Pyth Network Precio (PYTH)

1 Pyth Network equivale a A$0.344927 AUD-18.06%1D
Última actualización de la página: 2025-02-03 01:03 (UTC+0)
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Precio de PYTH hoy

El precio en tiempo real de Pyth Network es de A$0.344927 por (PYTH/AUD) y su capitalización de mercado actual es de A$1.25B AUD. El volumen de trading en 24 horas es de A$174.28M AUD. El precio de PYTH respecto a AUD se actualiza en tiempo real. El precio de Pyth Network cambió un -18.06% en las últimas 24 horas y el suministro circulante es 3.62B.
Historial del precio de PYTH en AUD
Comparación de fechasCambio en el monto% de cambio
30 díasA$-0.286523-45.38%
60 díasA$-0.482463-58.31%
90 díasA$-0.186819-35.13%

Información del mercado de PYTH

Alto y bajo 24h
Bajo: A$0.337969
Alto: A$0.424784
El precio más alto y más bajo pagado por este activo en 24 horas.
Máximo histórico
El precio más alto pagado por este activo desde que se lanzó o listó.
Cambio de precio (1h)
El cambio porcentual en el precio de este activo en comparación con hace 1 hora.
Cambio de precio (24h)
El cambio porcentual en el precio de este activo en comparación con hace 24 horas.
Cambio de precio (7d)
El cambio porcentual en el precio de este activo en comparación con hace 7 días.

Información del mercado de PYTH

La popularidad se basa en la capitalización del mercado relativa de los activos.
Capitalización de mercado
La capitalización de mercado se calcula multiplicando el suministro circulante del activo por su precio actual.
Volumen (24h)
El valor total en dólares estadounidenses de todas las transacciones de este activo durante las últimas 24 horas.
Suministro de circulación
La cantidad de monedas que circulan en el mercado y que están disponibles al público para el trading, similar a las acciones que cotizan en el mercado de valores.
Suministro máximo total
La cantidad total de monedas que se crearán para la criptomoneda, similar a las acciones totalmente diluidas en el mercado de valores. Si CoinMarketCap no proporciona ni verifica estos datos, el suministro máximo aparece como "--".
Cap. de mercado totalmente diluida
La cantidad total de monedas que se crearán para la criptomoneda, similar a las acciones totalmente diluidas en el mercado de valores. Si CoinMarketCap no proporciona ni verifica estos datos, el suministro máximo aparece como "--".
Fecha de emisión

¿Qué puedes hacer con PYTH (Pyth Network)?

Explora cómo utilizar tus criptomonedas con Binance.

About Pyth Network (PYTH)

The Pyth Network is an advanced oracle network that aims to set itself apart by providing live market data directly to decentralized financial applications (dApps) across an extensive range of more than 40 blockchains. According to the project, it is noted for delivering over 380 fast-speed price feeds that cover a wide range of financial instruments, such as cryptocurrencies, stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), forex pairs, and commodities.

The modus operandi of the Pyth Network involves aggregating precise price data from a varied collection of credible sources, inclusive of several high-profile exchanges, market makers, and financial services providers globally. These contributors bring their unique price data, equipping smart contracts with timely and accurate information. The mandatory oracle program of the network combines this data on-chain, applying measures to prevent inaccuracies and manipulative practices. Users can then "pull" the most up-to-date prices onto their respective blockchains as required, allowing access to dependable market data in real-time.

The Pyth Network reportedly stands out due to its special group of data contributors, which comprises leading entities such as Binance, OKX, Jane Street, Bybit, and Cboe Global Markets, amongst others. This network of contributors ensures a high standard of market data. Added to this are network features like low-latency price feeds and comprehensive support for more than 40 blockchains, contributing to its prominence in the category of first-party oracle services.

As per the project, the Pyth Network has developed quickly from its inception to build the broadest and fastest-growing first-party oracle network. Within a year of launching its cross-chain pull oracle, the network was already overseeing over $1 billion in total value, supporting over 250 applications with secure trade volumes reaching a substantial $100 billion.

The PYTH token facilitates decentralized governance in the Pyth Network, allowing token holders to vote on proposals and influence the network's direction through a staking mechanism.

The price of PYTH is updated in real-time and can be tracked on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Pyth Network

  1. What is PYTH Token Used For?

    The utility of the PYTH token centers on governance within the Pyth Network. Token holders gain the ability to participate in the network's governance by staking their PYTH tokens. This staking mechanism enables them to vote on community proposals, effectively giving them a say in the direction and development of the network. This governance model allows for a decentralized decision-making process, ensuring that those invested in the network can contribute to its evolution and policy-making​.

  2. How Do Network Consensus and Validation Work On Pyth Network?

    The Pyth Network employs a Proof-of-Authority (PoA) consensus via its own blockchain, Pythnet, to aggregate financial data from multiple first-party sources. This approach ensures data accuracy and reliability by processing diverse inputs to produce a unified price and confidence interval for assets. It's designed to be robust against manipulation, weighing each data source based on its accuracy and reflecting price variations with an aggregate confidence band​.

  3. Who Is The Founder Of Pyth Network?

    The Pyth Network, initiated in April 2021, was founded by developers from Jump Crypto. A notable figure in its establishment is Michael Cahill, CEO of Duoro Labs and director of the Pyth Data Association. Originally launched on Solana, Pyth has since extended to 45 blockchains.

  4. What is the Maximum and Circulating Token Supply of PYTH?

    The Pyth Network has set a maximum token supply limit of 9,999,989,237 PYTH tokens. As of the latest figures, the circulating supply is 1,499,989,237 PYTH tokens.

  5. What Makes Pyth Network Different From Others?

    he Pyth Network aims to distinguish itself within the oracle network landscape through its collaboration with leading data providers, its commitment to delivering real-time and low-latency market data, and its extensive interoperability across a wide range of blockchains. These characteristics differentiate it from traditional oracle services. The project aims to furnish trustworthy and timely data to decentralized applications (dApps) within the blockchain landscape.

  6. How To Buy Pyth Network (PYTH)?

    Pyth Network (PYTH) can be purchased directly from Binance by using a debit or credit card. Pyth Network (PYTH) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on Binance. Live Pyth Network price is updated in real-time on Binance. PYTH price and purchase information is available for users to read on our How to Buy Pyth Network (PYTH) Guide.

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