Binance Live
Intelligent Construction Technology (ICT) LIVE & Crypto GIFT BOX
2024-05-02 08:43
Why ICT? Because we believe in a future where buying, selling, and investing in real estate is as easy as clicking a button. With ICT, we’re not just changing the game; we’re creating a whole new playing field. About Us At the heart of ICT is a team of visionary engineers and blockchain specialists, united by a bold mission: to digitize real estate assets, transforming them into tradable tokens on the blockchain. We’re here to fix the fragmented nature of real estate investment, making it possible for anyone, anywhere, to invest in and benefit from real estate opportunities. How it works? Asset owners register their property on our blockchain platform, creating a digital token that represents real-world ownership. This token can then be bought, sold, or traded, just like any other cryptocurrency, but with the tangible value of real estate backing it.
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