Self Chain Precio (SLF)

Self Chain Precio (SLF)

1 Self Chain equivale a $0.216268 USD-3.59%1D
Última actualización de la página: 2025-02-17 10:48 (UTC+0)
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Precio de SLF hoy

El precio en tiempo real de Self Chain es de $0.216268 por (SLF/USD) y su capitalización de mercado actual es de $20.98M USD. El volumen de trading en 24 horas es de $16.14M USD. El precio de SLF respecto a USD se actualiza en tiempo real. El precio de Self Chain cambió un -3.59% en las últimas 24 horas y el suministro circulante es 97.00M.
Historial del precio de SLF en USD
Comparación de fechasCambio en el monto% de cambio
30 días$-0.049175-18.53%
60 días$-0.131949-37.89%
90 días$-0.096733-30.91%

Información del mercado de SLF

Alto y bajo 24h
Bajo: $0.208025
Alto: $0.227527
El precio más alto y más bajo pagado por este activo en 24 horas.
Máximo histórico
El precio más alto pagado por este activo desde que se lanzó o listó.
Cambio de precio (1h)
El cambio porcentual en el precio de este activo en comparación con hace 1 hora.
Cambio de precio (24h)
El cambio porcentual en el precio de este activo en comparación con hace 24 horas.
Cambio de precio (7d)
El cambio porcentual en el precio de este activo en comparación con hace 7 días.

Información del mercado de SLF

La popularidad se basa en la capitalización del mercado relativa de los activos.
Capitalización de mercado
La capitalización de mercado se calcula multiplicando el suministro circulante del activo por su precio actual.
Volumen (24h)
El valor total en dólares estadounidenses de todas las transacciones de este activo durante las últimas 24 horas.
Suministro de circulación
La cantidad de monedas que circulan en el mercado y que están disponibles al público para el trading, similar a las acciones que cotizan en el mercado de valores.
Suministro máximo total
La cantidad total de monedas que se crearán para la criptomoneda, similar a las acciones totalmente diluidas en el mercado de valores. Si CoinMarketCap no proporciona ni verifica estos datos, el suministro máximo aparece como "--".
Cap. de mercado totalmente diluida
La cantidad total de monedas que se crearán para la criptomoneda, similar a las acciones totalmente diluidas en el mercado de valores. Si CoinMarketCap no proporciona ni verifica estos datos, el suministro máximo aparece como "--".
Fecha de emisión

¿Qué puedes hacer con SLF (Self Chain)?

Explora cómo utilizar tus criptomonedas con Binance.

About Self Chain (SLF)

SLF Token is the native token that powers the Self Chain network and its ecosystem. Self Chain is the first modular intent-centric access Layer1 blockchain and keyless wallet infrastructure service using MPC-TSS/AA for multi-chain Web3 access. The system simplifies the user experience with its intent-focused approach, using LLM to interpret user intent and discover the most efficient paths.

Self Chain aims to simplify onboarding and asset recovery through keyless wallets, giving users full self-custody over their digital assets. Additionally, it rewards decentralized applications (dApps) automatically when they successfully execute user intentions, improving overall user satisfaction. By incorporating Account Abstraction with MPC-TSS, Self Chain intends to enhance security and lowers transaction costs, making blockchain interactions more accessible and secure.

Self Chain's journey began with a strategic pivot in early 2022, driven by community support and a rebranding effort. This decision was made following a community vote, recognizing ongoing issues with traditional EOA wallets, such as complicated key management, the risk of losing seed phrases or private keys, and poor user experiences. 

As per the project’s website, Self Chain offers various use cases that enhance security, user experience, and interaction in the blockchain ecosystem. By streamlining complex transactions with simple user intents, it wants to make blockchain operations more accessible. Its keyless wallets improve asset management security while enhancing user experience.

In the gaming finance sector, Self Chain intends to enhance GameFi by simplifying the Web3 user experience. Utilizing Multi-Party Computation Threshold Signature Schemes (MPC-TSS), it ensures decentralized security without sacrificing performance.

SLF Token is the native token that powers the Self Chain network and its ecosystem. The price of SLF is available and updated in real time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Self Chain

  1. How Does Self Chain Work?

    Self Chain is the first modular intent-centric access Layer L1 Blockchain and keyless wallet infrastructure service that uses MPC-TSS/AA for Multi-Chain Web3 access. Self Chain enables anyone to build self-custody keyless wallets that seamlessly interact with existing protocols cross-chains while offering practical new features with dramatic UX improvements. Simplifies onboarding and wallet recovery.

  2. What is $SLF Used For?

    Gas fees are charged on all network operations and used to reward participants using the proof-of-stake mechanism and prevent spam and denial-of-service attacks. The proof-of-stake mechanism is used to select, incentivize, and reward honest behavior by Self Chain Validators and the SLF owners that stake with them. SLF holders may govern the Self Chain upgrades by voting on proposals with their staked SLF.

  3. How Do Network Consensus and Validation Work On Self Chain?

    The Self Chain blockchain is a proof-of-stake blockchain, powered by the Cosmos SDK and secured by a system of verification called the Tendermint consensus. 

  4. Who Is the Founder of Self Chain?

    Self Chain is built by the team at Frontier, experts behind the multi-chain, self-custody wallet used by millions across platforms. Frontier today supports over 100+ blockchains, 10,000+ verified tokens, and 300+ protocol partnerships.

  5. What is the Maximum and Circulating Token Supply of $SLF?

    SLF has an unlimited supply, the inflation is 5-15% depending on the staking, and inflation rewards will be minted and distributed to validators and delegators to encourage them to secure the network. The circulating supply of SLF is 97,000,000 at the time of writing.

  6. What Makes Self Chain Different From Others?

    Self Chain intends to stand out by providing a simplified, user-friendly blockchain experience through its intent-centric approach. It offers advanced security with keyless wallets using MPC-TSS and supports cross-chain interactions. The platform is community-driven, ensuring it evolves to meet user needs and preferences, setting it apart from other blockchain projects.

  7. How To Buy SLF on Binance?

    SLF can be purchased directly on Binance with a credit or debit card. You can also trade other cryptocurrencies for SLF on the Binance Exchange. Read our quick guide on How to Buy SLF guide for more instructions.

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