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Binance Multi-Assets Mode API Interface

2022-07-06 07:07

In addition to the Binance standard API endpoints, you can query dedicated endpoints under the Multi-Assets Mode. The “POST” and “GET” endpoints below will return data related to the Multi-Assets Mode.

For more information, please refer to the BinanceAPI documentation.

Asset Index

  • GET /fapi/v1/assetIndexto get the asset index for the Multi-Assets Mode

Asset Margin

  • InGET /fapi/v2/balance, GET /fapi/v2/accountandGET /fapi/v1/exchangeInfo, the “marginAvailable” field indicates whether the asset can be used as a margin in the Multi-Assets Mode.

Activating the Multi-Assets Mode

  • GET /fapi/v1/multiAssetsMarginto check whether the Multi-Assets Mode is activated
  • POST /fapi/v1/multiAssetsMargin (HMAC SHA256)to change every symbol from Single-Asset Mode to Multi-Assets Mode

GET /fapi/v1/multiAssetsMargin (HMAC SHA256)to check whether you are using the Multi-Assets Mode or the Single-Asset Mode on every symbol