, and AVAX directly, eliminating conversion hassles and reducing costs.

It also integrates with Visa’s global payment network, making it accessible for both online and in-store transactions.

Avalanche executives emphasize that the card is designed to make cryptocurrency spending as seamless as traditional payments.

“As digital assets gain wider adoption, we’re bringing them into everyday financial activities,” said John Wu, President of Ava Labs. “The Avalanche Card turns crypto into a practical payment tool.”

Why This Matters
As crypto payment adoption grows, the Avalanche Card could position Avalanche as a leader in bridging blockchain with traditional finance. The rate of sign-ups in emerging markets could be a key indicator of how digital assets continue to gain real-world utility.

#AVAX #AVAX✈️ #AvalancheAVAX
Avalanche launches the Avalanche Visa Card, letting users spend $AVAX , #USDT , and $USDC at any Visa-accepting merchant.#AvalancheAVAX 👇👇👇👇👇💥💥💥💥
Avalanche launches the Avalanche Visa Card, letting users spend $AVAX , #USDT , and $USDC at any Visa-accepting merchant.#AvalancheAVAX 👇👇👇👇👇💥💥💥💥
Avalanche Foundation & Rain Launch Avalanche Card for Seamless Crypto Payments The Avalanche Foundation has teamed up with Rain to introduce the Avalanche Card, a Visa-powered payment card that allows users to spend crypto effortlessly at any merchant accepting Visa. 🔹 Supported Cryptos: AVAX, Wrapped AVAX (wAVAX), USDT, and USDC 🔹 Availability: Latin America, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, and Africa 🔹 Card Types: Both physical and digital versions for online and in-store payments This initiative aims to drive global crypto adoption by making digital assets more practical for everyday transactions. Users can sign up through the official website to join the waitlist and be among the first to access this game-changing payment solution. Would you use the Avalanche Card for daily purchases? 🚀 #Avalanche #AVAX #CryptoPayments #Visa #Blockchain #Rain #DeFi #CryptoAdoption #Web3 #AvalancheAVAX #AvalancheNetwork #BybitForensics #BinanceAlphaAlert $AVAX
Avalanche Foundation & Rain Launch Avalanche Card for Seamless Crypto Payments

The Avalanche Foundation has teamed up with Rain to introduce the Avalanche Card, a Visa-powered payment card that allows users to spend crypto effortlessly at any merchant accepting Visa.

🔹 Supported Cryptos: AVAX, Wrapped AVAX (wAVAX), USDT, and USDC
🔹 Availability: Latin America, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, and Africa
🔹 Card Types: Both physical and digital versions for online and in-store payments

This initiative aims to drive global crypto adoption by making digital assets more practical for everyday transactions. Users can sign up through the official website to join the waitlist and be among the first to access this game-changing payment solution.

Would you use the Avalanche Card for daily purchases? 🚀

#Avalanche #AVAX #CryptoPayments #Visa #Blockchain #Rain #DeFi #CryptoAdoption #Web3 #AvalancheAVAX #AvalancheNetwork #BybitForensics #BinanceAlphaAlert $AVAX
As of Feb 26, 2025, the global cryptocurrency market cap is $9.24B with a +5.61% change in the last 24 hours. AVAX's current price is $22.35, with a 24-hour trading volume of $542.36M.$AVAX is +6.14% in the last 24 hours, with a circulating supply of 414.04M AVAX coins and a maximum supply of 720.00M AVAX coins. AVAX ranks 17 by market cap. It has a 24H high of $22.46 recorded on Feb 26, 2025, and its 24H low so far is $20.59, recorded on Feb 26, 2025. #AVAX✈️ #AvalancheAVAX
As of Feb 26, 2025, the global cryptocurrency market cap is $9.24B with a +5.61% change in the last 24 hours. AVAX's current price is $22.35, with a 24-hour trading volume of $542.36M.$AVAX is +6.14% in the last 24 hours, with a circulating supply of 414.04M AVAX coins and a maximum supply of 720.00M AVAX coins. AVAX ranks 17 by market cap. It has a 24H high of $22.46 recorded on Feb 26, 2025, and its 24H low so far is $20.59, recorded on Feb 26, 2025.

#AVAX✈️ #AvalancheAVAX
🔥An Innovative Move by Avalanche Foundation's launch of VISA-enabled Crypto Credit Card❕️An expected positive Impact on $AVAX /USDT🚀 {spot}(AVAXUSDT) The Avalanche Foundation has partnered with Visa to launch the Avalanche Card, a crypto-enabled credit card that allows users to spend their cryptocurrencies at any Visa-accepting merchant. This card supports various cryptocurrencies, including WAVAX, USDC, and sAVAX. 💥Key features of the Avalanche Card: 🔸️No Transaction Fees 🔹️Self-Custody Wallet 🔸️Physical and Virtual Options 🔹️24/7 Support 💥Impact on $AVAX This innovative move is expected to have a positive impact on the AVAX coin that will allow users to spend supported cryptocurrencies, including WAVAX, sAVAX, and USDC, at Visa-enabled merchants, promoting mainstream adoption of AVAX. 🔹️Increased Adoption: More users will be incentivized to hold and use AVAX, driving up demand and potentially leading to a price increase. 🔹️Improved Liquidity: The card's integration with Visa will provide a new outlet for AVAX, increasing its liquidity and making it more attractive to investors. 🔹️Enhanced Credibility: The partnership with Visa will lend credibility to AVAX, solidifying its position as a major player in the cryptocurrency market. 💥Conclusion The Avalanche Card is currently available in Latin America and the Caribbean, with plans to expand to other regions. This launch marks a significant development towards integrating cryptocurrencies into everyday financial transactions that will likely have a positive impact on the AVAX coin. #BinanceAlphaAlert #AvalancheAVAX
🔥An Innovative Move by Avalanche Foundation's launch of VISA-enabled Crypto Credit Card❕️An expected positive Impact on $AVAX /USDT🚀
The Avalanche Foundation has partnered with Visa to launch the Avalanche Card, a crypto-enabled credit card that allows users to spend their cryptocurrencies at any Visa-accepting merchant. This card supports various cryptocurrencies, including WAVAX, USDC, and sAVAX.

💥Key features of the Avalanche Card:
🔸️No Transaction Fees
🔹️Self-Custody Wallet
🔸️Physical and Virtual Options
🔹️24/7 Support

💥Impact on $AVAX
This innovative move is expected to have a positive impact on the AVAX coin that will allow users to spend supported cryptocurrencies, including WAVAX, sAVAX, and USDC, at Visa-enabled merchants, promoting mainstream adoption of AVAX.

🔹️Increased Adoption:
More users will be incentivized to hold and use AVAX, driving up demand and potentially leading to a price increase.
🔹️Improved Liquidity:
The card's integration with Visa will provide a new outlet for AVAX, increasing its liquidity and making it more attractive to investors.
🔹️Enhanced Credibility:
The partnership with Visa will lend credibility to AVAX, solidifying its position as a major player in the cryptocurrency market.

The Avalanche Card is currently available in Latin America and the Caribbean, with plans to expand to other regions. This launch marks a significant development towards integrating cryptocurrencies into everyday financial transactions that will likely have a positive impact on the AVAX coin.
#BinanceAlphaAlert #AvalancheAVAX
🚀 $DOGE Coin Price Prediction (Yearly Forecast) 🌟 📈 Meme coins are highly volatile! Predictions may change based on trends, hype, and market conditions! Year💰 Predicted Price (USD)🔍 Source 2025 🏆$0.655 🟢CoinCodex 2026 🚀$0.355 🟡CoinPedia via Benzinga 2027 🌟$0.490 🟠BeInCrypto 2028 💎$0.693 🔵BeInCrypto 2029 🏦$1.976 🔥Traders Union 2030 🎯$1.37 🟣CoinCodex 2040 💯$53 2050👀 $114 $BTC $ETH #BTCNextATH #LUNC ✅ #AvalancheAVAX #PEPE‏
🚀 $DOGE Coin Price Prediction (Yearly Forecast)

📈 Meme coins are highly volatile! Predictions may change based on trends, hype, and market conditions!

Year💰 Predicted Price (USD)🔍 Source

2025 🏆$0.655 🟢CoinCodex
2026 🚀$0.355 🟡CoinPedia via Benzinga
2027 🌟$0.490 🟠BeInCrypto
2028 💎$0.693 🔵BeInCrypto
2029 🏦$1.976 🔥Traders Union
2030 🎯$1.37 🟣CoinCodex
2040 💯$53
2050👀 $114
#AvalancheAVAX #PEPE‏
🚀 $PEPE Coin Price Prediction (Yearly Forecast) 🌟 📈 Meme coins are highly volatile! Predictions may change based on trends, hype, and market conditions! Year💰 Predicted Price (USD)🔍 Source 2025 🏆$0.00002192 🟢CoinCodex 2026 🚀$0.000082 🟡CoinPedia via Benzinga 2027 🌟$0.00012000 🟠BeInCrypto 2028 💎$0.00015000 🔵BeInCrypto 2029 🏦$1.6054 🔥Traders Union 2030 🎯$0.000116 🟣CoinCodex $BTC $ETH #BTCNextATH #LUNC✅ #AvalancheAVAX #PEPE‏ #solana
🚀 $PEPE Coin Price Prediction (Yearly Forecast) 🌟
📈 Meme coins are highly volatile! Predictions may change based on trends, hype, and market conditions!

Year💰 Predicted Price (USD)🔍 Source
2025 🏆$0.00002192 🟢CoinCodex
2026 🚀$0.000082 🟡CoinPedia via Benzinga
2027 🌟$0.00012000 🟠BeInCrypto
2028 💎$0.00015000 🔵BeInCrypto
2029 🏦$1.6054 🔥Traders Union
2030 🎯$0.000116 🟣CoinCodex
#AvalancheAVAX #PEPE‏
🚨 Avalanche (AVAX) Price Update 🚨 🔹️Current Price: $21.89 (-9.23% in 24H) 🔹️Trading Volume: $1.07B 🔹️Market Cap: $9.01B 😨 Market Mood: Extreme Fear (Index: 25) 🙂 What’s Happening? AVAX is dropping and facing bearish pressure 🔹️Key Support Levels: $20, $18, $15 🔹️Resistance Levels: $25, $30, $35 🔸️Last Best Buying Zone: Around $8-$10 (previous cycle low) 🤒 What to Watch? 🔸️If AVAX stays above $20, it may recover 🔸️If it falls below $18, more drops possible $AVAX {spot}(AVAXUSDT) #AVAX #Avax🔥🔥 #AVAXLegend #Avalanche #AvalancheAVAX
🚨 Avalanche (AVAX) Price Update 🚨

🔹️Current Price: $21.89 (-9.23% in 24H)
🔹️Trading Volume: $1.07B
🔹️Market Cap: $9.01B
😨 Market Mood: Extreme Fear (Index: 25)

🙂 What’s Happening?

AVAX is dropping and facing bearish pressure

🔹️Key Support Levels: $20, $18, $15

🔹️Resistance Levels: $25, $30, $35

🔸️Last Best Buying Zone: Around $8-$10 (previous cycle low)

🤒 What to Watch?

🔸️If AVAX stays above $20, it may recover

🔸️If it falls below $18, more drops possible

#AVAX #Avax🔥🔥 #AVAXLegend #Avalanche #AvalancheAVAX
AVAX Positioned for a Significant 369% Surge: Analyst Predicts Breakout Beyond $126Avalanche ($AVAX ) is exhibiting a robust bullish market structure, with analysts projecting a substantial 369% rally. Market expert Javon Marks anticipates AVAX surpassing $126 in the near term, with long-term potential extending beyond $243. Currently, the cryptocurrency is consolidating around $29, suggesting an accumulation phase preceding its next upward movement. Bullish Market Structure and Momentum Following a significant decline from late 2021 to mid-2022, AVAX demonstrated a potential trend reversal by establishing a higher low around mid-2023. The current market structure indicates a sequence of higher highs and higher lows, reinforcing bullish sentiment. Recent breakouts from key resistance levels have strengthened this positive momentum. Based on technical analysis, AVAX’s price trajectory is targeting $176.83, with strong support levels underpinning continued growth. This upward trend aligns with historical market patterns, further validating the optimistic outlook. Long-Term Price Projections and Market Outlook Beyond the anticipated short-term surge, analysts predict AVAX could extend its rally beyond $243, supported by broader market recovery and increasing investor confidence. The recent breakout zone serves as a crucial launchpad, suggesting the potential for sustained long-term growth. Cyclical price behavior indicates that expansion phases often follow retracement periods. The ongoing consolidation around $29 suggests accumulation by investors, a common precursor to significant upward moves. Historical trends further support the likelihood of AVAX reaching its projected targets. Key Levels and Resistance Points AVAX’s higher low formation remains a critical pivot point in its price trajectory. The prior breakout zone acts as a crucial support level, reinforcing the bullish momentum. Should AVAX maintain its current upward trajectory, the primary resistance to watch is around $126. A successful breach of this level could pave the way for further gains toward $176.83 and beyond. In conclusion, AVAX’s current price action and technical indicators suggest a strong bullish outlook. As long as market conditions remain favorable, the cryptocurrency appears poised for a significant upward movement, potentially realizing the ambitious price targets outlined by analysts.

AVAX Positioned for a Significant 369% Surge: Analyst Predicts Breakout Beyond $126

Avalanche ($AVAX ) is exhibiting a robust bullish market structure, with analysts projecting a substantial 369% rally. Market expert Javon Marks anticipates AVAX surpassing $126 in the near term, with long-term potential extending beyond $243. Currently, the cryptocurrency is consolidating around $29, suggesting an accumulation phase preceding its next upward movement.

Bullish Market Structure and Momentum

Following a significant decline from late 2021 to mid-2022, AVAX demonstrated a potential trend reversal by establishing a higher low around mid-2023. The current market structure indicates a sequence of higher highs and higher lows, reinforcing bullish sentiment.

Recent breakouts from key resistance levels have strengthened this positive momentum. Based on technical analysis, AVAX’s price trajectory is targeting $176.83, with strong support levels underpinning continued growth. This upward trend aligns with historical market patterns, further validating the optimistic outlook.

Long-Term Price Projections and Market Outlook

Beyond the anticipated short-term surge, analysts predict AVAX could extend its rally beyond $243, supported by broader market recovery and increasing investor confidence. The recent breakout zone serves as a crucial launchpad, suggesting the potential for sustained long-term growth.

Cyclical price behavior indicates that expansion phases often follow retracement periods. The ongoing consolidation around $29 suggests accumulation by investors, a common precursor to significant upward moves. Historical trends further support the likelihood of AVAX reaching its projected targets.

Key Levels and Resistance Points

AVAX’s higher low formation remains a critical pivot point in its price trajectory. The prior breakout zone acts as a crucial support level, reinforcing the bullish momentum. Should AVAX maintain its current upward trajectory, the primary resistance to watch is around $126. A successful breach of this level could pave the way for further gains toward $176.83 and beyond.

In conclusion, AVAX’s current price action and technical indicators suggest a strong bullish outlook. As long as market conditions remain favorable, the cryptocurrency appears poised for a significant upward movement, potentially realizing the ambitious price targets outlined by analysts.
$AVAX Market Update 🔴📉 AVAX is currently trading at $24.39 (-4.91%), showing some bearish momentum. The 24h range is $24.29 - $25.88, indicating volatility. 7-day change: -2.09% 30-day change: -33.22% 90-day change: -41.42% 180-day change: +0.12% 1-year change: -33.48% AVAX needs to hold support at $24.29, or it may dip further. Bulls must reclaim $25.88 for a reversal! #Crypto #AVAX✈️ #AvalancheAVAX
$AVAX Market Update 🔴📉

AVAX is currently trading at $24.39 (-4.91%), showing some bearish momentum. The 24h range is $24.29 - $25.88, indicating volatility.

7-day change: -2.09%

30-day change: -33.22%

90-day change: -41.42%

180-day change: +0.12%

1-year change: -33.48%

AVAX needs to hold support at $24.29, or it may dip further. Bulls must reclaim $25.88 for a reversal!

#Crypto #AVAX✈️ #AvalancheAVAX
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