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Aviso, Anuncios para #Desarrolladores de paginas #zwebb #IACreatividad CREADORES Y más Oportunidad de Ganar dinero de 450.000 dolares y más . Y de hacerte un Nombre en el mundo Crypto. Si sabes ALGO ANIMATE por davor
Aviso, Anuncios para #Desarrolladores de paginas #zwebb #IACreatividad CREADORES Y más
Oportunidad de Ganar dinero de 450.000 dolares y más .
Y de hacerte un Nombre en el mundo Crypto.
Si sabes ALGO ANIMATE por davor
Binance News
BNB Chain Hackathon 2024 Launches with $458,000 Prize Pool
BNB Chain has officially opened registrations for its 2024 Hackathon, inviting Web3 developers worldwide to innovate on its ecosystem. With a prize pool exceeding $458,000, the event offers a unique opportunity for developers to showcase cutting-edge solutions in areas like DeFi, stablecoins, gaming, AI-driven dApps, and more.Key Dates and Details:Start Date: November 19, 2024Workshops Begin: November 26, 2024Project Submission Period: December 15–24, 2024Winners Announced: January 16, 2025Incubation Period: One month following the announcementFocus Areas:Participants can develop projects in alignment with market trends and ecosystem priorities, including:Stablecoins, DeFi, and Payments: Enhancing financial efficiency.Telegram-based dApps and Infrastructure: Focusing on social and gaming applications.AI-driven dApps and Infrastructure: Integrating AI with DeFi, gaming, and more.New Narratives (DeSoc, DeSci, DeBio): Connecting Web3 with real-world use cases. 
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 un Niño creó un Token de 70 millones. Y yo una Mujer GRANDE, Aun tengo miedo de hacer mi primer trading por 30 dólares kkkkk😅😅😅😅 porque no los quiero perder. Los AFORTUNADOS de haber nacido en ésta Era
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 un Niño creó un Token de 70 millones.
Y yo una Mujer GRANDE, Aun tengo miedo de hacer mi primer trading por 30 dólares kkkkk😅😅😅😅 porque no los quiero perder.
Los AFORTUNADOS de haber nacido en ésta Era
Yapay Zeka AI
ABD'li bir çocuk, Solana ağında bir memecoin çıkarıp canlı yayında tanıttı.

30 bin dolar kâr elde edince rugpull yaptı, ancak yatırımcılar tokeni almaya devam ederek piyasa değerini 70 milyon dolara çıkardı.

Çocuk tokenlerini satmasaydı değeri 1,3 milyon dolar olacaktı.

Bu projelerden uzak durun 👍
#PNUT es un memecoin basada en la blockchain de Solana, inspirada en la trágica historia de Peanut, una ardilla mascota muy querida en redes sociales. Peanut era propiedad de Mark Longo, un influencer con más de un millón de seguidores en TikTok e Instagram.

La historia de PNUT comenzó cuando Peanut fue confiscada y sacrificada por las autoridades del estado de Nueva York, lo que generó una gran indignación en las redes sociales.
 En respuesta a este evento, se creó la criptomoneda #PNUT el 4 de noviembre de 2024.
Desde su lanzamiento, la moneda ha experimentado un aumento significativo en su valor, impulsado por el apoyo de la comunidad y menciones de figuras influyentes como #ElonsMusk
Tailandia y Brasil tienen una colaboración en un #Token Transfronterizo
Tailandia y Brasil tienen una colaboración en un #Token Transfronterizo
Binance News
HKMA Collaborates With Brazil And Thailand On Cross-Border Asset Tokenization
According to PANews, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has announced a collaboration with the central banks of Brazil and Thailand to advance cross-border asset tokenization transactions. This initiative includes atomic settlement of digital asset transactions (DvP) and cross-border payments using wholesale central bank digital currencies (PvP). Additionally, HKMA plans to launch a 'Digital Bond Funding Scheme,' offering up to HKD 2.5 million in funding for eligible digital bond issuances to promote Hong Kong as a tokenization hub.

Previously, HKMA issued two government green bonds, one through traditional issuance and the other as a native digital issuance. The latter, valued at over USD 750 million, was the largest digital bond issuance globally at the time. The current collaboration with Brazil's DREX project and Hong Kong's Ensemble project aims to apply tokenization in cross-border transactions, including trade finance and carbon credits.
#HMSRT #hamsterkombat segun las noticias uno de losCreadores CEO de Gotbit fue CAPTURADO en Portugal por #Estafa a Pedido de la #FBI La FBI Creó un supuesto Token y descubrieron la Estafa a los participantes y el Lavado de Dinero, manipulación de Mercado, transacciones Falsas, Inflación Artificial de volumen de operaciones. El articulo completo está en #Reuter
#HMSRT #hamsterkombat segun las noticias uno de losCreadores CEO de Gotbit fue CAPTURADO en Portugal por #Estafa a Pedido de la #FBI
La FBI Creó un supuesto Token y descubrieron la Estafa a los participantes y el Lavado de Dinero, manipulación de Mercado,
transacciones Falsas, Inflación Artificial de volumen de operaciones.
El articulo completo está en #Reuter
Se eliminó el contenido citado
Hola Familia de #Binance Ayer descubrí que tanto #Telegram y #Binance SE HAN UNIDOY han creado un Airdrop tipo #hamsterkombat Atención recién ha empezado en algunos lugares ayer y en otros países ha eempezado al parecer ésta semana. Confío plenamente en mi exchange Hay una OPCIÓN DE vincular Binance con Telegram. Pero por ahora es una opción, NO es obligatorio Se llama #Moonbix
Hola Familia de #Binance
Ayer descubrí que tanto #Telegram y #Binance SE HAN UNIDOY han creado un Airdrop tipo #hamsterkombat Atención recién ha empezado en algunos lugares ayer y en otros países ha eempezado al parecer ésta semana. Confío plenamente en mi exchange
Hay una OPCIÓN DE vincular Binance con Telegram.
Pero por ahora es una opción, NO es obligatorio
Se llama #Moonbix
información sobre #USDT Es la primera vez que lo Leo
información sobre #USDT Es la primera vez que lo Leo
Alex Guimarães - Crypto Use
Tether é um golpe que pode devastar o mercado de criptomoedas, diz fundador do maior fundo cripto da
As críticas de Justin Bons são embasadas por dados e informações que sugerem que o USDT, token da Tether, pode não estar completamente lastreado por reservas reais.

Tether colapso (imagem: (MidJourney Livecoins)
Justin Bons, fundador da Cyber Capital, o fundo de criptomoedas mais antigo da Europa, criticou duramente a Tether, maior stablecoin do mercado, e fez graves acusações sobre a empresa por trás da moeda digital.
Em um extenso tópico no X (Twitter), o empresário afirmou que a Tether opera um verdadeiro golpe, maior que o colapso da FTX e o esquema Ponzi de Bernie Madoff juntos.
Segundo ele, a Tether nunca passou por uma auditoria completa e independente de suas reservas, apesar de prometer tal medida desde 2015, deixando o mercado em alerta quanto à real solvência da companhia.
⚠️ Colapso da Tether pode devastar o mercado de criptomoedas
As críticas de Justin Bons são embasadas por dados e informações que sugerem que o USDT, token da Tether, pode não estar completamente lastreado por reservas reais.
Apesar de o token ter se mantido estável em US$ 1 desde que foi criada, a falta de uma auditoria formal e a confiança apenas na palavra da equipe da Tether levantam dúvidas sobre a real situação financeira da empresa.
O empresário disse que o maior risco é que, sem garantias externas, uma possível venda em massa da moeda (“bank run”) poderia causar um colapso em todo o mercado cripto, causando prejuízos bilionários aos investidores.
Outro ponto levantado por ele é que a Tether, mesmo após ser multada pela CFTC em 2021 por falsificação de documentos e má administração de fundos, continua operando sem supervisão.
O fundo que tentou auditar a empresa em 2018 foi supostamente demitido por ser “minucioso demais”. Além disso, o empresário afirmou que o recente relatório da Tether, publicado em parceria com a BDO em 2021, não se tratava de uma auditoria completa, mas sim de um “relatório de contador”, deixando muitas questões em aberto sobre as reservas que a empresa alega possuir.
🚨Tether tem reservas duvidosas, diz fundador da Cyber Capital
O fundador do fundo de criptomoedas mais antigo da Europa fez pelo menos 8 criticas contra a Tether, sendo que seu longo texto no X (twitter) pode ser resumido conforme abaixo:
🏦 Golpe de US$ 118 bilhões — Maior que FTX e Bernie Madoff combinados.❌ Sem auditorias reais — Promessa de auditoria desde 2015 nunca cumprida.💸 Reservas duvidosas — Falta de provas de que o USDT possui lastro.⚠️ Risco de colapso — Potencial de falência maior que o da Terra Luna.🕵️ Falsificação de documentos — Tether já foi acusada de mentir sobre suas reservas.👥 Governança limitada — Conselho da Tether tem apenas 2 membros com controle total.🔗 Ligação com crimes — Fundadores envolvidos em esquemas Ponzi e lavagem de dinheiro.📉 Risco para o mercado cripto — Um colapso da Tether poderia devastar o ecossistema.

Justin Bons (X Twitter)
Vale lembrar que várias preocupações sobre a Tether não são exclusivas de Justin Bons. A Consumers’ Research, uma organização de defesa dos direitos dos consumidores, também levantou dúvidas sobre o modelo de negócios da Tether, que, segundo eles, expõe os usuários a grandes riscos.
Mesmo com todas as críticas, o USDT segue como a stablecoin mais utilizada no mundo, funcionando como a principal rampa de entrada e saída de dinheiro fiduciário em diversas exchanges de criptomoedas.
A Tether continua lucrando bilhões de dólares anualmente, reportando US$ 12,72 bilhões em lucros líquidos desde o quarto trimestre de 2022, superando até mesmo grandes empresas de gestão de ativos, como a BlackRock.
Entretanto, as críticas quanto à transparência da Tether não param de crescer. O empresário ainda mencionou a ausência de segregação de reservas, afirmando que dois membros do conselho da Tether, Giancarlo e Ludovicos, têm controle total sobre a empresa, aumentando a desconfiança do mercado.
🏦 Fundadores da Tether envolvidos em golpes
Ele também trouxe à tona o passado controverso de alguns dos fundadores e executivos da empresa, incluindo ligações com esquemas Ponzi e até mesmo com atividades criminosas ligadas ao tráfico de drogas.
🔗 Ligação com o banco offshore Crypto Capital
A Tether e sua empresa irmã, Bitfinex, foram vinculadas ao Crypto Capital, um banco offshore no Panamá. Esse banco foi acusado de lavar bilhões de dólares para cartéis de drogas colombianos. Em 2019, as autoridades federais dos EUA congelaram seus ativos e o fecharam.🏦 Envolvimento em lavagem de dinheiro
Os fundadores da Tether foram acusados de usar o Crypto Capital para lavar dinheiro, permitindo que fundos provenientes de atividades ilícitas fossem movidos de forma discreta. Isso incluiu grandes somas do narcotráfico.
💰 US$ 850 milhões “perdidos”
A Bitfinex e a Tether enfrentaram a perda de US$ 850 milhões após o congelamento dos fundos do Crypto Capital. Para cobrir o rombo, Tether emitiu USDT, o que levantou dúvidas sobre o lastro real da stablecoin.⛓️ Conexões com golpes
Alguns dos fundadores da Tether têm histórico de envolvimento em esquemas Ponzi e fraudes bancárias, o que adiciona mais suspeitas sobre as práticas da empresa. No entanto, apesar das acusações e investigações, muitos dos envolvidos ainda não foram condenados.🛑 CFTC e mentiras sobre reservas
Em 2021, a Comissão de Comércio de Futuros de Commodities dos EUA (CFTC) multou a Tether em US$ 41 milhões por mentir sobre suas reservas, afirmando que o USDT era totalmente lastreado quando, na verdade, não era.
A Tether, até o momento, não respondeu às acusações do empresário, mas continua defendendo sua transparência e lucratividade.
Mesmo assim, a pressão para que a empresa apresente provas claras de suas reservas cresce a cada dia. As preocupações levantadas por Bons e outros críticos podem abalar a confiança do mercado na stablecoin, levando investidores a reconsiderarem o uso da USDT em favor de alternativas mais transparentes.

ETH Una Ballena vendió para no ser liquidada. Se gana mucho y se arriesfa mucho también
ETH Una Ballena vendió para no ser liquidada.
Se gana mucho y se arriesfa mucho también
French Investor
Ethereum Whale Sells Over 5,000 Tokens to Avoid Liquidation!
🚨 In a dramatic move, an Ethereum whale sold over $12 million worth of tokens to dodge liquidation—let’s break it down! 💥

What Happened? 🤔
On September 7, a significant Ethereum whale with an address starting with 0x1dF sold 5,178 wstETH and stETH tokens, worth approximately $12.84 million. This massive sell-off was triggered to prevent liquidation, as the whale's borrowed 30.91 million USDT faced a potential threat. With Ethereum’s price flirting with dangerous levels, selling tokens was the only way to avoid liquidation.

Why the Sell-Off? 🔄
The whale’s actions came as the price of Ethereum began to dip. If Ethereum were to drop to $1,823, the whale’s collateralized position would be liquidated. To prevent this, the whale sold a large chunk of their holdings at an average price of $2,481 per token, lowering the risk of losing it all.
The whale still holds 24,651 stETH tokens as collateral, and with a health factor of 1.44, they managed to avoid the immediate risk of liquidation—at least for now.

Why Does This Matter? 📉
This large sale highlights the volatility in the Ethereum market, especially for whales who borrow against their assets. It serves as a reminder to all investors of the importance of closely monitoring collateralized positions. In high-leverage situations, a drop in Ethereum’s price can quickly trigger liquidations, which can lead to huge losses for big holders.

What’s Next? 🔮
With Ethereum’s price hovering near critical levels, it’s a waiting game to see whether more whales will be forced to sell to avoid liquidation. The price action over the next few days will be crucial in determining the next big market moves. For now, investors should keep an eye on Ethereum's price and the broader market sentiment.

🔥 If you enjoy reading my content, don't hesitate to like, share, and follow, it's free! 🔥
#Binance #DeFi #Web3 #Bitcoin #BTC $BTC $ETH $BNB
The Cryptonomist
Telegram will have a store for mini-apps like Hamster Kombat
The mini-apps are probably the current major competitive advantage of Telegram, thanks to products like Hamster Kombat that allow earning crypto. 

Yesterday, the founder and CEO of the eponymous company that develops and manages the messaging app, Pavel Durov, wrote on his personal Telegram channel that this month they will add a mini-app store and an in-app browser with support for Web3 sites.

The mini-apps on Telegram: the store is coming 

The so-called mini-app of Telegram are internal bots within the Telegram app that can operate like apps.

On one hand, this allows mini-apps to perform only certain operations, executable through the Telegram app, slightly limiting the creativity of developers, but on the other hand, it has the significant advantage of not requiring any downloads or installations. 

The bots of the mini-apps on Telegram, in fact, already work upon their opening, so it is sufficient to search for one and open it to start using it. 

Currently, however, there is no public list of mini-apps, but this shortage will be addressed in the coming weeks with the launch of the internal mini-app store. 

It will presumably be something similar to the Google Play Store for Android, or the Apple App Store for iPhone. 

The substantial difference, however, will lie in the fact that the mini-apps on the Telegram store will not need to be downloaded and installed, but it will be sufficient to open them to start using them immediately. 

Blockchain and crypto

Durov also wrote that 2024 will go down in history as the year when hundreds of millions of people became familiar with the blockchain. 

This is made possible by the fact that Telegram has about 900 million active users worldwide, more than the estimated number of cryptocurrency holders. 

Telegram for some time now has not only embraced blockchain technology, with the TON project, but has also started promoting its use through one of the various mini-apps, the crypto wallet (@wallet). 

It is an integrated, official, and custodial crypto wallet that allows you to receive and send Bitcoin, USDT, and TON, and to stake TON. 

Durov also wrote that they will allow organizations to use their mini-apps to issue labels for channels, creating a decentralized market for third-party verification.

As of today, as far as we know, Telegram is the only major messaging app in the world to have integrated criptovalute and services based on blockchain.

Telegram: the mini-app Hamster Kombat will finally have a store

One of these is the mini-app of Hamster Kombat.

This is a mini-app that allows you to play with virtual hamsters that fight, and above all to earn crypto. 

It was launched only in March of this year, and in a short time it has become the most used mini-app within Telegram.

Among other things, this month of July their official token, HMSTR, should also be launched on the crypto market.

The mini-app is simple, but perhaps that’s exactly why it has been so well-received. In fact, earning crypto by playing a really straightforward game has attracted many users. 

The same Durov a few days ago had written that Hamster Kombat has obtained 239 million subscribers in just 3 months. It took only 73 days to reach 100 million monthly users, with 4 or 5 million new users joining every day to play. According to Durov, it would be the fastest-growing digital service in the world.

He also added that a new wave of mini-apps is coming to Telegram.

The role of the crypto Toncoin (TON)

Toncoin is the native cryptocurrency of the TON blockchain, which is the crypto ecosystem of Telegram. 

Now steadily among the top 10 cryptocurrencies in the world by market capitalization for a few months, it debuted on the crypto markets in 2021, in the midst of a bullrun, but recorded its all-time highs only a month ago. 

Since the beginning of the year, it has gained as much as 200%, and it is possible that its rise is not yet over. 

To tell the truth, after the highs of mid-June, it recorded a correction, but the current values are in line with the peaks of April and May. 

TON is used a lot within telegram, for example as a means of payment to remunerate the owners of the channels. 

On the other hand, the entire Telegram crypto ecosystem is based on TON, and therefore on its cryptocurrency Toncoin, and this suggests that in the future its market value could rise further. 

The integration in mini-apps like Hamster Kombat: the potential of Telegram’s Web3 store 

Even the same mini-apps can use Telegram’s internal services, based on TON, to send and receive cryptocurrencies. 

To understand the scope of this innovation, it is enough to say that in just three months since it landed on TON, the stablecoin USDT has surpassed 730 million dollars. 

As of today, after Tron, Ethereum, Avalanche, and Solana, TON is already the fifth blockchain for USDT issued, ahead of Near, Celo, Omni, Cosmos, EOS, Tezos, Polkadot, and Algorand. 

Being able to use USDT on TON internally, Telegram’s mini-apps have enormous potential, as they can also enable P2P exchanges, although centralized, at very low if not negligible costs. 

With the launch of the mini-app store, Telegram risks competing with Google and Apple, who instead struggle to enable blockchain transactions within their apps. 
Trading Heights
🧵 The Untold Story of Martti Malmi: Bitcoin's Second Developer 🧵

ᗒ 1/11
⚹ Without Martti Malmi, cryptocurrency might not exist as we know it.
⚹ Here’s a look at his pivotal role in Bitcoin's development…

ᗒ 2/11
⚹ In 2009, Martti discovered Bitcoin and started mining.
⚹ He mined over 55,000 BTC, which he sold for pennies at the time.

ᗒ 3/11
⚹ As Bitcoin's popularity grew, Martti became its first developer, helping Satoshi Nakamoto with the code.

ᗒ 4/11
⚹ Martti saw Bitcoin as a revolutionary financial tool.
⚹ He believed, “Systems like Bitcoin can undermine state exploitation of citizens.”

ᗒ 5/11
⚹ His early work defending Bitcoin spurred rapid technological development.
⚹ Satoshi often thanked him through letters.

ᗒ 6/11
⚹ Martti, under the pseudonym Sirius, engaged in forums, answering questions and defending Bitcoin from critics.

ᗒ 7/11
⚹ He was the first to set a Bitcoin price, selling 5,000 BTC for $5 in late 2009.
⚹ Today, that would be worth about $325M.

ᗒ 8/11
⚹ Martti promoted Bitcoin’s benefits:
- Fast global transactions
- Protection from central banks

ᗒ 9/11
⚹ After selling his BTC, Martti created his own exchange with $3,600 from Satoshi, launching it in 2010.

ᗒ 10/11
⚹ By 2011, he sold all his BTC to cover living expenses, purchasing an apartment.

ᗒ 11/11
⚹ Today, Martti works on **Nostr**, a project gaining market attention.
⚹ He believes Bitcoin’s vision was successfully realized.

#Bitcoin #CryptoHistory #MarttiMalmi #Nostr #BTC
#PYUSD Gran avance de los nedios de Pagos
#PYUSD Gran avance de los nedios de Pagos
Solana Official
PayPal Announces PYUSD on Solana
PayPal USD (PYUSD) is now available on Solana, the company announced at Consensus 2024 in Austin, Texas. The news brings the Solana network’s speedy finality and low cost to PayPal’s trusted stablecoin product, allowing users and developers to experience low-cost payments that settle in seconds, not minutes, hours, or days.

“The Solana network’s speed and scalability make it the ideal blockchain for global financial institutions, like PayPal, to create new payment solutions that are accessible, cost-effective, and instantaneous,” said Sheraz Shere, GM of Payments at the Solana Foundation. “Continued adoption from industry giants like PayPal is crucial for the next generation of fintech innovation.”

Users will be able to access PYUSD through PayPal’s flagship PayPal and Venmo wallets, Paxos, as well as blockchain-native onramps and Phantom. Users will also be able to transfer PYUSD on Ethereum to PYUSD on Solana without any additional fees.

PYUSD on Solana is issued by Paxos Trust Company.

“Making PYUSD available on the Solana blockchain furthers our mission of enabling a digital currency with a stable value designed for commerce and payments,” said Jose Fernandez da Ponte, senior vice president of the Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Digital Currency Group, PayPal.

As the most used blockchain for stablecoin transfers, according to data from blockchain analytics platform Artemis, Solana has emerged as the leading blockchain to run tokenized transactions and ideal for PYUSD as it continues to be used for payment use cases.

Why PYUSD is On Solana

In an open letter, PayPal outlined the reasons they chose to build on Solana, citing the Solana network’s fast finality and minimal fees. But just as important is the decision to build with token extensions.

Token extensions are essentially compliance in a box. Unlike other blockchain solutions, which require institutions to use third party tools for added features, token extensions are tools available to any developer, natively in the protocol. 

PYUSD on Solana is one of the earliest stablecoins to take advantage of token extensions. In particular, PYUSD on Solana uses:

Confidential Transfers. Allowing merchants the option to maintain confidentiality of transaction amounts while maintaining visibility of other transaction details for regulatory purposes.

Transfer Hooks. Enabling developers to invoke custom programs during token transfers for individuals and merchants using PYUSD.

Memo Fields. Enabling senders and receivers to include information along with payments, creating a more user-friendly experience for daily payments and business transactions.

“These features are not merely nice-to-haves,” the letter says. “We believe they are important features to provide to merchants if PYUSD is to grow in its utility to broader commercial segments.”

Read the full letter from PayPal here.

How Solana Unlocks Frictionless Payments

With fast settlement times, high throughput, low fees, and innovative ecosystem tooling, Solana has become a leading solution for blockchain payments. The network regularly processes more transactions than every other blockchain solution combined, and its stablecoin transfer volume was more than $1.5 trillion in April 2024.

As a permissionless, frictionless network, companies built on Solana can unlock a number of advantages distinct from traditional payments processors:

Near-instant settlement. With a blocktime of 400 milliseconds, transactions settle within seconds, not hours or days — allowing merchants and consumers near-immediate access to funds.

Seamless cross-border settlement. Remove intermediaries and allow for simplified, frictionless payments on a global scale.

Engaging loyalty programs. The use of onchain loyalty programs is proven to increase customer retention and engagement. The pilot program from popular tea chain Boba Guys’ Passport, for example, saw a 67% increase in monthly visits among customers using the program, and an 800% return on investment

Payments-friendly tooling. Solutions can be built for business’ unique needs using tooling within the Solana ecosystem. Tools like permissioned environments and token extensions allow businesses to build compliance and customer service frameworks.

Learn more about payments on Solana.
Binance News
Solana's Meme Coin HARAMBE Surges By 34.61%
According to Odaily, Solana's meme coin, HARAMBE, has experienced a significant surge, breaking through the 0.07 USDT mark and currently trading at 0.0726 USDT. This represents a 24-hour increase of 34.61%. The rise in HARAMBE's value may be influenced by a tweet mentioning the original model of DOGE, which was mourned by Elon Musk.
información sobre la Nueva Moneda #NOT #NotcoinLaunchpool #notcoin será tu criterio si vendes ahora o no. o lo vendes y luego lo compras más abajo. peri si usas Telegram, seras su seguidor
sobre la Nueva Moneda #NOT #NotcoinLaunchpool #notcoin será tu criterio si vendes ahora o no.
o lo vendes y luego lo compras más abajo.
peri si usas Telegram, seras su seguidor

Many speculate on the future of NOTCOIN, that it will be the next scam project, no value, the price will be less than 0.0005$. Ofcourse these are just thoughts of people without vision! The TON team aims to integrate $NOT into 80% of all projects on TON.

There are about 35M $NOT users, can you imagine the potential of the project?
All those people are just beginning to try the TON blockchain and Telegram dapps and many will be using NOTCOIN for most of the dapps for utility. This will make a big surge in the price of the token. But it won't happen in a day!
Arbitrage opportunities at token launch
Yes, you can increase your NOTCOIN holdings simply by trading it around CEX and DEX'es. Instead of buying $NOT for the long term is better to find arbitrage opportunities during the launch and make up to 30x your deposit.
There is also a triangle arbitrage when three currencies have price discrepancies, and you can earn a significant amount by trading through the "Triangle" strategy.

First of all, you need to prepare DEXes

- Download tonkeeper wallet
- Top up your balance for further arbitrage opportunities
- Open dedust_io, storm_trade_ton, ston_fi
- Monitor prices during $NOT launch
During the listing sniper prices on each CEX and try to deposit among the first on CEX where the price can be pumped by 2-3 times.
I'm 99% sure that price of 0.01$ will be touched for a few seconds after token launch because hype is too big to fail 😁 A lot of people will sell their bags of airdrop, but it will lead to short-term a few hours of trade I think the price will recover and hit it's all time high around 0.01$.

Thanks for reading, following and supporting guys! Cheers and let your pockets be filled with coins 💰🚀🚀🚀
#airdropking #NOTLAUNCHPOOL #Notcion #BinanceLaunchPool🔥
es al minimo de lo minimo para los #nuevos que deben tener en cuenta xfavor
es al minimo de lo minimo para los #nuevos que deben tener en cuenta xfavor
Last of Crypto

1⃣ Bilmeden vadeli işlemlere bulaşmamak,vadeli işlemlerde bulunmak için en az 2. yıllık tecrübeye sahip olmak gerek.

2⃣ Boğada amaç yatırımcıya mal aldırmamak bunu bilmek olmalı bu sebeple o coin senin bu coin benim atlamamak.

3⃣ Acemiler için en büyük para boğada kaybedilir.

4⃣ STOPLOSS (Kayıp durdurmak) eğer bir kolu kesemezseniz o zararlar tüm vücudunuza zarar verecek hâle gelebilir,o sebeple STOP olmak canınızı yakmasın olarak öğreneceksiniz.

5⃣ Siz fiyata gitmeyin fiyatın size gelmesini bekleyin gelmiyorsa kovalamayın çünkü her zaman fırsat olucaktır.

6⃣ Cüzdan yönetimini aynı sezonda en iyi yöneten 20x yapabilirken yapamayan 5x de takılı kalabilir. Spot trade ediyorsanız kesinlikle uzun vadeli spot ve trade ettiğiniz cüzdan ayrı olmalı.

7⃣ Yatırım yaptığınız projeleri iyi seçin önemli olan yükselirken değil düşerken alabilmek.

8⃣ Size lazım olan kredi,araba,ev parası gibi paralarla asla bu piyasada bulunmayın.

9⃣ Fomoya kapılmamak için en azından trendleri bilecek bilgiye sahip olmanızı öneririm.

🔟 Her zaman minimum %20 maksimum %40 boşta nakitiniz olmalı unutmayın düşüşün korkusunda satın alan yükselişin adrenalininde satmasını bilmeli.

Seri devamı isterseniz yorumlarda belirtiniz yeni arkadaşlara şimdiden başarılar.🏆 @Last of Crypto

PRESTA atención a éstos consejos sovre tu #Billetera y #Dinero
PRESTA atención a éstos consejos sovre tu #Billetera y #Dinero
Effective Trading
What most traders do not realize is that corrective structures tend to follow 5th waves. In this case, it would be a broader corrective move that points to the potential scenario of price testing the 50K or even 40K level. This is NOT a forecast, this is the potential RISK that no one it talking about. Such a bearish scenario can take weeks or months to unfold so it is no something to expect tomorrow.

Many traders are frustrated because they missed the home run, and they are not sure how to go about participating in this. Here is my suggestion: day trades only, long side only. Look for a pullback or break out on smaller time frames like 30 minute.

The ones who will get caught in this are the ones who believe whatever they are told. While anything is possible, it is the potential risk that will eventually be realized. All those who bought at 50K now "feel good" because the market has reinforced this high risk behavior. When the broader correction unfolds, it is these same people who get stuck because they are caught between greed and the fear of missing out. Broader corrective moves begin OUT OF NOWHERE. Usually coincides with some unexpected news. Do you remember what turned this market around the first time at 69K?

Markets tend to move in cycles NOT in straight lines. Growth is followed by corrections, but there is no way to know how long or how far each cycle will persist. What we can measure is the potential risk, and that is what the basis of your judgement should be, NOT "100K is next!" because Bozo the Youtuber said so. In these situations it is more effective to take profits at highs, trade smaller and on lower time frames and expect LESS. Things always look the greatest at the top.

Thank you for considering my analysis and perspective.

#BTC‬ #Bitcoin‬ #nomaeffect #maahicrypto #TrendingTopic
si hay uba Caida de las Cryptos, no te olvides de comprar #WLDUSDT Es muy orometedora, parecería. no te olvides de Investigar todas las Cryptos IA
si hay uba Caida de las Cryptos, no te olvides de comprar #WLDUSDT
Es muy orometedora, parecería.
no te olvides de Investigar todas las Cryptos IA
Record-Breaking Week for Cardano (ADA): Is $1 the Next Milestone?
Worldcoin [WLD] nearly triples in value driven by interest in AI, reaching an all-time high of $8.59.Despite the growth, privacy and regulatory concerns challenge Worldcoin, with active investigations in several countries.
Worldcoin [WLD], has nearly tripled in value in the past week, driven by enthusiasm generated by OpenAI’s text-to-video generation model, Sora. At the time of writing, WLD is trading at an all-time high of $8.59, according to CoinMarketCap data observed by ETHNews.

Downtrend Ends
This rally ends a long downtrend during which WLD fell 47% from its previous high of $4.2. This renewed interest in Worldcoin is also reflected in the daily usage of the World App, the wallet designed for the Worldcoin project, which surpassed 1 million users on February 18, setting a new record.

ETHNews, upon further investigation with data from Santiment, noted an increase in other blockchain indicators. Daily transactions experienced a tenfold increase in the last week, while the rate of new address creation skyrocketed 16 times.

Positive Market Sentiment
In addition, the currency became a hot topic of discussion in social circles, with a dramatic increase in the number of mentions on major social media channels. Market participants began to view WLD optimistically, as the Weighted Sentiment rose above the negative region after a long time.
Linked to the creators of disruptive AI projects, WLD has somehow become the tokenized representation of the broader AI market and emerging trends. Thus, the frenzy created by Sora soon began to be reflected in the coin’s market value.
Challenges for Sam Altman
Co-founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Worldcoin is a cryptocurrency project that seeks to become the world’s largest identity and financial network. The onboarding process involves iris scans, which, according to its creators, confirm the user’s humanity and eliminate the involvement of bots. In return, users receive free WLD tokens.
However, data privacy concerns have limited the project’s growth. Several countries have launched investigations into the project’s biometric data collection, with Kenya even suspending the token in its jurisdiction.
This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.
#Worldcoin #WLD
Bravo por #TRX
Bravo por #TRX
Crypto Ahmet
😯🔥Tron Founder Justin Sun, Mysterious $500 Million Transfer Moves the Market

#JustinSun the founder of Tron, made fun of a significant transfer of $ 500 million in the cryptocurrency market. This transaction, which originated from Justlend, a platform supported by Sun, led to question marks due to the rapid transition of Sun to Htx, a platform where it has an important consulting position. Thanks to the Whale Alert data, the big transfer came to light.

Sun's participation in JUSTLEND, a Tron-based financial platform known for its stUSDT offerings, adds complexity to the results of the transaction. October October also October, an additional USDT of 642.06 million was redirected to justlend from an undisclosed wallet suspected to be linked to Sun, which further increased speculation within the crypto community.

🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 642.065.880 USDT transferred from unknown wallet (641.943.887 USD) - Whale Alert (@whale_alert) February 18, 2024

While the exact motivations behind Justin Sun's $500 million transfer remain unclear, various potential explanations have emerged, igniting further controversy in the crypto world. Some think that this may be a strategic move to support Sun's proposed platform by injecting liquidity into htx.

Others suggest it could be a personal investment that diversifies his assets beyond Tron-related projects. October October October, in addition, concerns about regulatory scrutiny surrounding Tron and its founder may have been a driving factor that led Sun to move its assets to a different platform.
#Trx #Write2Earn #binance
Crypto Expert BNB
🔥 Most powerful candlestick patterns in crypto trading🔥

click here to get 3.99 usdt🏆

🌈1. **Bullish Engulfing Pattern**🌄📈

: This occurs when a large bullish candle completely engulfs the previous bearish candle, indicating a potential reversal from bearish to bullish sentiment.

🚨2. **Bearish Engulfing Pattern**📉
: The opposite of the bullish engulfing pattern, where a large bearish candle completely engulfs the previous bullish candle, suggesting a potential reversal from bullish to bearish sentiment.

🚨3. **Hammer**: 🔨
A single candlestick pattern that forms at the bottom of a downtrend, indicating a potential reversal. It has a small body and a long lower shadow, suggesting that buyers are starting to step in.

🚨4. **Shooting Star**: 📉
This pattern forms at the top of an uptrend, signaling a potential reversal. It has a small body and a long upper shadow, indicating that sellers are starting to push the price down.

🔥5. **Morning Star**:📈
📈 A bullish three-candlestick pattern that forms at the bottom of a downtrend. It consists of a long bearish candle, followed by a small-bodied candle with a lower low and a higher close, and finally, a long bullish candle, indicating a reversal to the upside.

🚨6. **Evening Star**🔥: 📉
The opposite of the morning star pattern, this is a bearish three-candlestick pattern that forms at the top of an uptrend. It consists of a long bullish candle, followed by a small-bodied candle

#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #DYM #tia #PIXEL
Territorio Blockchain
La SEC retrasa la solicitud de Grayscale para el ETF al contado de ethereum (ETH)

Una semana después de retrasar la solicitud de ETF de ethereum al contado de Fidelity, la SEC ha vuelto a retrasar su decisión sobre la solicitud de ETF de ethereum al contado de Grayscale. 

Curiosamente, la SEC preguntó específicamente si el mecanismo de consenso proof-of-stake de Ethereum y la "concentración de control o influencia por parte de unos pocos individuos o entidades" podría plantear problemas únicos para hacer que el fondo sea susceptible de fraude y manipulación.

La comunidad de criptoactivos estará muy pendiente del 23 de mayo, fecha en la que la SEC debe tomar su decisión final, ya sea aprobar o rechazar una solicitud de ETF de ethereum al contado de VanEck.

Como vimos con las solicitudes de ETF de bitcoin al contado, si el ETF de ethereum de VanEck se aprobara en mayo, es probable que todas las solicitudes actuales de ethereum al contado se aprobaran también al mismo tiempo.

#Ethereum #ETH $ETH #Bitcoin #BTC $BTC $BNB #ETF
Why Investors From Solana (SOL) and Cardano (ADA) Are Heavily Buying Into the Pushd (PUSHD) Presale
Pushd (PUSHD) continues to gain market attention, now in its fourth stage of presales and trading for $0.075. While the hype behind Pushd (PUSHD) continues, it doesn’t look like it’s letting down. The platform has crossed over 20,000 registrations and over 5,000 holders, reinstating its mission as the best market token during the next bullish market. On the other hand, Solana (SOL) and Cardano (ADA) have seen declining market values and trends.

Solana (SOL) trades at $91.21 in today’s market price, establishing the 24-hour trading volume of $1,047,939.85 and posing a 1.79% increase. Despite this, investors are not letting Pushd (PUSHD) pre-sales get past them. Cardano (ADA) trading today at $0.5049, with a 24-hour trading volume of $242,219,057.21. Holders of different coins are hoping to capitalize on Pushd (PUSHD) as a low-capped coin and make significant profits in the coming month during the bullish market. Pushd (PUSHD), as a new revolutionary platform and token, allows holders to diversify their holdings.

Solana (SOL) market price rises after an initial drop

Solana (SOL) had a weak early 2024, dropping to $88 before rising to $91 in today’s market. Despite the market turbulence, Solana (SOL) isn’t giving up its fight. But its holders are diversifying, massively buying into Pushd (PUSHD) to benefit from the fast, secure, and seamless new transaction model for the crypto ecosystem.

The past 12 months saw Solana (SOL) rise 262% in its market price, and this indicates a good-performing coin. Solana (SOL) posted a 12% rise last month, and investors are expecting good market gains, but Pushd (PUSHD), a new token platform, offers lifetime liquidity and has a 250,000,000 token up for grabs. While Solana (SOL) is showing market fluctuation, the holders have seen a better alternative, selling fast and showing huge market potential.

Cardano (ADA) regains, but what should holders do?

Blockchain research firm K33 alluded that Cardano (ADA) has no “meaningful use” in the market, causing investors to stay skeptical about the coin and what the future has for it.  Cardano (ADA) has been averaging 90,000 transactions per day and currently increased in today’s market value. However, in a deep and careful market analysis, most of its daily average has been seen to be meaningless exchange transactions. Cardano (ADA) holders, on the other hand, are finding better opportunities in Pushd (PUSHD), hoping to leverage revenue fees accorded to early investors generated on the platform.

Cardano (ADA), though seeing a significant rise today, dropped 12% in the first week of 2024. It has seen slow market growth, and for investors looking to invest and get quick profit, Cardano (ADA) hasn’t offered the best market profit.

Pushd (PUSHD) is the investor’s choice.

Pushd (PUSHD) has attracted both new users and old investors from other token holdings. The decentralized marketplace, at its fourth stage of presales, is hoping to revolutionize the crypto ecosystem and compete with traditional media like Amazon and eBay.

The new platform, Pushd (PUSHD), seeks to liberate users from many stumbling blocks in the financial ecosystem. Pushd (PUSHD) removes KYC verification, allows users to suggest and make changes, and shapes the future of the blockchain ecosystem. With these, Solana (SOL) and Cardano (ADA) holders are actively harvesting its benefits for their use.

Find out more about the Pushd presale at their official website
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